Here’s one I found at the 7-11 next to our hotel when we visit Thai President Foods in Bangkok back in May! I think the first time I tried a tom yum flavored instant, I didn’t like it. Through the years, I’ve gained a serious love for the flavor – the chilli, the shrimp, the lemongrass. It all comes together so well and the place where I had some of the best of course was in Thailand. Really hope to return someday with my sons and have them try all the amazing foods there! Anyways, let’s check out this cup!
Tag: cup
#1802: Nissin Cup Noodles Ramen Noodle Soup Beef Flavor [New Package]
Hey check it out – Nissin Cup Noodles got a big facelift.
Here’s how they used to look – cardboard outer packaging is now gone. Less packaging and different materials have been used to make them more environmentally friendly. Also, they’re now microwavable! Yes, I’m sure many of you microwaved them before, but you weren’t supposed to. The new cups also have a little extra room so you can add veggies and meats or whatever you want to oomph up your noodles! Let’s check this new cup out!
#1790: Super Kimchi
Here’s another cup I got during last year’s trip to Penang. As I’ve been mentioning, I’m trying to get everything reviewed before they expire! Not often do I get to go abroad and bring home noodles, so it’d be a horrible waste to lose any. Anyways, this is an interesting one – a kimchi flavor cup noodle from Malaysia. I don’t think I’ve seen many of those. Let’s check it out!
#1788: Super Curry Flavour Noodles
Another one from last year’s Malaysia trip. Turns out I still have a few more I haven’t gotten to so it’s time to run through them before they expire. Curry. Malaysia. Super. Let’s check it out.
#1750: Mie Sedaap Instant Cup Mi Kuah Rasa Soto
It’s been really nice having some Indonesian varieties to review again! Seemed like it almost went a whole year without any until recently! This one might confuse Westerners that see it on the shelf so I’ll help you out. Let’s break down Mi Kuah Rasa Soto. It directly translates to noodle soup, soto flavor. Now, soto is a popular Indonesian soup and seems to usually have a lime aspect to it which is very nice. This cup has a lot of stuff going on inside – let’s walk through it.
#1738: Little Cook Instant Noodles Shrimp Tom Yum Flavour
Something I found at the local HMart a few weeks ago. I went out with my wife this week for tom yum at a local restaurant – good stuff! Some rice on the side to mix in – really tasty! Tom yum has a strong lemongrass and spicy flavor to it which is really great – let’s check this one by Little Cook out!
#1737: Mie Sedaap Instant Cup Mi Goreng
It’s been really hard to find new varieties from Indonesia lately and I was really stoked to find a total of four of them the other day! I always try to keep things mixed up – reviewing a different product from a different country every day if possible. It can be tough sometimes but lately I’ve been ending up with quite a range of varieties which is great. Anyways, let’s check out this one from Indonesia!
#1732: Super Seafood Flavour Noodles
Here’s yet another I got last year at the Econsave in Butterowrth, Penang, Malaysia! I’d seen this Super brand before and had always wondered if I’d ever get some. Took travelling thousands of miles, but I got some! Let’s have a look at this Malaysian cup.
#1718: Vina Acecook Hao Hao Sate Onion Flavour
Here’s a cup from Vietnam’s Vina Acecook. It’s been sitting in my hamper a little while so thought today’d be a good day to give it a try. So I looked up satay and found this:
New Product Samples From Mamee Chef!
Didn’t expect such a big box! Let’s have a look inside!
Oh wow – lots of goodies in here!
#1706: Maggi Hot Cup Goreng Perencah Cili Fiesta
Here’s one I got on my trip to Malaysia last October! I was really keen on getting something like this while over there – anything that has some kind of promotion for a contest or sports event – or movies and cartoons – are very fascinating to me, not only because that’s not something you really see here on instant noodle products, but that the possibility of finding an export version here is slim to none. This one mentions Brazil on it – football! Let’s have a look inside and give ‘er a try!
#1703: 7 Select Super Tom Yum Shrimp
Here’s one of the ones I picked up on my recent trip to Thailand at 7-11. It’s made by Nissin, and has Nissin logos on it, but it’s like a private label for 7-11; kind of different. Anyways, tom yum sounds good – let’s see what dwells within!
