Well foks, after my 5000 and 5001st reviews, this is where I go back to the regular stuff. Well, sorta. I’ve got a few top tens I need to crank out. By the time you see this, hopefully that’ll have occurred. But I just wanna do a regular old review – nothing crazy or huge, nothing monumental – just a review. Seems like I haven’t done one in a month so that’s it I’m doing one. Found this at S*Mart – yep – shop smart shop S*Mart. Let us begin…
Tag: curry
#5132: Nissin 18-Spice Aromatic Spicy Curry Chikin Ramen – Japan
Here’s a variety that I found in one of MiauMall’s Nakama Noodles subscription boxes! Inside, they have 8-10 different varieties from Japan! If you’d like to get one, don’t forget to use the coupon code THERAMENRATER for a discount! Let’s see what they had to say about this one – “It’s a double celebration! It’s the 66th birthday of Nissin’s Chikin Ramen, the original instant ramen! This bowl features 18 spices that gives the curry soup plenty of flavor and a deep, spicy flavor. If you love ramen packed with flavor, then this bowl is perfect for you!”
Prima Taste Changes Packaging & Size
As you may know at this point. I’m a huge fan of Prima Taste’s Laksa and Curry LaMian for ages now. Awesome noodle and broth – really worth trying. It’s been on my global top ten – it’s that good. Well, the package is changing as well as the size of serving. Let’s do and unboxing – soon there will be in depth reviews!
#5042: Acecook Gyorantei Yokosuka Navy Curry Ramen – Japan
Here’s a variety that I found in one of MiauMall’s Nakama Noodles subscription boxes! Inside, they have 8-10 different varieties from Japan! If you’d like to get one, don’t forget to use the coupon code THERAMENRATER for a discount! Let’s see what they had to say about this one – “Yokosuka, in Kanagawa Prefecture, is known for its naval base and as a curry town. This limited-time curry ramen comes from the very popular shop Gyorantei. It has a deep, flavorful curry soup with plenty of spice that’ll transport you straight to this seaside town.”
#5022: Nissin Donbei Curry Udon – Japan
Here’s a variety that I found in one of MiauMall’s Nakama Noodles subscription boxes! Inside, they have 8-10 different varieties from Japan! If you’d like to get one, don’t forget to use the coupon code THERAMENRATER for a discount! Let’s see what they had to say about this one – “If you’re already fired up from the watch party action, this will be sure to set your heart ablaze. This limited-edition Donbei udon features a delicious Japanese dashi stock mixed with curry, cumin and garlic to create a delicious, fragrant curry udon experience!”
#4885: Yoko Street Curry Chicken Udon – United States
Here’s the second of the three varieties that Yoko Street sent me – thanks! This sounds quite interesting – curry! I’m a curry junkie, so I have high hopes. Let’s cook it up!
#4873: Sapporo Ichiban Cup Star Curry Udon – Japan
Here’s one that came in a Zenpop.jp box – use coupon code THERAMENRATER for a groovy discount!
#4823: Omsom Saucy Noodles Coconut Lemongrass Curry – United States
Well, this is the last of the products from this brand that I have. I think this is all of them. This sounds good in name. What I expect is a kind of sauce with a light sweetness, maybe a seafood element, a a little heat and lemongrass bite. I’m hopeful we don’t have yet another one that has a strong Italian vinaigrette element to it, but it won’t surprise me. My mind is open – and hopeful.
#4762: Samyang Buldak Hot Chicken Rendang Curry – South Korea
Well, look at this! Thanks to The Fat Hipster for sending this over! It’s kind of funny – this is the first of three varieties sent and I’ve been kind of slow to get to them as they’re not instant noodles, they’re curry sauces. However, lately I’ve been making curries constantly lately. I’ve learned the way of black cardamom too. But here we have one by a company also known for their spicy instant noodle. I actually made butter chicken last night too. Let’s see how this one goes.
#4753: Samyang Buldak Butter Chicken Curry – South Korea
Well, look at this! Thanks to The Fat Hipster for sending this over! It’s kind of funny – this is the first of three varieties sent and I’ve been kind of slow to get to them as they’re not instant noodles, they’re curry sauces. However, lately I’ve been making curries constantly lately. I’ve learned the way of black cardamom too. But here we have one by a company also known for their spicy instant noodle. I actually made butter chicken last night too. Let’s see how this one goes.
