This is one I got for my birthday last year when my wife took me to Canada – thank you, Kit! I’m going to be blunt: I don’t have high hopes on this one. These Golden Wheat varieties are pretty good, as they’re JML products in camouflage. As you can see from this JML Mushroom Chicken bowl, the sachets are identical. Don’t get me wrong – I’ve really enjoyed a lot of the Golden Wheat and JML varieties, but I really didn’t like the Mushroom Chicken previously. Time to see if this one warrants a low score or if it’s a pleasant surprise. It’s go time.
Tag: flavour
#1320: MAMA Instant Noodles Cup Seafood Flavour
My nose is running, my throat is sore and I feel pretty crummy. Sneezing, sore eyes and sore everything – I’ve got a cold and a bad one at that. Not a fun day, that’s for sure – it’s raining and windy outside as well which makes taking our dogs out a real chore, especially when they’re pugs. Pugs don’t like to get wet; they (at least the pugs we have) aren’t very rugged creatures; they like to sleep and be constantly comfortable.
#1315: Sainsbury’s Chicken Flavour Instant Noodles
Here’s one that Joe B. and Sarah B. sent me from Nottingham, UK – thanks! This is a common variety you would find at a store called Sainsbury’s. Sainsbury’s is a chain that can be found throughout England which sells pretty much everything by the looks of it. British varieties usually tend to be on the blander side, as is the way with a lot of food from over there, but sometimes they’re really good. Let’s see which end of the spectrum this one falls into.
#1309: YumYum Oriental Style Instant Noodles Seafood Flavour
Here’s another one from Charles in Afghanistan – thanks again! So this one’s made in Thailand and sold a lot in Holland. Let’s check it out!
#1303: Western Family Instant Noodles In A Cup Chicken Flavour
Here’s another one my wife for me on my trip to Canada on my birthday last year! Gonna let the kiddo try this one out – he likes chicken flavor anything. Let’s check it out!
#1302: MAMA Instant Noodles Yentafo Tom Yum Mohfai Flavour
Here’s one with a flavor I’ve never heard of – well, except for the tom yum part. Here’s what Wikipedia had to say about the yentafo:
#1294: Thai Choice Instant Noodles Chicken Flavour
Here’s another one sent by Charles – a serviceman stationed in Afghanistan – thanks! Let’s check it out!
Meet The Manufacturer: #1265: Mi ABC Mi Cup Rasa Ayam Bawang Chicken Onion Flavour
Only a couple left for this Meet The Manufacturer! Of the remaining varieties, I thought Andy might like this one the best. Let’s check it out!
Meet The Manufacturer: #1264: Mi ABC Selera Pedas Mi Goreng Cup Rasa Ayam Pedas Limau Hot Chicken Lemon Flavour
Hope everyone who celebrated had a Merry Christmas! My son got me a new plate and bowl – today I’ll be using the plate as it’s mi goreng on the menu! Let’s check it out!
Re-Review: Meet The Manufacturer: Mi ABC Mi Instan Rebus Rasa Ayam Bawang Onion Chicken Flavour
Close to 100 reviews ago, I tried this for the first time. Four years ago today, my wife and I had our first conversation! It’s a big anniversary for us – check out the video at the end for more on that. Let’s revisit this one by ABC President!
Re-Review: Meet The Manufacturer: Mi ABC Selera Pedas Mi Instan Goreng Hot Chicken Lemon Flavour
Chick mi goreng time – and it’s spicy and lemony! Sounds interesting. Actually I reviewed this a while back – it was #810. Let’s check this out!
#1255: Thai Choice Instant Noodles Shrimp Flavour
Here’s one that Charles, a serviceman deployed in Afghanistan sent me recently – thank you very much! Never seen this brand before. Looks really interesting! Let’s check it out!
#1252: Tesco Instant Noodles Chow Mein Flavour
Here’s one that Joe B. and Sarah B. sent me from Nottingham, UK – thanks! Tesco’s a big grocery store chain in England. Let’s try out their chow mein!
