Tag: cup

#3224: Rooster Chili Chicken Flavour Noodle Soup – Canada

#3124: Rooster Chili Chicken Flavour Noodle Soup - Canada

Another one from the Real Canadian SuperStore! Man, I just ran my knee into a metal bar that supports my desk. That really hurt. I’ve been doing a lot of walking yesterday – on my birthday last week I did 18,000+ steps – yesterday I did over 15,000. I’m knee deep into trying to walk as much as possible. I think by the time this post comes out I’ll have lost a lot more weight. I started in November, 2018. I was wearing size 48 pants – yeah… It’s March and I’m down to 42, so we shall see where I’m at then… Been trying to stick around 1,200 calories a day too… I’m going to bake some chicken to go with this one. I like chicken. Let’s look at this one. ...see full post

#3222: Jinmailang Cup Noodles Vegetable Flavor – United States

#3222: Jinmailang Cup Noodles Vegetable Flavor - United States

This is an interesting one. Made in China for the US market. I found this one at a Fred Meyer supermarket here in Lynnwood – the last place I’d expect to see something like this. Not a complaint by any means – nice to see more diversity at domestic grocery stores. Curious what vegetable this one will taste like – broccoli? Peas? Bell peppers? Let’s find out! ...see full post

#3181: Nissin Yakisoba Instant Pancit Savory Beef Flavor – Philippines

#3181: Nissin Yakisoba Instant Pancit Savory Beef Flavor - Philippines

This one was found up in Richmond, BC at the SuperStore. What’s funny about this one? Well, it shows chopsticks on the cup and has a fork inside. I’ve been given a ration of insults and criticism for using a fork. I really don’t understand why; I mean, here’s an Asian variety with a fork. I think it’s common for Westerners to immediately go to ‘Asian people use chopsticks and if you use them wrong you suck’ kind of thing. My logic is that if I’m in Asia, I’ll use a pair of chopsticks. In Thailamd they use a fork to push food onto a spoon and then eat it, so I did that while there. It really doesn’t matter what tool you decide to use, it’s about eating a meal, right? ...see full post

#3073: Trader Joe’s Miso Ramen Soup – United States

#3073: Trader Joe's Miso Ramen Soup - United States

A lot of people enjoy visiting Trader Joe’s and trying their products. Actually, there aren’t many products if any that I think are actually ‘their’ products – they get companies who make a good product to do a ‘private label,’ often the same product or some with a couple tweaks and then packaged with Trader Joe’s graphics. I believe this one to be actually a cup of Mike’s Mighty Good Craft Ramen. Anyways, let’s check this new cup out! ...see full post

#3023: Trader Joe’s Chicken Ramen Soup – United States

#3023: Trader Joe's Chicken Ramen Soup - United States

I know a lot of people are really into Trader Joe’s. What I’ve seen is that they find brands and products they think would be good with their packaging and then get the company that makes it to do a private label for them and sells it under their name. I think that’s what it looks like here. In fact, maybe these should be known not as Trader Joe’s but Trader Mike’s – as everything looks about the same as this one. Yup – I’m pretty sure these are made by Mike’s Mighty Good. Anyways, let’s have a look and give it a try! ...see full post

#2909: Nissin Cup Noodles Very Veggie Soy Sauce Flavor Ramen Noodle Soup – United States

#2995: Nissin Cup Noodles Very Veggie Soy Sauce Flavor Ramen Noodle Soup - United States

When the Very Veggie line came out, my first thought was that it would just be varieties for Vegans and Vegetarians. Surprisingly, there was no option for this crowd. Well, it seems that that has changed! This one was sent to me by Robert Z. from Kentucky – thanks man – go check out his cooking blog www.dadbert.com! He found this at a local grocery store – nothing about this and the other new Cup Noodles he found and sent on their site or mentioned on Instagram. This has led me to think that perhaps he’s in what’s called a ‘test market.’ In some areas, a product will be introduced to meter how it’s received by the public – if it sells really well, it’ll go nationwide. If not, it might be pulled. Let’s pop the lid and look under the hood. ...see full post

#2828: YumYum Tem Tem Tom Yum Seafood

#2757: YumYum Tem Tem Tom Yum Seafood

This one was sent to me by YumYum in December of 2017 – thank you! Nothing I like more than getting non-export versions of products. Why? Well, they’re more exotic to begin with. The non export varieties are the ones that can be found on store shelves in the country of origin. It’s not like I can walk down the street and go to a Thai grocery store in Thailand, so this is very helpful for me. Here’s a little about tom yum from Wikipedia – ...see full post

