Here’s anothe Nissin Demae Iccho cup found at miniso. Anyways, the last one was good and sesame oil is kind of the standard for this range – the flagship I suppose, Let’s give it a go!
Tag: demae ramen
#5120 Nissin Demae Iccho Tonkotsu Flavour Instant Ramen Noodles – Hong Kong
We went out on Saturday – the kids were so good last week at school so we had to give them an outing to the mall. Nice to get out. Well, Sunday we all had sore throats and the kids were coughing. Today is Monday and my wife Kit and I sound like we gargled with scouring pads and our throats are sore as can be. Ugh. It never fails; the kids go back to school, everybody gets sick. I’m up early – first one up and typing away at this point. No ten miles of walking for me today. I think at least one kid will be home today too. Guess we will see. Anyways, it should be an interesting episode of Instant Noodle Recipe Time at the bottom of this post today – I’m guessing I’m going to sound like Barry White. But tonkotsu really sounds good – so I’ll do it up. Let’s give it a try. Oh – I found it along with two others in the range at a store at the mall called Miniso – okay, on with it.
#4946: Nissin Demae Ramen Aka Tonkotsu Flavor – Hong Kong
Back in 2017, I got to try this one. It’s interesting to find here in the states now, and has some differences. I’m guessing it’s still made in Hong Kong, however there are a couple of differences. Back then it was aka tonkotsu flavour – now the ‘u’ is dropped. Sachets look different as well. Today’s my birthday, so I picked three to review that I thought would be fun to do out of my stash. So, the last review, this one, and the next one are ones I’m doing today. Let’s cook it up!
#4941: Nissin Demae Ramen XO Sauce Seafood – Hong Kong
I reviewed this one a few years back, but it looks like things have changed slightly so I thought it would be interesting to try again. Let give it a whirl.
#4529: Nissin Demae Ramen Seafood Flavor – Hong Kong
First off, thanks to Daniel over at Exotic Noods for sending this and a few others over recently – check out his website!
#3980: Nissin Demae Ramen XO Sauce Seafood Flavor – Hong Kong
A bit of a packaging change has netted this one a new review. I’ve enjoyed this one in the past many times and there have been a few packaging changes. Curious if any of the contents have changed at all in this new iteration. Let’s find out!
#3899: Nissin Demae Ramen Black Garlic Oil Tonkotsu Flavor – Hong Kong
Haven’t had this variety in years and it looks to be a little different. There’s a fellow on YouTube named FirstNameLastName that’s been following my channel for quite a while, offering insightful comment and input on my episodes of Instant Noodle Recipe Time. He mentioned what I figure was this one, so seemed right to me to give it a go. Let’s check it out!
#3864: Nissin Demae Ramen Roast Artificial Beef Flavor – Hong Kong
I think the last time I had this is was called Five Flavors Beef or Five Spice Beef – that was a long time ago let me look it up…
Recipe: Tonkotsu Ramen Burger
I thought it was a good time to do a post with a product from Hong Kong. As it turns out, Apple Daily has closed it’s doors. What’s Apple Daily? It was a pro-Democracy newpaper that I worked with a couple of times regarding my top ten lists and ramen in general. Really nice people and it’s sad to see that they’ve been put down by the mainland Chinese government. Makes me sad. So, I’m going to d something with some noodles from Hong Kong today.
#3752: Nissin Demae Ramen Miso Tonkotsu Flavor – Hong Kong
I reviewed almost all the Demae Ramen – at least I thought. I used to get them on walks about ten years ago and then I did a Meet The Manufacturer with Nissin HK and they sent over 50 different varieties. Then this one comes in an Exotic Noods box (use coupon code RAMENRATER15) and there’s a new one to do. Let’s kick the tires!
#3598: Nissin Demae Ramen Korean Style Spicy Flavor – Hong Kong
This one is new around these parts but it’s from somewhere completely different. The giveaway here is the omission of the letter u. There’s more though. This one’s made for the United States. It’s not because it has a UPC code vs a 13 digit EAN, though.
#3513: Nissin Demae Ramen Original Soy Sauce Flavor Ramen Noodle Soup – United States
Last night, we had to do a Walmart Neighborhood Market run. It’s basically just a grocery store Walmart – kind of nice – wide aisles, lots of stuff… Anyways, I always look in the noodle aisle. There are two areas actually; domestic and ‘ethnic.’ Well, this was in the ethnic category. What is very interesting is that this is made in California. What’s kind of funny is how it says ‘#1 Ramen Noodle Soup In Hong Kong.’ This version is much different. The Hong Kong version includes fishcake with the little delivery guy’s face on it. Also, the bowls are more like the king cups – much taller.
#2903: Nissin Demae Ramen Sesame Oil Flavour Potato Chips
Here’s the last of the potato chip varieties I’ve got for review. The hamper is dry of potato chips! Still makes me laugh a little – I would have never thought that instant noodle flavors would crossover to potato chips. Let’s check these out!
