I’ve reviewed the pack version of this one and now it’s time for the bowl. A few months ago I did a series of seriously spicy reviews for my guide to this series. Let’s see if my palate still can handle the heat!
Tag: curry
#2576: Ching’s Secret Singapore Curry Instant Noodles
Well, I found quite a few of these new packaged versions recently at an Indian market in Bellevue, Washington. Now, this is what they call ‘Desi Chinese’ food. What’s that? Let’s ask Wikipedia –
#2543: KOKA Curry Flavour Instant Noodles
Here’s another left over from the KOKA Meet The Manufacturer – thanks again for participating For almost a whole year I was reviewing two varieties per day – this is how I got so far ahead in my reviews. Now I’m only doing one at this point and I think I probably will for a while. You see, having a 5 month old baby girl and a very inquisitive 21 month old boy in the house can be a little crazy. He’s really interested in grabbing things and flinging them on the floor. He’s also a big fan of stealing remote controls (we got him a couple just for him, but he still steals ours). He loves the mouse and keyboard too, so I have to put those up when he’s running around.
#2522: Takamori Hearty Japanese Style Curry Udon
I gota ride to 99 Ranch yesterday from my sister – thanks! So I was looking for mung bean sprouts, however I found this one when we went through the store. I did a Meet The Manufacturer with Takamori Kosan a few years back and really been hoping I’d get another chance to try some more of their products. Well, this is one of them! Here’s a little about udon from Wikipedia –
The Ramen Rater’s Top Ten Spiciest Instant Noodles Of All Time 2017 Edition
It’s that time of year again! Actually, this is the first time the list is coming out in July although at the tail end of July. I usually have the lists come out on the Monday closest to the date it came out the prior year. So this list is a compilation of absolutely hottest and spiciest varieties I’ve had out of the 2,500+ varieties I’ve tried thus far. Something you think belongs on this spiciest of lists? Let me know – I’ll give it a try. Let’s get started!
The Ramen Rater’s Top Ten Instant Rice Noodles Of All Time 2017 Edition
Now for the third year, I’m coming out with the latest Top Ten Instant Rice Noodles list. Rice noodles have some benefits as opposed to their fried wheat counterparts. First, they’re virtually fat-free. Also, they’re not fried. Rice noodles are gluten-free by nature, although the ingredients in the sachets that come with these varieties might not be. People ask me for a gluten-free list often, but that would be rather difficult as I’d have to pore over every ingredient list on every review to do this. Well, let’s have a look at these great rice noodle varieties – the best instant rice noodles varieties of the almost 2,500 reviews to date!
Meet The Manufacturer: #2493: Nissin Cup Noodles Curry
Ahhh curry! I love curry from everywhere in the world. Indeed, I’ve not met a curry I’ve disliked to be honest. I do like some more than others of course. A German curry… Fascinating! Let’s check it out!
#2473: Tokyo Noodle Mini Instant Noodle Mild Curry Flavor
These came by Way of my sister Sue – thanks! She found them up in Canada – I believe at PriceSmart Foods in Richmond, BC. Been a couple of years since I made the trip north in search of instant noodles for my birthday. The way I look at it, I have to lay off Canada for a little while to let the big stores up there percolate; then they’ll have new stuff I’ve not tried. Well, hopefully. Last time I found a lot of the same stuff from the time before.
#2469: KOKA Signature Curry Flavor Instant Noodles
Here’s one of the packs left over from the Tat Hui Meet The Manufacturer. They sent around 36 kinds and I only do a max of 15 varieties for a Meet The Manufacturer series. I looked at Wikipedia for some words on curry in Singapore, however got this about Malaysia – they’re neighbors so hope that’s alright –
Meet The Manufacturer: #2446: KOKA Creamy Soup With Crushed Noodles Curry Flavor
Here we have something new. So I usually only review instant noodles, not soups. However, this is a soup with instant noodles. Wait, what?! Yeah that’s what I thought too! I’ve never heard of such a thing – but it doesn’t sound bad. As I have always said, I love seeing innovation and something new. It definitely is a nice surprise when something unique and new crosses my desk and this certainty is that on both accounts. Let’s check out this cup of soup – with crushed noodles!
The Ramen Rater’s Top Ten Instant Noodles Of All Time 2017 Edition
Well folks it’s that time again. This one’s a big deal – the list that people from around the world have been waiting for every year. Since the last list came out, I’ve reviewed over 400 varieties of instant noodles – a new record in one year for me. So many good ones this year! These are my absolute favorites of the over 2,400 reviews of instant noodles I’ve posted to date. There are some big announcements at the end of the video, so make sure to check them out! As always, I invite instant noodle makers to contact me so I can try your noodles! Now without further ado, The Ramen Rater’s Top Ten Instant Noodles Of All Time 2017 Edition!
Product Samples From CarJEN Of Malaysia
Got a big package today! In fact, two packages wrapped together! Let’s take a look!
Product Samples From CarJEN – Malaysia
In the smaller of the two packages (click to enlarge), instant noodle varieties!