#1702: Samyang Foods Seafood Noodle
Here’s a seafood cup that screams seafood. I’ve mentioned before that certain colors seem to be universal when it comes to instant noodles – red for spicy or beef, green for pork (not sure why) and yellow for chicken. Well, blue is for seafood and this cup’s text is certainly blue enough. This is a Samyang Foods product for the Japanese market. Anyways, let’s crack it open and see what makes it tick.
#1698: Maruchan Instant Lunch Chicken Tortilla Flavor Ramen Noodles With Vegetables
In the last two weeks, I’ve been reviewing varieties from far away – but today it’s time to have one from here in the United States! This is Maruchan’s new variety – chicken tortilla! Got an email from a friend at Maruchan telling me they had a new Instant Lunch variety that they’d like to send me. So, here it is! Sounds like an interesting one – let’s have a look!
#1696: MAMA Cup Yentafo Tom Yum Mohfai
Today I’m posting the last of my series of travelogues covering my trip to visit the folks that manufacture MAMA noodles, Thai President Foods. Being a resolute fan of instant noodles from the world over, the ability to visit where they’re manufactured anywhere is really fascinating to me. This one in pack version was on my Top Ten Instant Noodle Of All Time 2014 Edition. I was lucky enough to be next to a convenience store where we stayed the bulk of our stay in Bangkok.
#1693: MAMA Instant Noodles Coconut Milk Flavour
These noodles are made in Myanmar! This is the second day in a row reviewing an instant made in a country I’ve never tried anything before. The nice folks at MAMA (Thai President Foods) invited me to their 2015 Agents Meeting for European distributors. They had varieties on tables – from all over the world! I asked if maybe I could get some samples and they were more than kind to send me lots of new varieties to review. This one’s particularly curious to me; coconut milk flavor. I’ve found coconut powder in instants really spruces things up; thick and creamy, especially with curries. This however is the first time I’ve ever heard of a coconut milk flavor instant. Let’s have a look!
#1668: MAMA Cup Rice Vermicelli Clear Soup
I’ve often wondered about this one. I’ve seen chand clear soup as well and not exactly able to find anything online about it. I did see what to add to it, but if anyone has any info of the origin of clear soup, please let me know. This is made in Thailand by President Rice Products, one of the factories I’ll be visiting on my upcoming Thailand trip!Let’s have a look at this one.
#1656: MAMA JokCup Instant Porridge Soup Seafood Flavour
I’ve been whiling my time looking up and down aisles of instant noodles for a very long time. When I find out about a new Asian market nearby, I am exceedingly enthused about perusing their noodle varieties. But sometimes I’ll find something a little different. This is a rice porridge. It’s not a wheat noodle, rice noodle or thread. I like to review these every once in a while because I’m sure many of you have seen them and not known exactly what they’re all about. Let’s have a look at this MAMA JokCup and see what’s inside!
#1634: Samyang Foods Shoyu Noodle
As I’ve said before, some companies will make products for different markets. Shoyu isn’t really a variety you’d generally see in South Korea, however Samyang Foods is making this one for the Japanese market. Shoyu is a very common variety of ramen in Japan – here’s a little about it from wikipedia:
Re-Review: MAMA Instant Noodles Cup Shrimp Tom Yum
Tomorrow morning is the big moving day for us – can’t believe it’s here already! I thought I’d have something I know I like today – tom yum. This one’s made by Thai President Foods, a company who’s invited me and my sister to visit Thailand in May! I must say that it’s really quite a surprise to open your email and be asked if you want to go to Thailand to visit instant noodle factories! Of course I said yes! It’s going to be tough though – my wife Kit is pregnant and so it’d be a little much for her to take the trip – I’m going to miss her immensely. Won’t be for too long though! So we’re going to visit their wheat noodles factory in Bankok and then the President Rice Products factory in Ratchaburi. Of course I will take lots of pictyures and share when we return. It’s still a couple months off though, but can’t wait! So today in anticipation of the trip, I thought I’d have some MAMA tom yum. Last time I had this was over four years ago! Let’s have a look!
