Tag: cold

#5105: Maruchan Chilled Bukkake Sanuki-Style Udon – Japan

#5105: Maruchan Chilled Bukkake Sanuki-Style Udon - Japan

Here’s a variety that I found in one of MiauMall’s Nakama Noodles subscription boxes! Inside, they have 8-10 different varieties from Japan! If you’d like to get one, don’t forget to use the coupon code THERAMENRATER for a discount! Let’s see what they had to say about this one – “It’s summer, and we want to make sure that our birthday bash is nice and
cool. Sanuki (an area of Kagawa Prefecture) is famous for its udon, so we had to get this tasty bowl just for you! With a savory sauce base of kelp, ginger and dried fish, this will be sure to please!” ...see full post

#5024: Maruchan Seimen Sesame Tare Cold Ramen – Japan

Maruchan Seimen Sesame Tare Cold Ramen - Japan

Here’s a variety that I found in one of MiauMall’s Nakama Noodles subscription boxes! Inside, they have 8-10 different varieties from Japan! If you’d like to get one, don’t forget to use the coupon code THERAMENRATER for a discount! Let’s see what they had to say about this one – “We know it’s getting warm outside, and it’s probably getting warm inside with your watch party marathon. That’s why we got you a tasty pack of cold ramen with a delicious sesame tare sauce that’s sweet, savory and perfect for cooling off!” ...see full post

#5001: GS25 Washbasin Naengmyeon Cold Noodle – South Korea

#5001: GS25 Washbasin Naengmyeon Cold Noodle - South Korea

This is massive. I usually do an enormous variety for my ‘thousands’ reviews – at least that’s what I did for 3000 & 4000. Well, here’s a huge 5001/ 4000+ calories of naengmyeon. It’s a cold noodle and comes in it’s own huge metal bowl. Dang. Found it at HMart and it was around $25. It was pricey, but I just couldn’t pass it up. It was the only one they had and I figured it was a set of bowls and then realized this was a real thing. Well, let’s cook it up. ...see full post

#2234: Paldo Bibim Men


I wanted to take a second to talk about the events that have happened concerning the Presidential election here in the United States. I’ve got to say, I wasn’t expecting the outcome we’ve seen here. I live in Washington state – a very Liberal state – where Bernie Sanders won over 80% of the votes for the primary. Personally, I think we’d have a different President today if the DNC hadn’t played politics and made it impossible for him to win. Our delegates here all went for Clinton – even though the people voted otherwise. I decided not to vote for either Clinton or Trump as I didn’t like either of them. My friend Raffael over at Happy Souper in Germany has posted a review – and he mentioned people there are kind of freaked out about our new President. I guess we’ll see what happens. I’ll keep reviewing noodles. I did this video a long time ago – wish he would’ve gotten the nomination.  ...see full post

#118: Paldo Bibim Men Oriental Style Noodle

So sometimes I’m looking for some new ramen and see it but it only seems to come in a 5 pack. Nowhere else in the noodle aisle do they have it… That’s really annoying! This was one such variety but I finally found it at a new Asian market I found today out of nowhere across from 99 Ranch Market in Edmonds. Anyways, here’s Paldo brand Bibim Men Oriental Style Noodle ...see full post