#2386: Maggi 2 Minute Noodles Curry
Well hello there! Indeed, I rarely have the chance to get instant noodles from Fiji. This is only the second time ever that I’ve had any. Actually, I think the last time was about five years ago when a reader sent a couple varieties. I don’t know a lot about Fiji, so thought I’d consult wikipedia and share some info here:
#2377: MyKuali Penang White Curry Noodle (Japan Version)
Wow check this out! This is one I’ve reviewed many times before but this is a new version that comes in a little box! Thank you to MyKuali for sending this along! Indeed, their Penang White Curry was #1 on my annual top ten list is 2014, and it’s appeared on top ten lists since then. It’s amazing stuff; very strong flavors and aroma. When I visited Malaysia in 2014, I got to get a real sense of the foods there. In fact, I got to try many, many varieties of their cuisine! I tried lots of seafood of which I really liked the sunfish.
The Definitive Guide To Samyang Foods Buldak Bokkeummyun
#2369: Samyang Foods Buldak Bokkeummyun Curry Flavor
Part Of The Ramen Rater’s Definitive Guide To Samyang Foods’ Buldak Bokkeummyun
HOT Chicken Flavor Ramen Curry / 커리불닭볶음면 / Curry Buldak Bokkueummyun Launch 2016.12 / SHU 3,810
Here’s the newest variety from Samyang Foods’ Buldak Bokkeummyun line. Curry! I make no illusion to the fact that I absolutely think that curry is the finest thing in the universe. I freaking love curry. Here’s a little about Korean c urry from Wikipedia –
#2366: Samyang Foods Buldak Bokkeummyun Snack Noodle
Part Of The Ramen Rater’s Definitive Guide To Samyang Foods’ Buldak Bokkeummyun
Hot Chicken Ramen Snack / 부셔먹는 라면스낵불닭 / Busyeomeongneun Ramyeonseunaek
Buldak / Launch 2016.6
I’ve reviewed a lot of snack noodles in my day and still delight in the comments I get about them. I get people telling me about smashing domestic US varieties, sprinkling the seasoning on them and eating them raw; kind of like they’ve uncovered something fascinating, new and innovative. Unfortunately – I have to break it to y’all, but this isn’t anything new. Moreover, varieties designed and sold in South Korea to be smashed and sprinkled and enjoyed have been around for a long time.
#2325: Pran Mr. Noodles Instant Noodles Curry Flavor
Here’s another one that Colin sent – thanks! Today I was really craving something curry – it’s been a little while since I’ve had any curry to review so here goes!
Product Samples From Prima Taste
Got this neat dual box package in the mail the other day! What’s inside? Let’s see…
The Ramen Rater’s Top Ten South Korean Instant Noodles 2017 Edition
South Korean instant noodles are known around the world as being spicy and beefy for the most part. However, there are many different styles. In fact, seafood jjamppong, black bean jjajang, cold noodles, and creamy beef noodles exist in the scene. Today, I’ll do a rundown of my favorites – the best of the highest rated South Korean varieties from over 2,300 unique varieties I’ve reviewed from around the world. Finally, I would like to note that it’s tougher to find South Korean varieties. Therefore, any instant noodle companies from South Korea should contact me promptly to be considered for upcoming top ten lists. Let’s get started.
New Advertising Samples From CarJEN
I like to collect posters and advertising stuff dealing with instant noodles and really wanted one of the new CarJEN posters featuring their new Hot Curry – so they were kind enough to send some! Thanks! Let’s check them out among the other neat stuff they sent!
#2262: Dream Kitchen Curry
Here’s one we found when in Renton, Washington’s Uwajimaya a while back. From what it looks like on the label, this is a private label for a big distributor here in the USA by a company in Singapore.I love curry but have been a little confused by this series. Let’s give it a looksie.
Meet The Manufacturer: #2201: Mr. Lee’s Noodles Penang Chicken Curry Laksa
Penang. It’s a place I really miss, specifically because friends and flavors live there. some of the most amazing things that I’ve ever tasted are from Malaysia and specifically Penang. I decided to save this for last as I wanted to see how everything else was before I tried something that promises to be good. Today we say hello to this exotic variety and goodbye to the Meet The Manufacturer for Mr. Lee’s Noodles. Here we go!
Penang Curry Samples From Nyor Nyar!
A package from Malaysia! Let’s look within!
Hmmm what do we have here?
Penang White Cuury in regular and vegetarian! Seems like for a while I was reviewing so much white curry… Really excited to try some again!!
#2137: Nissin Demae Ramen Spicy Curry Flavour Instant Noodle
Here’s the first in the special series I did for Apple Daily of Hong Kong.I have always been a fan of curry, especially spicy curry. However, lately it’s pretty far and few between I get to review ones that are this far east – usually they’ve been from Singapore or Malaysia and not Hong Kong. Sounds good to me! Let’s check it out!
#2125: Happy Family Curry Flavour Instant Noodles
A while back I asked people to send me some noodles as I was really running low on varieties to review. Well, many people did – including some companies. Prima Taste sent these from Singapore – thank you! These look like a store brand perhaps – let’s take a look!
