This one came by way of James from Lakeside, CA – thanks! This is a fancy one – with booze! Yup – there’s alcohol in one of the sachets. Let’s cook it up and see how it goes.
Tag: cooking wine
Meet The Manufacturer: Interview With TTL – Taiwan
Interview with TTL * Product Samples from TTL (1 of 2) * Product Samples from TTL (2 of 2) * TTL Hua-Diao Dongpo Braised Pork Instant Noodle * TTL Sesame Oil Chicken Flavor With Rice Wine Instant Noodle * TTL Bolognese Red Wine Sauce Instant Noodle * TTL Spring Chicken With Hua-Diao Liquor Instant Noodle * TTL Hua Diao Pickled Vegetable Beef Instant Noodle * TTL Carbonara White Wine Carbonara Instant Noodle * TTL Spring Chicken With Hua-Diao Liquor Instant Noodle * TTL Sesame Oil Chicken Flavor With Rice Wine Instant Noodle * TTL Pickled Vegetable Beef With Hua-Diao Liquor Instant Noodle
#363: Nissin Demae Iccho Tonkotsu Flavour Macaroni
Since I did my first radio interview today, I thought I’d review something equally interesting – Japanese macaroni weirdness!