Tag: food

#5122: In Honor Of My Friend Jamie Burridge – MyKuali Penang White Curry – Malaysia

Today, I’m reviewing a variety that was a favorite of my friend Jamie Burridge who passed on February 16th, 2025. His passing has left a great emptiness which I can’t even really start to explain. He lived in Devon England and we never met in person unfortunately, but we chatted very often. We of course talked noodles (he was a moderator in the Ramen Junkies group), but also about shared interests such as music, science fiction, food, and travel. This was his favorite variety and so I wanted to do a special post in his honor. In the episode of Instant Noodle Recipe Time at the bottom, I talk more about him. If you knew this great human, you should put a note or even donate to Cancer Research UK on his remembrance page. There is a special episode of Instant Noodle Recipe Time at the bottom – one  has his favorite music and one does not, so if the one with the music he loved doesn’t work, try the other one. This one’s for you, my friend – may the cosmic rays of Tharg IV drag you forth to the holy daefaeneckf. ...see full post

Binders Full Of Women? Nope – Noodles

Binders Full Of Women? Nope - Noodles

Since my 200th review or so, I’ve been keeping the packaging from the instant noodles I review. Why? Well, there are a few reasons. First, it’s kind of a physical representation of the varieties I’ve sampled. Also (and more importantly), the bar codes are on them all. These can be added as tags to the posts and be added. I started adding bar codes in the tags around review 800 or so. The Ramen Rater apps all have bar code scanning capability and so adding these in makes the app more functional for the site. Unfortunately, there’s still a lot of tedious work to do in that area. Anyways, Someone asked about how I store my noodle packaging and was curious to see some binders, so here you go! ...see full post

#2234: Paldo Bibim Men


I wanted to take a second to talk about the events that have happened concerning the Presidential election here in the United States. I’ve got to say, I wasn’t expecting the outcome we’ve seen here. I live in Washington state – a very Liberal state – where Bernie Sanders won over 80% of the votes for the primary. Personally, I think we’d have a different President today if the DNC hadn’t played politics and made it impossible for him to win. Our delegates here all went for Clinton – even though the people voted otherwise. I decided not to vote for either Clinton or Trump as I didn’t like either of them. My friend Raffael over at Happy Souper in Germany has posted a review – and he mentioned people there are kind of freaked out about our new President. I guess we’ll see what happens. I’ll keep reviewing noodles. I did this video a long time ago – wish he would’ve gotten the nomination.  ...see full post

The Ramen Rater’s Trip To Thailand: Day 5 – River Kwai & Goodbye

Day 1 * Day 2 * Day 3 * Day 4 * Day 5 * Day 6

Woke up at this amazing place – Heard a strange sound coming from outside and figured out it was the sound of the Buddhist monks chanting – it echoes everywhere and was quite ethereal. Decided to head down for some breakfast. ...see full post

#1673: Lishan Food Manufacturing Black Cock Brand Vegetarian Chicken Noodle

Some days are tougher than others. This is one of them. This has been the focus of my ire for the past hour or so. I have been trying to figure out what it’s called exactly, and hoping to find an ‘official’ website for it. No dice. I asked some people on facebook and got a little help, though. The brand is 力山食品工廠. From what I gather, you steep these, but with how much water I am unsure. It’s also got some other interesting things inside, aside from the swastika on the package and twin dragons. The swastika isn’t a reference to Nazi Germany, however to Buddhists who are vegetarian, as well as not allowed to eat ‘fetid’ vegetables like garlic or shallots. Anyways, let’s look inside this unique Taiwanese variant! ...see full post

#1397: Wu-Mu Steam Seafood Flavor Ramen

Here’s something from Taiwan. These noodles aren’t fried – they’re steamed. This lowers the fat content by quite a bit, although they will break your teeth if you try eating them like snack noodles! Most of Wu-Mu’s products are this way and they’re usually pretty good. This is a four pack – you get four of everything! Let”s have a look inside. ...see full post

Top Ten 2014 Re-Review: MyKuali Penang White Curry Noodle

Last June, I’d never heard of Penang, nor really had tried many varieties of Malaysian instant noodles for that matter. I had no clue what to expect and was absolutely elated with this one – my core interest in reviewing instant noodles is that I want to try new things every day. This was definitely something new to me. Let’s look inside the package and see why it’s on the 2014 top ten list! ...see full post

The Ramen Rater’s 3rd Annual Momofuku Ando Day

Momofuku Ando (安藤 百福) – (March 5, 1910 – January 5, 2007)

Today is January 19th, 2014 – and you know what that means? Momofuku Ando Day! In 1958, Momofuku Ando invented the very first instant noodles and started Nissin Foods. I do a special video every year to commemorate the occasion (see below). First, here’s what the Nissin Foods USA website has to say about the man: ...see full post

A New Thai Chili Sauce From Apinya Thai Food Co.!

I saw something about a Thai chili sauce mentioned on my favorite hot sauce group on facebook recently. It got me wondering if it would be something that could be an alternative to the standard big bottle of Sriracha that I usually go for. I tracked down the company and asked if they could possibly send a sample – a few days later, it arrived! ...see full post

Meet The Manufacturer #888: Yamachan Ramen Nagasaki Sara Udon Chicken Flavor

Here’s something different. Sara Udon means plate noodles – what you have is a crispy noodle that is thin. You put them on the plate and crush gently, then add the sauce and during the meal, the noodles go from crisp to soft. It’s a texture sensation! Well, let’s check it out! ...see full post

#841: Nongshim Chapagetti Chajang Noodle (Korean Version)

Thanks to Moon Hee Wi of the JoongAng Ilbo for sending me these! She wrote this article about me. So I’ve reviewed the Chapagetti that’s available here in the US, but this is the Korean version so it gets its own review. I’ve always done this and now I’ve got more reason to. I was talking to a manufacturer of instant noodles from Korea and they said that they use chicken in their instant noodles. The only problem is that the Food & Drug Administration doesn’t like Korean chicken for some reason. So they have to import chicken from a big poultry supplier in the USA into Korea, process it and package their product and then ship it back to the US for the blessing of the FDA. Not sure if that’s the case here, but regardless, it’s interesting to think that this kind of this has to happen to bring instant noodles to us from abroad. ...see full post

Special Re-Review: Nongshim Shin Ramyun Black Premium Noodle Soup / EatYourKimchi.com Recipe Mash-Up

So this guy named Dave P. posted a YouTube video on the Ramen Rater Facebook page showing some people in Korea making a bowl of Shin Ramyun a little different that I’ve made it in the past. I thought I’d try to get the ingredients and give it a try. Here’s the video: ...see full post

#369: Bon Go Jang Tofu Udon Dosirak

So this one took a little work – all I knew was it was from Korea. Wasn’t sure of anything much other than that and the brand name. Luckily, those two things brought it all together. I found that this stuff is called Tofu Udon Dosirak and comes from Hanil Food Co. Ltd. in Seoul, Korea under its Bon Go Jang line of products. ‘Dosirak’ translates like ‘Bento’ or ‘Take Out Lunch.’ On their website it describes this as “fresh katsuo bushi soup with tofu udon that you can eat simply by adding hot water.” ...see full post

#199: Samyang Chinese Soybean Paste Ramen Stir Noodle Noodle Soup Olive Oil Add

Wow – you know, sometimes it just so happens a package of ramen just has to many words on it. This is one of those occasions. I mean, look at that title up there. I like how you drain the liquid, but it says noodle soup – and you don’t add olive oil, it’s already in the liquid packet… ...see full post