Okay so here’s another one with really colorful graphics. Silhouetted celebratory humands, against a scenic backdrop with the night sky. This one has ‘red oil’ – which I’m guessing is going to be a spicy one – but I could be wrong. Let’s find out!
Tag: dry noodle
#3618: PLN Food Co. Ltd. Spicy Paste Noodle – Taiwan
Here’s the second variety shipped by PLN Food Co. Ltd. of Taiwan. Really appreciate them going to all the trouble shipping these over – I can’t even imagine how much it costs to ship a 90 pound box express international via FedEx! This one’s got a spicy paste involved and sound really good – let’s check it out!
#3617: PLN Food Co. Ltd. Classic Dry Noodle – Taiwan
Here’s the first of two varieties that PLN Food Co. Ltd. of Taiwan sent over. This is not an instant variety – this is a frozen variety! They went to extreme lengths to send it over for my review and I’m really excited to try them! Let’s have a look.
#3615: Baixiang Artificial Crawfish Flavored Stir Fried Noodle – China
I found this at a large Asian grocery in Bellevue, Washington recently. It was the last one – I’m guessing part of a special promo for Lunar New Year. My guess is that this is going to be in the vein of the hot spicy stir fried noodles of South Korea, but in a Chinese way? I don’t know for sure, but it sounds interesting. Let’s give it a try!
#3545: Cao Is Starving Dried Noodles Tomato Flavor – China
This is the next to last one of these I’ve got. They’re been fun to be honest! Freaky dude freaking out on the packaging – that’s fun. But what I enjoy is trying new varieties, especially from China. Let’s give this one a go!
#3523: Little Couples Dry Noodle Sesame Flavor – Taiwan
Little Couples sent me two varieties – an Onion one that was about as good as can be, and this one which I’m curious about. This one won’t be noodles with sesame oil. Instead, in Taiwan sesame is more of a sesame paste with peanut notes and soy sauce which pulls it all together. My wife found this out in the early years of my reviewing one time when we got some sesame noodles and she was very excited, but when she tasted peanut she was really quite unhappy. She is not a fan of peanut butter, and that’s what it reminded her of.
#3488: Cao Is Starving Dried Noodles Chongqing Style – China
Right now it’s about 3 weeks until Lunar New Year aka CNY. This is another neat variety found at 99 Ranch Market. They’ve got lots of treats and specialty items to celebrate the holiday and to be honest, this is one of my favorite times of year. This will post probably 3 months afterwards though. Special thanks to Annie T. for help in translation! Let’s check it out!
#3485: Taihodien Restaurant Spicy Sesame Noodles – Taiwan
Here we are, yet again. It’s hard – I really like the packaging at least. I’ve tried two of these Taihodien varieties and hoping this will be one I like. Thus far, they’ve been just to violently filled with Sichuan pepper. Just mean stuff! Hopefully for them the third time is the charm. Let’s give ’em a go.
#3468: Little Couples Dry Noodle Onion – Taiwan
I did a Meet The Manufacturer with this company a while back and thought I’d see if they had anything new – and they did! So here we go. I was in the mood for some Taiwanese stuff so this works out.
#3428: Wu-Mu Mandashi Sakura Shrimp Scallion Oil Noodles – Taiwan
I found another one of these export Mandashi varieties at the local 99 Ranch Market in Edmonds the other day. Nice to find stuff at the regular haunts. I still think the man on the front is going to strike me if I don’t prepare his noodles correctly! Although I have worked with the Wu-Mu folks before and did a Meet The Manufacturer and they are really very nice people. Anyways, shrimp and scallion? Sounds good! Let’s see if it is!
#3390: Eight Field Spicy Peanut Paste Noodle – Taiwan
Here’s one I found at 99 Ramen Market in Edmonds, WA recently. Lots of new Taiwanese varieties popping up there constantly. Spicy. Peanut. Let’s Take. A. Look!
#3265: Mom’s Dry Noodle / Blue Elephant Green Curry – Taiwan
One of my favorite styles of curry would have to be green curry. It’s very different from the others – a kind of crisp and savory flavor rolled into one. This is really exciting to try – curry from Taiwan in collaboration with a company from Thailand. Very curious. Been waiting a couple weeks to hit this up, so let’s go!
#3254: Mom’s Dry Noodle / Blue Elephant Red Curry – Taiwan
Two weeks. Two long weeks. I haven’t done a review in two weeks!! Our apartment got remodeled, plus I had a sinus infection that basically knocked out my sense of taste. Yeah – that wasn’t cool at all. But I’m back – back to walking, and today back to reviewing. The remodel is done and I’m enjoying my noodles once again!
#3201: Tian Ling Ling Dried Noodles With Shallot Sauce – Taiwan
The second of two varieties sent by Yonghai – thanks again! The first had a wide noodle, this one looks to be much thinner. Let’s give it a try!
#3196: Prima Taste Singapore Chilli Crab Flavoured La Mian – Singapore
I was contacted recently by Prima Taste about their new Black Pepper Crab variety as well and a couple of recipe updates. This on’s got a new recipe – and the thumbs up on the pack denotes it being tasty. Far be it for me to avoid tastiness! Let’s check it out!
