If you’ve followed my reviews for a while, two things you’ll probably have realized – I like curry and I like beef. I don’t think I’ve tried a curry instant from outside of South Korea before and this one looks pretty neat. This is the first cup version of the Demae Iccho line I’ve ever gotten my hands on! Let’s have a look inside!
Tag: demae ramen
Meet The Manufacturer: #2076: Nissin Demae Iccho Black Garlic Oil Tonkotsu Flavour
After getting a box with over 40 new varieties I’ve not yet reviewed and only 15 that will be in this Meet The Manufacturer, I wasn’t sure which to try first. So this one was looking up at me and I thought okay – let’s give you a try. Alright – let’s open it up and check it out!
Meet The Manufacturer: Special Items From Nissin Hong Kong
A couple days back, I got a box from Nissin Hong Kong with instant noodle ‘premiums.’ Premiums are things that might be given away at a special event or prizes! I usually ask companies partaking in a Meet The Manufacturer if they might have some to send I can show – let’s see what’s inside!
Meet The Manufacturer: Product Samples From Nissin Hong Kong
So I’ve been chatting with the DHL guy lately – especially since he’s been coming by quite often. Today he brought a huge box from Nissin HK! I often give him extra noodles – I’ve got so many at this point it’s kind of overwhelming! This batch though is all ones I’ve never reviewed and only one of each! Let’s open it up!
The Ramen Rater Apple Daily Hong Kong Interview
I got an email a few weeks back from a reporter at Apple Daily News of Hong Kong asking if I’d like to do an interview. I said sure – and then she asked if I’d also review some Hong Kong varieties – which I agreed to as well. Over 4 days, I tried 11 different packs of noodles! This is the video from the news article and here’s the link to the story! Was a lot of fun! Special thanks to Winnie Wong for contacting me on this unique project! Here’s the unboxing of the samples, and the full reviews of each one will come in the next few weeks.
#1619: Nissin Chu Qian Yi Ding Tom Yum Flavor Instant Noodles With Soup Base
Yet another variety got during our trip to Malaysia last year! Got it at the Econsave in Chain Ferry, Butterworth which Thomas from MyKuali! Thanks again! Let’s have a look at this interesting Singaporean variant.
#1546: Nissin Demae Rice Vermicelli Beef Flavour
After going through the big noodle hamper the other day and getting rid of some ancient ones that had expired, I noticed this one that I needed to get to quickly. There’s a urban myth that instant noodles last forever, will survive all forms of apocalypse and deliver great flavor for the next hundred years. While frying noodles extrudes moisture and makes them shelf stable without refrigeration for a much longer time than their fresh counterparts, they do go bad. I also take into account that as a reviewer, it’s only fair to review them if they’re all not expired, hence the culling of the old. Luckily, I have scads of non expired instants to go through! Anyways, let’s check out this rice vermicelli from Nissin – Demae Beef Flavour!
#1524: Nissin Chu Qian Yi Ding Spicy Sesame Flavour Instant Noodles With Soup Base
This is one by Nissin Singapore. Thomas from MyKuali got me a bunch of instant varieties during our trip to Malaysia – this was during our trip to the Econsave in Chain Ferry, Butterworth. I thought today would be a good day for a really short geography lesson.
#1507: Nissin Chu Qian Yi Ding Prawn Flavour Instant Noodles With Soup Base
Here’s another one the nice folks at MyKuali got me on our trip to visit them in Malaysia! Thanks again! Wow – I must say I really miss Malaysia! Was such a vibrant place – and the food! These noodles are made made in Singapore. Singapore is at the far southern border of Malaysia, so it makes sense they’d sell them in Malaysia too. Anyways, yeah – this is one of the special packs I brought back so I’m excited to eat it! Let’s check it out!
#1235: Nissin Demae Ramen Miso Tonkotsu Artificial Pork Flavor Ramen Noodle
I was pretty surprised my son wanted to try this one; he asked if it was spicy or bitter. I told him I wouldn’t imagine so. Well, I guess we’ll find out!
#1107: Nissin Demae Ramen Kimchi Flavour Instant Noodle With Soup Base
Another one from my birthday trip to Canada – thanks, Kit! I’ve seen plenty of Demae Ramen varieties, but not until I visited Canada did I find bowls! Let’s check it out.
#1007: Nissin Demae Ramen Sesame Oil Flavour Noodles With Soup Base
Here’s another one we got in Canada on my birthday! I was surprised to see a Demae Ramen bowl – always nice to see something new on the shelf! This one’s from Hong Kong. Let’s check it out.
Re-Review: Nissin Demae Ramen 出前一丁 Artificial Chicken Flavor (Hong Kong)
My son Andy, my wife Kit and I walked to the local 99 Ranch Market on Friday. He decided he needed more kamaboko and wanted to pick out some ramen himself to try. Here’s one he picked (he likes all things chicken flavored) and will get to try today. He’s letting me have a bite and a slurp of broth for making it for him.
Re-Review: Meet The Manufacturer – Nissin Demae Ramen With Sesame Oil
Well folks, this is the last one I’ll be reviewing for Meet The Manufacturer: Nissin week. There will be more Nissin reviews coming of course so don’t worry. The ramen hamper runneth over with new varieties to try! So this is a very old one – old as in I reviewed it was back at number #85 – over 600 reviews ago. I think it’s due.
#27: Nissin Demae Ramen Curry Flavor
Nissin: Curry Demae
Stars: ****
Notes: Oh sweet elixir of life that brings exquisitely painful heartburn, curry be thy name. This stuff was excellent – very good curry flavor! The ‘demae’ variety is what we call Top Ramen in the United States. The character depicted on this pack is called ‘Ching Chai,’ and there’s a big following for this little guy in Japan. Really good with some sliced hard boiled egg on top of fried egg with runny yolk makes the broth richer. Get it here.
#25: Nissin Demae Ramen Spicy Flavor
Nissin: Spicy Flavor
Notes: This is the variety of noodles you see when you enter this site
and in the background. It lives up to its’ name as it is quite spicy. My only
issue with it is that the noodles are of the rice-vermicelli variety. Way too thin for me. Get it here.