Tag: exoticnoods

#5095: Tong Wan Fu Salted Egg Yolk Noodles – China

#5095: Tong Wan Fu Salted Egg Yolk Noodles - China

Big thanks to Daniel over at ExoticNoods for sending this over! Well, this will publish way later, but at the moment, I’m sick. It’s mid August. Just a crummy deal. Especially today – it’s my son Miles’s birthday today! Wanted to do a bunch of fun stuff but can’t stand for very long – hoping its a sinus infection . Started with COVID the other day and was feeling better then egad whomp. Anyways, Happy Birthday to Miles! ...see full post

Holiday Buying Guide: Exotic Noods Sampler Boxes!

If you like instant noodles or know someone who does, these boxes from Exotic Noods are really a nice find. They always do up a nice assortment of varieties from around the world – not just one country. You don’t have to go into a store full of people which is a bonus lately, and you get a box full of noodles and a little pamphlet which gives you lots of info all about them. What’s more, use the coupon code THERAMENRATER and get a nice discount! HOW CAN YOU GO WRONG?! Below I open the November 2020 box and extol it’s virtue. Check it out! ...see full post

Exotic Noods Sends Their New Premium Box

Exotic Noods Sends Their New Premium Box - The Ramen Rater - instant noodles - subscription box

Exotic Noods (www.exoticnoods.com) is a monthly subscription box – 4 varieties from around the world arrive at your door with chopsticks and info on them. Pretty great, especially if you don’t know what to try, don’t have an Asian grocery anywhere near where you live… Many reasons to check out an instant noodle subscription service. I think the best reason is to try something new and expand your palate! This box is a ‘premium’ box – wioth a lot of extras! Let’s look inside! ...see full post