Meet The Manufacturer: Re-Review: Sapporo Ichiban Chicken Flavor Oriental Noodle Soup

Meet The Manufacturer: Re-Review: Sapporo Ichiban Chicken Flavor Oriental Noodle Soup

Time for some chicken! Actually, there are quite a few chicken varieties in this range and they’re about to start showing up in this review series. Today,m we’re going to start off with their chicken instant ramen cup. Sounds like a plan – just so you know, the last time I tried this was way back at review #405! Let’s get to it and give it a try! ...see full post

Meet The Manufacturer: Re-Review: Sapporo Ichiban Shrimp Flavor Oriental Noodle Soup

Meet The Manufacturer: Re-Review: Sapporo Ichiban Shrimp Flavor Oriental Noodle Soup

Sapporo Ichiban offers four standard pillow pack style noodles, four special varieties, and four cup varieties. It makes it easy to do a different one every day during this Meet The Manufacturer series. I have, however, reviewed them all before, but it was a very long, long time ago. I usually don’t like to do re-reviews, but I think in this case I’m very happy to make an exception. I’ve been wanting to do a Meet The Manufacturer with Sanyo Foods America for years and getting the chance to has been a lot of fun! ...see full post

#2636: Acecook Tonkotsu

#2636: Acecook Tonkotsu - Japan - The Ramen Rater - instant noodle soup

Here’s one of those ‘dilemma’ noodles. I don’t know what the heck it is called and the bar code yields absolutely no results which are annoying. Luckily, I do have the resource of my readers and asked on the Facebook page for The Ramen Rater. A few people got they were tonkotsu, which is very helpful, although usually, ones like this are some kind of tonkotsu – like a little more detailed. But people were of the belief this was just their standard tonkotsu. Thanks for the info! Let’s dig in ...see full post

#2634: Samyang Foods Ramen Bokki

#2534: Samyang Foods Ramen Bokki - South Korea - The Ramen Rater - instant noodles ramen

Oh hey, ramen bokki! So this is a fusion of two foods: South Korean ramyun and one of the words I would say I’ve seen spelled about a zillion different ways, tteokbokki. Tteokbokki are big chewy tubes made from rice flour and they’re really good. Usually, it’s made with a spicy and sweet sauce, egg, fish cake, etc. Good stuff! So this is that but instead of with the rice tubes, you get the noodles. Let’s check it out! ...see full post

#2543: KOKA Curry Flavour Instant Noodles

#2543: KOKA Curry Flavour Instant Noodles - Singapore - The Ramen Rater - Tat Hui

Here’s another left over from the KOKA Meet The Manufacturer – thanks again for participating For almost a whole year I was reviewing two varieties per day – this is how I got so far ahead in my reviews. Now I’m only doing one at this point and I think I probably will for a while. You see, having a 5 month old baby girl and a very inquisitive 21 month old boy in the house can be a little crazy. He’s really interested in grabbing things and flinging them on the floor. He’s also a big fan of stealing remote controls (we got him a couple just for him, but he still steals ours). He loves the mouse and keyboard too, so I have to put those up when he’s running around. ...see full post

Unboxing Time With The Ramen Rater: Zenpop Summer Fresh Ramen Box

Unboxing With The Ramen Rater: Zenpop Summer Fresh Ramen Box

So Zenpop.jp has sent me another box and I thought I ought to do a video. They asked about this last time and so I figured I’d go ahead and do it. I think if, at all possible, I’m going to do this whenever I get a box from now on – kind of fun to crack these boxes open and see what’s inside! These will be called ‘Unboxing Time With The Ramen Rater.’So let’s check out this box from the noodle box purveyor! I should note that they also do other boxes – stationary for example among other things. ...see full post

#2539: Nissin Demae Iccho Tonkotsu Flavour Instant Noodle

#2370: Nissin Demae Iccho Tonkotsu Flavour Instant Noodle

Today we’ve got yet another one from the massive amount of varieties left over from the Nissin Hong Kong Meet The Manufacturer. Seems like I just keep pulling them out of the hamper again and again! It’s a good thing though – the more the merrier and these days, it is getting harder to find varieties locally to review. So gotta make sure to give everything a try. Tonkotsu is a classic Japanese ramen variety. Most of all, tonkotsu is famous for it’s milky pork bone broth. Next, a little more info from Wikipedia: ...see full post