A big long box – let’s see what’s within!
Somebody spent a long time crumpling up paper – it was very well packed!
The Definitive Source For Instant Noodle Reviews Since 2002
A big long box – let’s see what’s within!
Somebody spent a long time crumpling up paper – it was very well packed!
Here’s one that Joe B. and Sarah B. sent me from Nottingham, UK – thanks! I think I’ve only got one more they sent – been fun doing these British varieties! Curry is a really popular British flavor. I’m calling it a British flavor, because there are so many interpretations of curry; the British make curry powders and cook with them – they’re usually less spicy and exotic than something you’d find in Southeast Asia. Anyways, I thought I’d make some chicken to go along with this and use some of the curry leaf that’s growing in my wife’s garden. What’s interesting is that curry leaf isn’t used in curry! It smells like curry powder though. Should be interesting! Let’s check it out.
Found this one at Uwajimaya in Bellevue. What I found particularly interesting was that it was a curry variant from Taiwan. I think I’ve only had one curry instant from Taiwan before and it was truly excellent. I thought maybe I’d try some of the new stuff my wife is growing with it!
Here’s one a friend in Indonesia sent me a while back – thanks! So these are rice noodles – which are called bihun over in Indonesia. Rasa Kari ayam Pedas translates to spicy curry chicken flavor. This looks like a tasty one – let”s see how it comes out.
Found this in a local grocery store the other day. It’s definitely made of the United States market, but made in Thailand, which seems kind of funny as it’s Singapore Laksa Curry. Any way you slice it, it’s a Singapore Laksa Curry that made for the United States market which is something that truly piqued my interest. What’s different here also is that it uses rice noodles instead of wheat, so it’s gluten free. I’ve only had a Laksa that used rice noodles once before. Let’s have a look at this one.
Here’s another one that Annie T. over at MyKuali sent me! Thank you very much! Curry seems to be a regular flavor over in Malaysia – and with good reason. Malaysian curry noodles are out of this world good! I’ve always liked curry, but curry from Southeast Asia are just superb. Let’s see how this one fares.
Hey it’s curry time! Japanese curry is much different from other curries around the world. Often with a sweet and less spicy hit, it’s really excellent stuff to behold and taste. I’m really curious about this one – let’s dig in!
When I first had curry it was when I was a kid. My mom would make curried chicken liver over rice and it was really good. Yep – liver. I really liked some things I don’t think my 8 year old son would touch with a ten foot pole! My mom would use curry powder and it came out really good. Since then, I’ve relished on many, many different curries. I think my favorites by far have been in paste form; there’s such variety and strong flavors that are involved – a true playground for the senses. Let’s have a look and see why this one made the last two top ten lists.
Today’s the last of the Mamee Double-Decker Meet The Manufacturer. It’s been really neat trying all these varieties – not a single re-review – really shows how few of their products I’d tried previusly. Today I thought I’d go with one of my favorite all time flavors in the world – curry. There are so many different takes on curry in the world – Malaysian, Singaporean, Japanese, South Korean, Indian and British to name a few. Let’s check this one out as we bid a fond farewell to this 15 day journey through some of Mamee’s products.
Mamee makes two extra spicy curry varieties – this one and one called Xtra Pedas which I reviewed a short while back. Of the two, this Berapi is not as spicy, but looks like it’s pack a punch! Curry sounds good – let’s dig in!
