Found this one at the new Win?Co Foods store in Edmonds, Washington. I thought ‘ooh – rice noodles and curry’ and so I got it. Let’s check it out!
Tag: curry
#1914: Prima Juzz’s Mee Curry Flavour
This is the second of three Juzz’s Mee varieties I have here to review. I’d never heard of them until Prima sent them my way! They’re the same company as Prima Tastem which makes a wonder Curry La Mian and Laksa Lamian that have both been on my top ten list for a few years now. I just found out last night that Juzz’s Mee is wordplay on ‘just me’ or ‘just for me.’ I got to find out as I had dinner last night with a couple nice folks who invited my wife and I to dine with them in Seattle! Check out this post I did about it on foofoomayo. Let’s have a look inside!
#1907: Prima Taste Singapore Curry Wholegrain La Mian
Here’s something new from Prima Taste that’s geared a little more towards healthy living – this one has noodles made with special wholegrain flour. Their original version has been on my top ten list for a few years now, and I’m very curious to see how this one is. Seems like a good day for some curry! Let’s crack it open!
#1900: Ibumie Always Mi Goreng Perisa Kari Kapitan
Well folks, we’re in the home stretch to the 2,000th review. To be honest, I never had a clue I would be reviewing instant noodles every day – never in a million years. Anyways, still quite a few to go so let’s check this one out. Kapitan Kari literally means ‘Captain Curry’ – kind of like the king of curry. Let’s rip this one open and give it a try!
#1897: Nissin Cup Noodle Massaman Curry
Here’s another one Casey P. sent me from Hong Kong – thanks again! There are lots of different kinds of curry in the work – British, Indian, Malaysian, Korean, Japanese – I’m sure there are more as well. Well, Japanese curry is what we have here. It tends to be on the sweeter, mild side, usually leaving the spicy elements behind. Let’s give this one a peek.
Meet The Manufacturer: #1878: Myojo Extra Spicy Singapore Curry Big Bowl
I’m a huge fan of curry – always have been. Today, we have a spicy curry bowl from Myojo. I’m also a fan of spicy things, so I’m hoping this is a good combo. Let’s have a look inside!
Meet The Manufacturer: Product Samples From Myojo Singapore
Hooray! A box arrived today! I haven’t gotten one that I’ve had to sign for in a while. I’ve had a bag of instant noodles set aside for our postman and was able to hook him up – it’s great – when he comes to the door, he always says ‘more instant noodles!’ Let’s see what’s inside!
An Early Christmas Present From Prima Taste
A big box came today! I was expecting one from Prima Taste of Singapore – they have a couple new varieties I’ve been curious to try – let’s see what’s inside!
#1861: Conimex Oriental Noodles Groene Curry
Here’s another one that was sent to me by James B. from The Netherlands – thanks! First off, this one is groene curry, which translates to green curry. These are from The Netherlands and made by Unilever. Let’s check ’em out!
#1859: MAMA Instant Noodles Chicken Green Curry Flavour
This is yet another of the samples I received upon returning from my trip to Thailand to visit the MAMA noodles company in May. These are for the Cambodian market. MAMA’s Green Curry hit the top ten in this year’s annual list – excellent stuff! I should note today is the first review I’ve done in a few days. Why? Well, I should start by mentioning that this will come out a few weeks after today – I am way ahead, which is nice. A couple days ago, we had a huge windstorm here. Gusts up to 70MPH – in some remote areas they were over 100MPH! Trees fell not only from the wind, but from all the recent rain which made the ground soft. In my county, at one point there were over 200,000 people without electricity. We were without power for 29 hours – everything in our refrigerator has gone bad – including all of my garnishes! Luckily, I hadn’t gotten anything new and was due to get some things, but still a lot of food will be getting thrown away. The only plus of the event was that I got to haul out my shortwave radio and was able to pick up broadcasts from Slovakia, Cuba and Japan to name a few! Usually there’s so much interference that I can’t receive anything. Anyways, power came back on last night! Hooray!
Try This Fall Curry Recipe With Your Thanksgiving Leftovers!
I’ve been a huge fan of curry over the years. I’ve made all sorts of sauces and soups and this is one of my favorites – works great with leftover turkey and some easily found ingredients – check it out and if you try it, let me know what you think!