Top Ten List Samples From Prima Taste
Looks like I’ll be doing some interview here in the USA soon! Those are always a lot of fun. I asked Prima Taste over in Singapore if they could send some samples along of the products they have that are in the Top Ten this year – and they did!
Meet The Manufacturer: #2089: Nissin Cup Noodles Big Seafood Curry Flavour
As we meander our way towards the end of this Meet The Manufacturer, we find this little gem. I’m pretty sure it’s smaller sibling was on the Top Ten Cups list a while back. This looks awesome – let’s check out this huge cup!
#2043: ORee Garden Malaysia Green Curry Noodle
This looks really interesting – some very new from Malaysia. I’ve found that I really like green curries- had a few green curry instants – however never seen a green curry bowl. Let’s see how this one fares!
#2035: Acecook Maru Uma Curry Udon
Another one from Javier over at Box From Japan! Thanks! So if you didn’t already know, BoxFromJapan.com is a subscription service. You can get 4 instant noodles from Japan a month. What’s amazing is that I not yet received a single on that I’d reviewed previously which is truly amazing. You can also get a monthly Japanese candy box! Pretty rad! Today, I’ll be checking out this Acecook curry udon cup. Let’s crack it open!
#2031: CarJEN Otentiq Cheezy Curry Instant Noodles [Improved Taste]
As with some other varieties, CarJEN has recently kicked up their noodle game a skosh by changing the recipe. I’m not exactly sure what’s changed here – I’ll let my tastebuds let you know! Let’s check it out!
#2015: E-Zee Perisa Kari Mi Segera Improved Taste!
A while back, I did a Meet The Manufacturer with CarJEN Foods. I tried their E-Zee Curry and thought it was quite good. It got 4 stars and CarJEN asked about putting my logo on their packaging. We made a deal and there it is! Now, they’ve changed the recipe. It seems this is a trend in the Malaysian market right now – kind of fun since it’s like a re-review but a second shot for these companies for a better score with a new recipe. Let’s check this one out!
Meet The Manufacturer: #1999: Nissin Curry Udon
Wow – the cusp of history with this review, folks. The next post will be #2000. That’s a LOT of reviews. It’s funny though; it’s such a regular part of my day that it doesn’t seem too insanely crazy to me anymore. But then again, yeah – most people think I’m pretty nutty, but hey it’s a fun hobby and it’s unique – I dig my niche. Anyways, one of my favorite flavors is curry. Since I was a kid and my mom would make curried chicken livers for dinner (she hasn’t made that in years; she questions the quality of chicken livers these days), I’ve enjoyed it a lot. Well, this is Japanese curry; usually not super spicy and leaning towards the sweet side which is always nice. Let’s have a look at this cup.
#1978: CarJEN Nyonya Curry Laksa [Improved Taste]
The other day I got some samples from CarJEN – this one piqued my interest. First off, the ‘Improved Taste’ sticker – it actually if from the outside of a 4 pack but I figure since I always just do pics of the individual packs, I’d just unstick it and restick it. It was #4 on last year’s big The Ramen Rater’s Top Ten Instant Noodles Of All Time 2015 Edition. Wonder what’s changed? Let’s have a look!
#1974: Samyang Foods Cheese Curry Ramyun
Here’s another of the many varieties sent recently by Colin from Michigan – thanks! Cheese curry? That sounds really good – you can get cheese curry at Indian restaurants – I’m wondering what a South Korean cheese curry might be like. Let’s find out!
A Box Of Samples to Share From Malaysia
I knew CarJEN was sending some samples, so I asked if maybe they could send me a box of the ones with my logo on them – I think this is it!
New Recipe Samples From CarJEN of Malaysia
What have we here?
Hmmm – a tablecloth?
Wow (click to enlarge) – a couple big banners! I’ve seen then use these in their promotions before. Pretty cool!
#1970: MyOri Malaysia Penang Red Curry Noodle
Really excited about this one! I think you’ll understand why when you see the back of the package! I’ve taken an offer by MyOri to be their brand ambassador! I’m honored do to so – not only is it a really neat gig, it’s for products I honestly enjoy and find innovative and a real compliment to the market. I reviewed these last year as part of a Meet The Manufacturer with MyOri. Ther’s a difference now – they’ve changed the name to red curry, given the packaging a real facelift and now the noodle are not fried – the first white curry featuring the healthier noodle. Let’s give ’em a look!
MyOri Creates New Packaging – Endorsed By The Ramen Rater
Got this package in the mail yesterday – let’s look inside!
MyOri’s new packaging (click to enlarge) – looks really snazzy!
CarJEN Sends Bags & Treats!
So every time I do a Top Ten list, I try to let the companies that make that list know. I usually post directly on their Facebook page a congratulatory message. Well, CarJEN’s J.J. Snek Mi Perisa BBQ made the new Top Ten Instant Noodle Snacks list, and I saw something neat on their page!