#1568: MAMA Instant Noodles Cup Beef Flavour
Recently, I did a Meet The Manufacturer with Thai President Foods, makers of MAMA brand instant noodles. They’re located in Thailand and have a quite enjoyable range of products. Well, I’m happy to announce that I’ve been invited to visit their factory and visit ThaiFex, a big fhood expo in May! I’ll have more on that soon. Very exciting! I’ll have more info about the trip soon, but for now, let’s check out this cup from Thailand!
#1490: Nissin Soba Nissin Soba Chili Noodles With Japanese Yakisoba Sauce
This is the last of the Nissin Soba varieties that were sent to me by Scott over at Nissin Foods USA a while back – thanks again, man these have been fun! These are made by Nissin Germany and are really neat. Let’s get to it!
Meet The Manufacturer: #1475: Bamee Cup Oriental Style Instant Noodles Chicken Flavour
Here’s another of the Bamee line, one that appears to be for the Northern European market. Bamee looks to mostly be comprised of classic flavors – beef chicken and duck. Chicken seems to be one meat that people in just about every country eats as well as makes in an artificially flavored form such as this. I think a nice relaxing cup of chicken noodles sounds nice. Let’s have a look!
#1408: Pamana Chicken Sopas Creamy Macaroni Soup
The other day we headed south to check out Ikea. I’d never been there before – wow pretty crazy place! I even tried the meatballs – not bad. Nearby Ikea is Seafood City, a big grocery store that sells mostly Filipino stuff. I have only been there once before and found lots of great instant noodles I’d not reviewed before. Sadly, I only found one – and this is it. Actually, my wife Kit found it! Thanks, Kit! I like the name; it looks like Panama and my spellcheck is insisting is should be spelled Panama, but it’s Pamana. One thing to note – so by the time this is posted, we”ll have moved. I’m quite a few reviews ahead which is nice. No time today to do the pics of sachet contents (actually I packed my little bowls already). Let’s see what’s inside!
#1371: Campbell’s Hearty Noodles Thai Flavour
#1368: Nissin Soba Teriyaki Noodles With Japanese Yakisoba Sauce
Nissin has factories all over the world – even one in Germany! This is one of the varieties manufactured there. Soba is a type of noodles. Yakisoba is that noodle being fried (there’s yakiudon as well). These cups are really neat – let’s pop it open and look inside!
#1366: Nongshim Sir Long Tang Creamy Beef Noodle Soup
Here’s something new and different from Nongshim. The name might seem a little odd, but it’s a play on the name of a traditional South Korean beef soup called Seoulleongtang, which has a broth which is simmered for a long time with ox bones. I’ve liked non-spicy South Korean beef noodle soups in the past – let’s see how this one fares!
Re-Review: Maruchan Instant Lunch Hot & Spicy Beef Flavor Ramen With Vegetables
Maruchan Instant Lunch is one of those products you see everywhere in the United States at grocery stores. Maruchan makes these cups as well as packs of ramen. They’re popular in Mexico as well – people refer to soup a lot of the time as ‘maruchan’ as it has become so popular and intrinsic to daily life. A month or so ago, I saw a post on Instagram. This guy was saying how he could eat these Instant Lunch cups (this flavor in particular) for breakfast, lunch and dinner seven days a week. I thought to myself, ‘have I reviewed this one?’ Well as it turns out I had – but it was way back in June of 2011. I’m always on the hunt for instant noodles that cannot be found within the United States – the more exotic the better. This guy’s enthusiasm about this little cup that can be found virtually everywhere here in the USA piqued my curiosity; is it worth another try? So when out grocery shopping, I decided to get one. After two weeks of enjoying varieties from Southeast Asia, I think this should be interesting. Let’s check it out!