Interview With Mamee Double-Decker * Product Samples From Mamee Double-Decker * Mamee Instant Vermicelli Tom Yam Flavour * Mamee Mie Goreng Indonesia Original Flavour * Mamee Chef Curry Laksa Flavour * Mamee Monster Chicken Flavour Snack Noodles * Mamee Mi Segera SLLRRRP! Perencah Kari Berapi * Mamee Instant Noodles Vegetarian Flavour * Mamee Chef Creamy Tom Yam Flavour * Mamee Instant Vermicelli Chicken Flavour * Mamee Chef Spicy Chicken Shiitake Flavour * Mamee Mie Goreng Indonesia Spicy Sambal Flavour * Mamee Mi Segera SLLRRRP! Perencah Asam Laksa * Mamee Chef Curry Laksa Flavour * Mamee Monster BBQ Flavour Snack Noodle * Mamee Chef Creamy Tom Yam Flavour * Mamee Mi Segera Perisa Kari
Pinky sent me a tracking number and I waited. Packages containing food products from overseas are often scrutinized by the Department of Agriculture, and more than once I’ve found they’ve not made it through. Happily, this big, awesome box of goodness came through! Let’s see what’s within!
Hey look – a package from Malaysia! Let’s see what’s inside.
White curry noodles – I really like curry!
Here’s another one sent to me by Annie T. over at MyKuali – thanks again! As I’ve said before, I love curry. There are so many different curries out there – sweet, spicy, slightly bland. Pastes, powders, sauces… It’s pretty enjoyable! I’ve been really enjoying reviewing curries from this region – Malaysia and Singapore – wonderful places that make some awesome curry instants! This one purports to be ‘xtra pedas’ which translates to extra hot. Let’s see if this stuff is really spicy or not.
The folks over at Prima Taste sent some nice gifts the other day! Let’s have a look!
A fancy wall or desk calendar!
A new one from Deshome! Not only is it new, but it’s curry! However, it’sd also chlorella. I put one variety on instant noodles on my bottom ten list that was a green tea and chlorella combo. I’m not sure if it was the green tea or the chlorella I dislikes, but I really disliked that one! So I guess we’ll see! As far as chlorella, Wikipedia has this to say:
Here’s another one from Joe B. of Nottingham, England – thanks! Sainsbury’s is a chain of supermarkets in the UK that were founded in 1869. They make two lines on instant noodles – the basics and a more premium version. Let’s check it out!
At the beginning of this year, I’d never tried any of their products. When I did, I was blown away; so much so that they ended up ranking 1st and 2nd place on my Top Ten Instant Noodles Of All Tiume 2013 Edition list. I’m very curious how this one will fare. Chilli Crab is considered to be the signature dish of Singapore. To ring in the new year, I thought I’d start out with this one. I decided to post it right when the clock strikes midnight the very first time of 2014. Where’s that? Turns out it’s in Kiribati, which is GMT+14! For those in my timezone which is GMT-8 (Seattle time), that will be 2am on December 31st. With that, I wish everyone a happy and prosperous 2014 – let’s check this out! By the way – I just found out there are a couple new ways to cook this one – check them out here!
I’ve been really wanting to review this one before now but I decided to do it for the Christmas review quite a while back. I don’t usually barge in with a different review during Meet The Manufacturer, but it’s Christmas so here it is. The ABC President Meet The Manufacturer will continue after Christmas. For now, let’s check out this cup. I’ve had cups that have come with little doo dads before; a ticket for a contest, a sticker, a little card… But this is something completely different. A little model kit! Let’s check it out!
The last time I got product samples from Prima Taste of Singapore I was pleasantly surprised. Their Laksa and Curry noodles ended up at the top of my yearly top ten list. What lies inside this box?
Got a package from MyKuali today! Who is MyKuali? Well they’re The Ramen Rater’s first advertiser – you might see their advert up above. The make the Penang White Curry instant that was #7 on the 2013 spiciest list. Im excited – let’s see what’s inside!
Here’s one that was sent by Abbie C. of Hong Kong – thanks! I always try to source Hello Kitty and Pokemon related instants as my wife likes Hello Kitty and my son’s a Pokemaniac. Let’s check this one out!
Been a little while since I reviewed anything by A-Sha. I did a Meet The Manufacturer in May, but nothing new since then. Well, today’s the day! Curry. It’s always been a favorite flavor of mine and I think this is the first time I’ll be trying a Taiwanese take on it. Let’s give it a try!
Here’s another one from Scott over at Nissin USA – thanks! These are neat little cups. They’re made in the EU for the European market. Let’s check it out!