#1237: MAMA Instant Noodles Creamy Tom Yum Minced Pork Flavour
Hey something from Thailand! Sounds good to me! Lime, pork, spiciness… Let’s get to it!
#1234: Sainsbury’s Barbecue Beef Flavour Instant Noodles
Being the four consecutive numbers that 1, 2, 3 and 4 are, I thought I’d try something a little weird today. This was sent to me by Joe B. of Nottingham, UK – thanks! Barbecue beef, eh? Let’s check it out!
#1230: Saji Sajimee Original Soto Soup Flavour (Mi Sup Soto Asli)
Here’s one I was sent by Annie T. over at MyKuali – thank you very much! I mentioned to her how I’d not reviewed many Malaysian varieties and she sent me a bunch of them! Pretty neat since MyKuali make instant noodles in Malaysia! Let’s check out this variety!
#1223: Sawadee Instant Noodles Prawn Oriental Flavour
Andy decided to pick this one to try today after I told him we had shrimp. I know, I know – shrimp aren’t prawns but he likes both and they’re both sea crawlies so he’s happy. Let’s check this one out.
#1221: Mi ABC Selera Pedas Mi Rebus Hot Semur Chicken Flavour(Rasa Semur Ayam Pedas)
Here’s another from my friend in Indonesia – thank you! I asked my son if he would pick which one I’d review today and this was what he picked – he wanted to make sure it was a spicy one. I did some looking and found this on Wikipedia:
#1217: Doll Hello Kitty Dim Sum Noodle Japanese Curry Flavour
Here’s one that was sent by Abbie C. of Hong Kong – thanks! I always try to source Hello Kitty and Pokemon related instants as my wife likes Hello Kitty and my son’s a Pokemaniac. Let’s check this one out!
#1214: Eat & Go Rendang Beef Flavour Fried Instant Noodle
Here’s another from my friend in Jakarta, Indonesia – thanks! I’ve got high hopes for this one. Why? Well, the Spicy Chicken version placed on my Top Ten Instant Noodle Cups of 2013. Also, Indomie’s Rendang placed in the Top Ten Instant Noodles of 2013 list. I guess we’ll see how this does! Let’s check it out!
#1211: Nissin Demae Iccho Instant Noodle With Soup Base Artificial Chicken Flavour
Hey welcome to November! Here’s another one we got on my birthday trip to Canada in March! I was just looking at the little kid caricature on the side of this bowl and was thinking how it looks like he’s sick. I mean he has a very red nose and his cheeks are red and covered in spots. Measles? Mumps? I think I’m reading too much into it. Let’s check it out!
#1209: Batchelors Super Noodles Chicken & Mushroom Flavour
Here’s another one that was sent to me by Joe B. of Nottingham, UK – thanks! Super Noodles – are they ‘super?’ Let’s see.
#1205: MAMA Instant Noodles Pork Flavour With Black Pepper
Here’s one that was sent from Germany by a fellow named Samonporn – thank you! I am really happy to be trying these since it’s been a few days since I had any pork on hand to pair anything with. Let’s check it out!
#1200: Men-Sunaoshi Tonkotsu Ramen
Review #1200! Wow – only 800 to go to #2000! By the way if you’ve got a second, can you vote for The Ramen Rater in the Best of Western Washington contest? Trying to get first place in the food blog category! Here’s the link. So here’s an interesting one I picked up in Canada. Took a bit of figuring to tell what it was for sure – let’s check it out!
#1199: MAMA Instant Noodles Chicken Green Curry Flavour
MAMA! Thai! Green curry! Chicken! It sounds really good – let’s check it out as we are on the cusp of another hundred reviews down!
#1182: Ko-Lee Go Noodles Xtreme Hot & Spicy Flavour
This one was sent by Joe & Gill from the UK! Thanks! Hot and spicy from Britain? Let’s try it!