#4694: Indomie Kori Aromali Hazir Noodle (Curry Noodle) – Turkey
Woot woot! Another cool one from James of Lakeside, CA – thanks again! This will only be the second Turkish made instant noodle I’ve ever reviewed. Ever. Plus, it’s curry. Let’s do it!
#4619: Pran Mr. Noodles Instant Noodles Curry Flavour – Bangladesh
Here’s one I found at JD’s Market in Lynnwood, Washington. I hit the store up about once a year and generally find something or other I’ve not tried before. Let’s check it out!
#4542: Acecook Gyorantei Kansyuu Yokosuka Kaigun Curry Udon – Japan
Here’s one that came in a Zenpop.jp box – use coupon code THERAMENRATER for a groovy discount!
#4487: Nissin Assari Oishii Cup Noodle Curry – Japan
Here’s one that came in a Zenpop.jp box – use coupon code THERAMENRATER for a groovy discount!
#4426: Sapporo Ichiban Curry Ramen Donburi – Japan
Here’s one that came in a Zenpop.jp box – use coupon code THERAMENRATER for a groovy discount!
#4322: Maruchan Osobaya san no Curry Nanban Soba – Japan
Here’s one that came in a Zenpop.jp box – use coupon code THERAMENRATER for a groovy discount!
#4319: Acecook Ganso Curry TanTan Men Masatora – Japan
Here’s one that came in a Zenpop.jp box – use coupon code THERAMENRATER for a groovy discount!
#4286: Samyang Foods Buldak Curry Artificial Spicy Chicken Flavor Ramen – United States
It’s been a long time since I reviewed a Buldak variety, that’s for sure! I have tried the curry before, but it’s been a very, very long time. The packaging is new, and I’m guessing the recipe is slightly different as well. Below you can see everything about this including my review, a video of cooking it, and then of course, a mukbang. This is the version for export to the United States. Let’s give it a go – hope I can handle it!
#4233: Nissin Assari Donbe Umadashi Curry Udon – Japan
Here’s an interesting one from Japan found in a Zenpop box – check out zenpop.jp and use the coupon code RAMENRATER for a discount!
#4156: Maruchan Kamodashi Curry Udon – Japan
Here’s one that came in a Zenpop.jp box – use coupon code THERAMENRATER for a groovy discount!
#4134: FreshRamen4All.com Curry Miso Ramen – United States
Check this out! Ramen delivery service! I got some samples from www.FreshRamen4All.com – they make everything in these kits and ship them to your door fresh! If you want to try them out, don’t forget to use coupon code THERAMENRATER for a discount!
Prima Tastes Sends Samples From Singapore!
I’ve been taste-testing products for a long time, and every time I get something from Prima Taste, I’m pretty excited. I remember years back when I first tried their products I was just blown away and have been so ever since! Let’s crack open this box and see what is within this time!
#4070: KampongKu Curry Seafood Fried Noodles – Malaysia
Third variety for me to try from the new range by KampongKu. This one promises to be amazing – I really love Malaysian curry and seafood as well. It’s time. Let’s give it a try!
#4062: A1 Mi Kari Laksa Curry Laksa Noodle – Malaysia
This is a special one I’m posting today – it’s the subject of a short film I’m doing as I type this about how I review! I want to thank a fellow instant noodle enthusiast named Andres who was kind enough to donate this to me yesterday – he’s a local who has visited a lot of places in search of instant noodle varieties! This one was found up in Canada.
#4059: J-Basket Japanese Style Noodle Soup Curry Flavor – United States
This one came from Exotic Noods! Exotic Noods has great monthly subscription boxes with products from around the world. Worth a look! Use coupon code THERAMENRATER for a discount!
Prima Taste Singapore Sends CNY Treats!
Well it’s that awesome time of year again! February 1st will bring in the year of the Tiger! Prima Taste sends me some tasty treats every year – you might know them from their awesome Laksa and Curry La Mian varieties. But did you know they make a lot more than noodles? Prima Group is a big flour mill and makes anything you can make with flour as far as I can tell – noodles, bread, deli treats, etc. Let’s check out these treats and Happy CNY!
#4054: Peyoung Hell Curry Yakisoba – Japan
This is one that came from Sugoi Mart – thank you! This one is spicy. It’s Hell Curry. It looks as there’s a warning as to its spiciness on the lower part. Let’s see if it’s as spicy as it looks to be.
