In the last few years, I’ve seen a large amount of articles with titles like ‘Best Ramen Hacks,’ ‘Pimp Your Ramen’ and so on. These titles fall under the category of clickbait – using hipster terminology and such to entice one to click on them. Usually, they’re all things people know about already; vegetables, oils and such. This is a list of my favorite add-ons and garnishes. While some may be familiar to you, others may not be. It’s also geared to help you navigate the Asian Grocery, a place many find to be alien to them but I have found to be one of the most vibrant and wonderful places I visit very regularly. Finally, I also included some tips of storage and how long these products last for those on a tight budget. In no particular order, here’s this new list!
Tag: garnish
#608: Koka Instant Non-Fried Noodles Spicy Black Pepper Flavour
Hadn’t tried it before and at under $3.00 for the four pack, how could I resist?
Here’s the front of a single pack. I have had many of the other varieties of Koka before, but spicy black pepper just sounds so good!
#237: Tat Hui Koka Instant Rice Noodles Spicy Seafood Marinara
More Koka! So spicy seafood marinara time!
I like how the little scrawl at the base of the garnishes pack implies that the garnishes may be different from time to time. Mysterious…
#152: Wu-Mu Steamed Noodle Garlic and Sesame Oil Flavor
So I was going to 99 Ranch Market in Edmonds to get some 33 cent green onions but also got some of these noodles on sale for 99 cents. Good deal!