Yet again, one of the waning few left from Meet The Manufacturer: Nissin Hong Kong. Last year was the 45th anniversary of Cup Noodles! Let’s see what wikipedia has to say about the history of Cup Noodles:
Tag: flavour
#2396: Maggi 2 Minute Noodles Chicken Flavour
Well hello there! Indeed, I rarely have the chance to get instant noodles from Fiji. This is only the second time ever that I’ve had any. Actually, I think the last time was about five years ago when a reader sent a couple varieties. I don’t know a lot about Fiji, so thought I’d consult wikipedia and share some info here:
#2394: Nissin Cup Noodles Prawn Flavour
I realized I had a problem recently. Indeed, all my shrimp in the freezer was freezer burnt and I needed to just toss them out and get some new ones. I can’t remember the last time I got new shrimp – I want to say it’s been a few months. So, I got some 31-40 ones. So the way they gauge size of shrimp is by the number you get per pound. I have been able to get the 16-20 ones before, but the place I get them doesn’t have any of them that are pre-cooked and tail on but the 31-40 it is. So it’s prawn today – sounds like a good time to test out the new shrimp, eh? So let’s check out this prawn flavor instant cup noodle from Nissin of Hong Kong.
#2390: Nissin Rice Vermicelli Pickled Vegetable Pork Flavour
So here’s yet another variety from Nissin Foods Hong Kong. Indeed, they sent a massive amount of varieties for Meet The Manufacturer! This one’s a rice vermicelli for the health conscious. Here’s a little info about rice vermicelli from wikipedia:
#2387: Nissin Demae Iccho Sesame Oil Flavour Instant Noodle
This one is a left over from the Nissin Foods Hong Kong Meet The Manufacturer – thanks again for sending so many! So lately I’ve noticed quite a few of the Demae Iccho varieties in local stores around where I live. I’ve also found them in the past in Canada including this one. What’s the difference? Well, it all comes down to meat.
#2381: Nissin Demae Iccho Seafood Flavour Instant Noodle (Cup Type)
One of the waning few left from the Nissin Foods Hong Kong Meet The Manufacturer – thanks again! Indeed, Nissin Hong Kong was more than generous in sending over 50 different varieties! Nothing better than a great big injection of noodle varieties into my noodle hampers. At one point, I had to have them staying in their original box since they wouldn’t fit into the containers I have under my desk. Today, we have a seafood Demae Iccho cup. Looks pretty good from the picture of the front -. Let’s have a look at this one.
#2378: Sau Tao Non-Fried Mix Noodle Black Pepper XO Sauce Flavoured
Today, I’m reviewing something from Hong Kong. These are in 5 packs – and the individual packs haven’t got bar codes. Indeed, I have wondered why I couldn’t find individual servings of this one, but that definitely makes sense now; hard to sell a variety without a bar code. Why don’t they put bar codes on them? I don’t know, but they definitely want you to buy a pack. For those who aren’t in the know about XO sauce, here’s a little something from wikipedia:
#2361: Nissin Demae Iccho Chicken Flavour Instant Noodle (Bowl Noodle)
Today, it’s more chicken. This is another one left over from the Nissin Hong Kong Meet The Manufacturer – they set so many different kinds – it’s awesome! This is a Demae Iccho version – here’s some info bout Nissin and Demae Iccho from Wikipedia –
#2347: Nissin Demae Iccho Tonkotsu Flavour Instant Noodle (Bowl Noodle)
Yet another left over from the Nissin HK Meet The Manufacturer! Slowly getting these all done – so many SKUs! This is one big bowl of tonkotsu! let’s get to it!
#2314: Nissin Cup Noodles Spicy Beef Flavour
Yep, you guessed it! This is yet another one left from the Nissin Hong Kong Meet The Manufacturer. Thanks again to Nissin HK for sending so many varieties! Sounds simple enough – it’s spicy, it’s beef. Let’s check it out!
#2308: Fantastic Noodles Chicken Chow Mein Flavour
Here’s one sent by a reader named Jen from Australia – thanks again! So chow mein – very curious how this will translate. Indeed I’ve had chow mein that tastes like yakisoba, chow mein that’s just salty and soy, chow mein that’s very bland. But this one looks like it will be chow mein with a small amount of broth and vegetables which sounds odd. But wait – is it odd? As a matter of fact. Australia has it’s own take on Chinese food – here’s a little about it from wikipedia:
#2306: Nissin Demae Iccho Black Garlic Oil Tonkotsu Flavour Instant Noodle
Here’s yet another left from the Nissin Hong Kong Meet The Manufacturer – thanks again! Today it’s the cup version of their black garlic oil tonkotsu. Indeed, black garlic is an interesting thing – here’s what Wikipedia has to say about it –
#2301: Suimin Noodles With Oriental Chicken Flavour
Here’s another one sent by Jen from Australia – thanks again! I’ve seen so many different versions of chicken over the years – spicy versions, savory versions, you name it, (insert adjective here) chicken is very commonplace. But oriental chicken from Australia; what’s that all about? Let’s find out!
