Tag: god of ramen

The Ramen Rater’s Top Ten Instant Noodle Bowls Of All Time 2019 Edition

Th Ramen Rater's Top Ten Instant Noodle Bowls Of All Time 2019 Edition

Every year I come out with new lists in many categories. The more reviews I do, the more I figure the lists will change less and less. It amazes me though how much they do change and how much the industry evolves and changes. Here’s the latest list of bowls, current as on review #3180. All products are prepared according to labeling on the package, and scores are given before any external garnish is added. Let’s check out the Top Ten Instant Noodle Bowls for 2019! ...see full post

Top Ten Japanese Instant Noodles Of All Time 2019 by The Ramen Rater

Top Ten Japanese Instant Noodles Of All Time 2019 by The Ramen Rater

This list usually comes out in January but there was an accident. Basically, I deleted the video I recorded back then! I redid the video earlier this month and so here we are. This list is current as of review number 3058. These are based solely on my personal taste and opinion. Some folks don’t like that and I was recently lectured that a company didn’t want to send samples because they were afraid I might not like their product and that I couldn’t be persuaded to give on company a better review over another. This made me proud I’m doing my job right. Let’s check the top ten Japanese list! ...see full post

The Ramen Rater’s Top Ten Instant Noodles Of All Time 2019 Edition

Top Ten Best Instant Noodles Of All Time 2019

This is my list of my all time favorites (compiled up to review #3132). These are the best and most memorable varieties – some you’ll be able to find easily, some you won’t. In the images you see, you’ll see garnished bowls of noodles. Note – reviewing is done BEFORE products have anything externally added by myself, and I follow directions on the package – for better or for worse. I should also note that going forward, the official last day for companies to submit varieties to be considered for the annual top ten will be January 31st. That’s enough – let’s have a look at The Ramen Rater’s Top Ten Instant Noodles Of All Time 2019 Edition! ...see full post

Ramen Trunk Super High End Japanese Ramen Subscription Box + Coupon

Wanna see something different? This is a super premium and high end ramen subscription box from Japan. It’s full of neat stuff and I’ll let you just take a look because it’s pretty rad! Get a Ramen Trunk at http://bit.ly/ramentrunk Use coupon code RAMENRATER20OFF for 20% off a subscription or single gift box! ...see full post

Umai Crate Japanese Instant Noodles February 2019 Unboxing Time With The Ramen Rater

Umai Crate Japanese Instant Noodles February 2019 Unboxing Time With The Ramen Rater

Hey look – another Unboxing Time With The Ramen Rater! This one came today and we brought it inside set up the lights, shot the video, edited it and boom here it is! Lots of neat stuff in this box! Check it out! Get yours here: http://bit.ly/umaicrate
Use coupon code THERAMENRATER for extra discount! ...see full post

#3000: Peyoung Yakisoba GIGAMAX – Japan

I want to start by thank you for having a look at this. 3000. It’s a pretty big number. I would never have achieved it without the help and support of my family- my mother who introduced me to the instant noodle at an early age, my father who introduced me to the world of Asian cuisine, my sister for supporting all of my niche ventures whether they be instant noodles or hot sauces or even robot skinning, my children for trying all these different flavors I’ve foisted upon them over the years. Most of all, I want to thank my wife Kit who has stood by me through thick and thin, been a sounding board for my ideas, waited patiently as I inspect every aspect of the noodle aisle at an Asian grocery, and stood by me through it all. I love you all. ...see full post

Unboxing Time: Russian & S’pore Varieties Send By The Halal Food Blog

Unboxing Time: Russian & S'pore Varieties Send By The Halal Food Blog

A few weeks ago, I commented on a post I saw on The Halal Food Blog‘s Instagram. Always really neat things to see there! Well, I saw a picture showing some instant noodles and that they were in Uzbokistan! I was immediately curious and they offered to send me some! Well, today I’ve got a box and it’s Unboxing Time, so let’s get to it! ...see full post

Meet The Manufacturer: Product Samples From Mike’s Mighty Good

Meet The Manufacturer: Product Samples From Mike's Mighty Good

After I had quite a few people asking me if I’d tried or had any information on Mike’s Mighty Good Craft Ramen, I decided to reach out to the company. They were receptive to doing a Meet The Manufacturer series and so that’s what we have going on today! Here’s the unboxing of the samples that they sent for review. ...see full post

The Ramen Rater In… GQ? Really?