Meet The Manufacturer: #1354: Mamee Chef Creamy Tom Yam Flavour
In the last year, I’ve got to say I’ve had the fortune to learn about and try a lot of new additions to instant noodles. Most of them have been seafood related – which I’m really lucky to have access to. I’ve gotten many emails asking where to find kamaboko or fish cake etc – I always thought all of those things were easily accessed by all, but as it turns out, I’m lucky to live in an area with lots of Asian grocery stores that specialize in such things. The latest I’ve been really enjoying are fish balls, particularly ones from Singapore that I get at a store that’s a short walk away. I usually only buy a couple, and the seafood counter guys usually look at me a little funny; “5 pounds?” they’ll ask. “No – just five fish balls.” My son and I walked over a couple of weeks ago and he wanted to buy me a whole pound of fish balls which I thought was very nice of him – and so I let him ask them himself. Then, my eight year old boy kind of puffed out his chest and exclaimed “excuse me – I would like one pound of those fish balls please!” Definitely a proud moment for me – sounded so authoritative! When we got home, I boiled some up and let him try – I received a resounding “yuck!” and a look of disgust. At least he tried them – he’s more a fan of macaroni and cheese and pizza, but I try to get him to try new things as much as possible. But I digress. Today’s noodle review will include the last of the fish balls from that trip to the store. I’m going to also follow the microwave instructions for this one, something I don’t usually do. Let’s see how it goes!
Meet The Manufacturer: #1349: Mamee Mie Goreng Indonesia Original Flavour
Mie goreng is one of my favorites – – noodles with a sweet, salty and spicy flavor. To be honest, it was mie goreng that really got me fanatical about instant noodles many years ago. Let’s have a look at this Malaysian take on an Indonesian standard.
#1329: Vifon Oriental Style instant Noodle Mi Ga Chicken Flavour
Here’s one I got up in Canada in July of last year. Looks like a very basic chicken noodle cup. This one’s from Vietnam, and they usually put some interesting things inside. Let’s have a look!
#1320: MAMA Instant Noodles Cup Seafood Flavour
My nose is running, my throat is sore and I feel pretty crummy. Sneezing, sore eyes and sore everything – I’ve got a cold and a bad one at that. Not a fun day, that’s for sure – it’s raining and windy outside as well which makes taking our dogs out a real chore, especially when they’re pugs. Pugs don’t like to get wet; they (at least the pugs we have) aren’t very rugged creatures; they like to sleep and be constantly comfortable.
#1299: Mr. Noodles Noodles In A Cup Spicy Chicken Simulated Flavour
Here’s one my wife got for me on my birthday trip to Canada! Thanks, baby! Spicy chicken. Let’s check it out.
#1283: Nongshim Oolongmen Kimchi Cup Noodle Soup Mix
Seems like it’s been a while since I’ve reviewed something from Nongshim. Well, let’s check out this one – and it’s kimchi flavor!
#1259: Meet The Manufacturer: Eat & Go Chicken Onion Mi Instan Cup
It should be pretty obvious: I like onions. I use them in pretty much every meal I make. Chicken and eggs are quite enjoyable too. Let’s check this one out.
#1255: Thai Choice Instant Noodles Shrimp Flavour
Here’s one that Charles, a serviceman deployed in Afghanistan sent me recently – thank you very much! Never seen this brand before. Looks really interesting! Let’s check it out!
#1222: Nissin Soba Classic Noodles With Japanese Yakisoba Sauce
Here’s another my friend Scott A. over at Nissin USA sent – thanks! These neat cups are made for sale over in Europe by Nissin Germany. Let’s check it out!
#1215: GaGa Mi Instan Cup Milk Chicken Soup (Rasa Sup Ayam Susu)
Another one from my friend in Indonesia! Milk chicken soup – sounds interesting. I had another milk chicken soup variety awhile back which I enjoyed, so maybe this one’ll be good too. Let’s see what’s in this cup.
#1188: Chencun Noodles Braised Pork Ribs
Here’s another from the trip to Canada my wife took me on for my birthday – thank you, Kit! Pork. Ribs. Let’s do this.
#1187: Nongshim Shin Ramyun Cup (South Korean version)
Here we have a Shin Ramyun cup – this one was bought in South Korea and brought back to me by Kristen W. or Arizona – thanks! Let’s check it out!