This is one I was sent by Daniel of Exotic Noods, a subscription service specializing in instant noodles. I should note that this was something special he put in after a recent trip to Taiwan – thanks again! So these are manufactured by Wei Lih for TTL. TTL stands for Taiwan Tobacco and Liquor. Tobacco and liquor – what?! Indeed, this is a boozy noodle. It contains rice wine, something apparently that goes well in noodles and cooking. Ireviewed the bowl version of this a few weeks back.
Tag: exotic noods
#2462: TTL Sesame Oil Chicken Noodle With Rice Wine
This is one I was sent by Daniel of Exotic Noods, a subscription service specializing in instant noodles. I should note that this was something special he put in after a recent trip to Taiwan – thanks again! So these are manufactured by Wei Lih for TTL. TTL stands for Taiwan Tobacco and Liquor. Tobacco and liquor – what?! Indeed, this is a boozy noodle. It contains rice wine, something apparently that goes well in noodles and cooking. Ireviewed the bowl version of this a few weeks back.
Exotic Noods Sends Their New Premium Box
Exotic Noods ( is a monthly subscription box – 4 varieties from around the world arrive at your door with chopsticks and info on them. Pretty great, especially if you don’t know what to try, don’t have an Asian grocery anywhere near where you live… Many reasons to check out an instant noodle subscription service. I think the best reason is to try something new and expand your palate! This box is a ‘premium’ box – wioth a lot of extras! Let’s look inside!
The January Box From Exotic Noods!
Exotic Noods is a monthly subscription service where you can get a few neat varieties of instant noodles shipped to your door! This is really great for those who are nowhere near an Asian grocery – or those of you who are but have no idea where to start or what to try. Their picks are usually pretty good – stuff most people will enjoy. Let’s crack this box open and see what’s inside!!
#1679: Ten-In Veggie World Vegetarian Braised Beef Instant Noodles
Here’s one I got from the folks at Exotic Noods. It’s one big bowl, that’s for sure – and heavy, too! Let’s see what’s inside.
Exotic Noods – A New Way To Try Instant Noodles
I was contacted recently buy a couple guys with a neat idea and thought I would share it with everyone. They’ve started a service called Exotic Noods (catchy title, eh?) which allows you to subscribe to receive some interesting instant noodle varieties every month. Daniel and Marcus’ plan is simple: to get everyone trying something new every month. I think this is great; I see so many people having the same easy to source varieties when they couold be sampling varieties from all over the world with so many different flavor profiles and options. What’s in the box? Let’s see!