#2300: Nissin Demae Ramen Spicy XO Sauce Seafood Flavour Instant Noodle
Yet another leftover from the Nissin Hong Kong Meet The Manufacturer! What’s XO Saucve? Here’s a little info from wikipedia –
#2296: Suimin Noodles With Chicken Flavour
Here’s another one sent by Jen from Australia – thanks! This one is just plain old chicken flavor and I think should be pretty good. Let’s find out!
#2293: Nissin Nupasta Bacon In Carbonara Sauce Flavour Instant Noodle
Another leftover from the Nissin Hong Kong Meet The Manufacturer – thanks again! Been waiting for the right day to review this one – I should mention today actually is November 8th, 2016 – election day here in the United States. You see, I’m about sixty reviews ahead of myself. How? Well, I usually try to do two reviews a day – and been doing that for a while. I used to only do one a day and if I missed a day I would have to scramble to do a review and post it the same day etc etc. I can hear it ‘oh my god you eat two packs of instant noodles every day?’ Of course not; people reviewing wines don’t chug down a whole bottle to decide what they think of it. I take a couple spoons of broth and a few bites of noodle. In fact, I would say that after reviewing two bowls of noodles, I’ve maybe had the equivalent of 1/3 of a bowl, so there you go. This way if I need to take a couple days off, I can. Well, by now we know who is the new president when you’re seeing this. My daughter Miriam will have been born and Christmas may be over. Crazy. Well, let’s try this one – the cup version was in this year’s The Ramen Rater’s top Ten Instant Noodle Cups Of all Time list – let’s check the pack out!
#2290: Nissin Demae Ramen Straight Noodle Black Garlic Oil Tonkotsu Flavour Instant Noodle
One of the more interesting varieties left over from the Nissin Foods Hong Kong Meet The Manufacturer. This one’s very new; a two-serving pack with a pork bone broth and black garlic oil fun! Let’s check it out!
#2285: Fantastic Noodles Beef Flavour
Thanks go out yet again to Jen from Australia! Beef? Beef. Sounds simple enough – let’s check it out!
#2281: Nissin Demae Iccho Red Hot Seafood Flavor Instant Noodle
Another variety from Nissin Hong Kong, leftover from an earlier Meet The Manufacturer. This is interesting – it’s not just spicy or spicy hot, this one’s red hot! Let’s see if it’s red – and hot! time cook cook!
#2274: Suimin Noodles With Braised Beef Flavour
Here’s one that Jen from Australia sent – thanks again! Braised beef sounds good… I’m mostly familiar with Taiwanese braised beef flavors – excellent stuff! Curious how this one will be – let’s have a look!
#2269: Wai Wai Instant Noodles Veg Masala Flavour
Here’s another one that was sent by Marvin R. of Fort Worth, TX – thanks again! So you may have seen Wai Wai before coming from Thailand. This is a Wai Wai for India – by the Chaudhary Group. Let’s have a look!
#2245: Nissin Vietnamese Chicken Coriander Flavour Vermicelli
If you follow my daily reviews, you might have noticed not just a lot, but a lot a lot of Nissin reviews lately. This is because I’ve done a few Meet The Manufacturers and they were kind enough to send more varieties than I review in a Meet The Manufacturer (15 maximum). Nissin Hong Kong sent around 50 different product varieties! That’s what we have today. Let’s check out this chicken flavor vermicelli!
#2243: Nissin Cup Noodles Black Pepper Crab Flavour
Here’s the last of the varieties that Prima Taste sent a while back – thanks! You might be wondering – why would they send a product they don’t make? Well, I asked for anyone who could help to send me noodles – I was down to three or four varieties in my hamper – a bad situation! Well, lots of people sent noodles – even Prima Taste! So let’s check out this one from Hong Kong with a Singaporean taste!
#2235: Fashion Food Tom Yum Shrimp Creamy Flavour Instant Noodles
It’s been a really really long time since I’ve reviewed any of these FF bowls. My friend Matt B. was saying he got one and really liked it, and so I found this one to try out. Let’s have a look!
#2231: Fantastic Noodle Chicken Flavour
This is another one sent to me from Australia by a reader named Jen – thank you very much! Well, pretty much every company has a chicken flavored something – usually a pack or cup, and it usually tends to be one of the first products they introduce to the market. Let’s give this chicken variety a look.
#2219: Fantastic Noodles Crispy Bacon Flavour
Here’s one I got from Jen in Australia a while back – thanks! I was waiting for the right time to review this. I thought maybe cooking some bacon sous vide style and then frying it up could be pretty epic. I did the sous vide-ing and my wife will be frying the bacon. Ready for meat candy time? Let’s do it!
