Tag: coriander

#5141: Baixiang Instant Noodles Coriander Noodle – China

#5141: Baixiang Instant Noodles Coriander Noodle - China

Hey big thanks to Daniel over at Exotic Noods for sending this over! I am a big fan of coriander (cilantro) and this one seems to have a lot of it. It’s funny; the coriander we get here in the stores is so dark and I try to find it a lighter shade but it’s never very healthy stuff. I don’t know why. Anyways, Let’s give this a try. ...see full post

#3345: Peyoung Phakchi Lemon Ramen – Japan

#3345: Peyoung Phakchi Lemon Ramen - Japan

Today we have a Zenpop.JP variety – so what’s Zenpop? They’re a subscription service for all things Japanese! Definitely, check them out. By the way, use coupon code RAMENRATER to get $2 off! Here’s what they had to say about this one -“Pakuchi is what we call cilantro/coriander in Japan. This ramen features pakuchi and lemon together. Wonder how it tastes? Chances are you will be addicted to this! Pakuchi is widely used in the world, but it was not so popular in Japan until around 2015. It became popular since then and has spread to the young and old, especially among women. Big pakuchi fans are called Pakuchisto in Japan. The pakuchi mixed with the lemon peel’s bitterness creates this unique and delicious taste.” ...see full post

#2686: Sapporo Ichiban Coriander & Chicken Noodle

#2686: Sapporo Ichiban Coriander & Chicken Noodle

Once you get outside the United States, cilantro is known as coriander. This is actually the second coriander variety I’ll be trying from Japan. Didn’t expect that to be a popular flavor for Japan, but hey, why not. I really like coriander. This one comes from Zenpop.jp. They have monthly ramen boxes that are a really great deal – definitely, check them out! Okay – let’s crack this one open. ...see full post

#2245: Nissin Vietnamese Chicken Coriander Flavour Vermicelli

If you follow my daily reviews, you might have noticed not just a lot, but a lot a lot of Nissin reviews lately. This is because I’ve done a few Meet The Manufacturers and they were kind enough to send more varieties than I review in a Meet The Manufacturer (15 maximum). Nissin Hong Kong sent around 50 different product varieties! That’s what we have today. Let’s check out this chicken flavor vermicelli! ...see full post

Product Samples From Nyor Nyar Of Malaysia!

Okay so I live in a small town in between a lot of bigger ones called Kenmore. We get a LOT of power outages here, and it looks like we’re probably going to have one tonight! Remnants of typhoon Songda shot out of the south pacific and made a beeline right for western Washington state. This neat box of samples arrived about an hour ago – I asked for more of these since I really like them a lot and they were kind enough to send some! Let’s crack this box open! ...see full post

Meet The Manufacturer: #2184: President Rice Coriander Instant Rice Noodles

As we wind down this Meet The Manufacturer, I’ve been saving one that I found very interesting to be towards the end. I use coriander in the ‘finished’ photo of many instant noodle varieties – but never have I seen an instant noodles whose primary flavor is coriander. I’m very curious about this one – let’s check it out! ...see full post

The Ramen Rater’s Top Ten Instant Noodle Add-Ons Of All Time 2015 Edition

In the last few years, I’ve seen a large amount of articles with titles like ‘Best Ramen Hacks,’ ‘Pimp Your Ramen’ and so on. These titles fall under the category of clickbait – using hipster terminology and such to entice one to click on them. Usually, they’re all things people know about already; vegetables, oils and such. This is a list of my favorite add-ons and garnishes. While some may be familiar to you, others may not be. It’s also geared to help you navigate the Asian Grocery, a place many find to be alien to them but I have found to be one of the most vibrant and wonderful places I visit very regularly. Finally, I also included some tips of storage and how long these products last for those on a tight budget. In no particular order, here’s this new list! ...see full post