Tag: england

#5122: In Honor Of My Friend Jamie Burridge – MyKuali Penang White Curry – Malaysia

Today, I’m reviewing a variety that was a favorite of my friend Jamie Burridge who passed on February 16th, 2025. His passing has left a great emptiness which I can’t even really start to explain. He lived in Devon England and we never met in person unfortunately, but we chatted very often. We of course talked noodles (he was a moderator in the Ramen Junkies group), but also about shared interests such as music, science fiction, food, and travel. This was his favorite variety and so I wanted to do a special post in his honor. In the episode of Instant Noodle Recipe Time at the bottom, I talk more about him. If you knew this great human, you should put a note or even donate to Cancer Research UK on his remembrance page. There is a special episode of Instant Noodle Recipe Time at the bottom – one  has his favorite music and one does not, so if the one with the music he loved doesn’t work, try the other one. This one’s for you, my friend – may the cosmic rays of Tharg IV drag you forth to the holy daefaeneckf. ...see full post

#4136: Lost The Pot Noodle Roast Chicken Flavour – United Kingdom

#4136: Lost The Pot Noodle Roast Chicken Flavour - United Kingdom

This one comes by way of my good friend (who actually was Knighted) from the UK I met via the Ramen Junkies group a little while ago. Thank you, bro! I’m a huge fan of British varieties and especially interesting ones from Pot Noodle. Let’s see if this one is as bland as he says it is. Sadly, I have no tinned pangolin to add to this one, Sir JB will be happy to see the absence of corn. ...see full post

Meet The Manufacturer: #2024: Urban Noodle Authentic Street Food Pad Thai

Okay so here we go. Pad Thai. In an instant and quick prep scenario, pad thai has gone through the ringer. I’ve had pad thai that comes this way be pretty decent, however many I’ve had taste like peanut butter and black vinegar with some chopped nuts on top. It’s not a real tricky one to translate to a processed food, but it seems a lot of the time that companies will draw on certain flavorings and try to mimic the flavor but end up with something completely different. Let’s hit up this one and see how it goes! ...see full post

Meet The Manufacturer: #2023: Urban Noodle Authentic Street Food Black Bean

I’m a little curious on this one. See, Jjajang is really popular in China and South Korea; basically noodles with a black bean sauce. I’m curious as to if this is leaning in that direction, or whether it’s something on the Caribbean side; maybe a little citrus going on? Well, one way to find out – let’s crack it open and cook it up! ...see full post

Meet The Manufacturer: #2022: Urban Noodle Authentic Street Food Thai Red Curry

This sounds like a good one! Red curry i sone I thoroughly enjoy; although I can’t think of a curry I’ve met that I’ve not enjoyed. When I think of curry and the UK, my thoughts immediately wander towards Red Dwarf episodes with Rimmer complaining about Lister reeking of last night’s vindaloo and stale lager. It also wanders to something I saw a couple years ago – in Britain, you can get takeaway boxes full of fried odd and ends – it looks like pure gut bomb amazingness. But I digress – red curry sounds good – let’s dig in! ...see full post

#1424: Sainsbury’s Curry Flavour Instant Noodles

Here’s one that Joe B. and Sarah B. sent me from Nottingham, UK – thanks! I think I’ve only got one more they sent – been fun doing these British varieties! Curry is a really popular British flavor. I’m calling it a British flavor, because there are so many interpretations of curry; the British make curry powders and cook with them – they’re usually less spicy and exotic than something you’d find in Southeast Asia. Anyways, I thought I’d make some chicken to go along with this and use some of the curry leaf that’s growing in my wife’s garden. What’s interesting is that curry leaf isn’t used in curry! It smells like curry powder though. Should be interesting! Let’s check it out. ...see full post

#1338: Batchelors Super Noodles Peppered Steak Flavour

Here’s one that Joe B. and Sarah B. sent me from Nottingham, UK – thanks! I’m getting towards the end of the noodles that they sent – been a lot of fun trying all sorts of British varieties! I usually get some cues on what I’ll ad at the end from a picture on the front of a package, but this one doesn’t have any ‘suggested serving’ or anything like that, so I have to go with my gut. I looked around on Google for ‘peppered steak British’ and found quite a few leads. The peppered steak there looks to be basically steak with a decent amount of black pepper. Sound simple enough. Of course, things like a dash of brandy aren’t readily available, so I think pepper is going to be my friend for this one. Anyways, let’s see what’s within. ...see full post

#1315: Sainsbury’s Chicken Flavour Instant Noodles

Here’s one that Joe B. and Sarah B. sent me from Nottingham, UK – thanks! This is a common variety you would find at a store called Sainsbury’s. Sainsbury’s is a chain that can be found throughout England which sells pretty much everything by the looks of it. British varieties usually tend to be on the blander side, as is the way with a lot of food from over there, but sometimes they’re really good. Let’s see which end of the spectrum this one falls into. ...see full post

#999: Pot Noodle Tony’s Doner Kebab

Wow – here we are; this is the precipice of a very large psychological number! First things first – thanks to Joe & Gil of the UK for sending such a nice mix of interesting noodles! Okay so this is a Pot Noodle – they’re always interesting as the British seem to come up with some really interesting flavors to lend to instant noodles and this is definitely one of them. Doner Kebab. So, what is a Doner Kebab? Well, click here for the seriously huge amount of info from Wikipedia,. Basically what they’re saying is that you have a meat that’s roasted on a vertical spit and then sliced thin and garnished with tomato, lettuce, onion and other things. At least that’s what I’m getting from it. The packaging mentions this is lamb flavor, but beef is also common (and what I’ll use as a garnish). ...see full post

#945: Pot Noodle Jamaican Jerk! Flavour

Here’s another awesome looking Pot Noodle flavor that was sent by Joe & Gill of the UK – again, I must say thank you very much! They are a couple of the many people who have been extra kind and sent varieties that I haven’t ever reviewed my way. No way I could find this one here in the states! So what is Jamaican Jerk flavor anyways? I asked Wikipedia: ...see full post

#939: Pot Noodle Sweet & Sour Flavour

Here’s the first of many reviews of instant noodles that were donated by Joe & Gill of the UK! Thank you again! It’s been a while since I’ve reviewed a Pot Noodle. Generally they’re impossible to find in the United States – which surprises me since I think they’d do really well here. Anyways, Let’s check out the sweet and sourness! ...see full post