#2732: Nissin Demae Ramen Korean Spicy Flavour Instant Noodle
Here’s one that came my way from Nissin Hong Kong – thank you! This looks interesting – a Korean variety from Hong Kong. It seems like Korean varieties are popular throughout southeast Asia – saw quite a few in November 2017 in Taiwan. Anyways, let’s have a look inside and give this Korean spicy one a try!
#2691: Nissin Demae Ramen Straight Noodle Shoyu Tonkotsu Flavour Instant Noodle
I believe this is the last of the new Straight Noodle/Bar Noodle Demae Ramen range from Nissin Hong Kong – really sad that I’ve tried them all! So let’s look at shoyu and then tonkotsu – Wikipedia if you please –
#2673: Nissin Demae Ramen Bar Noodle Hokkaido Miso Tonkotsu Flavour Instant Noodle
Here’s yet another of the Demae Ramen Bar Noodle series. These have not failed to impress since the first Straight Noodle Demae Ramen varieties I tried last year. This sounds really good and I like seeing the corn in the above image. One might be surprised, but butter and sweetcorn really go incredibly well with miso ramen. This promises to be bumped up by being a tonkotsu miso – wow I’m definitely curious about this one. Here’s a little about miso as well as tonkotsu from Wikipedia –
#2638: Nissin Demae Ramen Straight Noodle Miso Flavour Instant Noodle
Here’s one of the new straight noodle varieties from Nissin – miso. So miso is one of the main varieties of ramen – here’s some info on it from Wikipedia –
We Try 7 Kinds Of Hong Kong Potato Chips!
So the other day I posted the unboxing of noodle and potato chip samples sent by Nissin Hong Kong (thanks again!). I thought it would be fun to do up a video with the family and try these out one by one.
#2539: Nissin Demae Iccho Tonkotsu Flavour Instant Noodle
Today we’ve got yet another one from the massive amount of varieties left over from the Nissin Hong Kong Meet The Manufacturer. Seems like I just keep pulling them out of the hamper again and again! It’s a good thing though – the more the merrier and these days, it is getting harder to find varieties locally to review. So gotta make sure to give everything a try. Tonkotsu is a classic Japanese ramen variety. Most of all, tonkotsu is famous for it’s milky pork bone broth. Next, a little more info from Wikipedia:
Meet The Manufacturer: #2498: Nissin Demae Ramen Spicy Beef Flavour
Here is where we part ways with Nissin Germany – this is the fifteenth review of Meet The Manufacturer. It’s been a lot of fun trying these European takes on instant noodles! Let’s give this final variety – spicy beef – a try.
Meet The Manufacturer: #2494: Nissin Demae Ramen Korean Kimchi Flavour
I think it only makes sense for cabbage to have some kind of standing in Germany. I mean, sauerkraut is pickled cabbage after all. Never tried kimchi before? Here’s a little information from Wikipedia –
Meet The Manufacturer: #2488: Nissin Demae Ramen Thai Tom Yum
This isn’t something I expected – a Thai Tom Yum from a German company? Yep! This makes me incredibly curious; will it taste like tom yum? Here’s a little about tom yum from Wikipedia if you’ve never tried –
Meet The Manufacturer: #2486: Nissin Demae Ramen Spicy
There’s always a spicy. There has to be! Spicy tasting things are popular around the world. But have you ever wondered why? Here’s some info from Wikipedia on spiciness –
Meet The Manufacturer: #2484: Nissin Demae Ramen Tokyo Soy Sauce
The first variety for this Meet The Manufacturer is Tokyo Soy Sauce. Soy sauce ramen is known in Japan as ‘shoyu.’ Here is some information about shoyu ramen and the other four main varieties of Japan from Wikipedia –
Meet The Manufacturer: Product Samples From Nissin Germany
This box just didn’t want to seem to show up – but it did, thankfully! Let’s see what’s inside!
Meet The Manufacturer: Interview With Nissin Foods GmbH
Interview With Nissin Foods GmbH * Product Samples From Nissin Foods GmbH * Nissin Demae Ramen Tokyo Soy Sauce * Nissin Cup Noodles Shrimps * Nissin Demae Ramen Spicy * Nissin Soba Nudeln Mit Yakisoba Sauce Sukiyaki Beef * Nissin Demae Ramen Thai Tom Yum * Nissin Cup Noodles Ente (Duck) * Nissin Demae Ramen Garlic Chicken Flavour * Nissin Soba Nudeln Mit Yakisoba Sauce Yakitori Chicken * Nissin Cup Noodles Curry * Nissin Demae Ramen Korean Kimchi Flavour * Nissin Cup Noodles Huhn (Chicken) * Nissin Soba Gebratene Nudeln Thai* Nissin Cup Noodles Spicy * Nissin Demae Ramen Spicy Beef Flavour
New Product Samples From Nissin Hong Kong
Two boxes arrived taped together from Nissin Hong Kong! Awesome! What could be inside? Let’s have a look!