#3174: TIEasy Sesame Sauce Handmade Noodle – Taiwan
I got an email asking if I’d like to try a new noodle and of course I said yes. Turns out the fellow who wants to distribute it is up in Vancouver, BC. So I emailed him while we were up there and we met up at Foodyworld in Richmond. He gave me this and another variety as well as a pack with different kinds of noodles that contain vegetable – like a purple yam noodle, pumpkin noodle, etc. This was really cool – we chatted for a few and two days later, I’m giving these noodles a try. Let’s check them out! By the way TIEasy is short for Take It Easy.
#3157: TIEasy Traditional Scallion Sliced Noodle – Taiwan
I got an email asking if I’d like to try a new noodle and of course I said yes. Turns out the fellow who wants to distribute it is up in Vancouver, BC. So I emailed him while we were up there and we met up at Foodyworld in Richmond. He gave me this and another variety as well as a pack with different kinds of noodles that contain vegetable – like a purple yam noodle, pumpkin noodle, etc. This was really cool – we chatted for a few and two days later, I’m giving these noodles a try. Let’s check them out! By the way TIEasy is short for Take IT Easy.
#3139: A-Sha Guanmiao Noodle Spicy Fennel – Taiwan
This is the second of two A-Sha varieties I got a little while back. I’ve been cranking out three reviews a day lately and chugging through a lot of new stuff. Now that a lot of the varieties are churned through, I can focus on some things in the hamper. See, my hampers are very full. When I get new stuff, they go into the area next to the kitchen. Instead of tripping over boxes, I try to run through them quickly! So here we have a wide noodle from Taiwan. Let’s get started.
#3117: A-Sha Gourmet Sesame Paste Noodle – Taiwan
This is the last of the quartet of varieties from A-Sha that they sent to me a little while back. With this, I think I’ve cleared out all the odds and ends of noodle varieties that have been sitting in the kitchen – boo yah! Next will be the boxes next to counter in the kitchen lol – should be able to whittle those down quite a bit this week as well.
Mazendo Restaurant Dry Noodle From Taiwan | Unboxing Time
Meet The Manufacturer: #3081: Fu Chung Village Dry Noodles With Sauce – Garlic & Sesame Flavor – Taiwan
We bid a fond farewell to Fu Chung today and I hope we will see more of their products in the future! Let’s try this one – sesame and garlic!
Beef Noodle Samples from Mom’s Dry Noodle of Taiwan | Unboxing Time
I was really interested when I heard Mom’s Dry Noodle was coming out with a boxed version of beef noodle soup. I’ve been following their opening of their own restaurants and the food looks really great! Curious to see how it tastes, but today we’re just having a look at what it looks like. Let’s crack it open!
Meet The Manufacturer: #3039: Fantastic Noodles Spicy Dolar – Taiwan
The first of two varieties for this Fantastic Noodles Meet The Manufacturer series. From what I gather, Spicy Dolar sounds like a Sichuan pepper infused variety with some extras going on. Let’s find out!
#3026: Mom’s Dry Noodle Shiitake Zhajiang – Taiwan
Today we’ve got something new from Mom’s Dry Noodle with their new shiitake zhajiang. Shiitake mushrooms… Hmmm… Curious if I’ll like this one… I wish I liked mushrooms more – my wife loves mushrooms – so does my buddy from Germany. Shiitake have a strong flavor to them… Curious how that will translate in here. Hopefully well! Let’s find out!
New Labeling & New Products from Mom’s Dry Noodle – Unboxing Time
Was really looking forward to this one – product samples from Mom’s Dry Noodle. A couple new ones in here – a meat one from Xiao Ban Mian and a new flavor from the Mom’s Dry Noodle line! Let’s get to it and take a look!
#2947: Kiki Sichuan Beef Noodles Soup (台湾KIKI 牛肉面)
Alright – to start off, wow. This is huge. This box screams fancy, that’s for sure. I’ve had a few of Kiki’s dry noodle varieties, but recently this and a Mapo Tofu variety came out as well (which of course I’ll be reviewing soon). Beef Noodle Soup is exceedingly popular in Taiwan – here’s a little about it from Wikipedia –
Meet The Manufacturer: #2885: Three Meters Noodles Sesame Oil Taste
Sesame oil flavor is one I’ve had before when it come to dry noodles. This ios a really fancy package – thick paper and a yarn handle – wow! Hopefully what’s inside is high end like the packaging – let’s find out!
Meet The Manufacturer: Interview With Three Meters – Taiwan
#2851: Vedan Jhen Mian Tang Dry Noodles With Basil
Here’s one sent by a fellow named Jay from Taiwan – thanks! I did see these and another variety at Uwajimaya in Beaverton, OR on our way back from California a couple of months ago. So these are dry noodles. Dry noodles are prepared by cooking, draining, then adding sauce and stirring. Pretty easy to do. These sound interesting – basil! Let’s have a look and give these a try.
