Here’s something that came from Sarawak, Malaysia from Jerry W.! Thanks! What could be inside?
Tag: curry
#852: SuperMi Sedaaap Mi Kuah Rasa Kari Ayam
Here’s another one sent to me by my friend in Jakarta, Indonesia – thank you again! So ‘rasa kari ayam?’ Chicken curry flavor! Sounds awesome – let’s hit it.
#789: SuperMi Mi Instan GoKar Goreng Rasa Kari
Here’s another new one, sent by a friend in Indonesia! Thanks again! This looks interesting; a curry flavored mi goreng? I’m down with that!
#778: Mamee Express Cup Curry Flavour
Here’s a little curry cup from Mamee. My sis brought it back to me from Canada earlier this year.
#776: Sarimi Isi 2 Rasa Kari Spesial
Here’s one of the new varieties sent by a friend in Jakarta, Indonesia – thank you! After trying so many Indonesian instant noodles, it looks like the flavors are almost backwards – Rasa means flavor, kari means curry and spesial means, well, special. Flavor curry special? Special curry flavor! It’s also a big pack and looks like it’s a soup. Well, let’s give it a try.
#715 Indomie Mi Goreng Rendang (Indonesian Import)
I couldn’t wait for Meet The Manufacturer: Indomie week to try this. It’s a nice day here in the low 70’s and this said ‘eat me,’ so I will. This was one of the ones sent to me by Susienta S. of Indofoods CBR in Jakarta, Indonesia! Thanks again – and let’s give this one a try! Hey wait a minute – maybe we should research this a little first. So. what I’ve heard is that Rendang is a spicy beef curry. Here’s what Wikipedia has to say about Rendang:
#695: JFC Japanese Style Noodle Soup Curry Flavour
Here’s another one from Ramen Place. Japanese curry is always good – curious how this will pan out!
Meet The Manufacturer Re-Review: Tat Hui’s KOKA Curry Flavour Instant Non-Fried Noodles
Here’s another one – curry flavor!!! This is the four pack.
I ate the contents of this package!
#664: Thai Kitchen Bangkok Curry Instant Rice Noodle Soup
Curry. Always sounds good to me! Thai curry usually is a very tasty thing to behold – let’s see if this pack does it justice.
Something Curry To Cook For Valentine’s Day
I got an email from 99 Ranch Market with this recipe in it today and thought I’d post it – sounds like a nice little Valentine’s Day dinner. Hope everyone’s having a good day!
#651: Wingsfood Mi Sedaap Mi Segera Mi Sup Perisa Kari Ayam
Yesterday I went to HT Oaktree Market on 100th & Aurora in North Seattle. I went to get some things to make a batch of my curry soup and of course hit up the noodle aisle. Was thinking of re-reviewing the Mi Sedaap curry I’d had before as well, but as it turns out, I snagged a new one I hadn’t reviewed yet. Then this morning, I noticed a lot of people coming to The Ramen Rater from a forum on a Singapore website – they were all coming because of a link to Mi Sedaap Perisa Asli, something I’d reviewed a while back. I thought I should review a new Mi Sedaap today, so here we go.
#625: Pot Noodle Bombay Bad Boy Flavour
Ahh – this is the next to last of the Pot Noodle cups that were sent to me by Cindy C. of England – thanks again! It has most certainly been quite a culinary journey! Bombay Bad Boy eh? Let’s check this oddly named cup of noodles out!
#616: Maggi Thrillin’ Curry 2 Minute Noodles
Here’s one that was at the bottom of the ramen hamper so needed immediate attention today. Curry is one of my favorite flavors! I hope this is good stuff!
Donation – A Box Full Of Indonesian Delights!
A fellow named Jim C. from Canyon Country, CA dropped me a line a short time ago asking if I was interested in some Indomie stuff. Of course I replied in the affirmative!
Re-Review: Ottogi Bekse Curry Myon
Here’s another one that Nick from sent along. Curry’s very high on my favorite spices list – let’s see how this one does today. I decided I wanted it to be a little stronger than normal, so I omitted 1/4 cup of water.
#592: Batchelors Super Noodles Mild Curry Flavour
Hey awesome – curry’s one of my favorites! I’m thinking since my wife made the finest turkey yesterday that I’ve ever had the fortune of eating, I’d try to fuse that with this and toss an egg in. Here we go!
#565: Batchelors Super Noodles To Go Curry Flavour
Curry! Bacon, ramen, fresh water eel, mayonnaise and curry – all the highest of the high on my list of edibles! Here’s curry noodles from the UK!