Got a box in the mail from the A-Sha guys in California today – wonder what’s inside…
Another great box of instant noodles from Joe B. of Nottingham, England! Curious to see what exotic varieties lurk within!
First I want to thank Ken P. from twitter and Mari S. on facebook for help withe translation! Donbei is a kind of personalized donburi. The east is usually more of a salty flavor than the west as well. Many little difference! Pretty neat! Let’s have a look.
I’ve had a hankering to re-review this one since I had the cup version and really liked it. Made me think maybe I was a little tough on this one when I reviewed it as #121. But now I’m looking through the archives and I gave it a 3.5/5.0 stars, which isn’t bad, then I re-reviewed it and gave it 3.5/5.0 again. Funny, I didn’t think I’d re-reviewed this one… Well, I guess it’s a re-re-revie; I already took the pictures of everything, right? Let’s give this one another peek.
Here’s a cup I got today that was sent to me by Joe B. from the UK – thanks! Curry. Sounds good to me! Turns out Tesco is a big grocery chain in the UK. Let’s check this one out.
Here’s one sent to me by Xavier over at Ko-Lee in the UK – thanks! These are made in Thailand for the UK market. Has directions for dry noodles as well as with soup – I’m going to prepare the latter. Let’s check this out!
2/19/2014 – SPECIAL NOTE: I’ve received many emails and comments from people asking where to purchase these noodles. Here is a list that was posted on MyKuali’s facebook page – check it out!
MyKuali sent a nice box of samples!
White curry noodles! Can’t wait to review them. Thank you very much!
As they’d say on Monty Python, ‘and now for something completely different.’ Here are some curry flavor noodles that I got up in Canada during my birthday trip! Curry just sounded good today. This is gonna be one of the few chances to delve into the noodle hamper between Meet The Manufacturer spotlights – got some really interesting ones lined up for ya! Let’s check these curry flavor noodles from Malaysia!
Here’s the other of the two Prima Taste La Mian varieties they sent. Laksa is a dish that’s extremely popular around the world that comes from Singapore. Wikipedia defines it: “Laksa is a popular spicy noodle soup from the Peranakan culture, which is a merger of Chinese and Malay elements found in Malaysia and Singapore, and Indonesia.”
Curry. For me, it’s up there with bacon, pizza, fried chicken and dim sum. Curry has this flavor that has always enthralled me and can be prepared in so many different ways. Here we have Prima Taste’s take on curry with their Curry La Mian.
Here’s the box that the samples came in…
Six of each…
…of two varieties: Laksa LaMian and Curry LaMian! Really looking forward to trying these!
This is a Meet The Manufacturer that’s been a long time in the making – and well worth it! Prima Taste is a company out of Singapore that makes all sorts of meal kits and now ‘LaMian,’ which is a line of instant noodle products. Here’s the interview I conducted with them via email.
My son went and picked out a bunch of instant noodles at the Asian grocery a couple weeks ago and today he would like to try this one. A good pick – nothing’s more interesting than curry! I put curry up there with garlic, bacon and kimchi… Indescribably tasty.
Here’s what I had for lunch (click to enlarge). Some Daddy Kari 365 Curry Flavour Instant Noodles (here’s the original review) that were sent by Jerry W. of Malaysia (thanks again!), sweet onion, thin sliced ribeye, a 2 egg omelet with a slice of processed cheese and some Tabasco Jalapeno sauce and a little bit of Dua Belibis chili sauce on top. Really tasty stuff! By the way – I started a new facebook page here. It’s in protest of the ridiculously large amount of election signs everywhere that look so nasty. Like the page if you agree!
Here’s the stuff that Jerry W. sent from Sarawak, Malaysia! Thanks again! Ahhh curry – there are very few things I’ve found to be absolutely perfect and one of them is the flavor of curry. Curry’s up there with bacon, hot sauce and garlic! Let’s check out this unique curry noodle variety from Malaysia!