#2844: Vedan Jhen Mian Tang Dry Noodles With Soy Bean Sauce
With the advent in the popularity of the Taiwanese dry noodles sector, larger companies have entered the fray. For those of your that don’t know, dry noodles basically are noodles with a sauce – dry meaning that they do not include a broth. They’re also not fried but either air or sun dried. They’re gaining popularity – let’s have a look at this mainstream Taiwanese brand’s take on a standard dry noodle variety.
#2830: Ve Wong Dried Instant Noodles Assorted Hot Chili Flavor
Here’s another one I hauled back from the wonderful land called Taiwan. God, I love it there. It’s generally hot and sticky humid, but I don’t care – I would happily acclimate to live there. Anyways enough emoting over that wonderful place. This is a variety I found in RT-Mart, which is a gigantic grocery store I visited in Taipei. In fact, it’s an everything store. Let’s crack this open and see what we have in here.
#2823: Wei Lih Hell Spicy Dry Noodle With Soup
found this one at RT-Mart in Taipei during my recent trip. At first, it looked like a regular beef noodle but after looking around for information about it, it sounds a little more spicy! Lety’s check it out!
Unboxing Time: New Products From KIKI Noodles Of Taiwan
You’re probably thinking ‘dang dude, you sure get a lot of samples coming from Taiwan.’ Well, you’re right! The competition in Taiwan is extremely fierce, and people know who I am there, so it makes sense. This box has some tape from TATLTOB, aka ‘the agency that likes to open boxes that aren’t theirs.’ Hopefully all is intact! Let’s find out!
Meet The Manufacturer: Interview With Little Couples Q Noodle
Interview With Little Couples Q Noodle * Product Samples From Little Couples Q Noodle * Little Couples Q Noodle Spicy Taste * Little Couples Q Noodle Taiwan Soybean Taste * Little Couples Q Noodle Fried Garlic Taste * Little Couples Q Noodle Oyster Sauce Taste * Little Couples Q Noodle Taiwan Sauce Taste
#2798: Indomie Instant Noodles Mi Goreng Fried Noodles (Taiwan-only Version)
Alright so about these – I received a 5-pack from the nice folks at the Indomie booth at the Taiwan International Food Expo in Taipei, Taiwan in November 2017. I asked a little about them. This pack you see here is specifically for Taiwan. So, what’s different? Well for starters, lots of Chinese on the pack. The main difference however is the actual soizie of the package. This one’s a little bit bigger than the ones found elsewhere, and this is unique to Taiwan. You can’t get them like this anywhere else in the world. Period. A huge difference? No, but still a difference. Here’s a little info from Wikipedia –
Meet The Manufacturer: Product Samples From Mr. Noodle
A box arrived from Taiwan. These are product samples from Mr. Noodles – a company I met at the Taiwan International Food Show in November 2017. They offered to give me samples then and there, but I had to decline as my luggage was already packed with noodles.
Meet The Manufacturer: Interview With Mr. Noodle
Interview With Mr. Noodle * Product Samples From Mr. Noodle * Mr. Noodle Sichuan Flavor Spicy Hot Noodles * Mr. Noodle Spicy Sesame Paste Noodles * Mr. Noodle Barbecue Sauce Curry Taste Noodle * Mr. Noodle Pesto Sesame Taste Noodles * Mr. Noodle Onions Mushroom Spice Taste Noodle * Mr. Noodle Black Vinegar With Spicy Taste
Unboxing Time: Mom’s Dry Noodle Samples + Taiwanese Snacks
Today, we’ve got a box from Mom’s Dry Noodle. Mom’s Dry Noodle has been on my Top Ten Taiwanese Instant Noodle lists for a few years now. Really nice folks who work really hard on their products – and it shows in their quality. If you want to check them out, here you go! Also, some snacks in here! Let’s crack it open and take a look!
#2733: Jinbo Selection SOul Spicy Noodles
Was emailed in October 2017 by a representative of this company about trying their samples. I thought hey – of course, I’ll try them. I don’t know if I’ve ever turned down samples – the only time I do usually is when there’s a variety that’s just noodles – no flavoring. Although I’ve done reviews of just noodles and just broths that can be mixed and matched though.
The Ramen Rater’s Top Ten South Korean Instant Noodles Of All Time 2018 Edition
UPDATE: Here’s the new 2019 List!
Kicking off Top Ten List season, I bring you the South Korean Top Ten Instant Noodles Of All Time for 2018. I looked at how many varieties from South Korea I’ve reviewed to date and got 326 so far. South Korean varieties continue to evolve and innovate in different ways in order to satisfy the changing needs and tastes of the consumer – definitely keeps things interesting. As always, I ask any companies, whether in South Korea or elsewhere – that would like me to review their products to send me an email! I am happy to talk to you! Without further delay, let’s have a look at the Top Ten South Korean Instant Noodles list for 2018 – the best South Korean varieties available out of the over 360 South Korean varieties from the over 2,500 varieties of instant noodles I’ve reviewed thus far.