恭喜发财 and Happy Lunar New Year to all! I had a look at my lists I hadn’t updated in a while and saw it was in January of 2014 last I did a top ten Chinese list. Why so long? Well, I like to have done quite a few reviews in a year when it comes to country lists for that specific country. If I’d done only two and there weren’t any big changes, I’ll kind of let it go until the next year. This one seemed ripe and ready for a new version. Of the almost 150 reviews I’ve done of Chinese instant noodles, these are my favorites. I should mention that if you are an instant noodle in mainland China and interested in having me review your products, please contact me to set up a review series. With that, let’s have a look at The Ramen Rater’s top Ten Chinese Instant Noodles Of All Time 2017 Edition.
Tag: cofco
Meet The Manufacturer: #1690: Wugudaochang Sour Bamboo Shoot & Beef In Hot Pot Flavor Noodles
Today we wind up the Wugudaochang Meet The Manufacturer. It’s really been great to try these new flavors and varieties from China in the last few days! I think I have learned a little more about the flavor profiles that are popular in Chinese cooking these days; usually the varieties I get that are from China are for export of course, while these have been varieties only sold and available within China. The flavors have been strong, vibrant and really quite good. I should also say that the quality of these products has been top-notch. A lot has been said of the quality of food coming from China and question of it’s quality. I would say this: China is a big country with many producers – sometimes, things will happen that bring negative attention. They certainly happen here in the United States from time to time don’t they? I don’t think it a reason to stay away from Chinese products – I certainly won’t! Let’s have a fond farewell look at this bamboo shoot and hot pot flavor bowl!
Meet The Manufacturer: #1689: Wugudaochang Tomato Beef Brisket Flavor Purple Sweet Potato Noodles
When I first saw this one, I knew it sounded interesting. Beef brisket and tomato? Sign me up! Then the purple sweet potato – I’ve been a fan of those since back when people called them Space Potatoes! This looks like a nice premium one – let’s give it a look as we start to wind down this great Meet The Manufacturer series.
Meet The Manufacturer: #1688: Wugudaochang Sea Tangle & Spareribs Flavor Noodles
Now, we again return to the tangle of the sea. This is the package version of the first variety I tried on this Meet The Manufacturer. Is there a difference? Let’s see!
Meet The Manufacturer: #1687: Wugudaochang Chef’s Grains Millet Noodle
Here’s a different one – a box with 5 different varieties! Check it out –
Meet The Manufacturer: #1686: Wugudaochang Chef’s Grains Buckwheat Noodle
Here’s a different one – a box with 5 different varieties! Check it out –
Meet The Manufacturer: #1685: Wugudaochang Chef’s Grains Pea Noodle
Here’s a different one – a box with 5 different varieties! Check it out –
Meet The Manufacturer: #1684: Wugudaochang Sichuan Pepper & Chicken Flavor Noodles
I’ve been really curious about this one, a brothless variety. This is made in the same way as mi goreng, however is more along the lines of what would be called a stir noodle or dry noodle. The looks from the package is interesting – I see peanuts! Peppers! Let’s crack it open and have a look!
Meet The Manufacturer: #1683: Wugudaochang Sour Soup & Minced Meat Flavor Chef’s Grain Naked Oats Noodles
Not a lot of instant noodles come in a box – sometimes tray varieties. This looks to be a very premium variety from Wugudaochang – very fancy! They include one of their Chef’s Grain varieties – there are five of them. Let’s check this one out – looks fascinating!
Meet The Manufacturer: #1682: Wugudaochang Sour Bamboo Shoot & Beef In Hot Pot Flavor Noodles
I’ve had beef hot pot before and really liked it quite a bit. Hot pot a lot of the time consists of a pot and a little gas burner. In the pot is broth and vegetables – you add meat or fish that cooks in the pot quickly and lends the fat to the broth, making it a bit more hearty. Very curious how this translates in this instant variety. Let’s check out another variety by Wugudaochang!
Meet The Manufacturer: #1681: Wugudaochang Sea Tangle & Spareribs Flavor Noodles
If you’re unsure of what sea tangle is, maybe you’ve heard of kelp. It’s like thick seaweed. When I was a kid, I’d go down to the shoreline and when the tide was out, you’d see these long whip like greenish things every once in a while – big bulbs on the end and long flat leafy looking things. We used to step on the bulbs at the end which were hollow and they’d pop! It was good fun – never thought part of these things would be something I’d look forward to in a noodle dish! Let’s check out this one from Wugudaochang to start off their Meet The Manufacturer!
Meet The Manufacturer: Product Samples From Wugudaochang
A couple of weeks ago, I got a pair of enormous boxes from Wugudaocheng! Let’s see what’s inside!
Meet The Manufacturer: Interview With Wugudaochang
Interview With Wugudaochang * Product Samples From Wugudaochang * Wugudaochang Sea Tangle And Spareribs Flavor Noodles * Wugudaochang Sour Bamboo Shoot & Beef In Hot Pot Flavor Noodles * Wugudaochang Sichuan Pepper & Chicken Flavor Noodles * Wugudaochang Chef’s Grains Pea Noodle * Wugudaochang Chef’s Grains Buckwheat Noodle * Wugudaochang Chef’s Grains Millet Noodle * Wugudaochang Sea Tangle & Spareribs Flavor Noodles * Wugudaochang Tomato Beef Brisket Flavor Purple Sweet Potato Noodles * Wugudaochang Sour Bamboo Shoot & Beef In Hot Pot Flavor Noodles