Meet The Manufacturer: #1839: Vit’s Taste Of Malaysia Penang White Curry Ramen
Today, we have the last review of the Meet The Manufacturer for Vit’s. It’s been fun – lots of strong flavors and flavors is Malaysia! Penang White Curry is one of my favorites – let’s try the first one I’ve ever seen with fresh noodles.
Meet The Manufacturer: Re-Review: Vit’s Curry Instant Noodles
One of the standard varieties most instant noodle companies produce is chicken. However when you move east towards Malaysia and Singapore, curry ends up as one that is exceedingly common. Curry is a flavor I have loved since my childhood – in fact I remember at a very young ago really enjoying my mother’s curried chicken liver over rice. There’s something seductive about curry that I can’t quite put my finger on, but perhaps that’s part of it’s charm. It kind of has an earthy and mystical property that just enthralls me. Let’s delve into this pack again, one I originally tried about a hundred reviews ago.
#1813: Nissin Soba Fried Noodles Curry
Here’s another one James B. sent me from The Netherlands – thanks again! I’ve reviewed these varieties in cup form, but not the packs and I’m really pleased to be able to. These come from Nissin Germary! Let’s have a look!
#1810: MyKuali Penang White Curry Noodle (New Version)
As most of you should know, thishas been one of my all time favorites in the past couple years. When it came out, it was a real game-changer; so much so that over 20 different manufacturers started making their own white curry variants to compete. MyKuali has decided to standardize their packaging and now this is how the product looks. Let’s have a look inside and see if anything else has changed.
#1747: Vit’s Curry Instant Noodles
Got this one at the Econsave in Butterworth, Penang, Malaysia last year. Curry noodles! Let’s check ’em out!
#1745: Unox Good Noodles Kerrie
Here’s one that was sent to me by James B. from The Netherlands – thanks! I’ve had a couple of this brand’s varieties before; they were sent to me by some folks at a Dutch tech magazine after I did an interview for them. That was waaaay back, so it’s pretty cool to be able to review new one! Let’s check ’em out!
#1722: CarJEN Otentiq Cheezy Curry Instant Noodles
Recently, I reviewed the new CarJEN Otentiq Cheezy Mushroom variety and really liked it. This one is the curry variety – I love curry as anyone who sees my top ten lists can realize rather quickly. What’s neat is that I don’t think I’ve seen cheese curry in an instant before, however I have had cheese curry in an Indian restaurant. Well, let’s see what we have here – it certainly looks nice!
New CarJEN Packaging With The Ramen Rater Logo!
Here’s a box I’ve been waiting to see! Let’s see what’s inside!
Here’s Andy showing off the new packaging for CarJEN’s E-Zee Kari instant noodles! I rated this one 4.0 out of 5.0 stars. A nice little pack of noodles!
#1710: Chering Chang Instant Non-Fried Noodles Vegetable Curry Flavour
I had a different version of this variety make The Ramen Rater’s Top Ten Taiwanese Instant Noodles Of All Time last year – I don’t know if it’s just a different way of packaging or what, but I’ve got high hopes on this one! Let’s check it out! It’s curry time!
#1680: Aroi Curry Me! Penang White Curry Soup Noodle
Got this one on my birthday trip to Canada! I wasn’t sure if I’d find any new white curry up there but lo and behold, there it was. One thing that’s interesting is that they also make a stir fry white curry as well which I got – I’ll be reviewing that one at some point in the neat future. Anyways, let’s check out this Aroi white curry!
#1666: Vifon Curry Instant Noodle With Chicken
Once in a blue moon I find an instant noodle in my hamper of which I have absolutely NO CLUE WHERE IT CAME FROM. I mean, yeah – I know it’s made in Vietnam and that it’s a chicken curry variant, but I have no idea how it got into my hamper. Where did I get it? Hmmm… Well, it needs to be reviewed so here I am. Let’s check it out!
#1632: Cintan Mi Segera Mmm… Perisa Kari
Another one I got during our trip to Malaysia in October! I’ve heard Cintan was the first instant noodle company in Malaysia. This one looks to be fortified with protein – something I think is pretty cool. Adding some vitamins and protein to instant noodles can help make instants a little more healthy. Let’s check out this curry by Cintan!