#548: Pot Noodle Original Curry Flavour
Thanks to Cindy C. of Middlesex, England’s amazingly kind donation, we’ve got a myriad of instant noodles from the U.K. to review now! I’ve wanted to try Pot Noodle ever since I heard of it a while back, and so here we go with the first of many, Original Curry flavour!
#543: Menraku Japanese Curry “Udon”
One of my favorite things in all the world of cuisine is curry. Hot curry, curry soup, curry beef, curry chicken, curry vindaloo, curry powder, curry paste, green curry, yellow curry, masaman curry, Indian curry and Japanese curry. This sounded good and I’m starving.
#484: Ottogi Bekse Curry Myon Cup
So I’ve had this variety, but not in a cup before. Strange but it seems that these are just a bit different in cups… Anyways…
#434: Wingsfood Mie Sedaap Instant Kari Spesial Bumbu Kari Kental
So today we went and looked for noodles at the HT Oaktree on 100th & Aurora in Seattle. Found these new Indonesian noodles! Sweet! Kari translates to curry!!!
#400: Nissin Cup Noodles Seafood Curry Flavour (Hong Kong)
So for the 400th review, I went with one I’ve thought should be interesting – seafood curry. These are Cup Noodles that are not for sale usually in the United States. I’ve found two – Crab Flavour and Seafood Flavour, but this Curry Seafood Flavour came from Canada.
#390: Menraku Japanese Curry “Soba” Bowl
So we went to the brand new Bellevue Washington Uwajimaya a couple days ago and wow – pretty awesome! Got some nice bowl noodles to try – here’s one!
Not Noodles
So when I’m not eating instant noodles, I eat other things. Here’s one of them. A can of Progresso Light Chicken Noodles soup with some dehydrated onion and a spoonful of Mae Ploy yellow curry and a few dozen grains of rice in there. Pretty awesome stuff.
#326: Little Cook Instant Noodles TVP Curry Chicken Flavoured
So here’s another of the big ole Little Cook bowls. I would like to say first that curried chicken is one of the favorite things of mine. Let’s see if it’s good.
#321: Little Cook Spicy Beef Flavor
So this looks really interesting. Upon tearing off the outer cellophane, i notice that where it says NEW TVP SPICY BEEF FLAVOR is actually a sticker. In fact, on the sides there were stickers as well – ingredients, nutrition facts and direction on preparation.
#235: Tat Hui Koka Instant Non-Fried Noodles Curry Flavor
Wow check it out! This was a super deal – 4 packs of it for $1.49! Here we go!
Okay sure seasoning powder and garnish yeah yeah…
Ramen Rater News – 10-02-2010
So we’ve been looking at many different little and big groceries around here. It is always fun to find a new one, but I think we’ve scoured the area and gotten to them all. So here’s a couple interesting things to look at. First…
#121: Ottogi Bekse Curry Myon
So the new place I found, Boo Han Oriental Market, is really making me happy already. Looky here, looky here – curry ramen!
#539 & #540: Challenge: Nissin Demae Ramen Chicken Flavor versus Nissin Top Ramen Chicken Flavor Instant Noodles
So I thought why not do a head to head – same company, should be same noodles right? First off the left is the Demae Ramen, more of the kind that you would find in Japan or Hong Kong and to the right is the United States version. The Demae is a bigger brick of noodles and says it is one serving while the Top Ramen is smaller yet says it is two servings.
#61: Maggi 2 Minute Noodles – Curry
Maggi: 2 Minute Noodles – Curry Flavor
Stars: * * 1 / 2
Noodles: Wheat flour
Seasoning Packets: 1 ‘Tastemaker’ Packet, medium sized
Country of Origin: India
#52: Indomie Chicken Curry Flavor
Indomie: Chicken Curry Flavor
Stars: ****
Notes: Ah now this stuff is classy. First off yes, it tastes like curried chicken. There’s oil, cabe [chili powder], fried onions, and bumbu sauce [the powdered base]. Another fine Indomie product to be sure. Best with a couple small pieces of BBQ pork on the side, a fried egg on top and some pickled ginger garnish. Get it here.
#27: Nissin Demae Ramen Curry Flavor
Nissin: Curry Demae
Stars: ****
Notes: Oh sweet elixir of life that brings exquisitely painful heartburn, curry be thy name. This stuff was excellent – very good curry flavor! The ‘demae’ variety is what we call Top Ramen in the United States. The character depicted on this pack is called ‘Ching Chai,’ and there’s a big following for this little guy in Japan. Really good with some sliced hard boiled egg on top of fried egg with runny yolk makes the broth richer. Get it here.