#2211: Nissin Disney Cuties Instant Noodle Roast Pork Flavour
I’m really excited about these – got 5 different varieties from Nissin Thailand – always looking for anything kid related when it comes to instant noodles! The fact is that there’s a market all over the world for instant noodles for kids; think about it – we have adult breakfast cereal here and then ones marketed to kids. Same with instant noodle abroad. Let check it out!
#2209: Nissin Demae Ramen Spicy Hot Tonkotsu Flavour Instant Noodle
Here’s another Demae Ramen from Hong Kong! Spicy tonkotsu sounds really good. I’ve got chashu pork in the freezer so that should go nicely. Let’s check it out!
#2207: Nissin Big Cup Noodles Tonkotsu Flavour
Since my wife is home today, I thought I’d make something for her. She’s not a big fan of spicy or fishy, so I thought maybe this cup might do her right. Let’s check it out!
#2194: Fuku Chicken Flavour Instant Noodle
Here’s another one lkeftover from the Nissin Hong Kong Meet Tehe Manufacturer! I used to think there was only one variety of Fuku instant noodles in existence but there’s a whole slew of them! This one’s chicken and look – Hiyoko Chan on the pack! Let’s have a look!
#2188: Singa-Me Instant Noodles Chicken Flavour
This one was sent to me by Jen from Australia – thanks again! Chicken… Pretty standard flavor. It seems that the very first instant noodle any company produces is chicken. Everyone likes chicken! Right? Well, I like chicken. Let’s give it a go!
#2169: Happy Family Vegetable Flavour Instant Noodles
This is one that the folks from Prima Taste sent me when I did a call for instant noodles to review when I was running low a while back – thanks again! I always love to find new varieties to review – and what surprises many is that I like trying different store brands. Many will say ‘oh – these aren’t special, they’re common!’ Well, they’re often not common where I live – and if I’ve not tried them, they’re definitely diamonds in the rough! Let’s have a look at this one!
#2167: Great Value Vegetable Flavour Noodles With Vegetables
Here’s one my sister got me from up in Canada for my birthday! Thank you! Walmar instant noodles!
#2162: Tseng Rice Noodle Seafood Laksa Flavour
So this is definitely a first – I don’t think I’ve ever heard of laksa from Taiwan! It sounds good – I mean hey, I make laksa here in the United States quite often but I’m sure my neighbors haven’t a clue what they’re smelling ‘must be some off kind of Hamburger Helper’ probably going through their minds. But laksa is a seriously tasty thing and I’m keen on seeing what Tseng has come up with for us. Let’s have a look!
#2137: Nissin Demae Ramen Spicy Curry Flavour Instant Noodle
Here’s the first in the special series I did for Apple Daily of Hong Kong.I have always been a fan of curry, especially spicy curry. However, lately it’s pretty far and few between I get to review ones that are this far east – usually they’ve been from Singapore or Malaysia and not Hong Kong. Sounds good to me! Let’s check it out!
#2136: Nissin Demae Ramen Roast Beef Flavour Instant Noodle
Here’s another I reviewed as part of a collaboration with Apple Daily news. Nothing like a good beef instant noodle! I remember a couple years ago being told that Chinese sausage is popular to put in with beef instant noodles, so I think that’ll be what gets put in today – haven’t used it in a long time. Just to reassure you, nothing gets scored after I put any external ingredients in. That’s the way I always review; I think you’ll agree that’s the only fair way to do it. anyways, let’s get started!
#2135: Doll Instant Noodle Supreme Abalone And Chicken Flavour
Another one I reviewed as part of a series of Hong Kong varieties in conjunction with an interview by Apple Daily news of HK. I have a feeling if you dig through my reviews for the word abalone, you’re not going to find scads of varieties I’ve been very fond of. I’m hoping this might be one I enjoy, but I have my doubts. I guess the only way to find out it to try it with an open mind and mouth. Let’s give it a go!
#2134: Four Seas Chicken Flavour Instant Noodle
Another one from the series of Hong Kong reviews I did for HK’s Apple Daily news. They sent a few varieties for me to try and review for a feature story – what’s nice is I haven’t reviewed any of them before so that’s pretty cool! Anyways, this one’s chicken flavored – let’s crack it open and see what we have here.
#2125: Happy Family Curry Flavour Instant Noodles
A while back I asked people to send me some noodles as I was really running low on varieties to review. Well, many people did – including some companies. Prima Taste sent these from Singapore – thank you! These look like a store brand perhaps – let’s take a look!
Meet The Manufacturer: #2122: Nissin Chilli Noodles Stir Fried Holy Basil Flavour
This one sounds particularly interesting – from the picture, it looks like a seafood fried noodle. However, holy basil sounds alluring – let’s check this unique variety out!