KampongKu Instant Noodles & Pastes From Malaysia!
Here’s something new from the folks that brought you Red Chef – KampongKu! Some very unique flavors of instant noodles and pastes from MAlaysia to try! Let’s check them out and hear a bit of info on the company.
The Ramen Rater’s Top Ten Instant Noodle Cups Of All Time 2022 Edition
It’s Top Ten time again! These are my favorite cups from my reviews up to #3790. Cups are a neat thing – very portable. They’ve come under fire for ‘tipping themselves over’ in the past, but I assure you they don’t have any intelligence that would be required for them to move of their own volition. It should be said also not to give these or any other super hot things to little ones. Common sense is a good thing. Anyways that aside, you can get some really tasty instant meals in a cup! Let’s check out The Ramen Rater’s Top Ten Instant Noodle Cups Of All Time 2022 Edition, and don’t forget to have a look at the big announcements at the bottom!
#3859: Prima Taste Singapore Prawn Soup La Mian – Singapore
Here’s one the folks sent all the way from Singapore for me – thanks! This one isn’t available in the United States. I’ve tried it before, but they included a special sachet of powder to give it more oomph. Let’s give it a try!
#3846: Nissin Cup Noodles Spiced Curry Japanese Curry Soup – Germany
Okay just to straighten it out here – this is made in Hungary for sale in Germany and features a Japanese spiced curry broth. Sounds like a good one honestly. Let’s find out!
#3758: Mi Sedaap Mi Segera Perisa Kari – Indonesia
Here’s one that came in an Exotic Noods subscription box. Use coupon code RAMENRATER15 for a discount! So this is an Indonesian curry variety – today’s going to be a windy, rainy, cold day and it just sounded like a good pick. Let’s give it a go!
#3734: Maruchan Black Pork Curry Udon – Japan
Here’s one that came from a Zenpop.jp subscription box. Use the coupon code RAMENRATER at checkout for a discount!
The Ramen Rater’s Top Ten Instant Cup Noodles Of All Time 2021 Edition
Last year, I decided I’d bow to some readers who thought maybe like cars, lists should have the following year in the title. This caused some confusion; but I really can’t just undo this. So, going forward, lists that come out in the latter half of the year, August and beyond, will have the next year’s name in the title. We’ll see how that goes. These are my favorite cup varieties of all reviews up to number 3,545. Now, let’s look at The Ramen Rater’s Top Ten Instant Cup Noodles Of All Time, 2021 Edition.
#3634: Acecook Yokosuka Navy Curry Udon – Japan
This one comes from Zenpop.jp – a subscription box service. If you want to check out their boxes and get one, use coupon code RAMENRATER for a discount.
#3624: Nissin Top Ramen Curry – India
Found this over at India Supermarket in Bellevue, WA. One of many ‘four-in-one’ packs. India. Curry. Let’s do this!
#3511: Mr Lee’s Noodles Coconut Chicken Laksa – United Kingdom
Oh wow so I saved what I’m hoping is the best for last. I love laksa. I love curry. It puts me in a place where I’m weightless, floating above the physical world, not caring one iota for the ridiculous problems humans complain about. Curry is life. Let’s see if this one makes me feel alive.
The Ramen Rater’s Top Ten Instant Noodles Of All Time 2020 Edition
Despite all the tumultuous and unnerving events of our current age,, I am happy to announce that I’ve got a new list for our year, 2020. In the past fe hundred reviews I’ve done this past year there have been some real standouts and of course many have remained. These are my absolute favorites of reviews 1 through 3487. It’s hard – I feel like I should be doing a top 20, or even a top 50 at this point, but the sheer amount of time that would take with being a stay at home father of two while trying to get in a few hours of exercise every day just isn’t in the cards. I’m hoping in the coming months to come out with the regular top tens and maybe some new ones, but it’s a tough juggle these days.
A Special Box From Prima Taste Of Singapore
Prima Taste has made some really top notch products. I should say, the top notchiest products since their Wholegrain Singapore LAksa La Mian has topped my annual Top Ten Instant Noodle Of All Time lists for the past 4 years. I got a package I wasn’t expecting from them yesterday – and we opened it!
#3360: Acecook Coco Ichibanya Curry House Ramen – Japan
Today we have a Zenpop.JP variety – so what’s Zenpop? They’re a subscription service for all things Japanese! Definitely, check them out. By the way, use coupon code RAMENRATER to get $2 off!