The Ramen Rater’s Top Ten Instant Noodles Of All Time 2017 Edition
Well folks it’s that time again. This one’s a big deal – the list that people from around the world have been waiting for every year. Since the last list came out, I’ve reviewed over 400 varieties of instant noodles – a new record in one year for me. So many good ones this year! These are my absolute favorites of the over 2,400 reviews of instant noodles I’ve posted to date. There are some big announcements at the end of the video, so make sure to check them out! As always, I invite instant noodle makers to contact me so I can try your noodles! Now without further ado, The Ramen Rater’s Top Ten Instant Noodles Of All Time 2017 Edition!
#2387: Nissin Demae Iccho Sesame Oil Flavour Instant Noodle
This one is a left over from the Nissin Foods Hong Kong Meet The Manufacturer – thanks again for sending so many! So lately I’ve noticed quite a few of the Demae Iccho varieties in local stores around where I live. I’ve also found them in the past in Canada including this one. What’s the difference? Well, it all comes down to meat.
#2381: Nissin Demae Iccho Seafood Flavour Instant Noodle (Cup Type)
One of the waning few left from the Nissin Foods Hong Kong Meet The Manufacturer – thanks again! Indeed, Nissin Hong Kong was more than generous in sending over 50 different varieties! Nothing better than a great big injection of noodle varieties into my noodle hampers. At one point, I had to have them staying in their original box since they wouldn’t fit into the containers I have under my desk. Today, we have a seafood Demae Iccho cup. Looks pretty good from the picture of the front -. Let’s have a look at this one.
#2361: Nissin Demae Iccho Chicken Flavour Instant Noodle (Bowl Noodle)
Today, it’s more chicken. This is another one left over from the Nissin Hong Kong Meet The Manufacturer – they set so many different kinds – it’s awesome! This is a Demae Iccho version – here’s some info bout Nissin and Demae Iccho from Wikipedia –
#2326: Nissin Demae Iccho Tokyo Shoyu Tonkotsu Flavour Instant Noodle (Cup Type)
Another left over from the Nissin Hong Kong Meet The Manufacturer. I’ve reviewed many Nissin HK tonkotsu varieties thus far, and today we have yet another variety! This is a Tokyo Shoyu Tonkotsu. Shoyu translates to soy sauce, so this seems like it will be a kind of milky soy kind of thing? Let’s find out!!
#2300: Nissin Demae Ramen Spicy XO Sauce Seafood Flavour Instant Noodle
Yet another leftover from the Nissin Hong Kong Meet The Manufacturer! What’s XO Saucve? Here’s a little info from wikipedia –
#2290: Nissin Demae Ramen Straight Noodle Black Garlic Oil Tonkotsu Flavour Instant Noodle
One of the more interesting varieties left over from the Nissin Foods Hong Kong Meet The Manufacturer. This one’s very new; a two-serving pack with a pork bone broth and black garlic oil fun! Let’s check it out!
#2250: Nissin Demae Iccho Spicy XO Sauce Seafood Flavour Instant Noodle
Here’s yet another leftover from the Nissin HK Meet The Manufacturer! This is a really large bowl and sounds pretty good! If you’re unsure about what Xo sauce is, here’s an excerpt from Wikipedia:
#2209: Nissin Demae Ramen Spicy Hot Tonkotsu Flavour Instant Noodle
Here’s another Demae Ramen from Hong Kong! Spicy tonkotsu sounds really good. I’ve got chashu pork in the freezer so that should go nicely. Let’s check it out!
#2189: Nissin Demae Ramen Sesame Oil Flavour
Here’s one of the many I still have left from the Nissin Hong Kong Meet The Manufacturer. They sure have a lot of SKU’s! Sesame Demae Ramen is a classic favorite around the world and especially in Hong Kong. Let’s check out the cup version!
Meet The Manufacturer: #2088: Nissin Demae Iccho Beef Flavour Instant Noodle
I haven’t reviewed a whole lot of beef varieties during this Meet The Manufacturer, so I figured I’d better! Here’s one – spicy beef! Sounds good to me – let’s give this big bowl a try!
Meet The Manufacturer: #2086: Nissin Demae Ramen Sesame Oil Flavour Instant Noodle
Here’s an interesting one – probably the most recognizable Demae Ramen. When I first tried it, I was around 18 years old and I couldn’t get past the sesame oil smell – didn’t like it back then. It’s funny since I really like sesame oil scent and flavor now… I guess years change the palate! Let’s have a look at this iconic noodle – Hong Kong style!
Meet The Manufacturer: #2084: Nissin Demae Ramen Straight Noodle Kyushu Tonkotsu Flavour Instant Noodle
Hadn’t seen this straight noodle ramen style before from Nissin. I’ve had quite a few now by different brand though, and they usually are quite nice! Let’s see how this tonkotsu fare. Tonkotsu is a pork bone broth soup served with straight noodles. It’s usually got a milky colored broth with a rich taste.