The Ramen Rater In… GQ? – Taiwan

Yeah – really! So I had no idea until it came out, but I’m in GQ Taiwan. Definitely didn’t expect that! If you want to read the article, it’s here (note – you’ll need to use Google Translate if you can’t read Chinese). Posts will resume Friday. I’ll do a couple Throwback Thursdays on Instagram though – oh yeah – follow me on Instagram! I post there every day as well. ...see full post

The Ramen Rater’s Top Ten South Korean Instant Noodles 2017 Edition

The Ramen Rater's Top Ten South Korean Instant Noodles Of All Time 2017 Edition

South Korean instant noodles are known around the world as being spicy and beefy for the most part. However, there are many different styles. In fact, seafood jjamppong, black bean jjajang, cold noodles, and creamy beef noodles exist in the scene. Today, I’ll do a rundown of my favorites – the best of the highest rated South Korean varieties from over 2,300 unique varieties I’ve reviewed from around the world. Finally, I would like to note that it’s tougher to find South Korean varieties. Therefore, any instant noodle companies from South Korea should contact me promptly to be considered for upcoming top ten lists. Let’s get started. ...see full post

The Ramen Rater’s Top Ten Instant Noodles Of All Time 2016 Edition

It’s been quite a year for The Ramen Rater. I’ve reviewed 357 new instant noodle varieties. I got to visit an instant noodle company in Thailand. I just hit my 2000th review. Since the beginning of this ‘noodle journey,’ I’ve wanted to try flavors from around the world and have been able to do just that. This new list is a compilation of the best of the best; the most memorable and most wonderful of the 2,004 varieties I’ve sampled thus far. If you are an instant noodle company and I haven’t reviewed your products, please contact me – I would love to review them. I decided to include what I added to them this year – however note the products are scored before anything is added. With that, let’s have a look at The Ramen Rater’s Top Ten Instant Noodles Of all Time 2016 Edition. ...see full post

The Ramen Rater’s Top Ten Instant Noodles Made In The USA Of All Time 2013 Edition

The instant noodle originated in 1958 in Japan, but since that time, they’ve expanded in popularity all over the world, including of course, the United States. Seeing this, instant noodle companies thought it wise to start building plants here in the 1970s. Since then, many brands operate factories here in the US, mostly in southern California. This is a list of my favorite varieties produced here, encompassing my over 1,100 reviews to date. With that, here’s your top ten, America! ...see full post

The Ramen Rater’s Top Ten Spiciest Instant Noodles Of All time 2013 Edition

This year, we’ve got some new fiery additions to this list of spicy and burning hot varieties. If you can find them, you’ll be feeling quite the burn! If you think you’ve found anything hotter or noteworthy of being on this list, please comment below or send me an email. Without further adieu, here’s the 2013 picks for the spiciest instant noodles I’ve found after 1,128 reviews! ...see full post

#841: Nongshim Chapagetti Chajang Noodle (Korean Version)

Thanks to Moon Hee Wi of the JoongAng Ilbo for sending me these! She wrote this article about me. So I’ve reviewed the Chapagetti that’s available here in the US, but this is the Korean version so it gets its own review. I’ve always done this and now I’ve got more reason to. I was talking to a manufacturer of instant noodles from Korea and they said that they use chicken in their instant noodles. The only problem is that the Food & Drug Administration doesn’t like Korean chicken for some reason. So they have to import chicken from a big poultry supplier in the USA into Korea, process it and package their product and then ship it back to the US for the blessing of the FDA. Not sure if that’s the case here, but regardless, it’s interesting to think that this kind of this has to happen to bring instant noodles to us from abroad. ...see full post