Re-Review: Prima Taste Singapore Curry La Mian
I thought it was about time to review this one again. Prima Taste Simgapore Curry La Mian has been on my top ten lists for the last couple of years – it’s really great stuff! I remember when I first tried it tell my friends and colleagues that it was ‘a real game changer.’ I hadn’t seen but sachets like the ones found within before and though it was really neat stuff. I just found out about a couple new videos Prima Taste has made to prepare them as well – check them out here! Let’s have another look at Prima Taste Singapore Curry La Mian!
Samples From Twenty-Twenty Of Malaysia
I saw a picture of some white curry noodle on instagram I’d never spotted before and thought to myself that I’d like to try them. I commented on the pic and it turns out the person who posted it was with the company. After a long trip across the Pacific Ocean, samples arrived today!
Meet The Manufacturer: #1590: Mi E-Zee Perisa Kari Sayuran
The first review of this Meet The Manufacturer was Mi E-Zee Perisa Kari. The difference here is that this is one for vegetarians. Let’s check it out!
Meet The Manufacturer: #1582: Mi E-Zee Perisa Kari Curry Flavour
To start things off, I felt it would be great to try this Mi E-Zee Kari. Kari (curry in english) is one of my favorite flavors since I was a kid. My mom used to make curried chicken liver over rice and it was some seriously delectable stuff. Over the years, I’ve experienced a great many kinds of curry: Japanese curry which is usually sweet, Indian curry, Thai curry and my current favorite, Malaysian curry. Let’s see how this Mi E-Zee Kari measures up!
The Ramen Rater’s Top Ten South Korean Instant Noodles Of All Time 2015 Edition
The Ramen Rater’s top Ten South Korean Instant Noodles Of All Time made it’s debut last January and I thought this would be a good day to release the new one for 2015! South Korean instant noodles (known as ramyun) are characteristically thicker and chewier than most instants. Spiciness is a common trait as well as beef flavors. Here are my top picks of the South Korean varieties I’ve reviewed of my 1,573 reviews to date.
#1571: Econsave Choice Instant Noodles Curry Flavour
One thing that tends to baffle a lot of my readers is my fascination with ‘store brands.’ I often get ‘it nothing special’ and thoughts like that. To me however, any instant noodle I’ve not reviewed before is definitely fair game and believe it or not, store brands tend to be much harder for me to source than any others. The reason for this is that large supermarket chains are mostly regional and don’t distribute their instant noodle varieties to anywhere other than their own stores. This one is particularly special – I got this one on my trip to Malaysia, and got it at the Econsave grocery store in Butterworth, Penang!
#1569: Maggi Mi Goreng Perencah Kari Ori
The last of the batch of different Malaysian noodles sent to me by Annie T. over at MyKuali a while back – thank you again! This sounds good – curry mi goreng. I know that’s it’s curry from the word ‘kari,’ but I can’t figure out the ‘ori’ word. If anyone knows, please impart your fine wisdom! Let’s give these a try!
#1561: Uncle Sun White Curry Noodle
Most of the instant noodles from Malaysia have been just that – sent to me FROM Malaysia by manufacturers. What’s kind of cool is that now I’m seeing more of them start showing up in the United States. I found this Uncle Sun White Curry a few miles north of here in Everett at a newer Asian grocery simply called Asian Grocery (great name). It’s actually a great place – they have two varieties of this one – the one you see here and one that looks identical but says it’s extra hot! They also had Milo, a popular drink from Malaysia – kind of like chocolate milk, but like dark chocolate milk. Anyways – sweet – more white curry! Let’s check it out!
The Ramen Rater’s Top Ten Instant Noodles Of All Time Hong Kong 2015 Edition
I thought to myself recently that it would be great to end 2014 and start 2015 with a new top ten list – but from where? A couple places came to mind, and Hong Kong sounded like a good one. I’ve found a lot of excellent instant noodles that have been from Hong Kong. Been hoping to see more arrive here in the United States, but many of the ones on this list I’ve found up in Canada. I would definitely like to reach out to instant noodle companies in Hong Kong to take part in Meet The Manufacturer; there’s not been a Hong Kong participant yet! With that, here’s the top ten instant noodles of Hong Kong – the best and most memorable – from the last 1,553 reviews. Enjoy and Happy New Year, Hong Kong!