#1177: Mi ABC Mi Instan Rebus Rasa Ayam Bawang (Onion Chicken Flavour)
Another one sent by my friend in Indonesia – thank you! A little translation. So it’s onion chicken flavor – rasa means flavor, bawang is onion and ayam chicken. Mi instan is instant noodle, but rebus? Rebus translated to boiled and here I think refers to the noodles being ‘cooking noodles.’ As I’ve mentioned in the past, what makes a noodle ‘instant’ is the fact that you can put the noodle block and seasonings in a bowl, add boiling water and then cover for a few minutes, stir and eat. Anyways, let’s check out this Indonesian variant.
#1171: Tiger Tiger Traveller’s Choice Indian Tikka Masala Flavour Instant Noodles
Here’s one of the varieties that Joe B. kindly send me from England – thanks again! This is a British product that has a very Indian flavor. Let’s give it a try!
#1161: GaGa 100 Green Chilli Soto Flavour
Here’s one that was sent to me by a reader in Jakarta, Indonesia – thank you! Spicy green chilli soup – green chilli seems to be gaining popularity in Indonesia. Let’s check it out!
#1135: Indomie Instant Noodle Beef & Lime Flavour
Found this the other day and hadn’t ever seen it before. Then I looked closer and saw it was Rasa Soto Mie. Now, I’ve reviewed the export version of Soto Mie before, but there’s a difference: this one’s beef and the other was chicken. Interesting! Always nice to see a new Indonesian variety available in the states! Let’s check this one out.
#1127: Campbell’s Hearty Noodles Chicken Flavour
Here’s another one from T&T Supermarket up in Canada! To be honest, I was absolutely stoked to find this one; I’ve seen pics of the Campbell’s varieties in the past, but they’re not available in the United States as far as I know. Let’s check out this little chicken cup.
#1119: Ko-Lee Taste Sensation Instant Noodles Curry Flavour
Here’s one sent to me by Xavier over at Ko-Lee in the UK – thanks! These are made in Thailand for the UK market. Has directions for dry noodles as well as with soup – I’m going to prepare the latter. Let’s check this out!
#1107: Nissin Demae Ramen Kimchi Flavour Instant Noodle With Soup Base
Another one from my birthday trip to Canada – thanks, Kit! I’ve seen plenty of Demae Ramen varieties, but not until I visited Canada did I find bowls! Let’s check it out.
#1102: Batchelors Super Noodles Mild Mexican Chilli Flavour
Here’s one my friend Martin in Devon, England sent me a little while back. Though it was a good day for something fusion – British and Mexican? Sure, why not.
#1085: Vina Acecook Hao Hao Mi Goreng Shrimp & Onion Flavour
Thought this sounded good on Father’s Day. Mi Goreng’s usually an Indonesian or Malaysian find, but this one’s from Vietnam. Let’s check it out!
#1059: Mamee Oriental Noodles Curry Flavour
As they’d say on Monty Python, ‘and now for something completely different.’ Here are some curry flavor noodles that I got up in Canada during my birthday trip! Curry just sounded good today. This is gonna be one of the few chances to delve into the noodle hamper between Meet The Manufacturer spotlights – got some really interesting ones lined up for ya! Let’s check these curry flavor noodles from Malaysia!
#1050: Knorr Japanese Pork Bone Flavour Quick Serve Macaroni
I’ve had other macaroni quick serve products before by a different brand. I always thought these were interesting. Usually the only thing you’d find in the United States coupled with macaroni would be cheese, but elsewhere, the options are much different. Let’s check it out.
#1007: Nissin Demae Ramen Sesame Oil Flavour Noodles With Soup Base
Here’s another one we got in Canada on my birthday! I was surprised to see a Demae Ramen bowl – always nice to see something new on the shelf! This one’s from Hong Kong. Let’s check it out.
#1005: Four Seas Chicken Flavour Instant Noodles
Here’s another one from my wife and I’s trip to Canada for my birthday! Only had a Four Seas instant once before – my sister had brought it back from Canada for me – see a theme here? Let’s check out this chicken big bowl.
#994: Wai Wai Tom Yum Shrimp Flavour
Hey look – Tom Yum Shrimp! I really like Tom Yum – spicy, lemon, and shrimp! Let’s check this one out.