Tag: crab

#3746: Vifon Asian Style Instant Noodles With Crab Paste – Vietnam

#3746: Vifon Asian Style Instant Noodles With Crab Paste - Vietnam

Here’s one that was sent in by reader James from Lakeside, CA! Thanks! He’s sent quite a few neat varieties over the past year and this follows suit. It contains a retort pouch, kind of the high bar when it comes to instants as it’s like a flexible can with fish or meat in there which makes everything better. This one’s got crab – let give it a try! ...see full post

Unboxing Time: Miandom Instant Noodles From Singapore

This box arrived by way of my buddy the DHL driver. So I initially thought they were something else and started the video – then I see it’s not so if it seems like I’m a little funny in this one, it’s sheer embarrassment because of that… I had to improvise because I’d opened it – so watch for that. Okay – let’s crack it open! ...see full post

#2698: Nissin Cup Noodles Chilli Crab Flavour (More Crabtastic)

#2698: Nissin Cup Noodles Chilli Crab Flavour (More Crabtastic)

Today it’s a new reformulation Cup Noodles from Singapore. Nissin Singapore looks to have done newly formulated versions of pretty much all their Cup Noodles over there and they sound really good. I mean, more crabtastic chilli crab – can’t shrug that off.  For those of you who haven’t tried Chilli Crab – here’s a little from Wikipedia – ...see full post

#2562: Binh Tay Mi Hai Cua Artificial Crab Flavored Instant Noodles

#2562: Binh Tay Mi Hai Cua Artificial Crab Flavored Instant Noodles - Vietnam - The Ramen Rater - Vietnamese

These came by way of Kimmy N. of Connecticut, USA! Thanks again! It’s rare these days that a new Vietnamese variety crosses my desk – always welcome of course! I know there’s quite a few that I’m not getting which bums me out. Definitely would love to try more of them. I’ve tried a ton of them in the past, but going forward I’d like to do a lot more of these reviews. ...see full post

The Ramen Rater’s Bottom Ten Instant Noodles Of All Time 2017 Edition

The Ramen Rater's Bottom Ten Instant Noodles Of All Time 2017 Edition

So today it’s the fifth annual The Ramen Rater’s Bottom Ten Instant Noodles Of All Time. On my other lists, I exclude varieties that no longer are on the market. On this list, everything’s fair game for the bottom ten. As I say in the video presentation, if you like some of these, there’s nothing wrong with you – I just find these detestable personally. These are my least favorite varieties of the over 2400 varieties posted to date. Without gurther ado, the bottom ten. ...see full post

#2266: Nissin Disney Cuties Instant Noodle Crab Flavour

Here’s one that Janenate from Nissin Thailand sent – thank you! Very sad times in Thailand currently; they’ve lost their King. I’ve read a lot and viewed some documentaries about him and I’m amazed. He was an amazing man – he really did a lot for him people. I look at our elections here at home and just feel a sickness from it. I send my sincere condolences to the people of Thailand and I hope the King’s philosophy continues on. Let’s have a look at this cup from Thailand with some familiar and friendly faces! ...see full post

#2243: Nissin Cup Noodles Black Pepper Crab Flavour

Here’s the last of the varieties that Prima Taste sent a while back – thanks! You might be wondering – why would they send a product they don’t make? Well, I asked for anyone who could help to send me noodles – I was down to three or four varieties in my hamper – a bad situation! Well, lots of people sent noodles – even Prima Taste! So let’s check out this one from Hong Kong with a Singaporean taste! ...see full post

#2187: Pulmuone Non-Fried Ramyun Noodle (Crab Flavor)

Crabby crab from South Korea! This one was sent to me by colin from the east coast – thanks! Not a lot of ramyun I’ve seen out there with crab as a main flavor. In fact, I think this might be the first ramyun I’ve seen in this vein. You might say ‘hey – you’ve reviewed noodle that have crab flavor before’ but this is ramyun. ramyun is strictly a South Korean thing – it’s really has to do with the noodle gauge and the chewiness. Originally it was beef broth and spicy, but different things have come into the mix during the years – like crab! Let’s give it a try! ...see full post

Disney Noodles From Nissin Thailand!

Walked to get the mail today and the mailman gave me this box. Wasn’t sure what it was and then remembered! Nissin Thailand has a line of Winnie The Pooh themed noodles I saw a few times on instagram. I asked my contact Ms. Janenate about getting some samples and here they are! You might remember her name from the Nissin Thailand Meet The Manufacturer (check it out here). The neat little cups have little Winnie The Pooh fishcake in them! Let’s look inside! ...see full post

#1797: Wai Wai Instant Rice Vermicelli Crab Flavour

Here’s another one my sister got for me while up in Canada a couple of weeks ago! Thanks, Sue! I’ve been really hoping to try more rice vermicelli lately but been having trouble sourcing any from around here and hoping to find some manufacturer who might want me to review some of their stuff! The top ten rice noodles list this year was a lot of fun and definitely want to make it a yearly kind of thing! Anyways, let’s check out these crab flavored noodles from Thailand! ...see full post

Re-Review: Tat Hui Mi Hai Cua 2 Crab Flavour Oriental Style Instant Noodles

I remember the first time I saw this one – it looks so exotic! So fascinating! So ‘what is it?’ The tiny crabs shown on the package were enticing. They reminded me of the ones I’d find as a kid on the beach in Anacortes – you’d flip over a rock and watch them scurry all over the place. I reviewed this one way back – before #500. Let’s give it another look as it’s been calling to me in the noodle aisle for another try. ...see full post

The Ramen Rater’s Trip To Malaysia: Day 3 – Prawn-slaught!

Day 1 * Day 2Day 3 * Day 4 * Day 5 * Day 6

Feasting on Penang’s succulent culinary treasures continues, with a lot of prawn-tasticness! Here is the United States, we often call them shrimp, but looks like everywhere else, they’re prawns. Did you know that the translation of the Chinese word for lobster is ‘dragon prawn?’ Well, now you do. I for one will be calling them prawns from now on. Let’s check out day three! ...see full post

Meet The Manufacturer: #1029: Samyang Foods Nagasaki Crab Jjampong

Most people who are keen on South Korean ramyun have heard of the craze for ‘white broth’ ramyuns. Nagasaki Jjampong was Samyang Foods’ entry into the white broth realm, but they made another variety – Nagasaki Crab Jjampong – that has a milder taste. Let’s check it out. ...see full post