The Ramen Rater’s MyKuali Penang White Curry Pizza
One thing that really surprised me during our trip was seeing that a lot of the fast food chains that are popular here in the United States are also popular in Malaysia. Burgers, fried chicken and even pizza were well represented by popular chain restaurants over there (I will say that there was no sign of the ubiquitous taco chain here). They all had different ways of serving things to fit with the local taste; like spicy fried chicken with rice or seafood pizza. This got me thinking that maybe a fusion of pizza and MyKuali White Curry might work in some way. I thought about it for a while and decided today was the day. We got the ingredients together and The Ramen Rater’s MyKuali White Curry Pizza was born! Check it out!
The Ramen Rater’s Trip To Malaysia: Day 2 – Factory & Hawker 101
Day 1 * Day 2 * Day 3 * Day 4 * Day 5 * Day 6
I was planning on doing a post each day consecutively, mirroring the prior week when I was actually in Malaysia, but I hit a snag yesterday. I’d always heard of this thing called ‘jet lag’ and now I can tell you, it’s real. Shifting from timezones and different days really messed us up! We woke up at 2pm yesterday! Haven’t slept in like that since I was a punk kid! Well, we went to sleep at a realistic Pacific time zone time last night and so this morning I’m doing day two! This is a long post folks! Here we go!
The Ramen Rater’s Trip To Malaysia: Day 1 – Departure & Arrival
Day 1 * Day 2 * Day 3 * Day 4 * Day 5 * Day 6
From September 29th to October 4th, my wife Kit and I were treated to a visit to Malaysia by the kind folks at Sky Thomas Food Industries Sdn Bhd, makers of MyKuali Penang White Curry Noodles. The purpose of the trip was not to promote for them, but to show us the foods of Penang. Here is the first day of the trip!
The Ramen Rater’s Top Ten Spiciest Instant Noodles Of All Time 2014 Edition
If you like it hot, you’re in for a real treat here. These are the spiciest instant noodles you can get that I’ve reviewed from my 1,446 reviews thus far. If you can’t handle spicy foods, these definitely aren’t for you – these are serious! Many of these were so hot, I couldn’t finish the bowl – and I can handle a decent amount of heat! I used to review hot sauces! Anyways, Hope everyone is having a great summer and here are the spiciest instant noodles of all time for 2014!
Meet The Manufacturer: #1434: Maggi Hot Cup Perisa Kari
Here’s one I’ve been most eager to try. The Ramen Rater is also on Instagram, and I peruse for instant noodle related things. I’ve seen these cups quite a few times and people seem to enjoy them! They come in other varieties such as chicken and tom yam aside from this curry one. This Hot Cup was sent by Maggi Singapore, but made in Malaysia by Maggi Malaysia. Let’s have a look at this one and see what’s inside!
Meet The Manufacturer: #1433: Maggi 2 Minute Noodles Curry Flavour
More curry! Man, I really like curry – a lot. This is one people refer to as ‘Maggi Mee’ an awful lot. ‘Mee’ or ‘Mi’ means noodles in many Southeast Asian countries. Sounds good to me – let’s check it out!
Meet The Manufacturer: Interview With Maggi Singapore
Interview With Maggi Singapore * Product Samples From Maggi Singapore ( 1 of 3 ) * Product Samples From Maggi Singapore ( 2 of 3 ) * Product Samples From Maggi Singapore ( 3 of 3 ) * Maggi Extra Spicy Curry Instant Noodles * Maggi Senses Laksa Instant Noodles * Maggi 2 Minute Noodles Curry Flavour * Maggi Hot Cup Perisa Kari * Maggi 2 Minute Noodles Assam Laksa Flavour * Maggi 2 Minute Noodles Tom Yam Flavour *
Meet The Manufacturer: #1431: Maggi Extra Spicy Curry Instant Noodles
Two of my favorite things are well represented on the front of this pack: spiciness and curry. I’ve been really curious about trying Maggi Extra Spicy Curry ever since I received some samples – how spicy is it? On a signed poster they sent, the marketing team at Maggi sent the dare ‘can you handle the hotness?’ I’m definitely keen on finding out today!