Here’s the last of the varieties that Prima Taste sent a while back – thanks! You might be wondering – why would they send a product they don’t make? Well, I asked for anyone who could help to send me noodles – I was down to three or four varieties in my hamper – a bad situation! Well, lots of people sent noodles – even Prima Taste! So let’s check out this one from Hong Kong with a Singaporean taste!
Tag: hk
#2241: Fuku Spicy Soup Instant Noodle Beef Flavour
Another left over from the Hong Kong Nissin Meet The Manufacturer. Thanks again! Still lots of varieties from them that they sent! Spicy beef eh? Let’s give it a taste!
#2233: Nissin Cup Noodles Milk Seafood Flavour
A while back, I put out a call to anyone and everyone who might be able to send me some noodles. Fact is that once in a while, I run out of things to review. Amongst the outpouring of varieties were some sent actually by Prima Taste (thanks again!) – I believe these are from their Hong Kong distributor. Let’s give it a try!
#2225: Fuku Bowl Chicken Flavour Instant Rice Vermicelli
Here’s another one leftover from the Nissin Hk Meet The Manufacturer! Thanks again for sending so many! Been trying a lot of rice noodle variants lately – been kind of nice for a change! Let’s check this chicken variety out!
#2217: Nissin Demae Ramen Spicy Seafood Flavour Instant Noodle
One of the many varieties sent by Nissin HK for Meet The Manufacturer. This sounds good to try today; it’s been really warm around the area lately (northwest USA) and it’s cooled off a little and so something spicy should bring the temp back up a little. I should mentioned that I have now gotten new bowls that I’ll start using today for the seasonings/oil/vegetables. They’re sake and soju cups! Let’s take a look!
#2209: Nissin Demae Ramen Spicy Hot Tonkotsu Flavour Instant Noodle
Here’s another Demae Ramen from Hong Kong! Spicy tonkotsu sounds really good. I’ve got chashu pork in the freezer so that should go nicely. Let’s check it out!
#2207: Nissin Big Cup Noodles Tonkotsu Flavour
Since my wife is home today, I thought I’d make something for her. She’s not a big fan of spicy or fishy, so I thought maybe this cup might do her right. Let’s check it out!
#2202: Nissin Nupasta Vongole Flavour Instant Noodle
Here’s another one from the Meet The Manufacturer I did with Nissin Hong Kong. So vongole is a kind of clam and pasta dish very popular in southeast Asia. Let’s check it out!
#2194: Fuku Chicken Flavour Instant Noodle
Here’s another one lkeftover from the Nissin Hong Kong Meet Tehe Manufacturer! I used to think there was only one variety of Fuku instant noodles in existence but there’s a whole slew of them! This one’s chicken and look – Hiyoko Chan on the pack! Let’s have a look!
#2189: Nissin Demae Ramen Sesame Oil Flavour
Here’s one of the many I still have left from the Nissin Hong Kong Meet The Manufacturer. They sure have a lot of SKU’s! Sesame Demae Ramen is a classic favorite around the world and especially in Hong Kong. Let’s check out the cup version!
#2139: Fuku Superior Soup Instant Noodle (Made In Thailand)
Here’s a special one sent by Apple Daily news of Hong Kong. They asked if I’d do a comparison between this, the Thai version and the Vietnamese version of the Fuku Superior Soup for a special news story. Now these are both made in different places, but they’re for the Hong Kong market. anyways I figured hey – why not? This sounds interesting – let’s take a look!
#2138: Fuku Superior Soup Instant Noodle (Made In Vietnam)
This is the second of two – they’re both sold in Hong Kong, yet made in different places – Thailand and Vietnam. This is the one manufactured in Vietnam. I was sent this along with quite a few other to review as part of a special feature for Apple Daily HK. So, let’s crack this one open and see what we have here.
#2137: Nissin Demae Ramen Spicy Curry Flavour Instant Noodle
Here’s the first in the special series I did for Apple Daily of Hong Kong.I have always been a fan of curry, especially spicy curry. However, lately it’s pretty far and few between I get to review ones that are this far east – usually they’ve been from Singapore or Malaysia and not Hong Kong. Sounds good to me! Let’s check it out!
#2136: Nissin Demae Ramen Roast Beef Flavour Instant Noodle
Here’s another I reviewed as part of a collaboration with Apple Daily news. Nothing like a good beef instant noodle! I remember a couple years ago being told that Chinese sausage is popular to put in with beef instant noodles, so I think that’ll be what gets put in today – haven’t used it in a long time. Just to reassure you, nothing gets scored after I put any external ingredients in. That’s the way I always review; I think you’ll agree that’s the only fair way to do it. anyways, let’s get started!
#2135: Doll Instant Noodle Supreme Abalone And Chicken Flavour
Another one I reviewed as part of a series of Hong Kong varieties in conjunction with an interview by Apple Daily news of HK. I have a feeling if you dig through my reviews for the word abalone, you’re not going to find scads of varieties I’ve been very fond of. I’m hoping this might be one I enjoy, but I have my doubts. I guess the only way to find out it to try it with an open mind and mouth. Let’s give it a go!
#2134: Four Seas Chicken Flavour Instant Noodle
Another one from the series of Hong Kong reviews I did for HK’s Apple Daily news. They sent a few varieties for me to try and review for a feature story – what’s nice is I haven’t reviewed any of them before so that’s pretty cool! Anyways, this one’s chicken flavored – let’s crack it open and see what we have here.
#2130: Kang Shi Fu Artificial Salted Beef With Mushrooms Flavour
Here’s another one sent by reader Colin – thanks again! Salted beef? This is new to me; it just makes me think of beef jerky, but I know that’s probably way off the mark. Let’s see how this one taste.
Meet The Manufacturer: #2116: Nissin Instant Noodles Tom Yum Shrimp Saab Flavour
Kind of a weird day today. Why? Well, this is review 2116. Today is the 16th. It’s 2016. Aside from that, just another day. This looks like a good one – I definitely like tom yum, but what is saab? I looked around a bit and have come to the conclusion that it’s something denoting sourness. Am I right? I guess we’ll seee! Let’s check i tout!
#2111: Nissin Cup Noodles Chilli Crab Flavour
I put out a call for varieties to review a couple of months ago – my hamper had gone very low on supplies! Here’s one that the folks from Prima Taste in Singapore sent – thank you! Now this one’s interesting – chilli crab is a Singaporean flavor, but this is a Cup Noodles from Hissin Hong Kong. A few days ago I reviewed a Cup Noodles from Japan which was Laksa flavor – another popular Singaporean taste. Interesting! Anyways, let’s crack it open and see what’s going on here!
#2092: Doll Instant Noodle Preserved Vegetable Flavour
Here’s another one I reviewed as part of a collaboration with Hong Kong’s Apple Daily news. They sent me a bunch of varieties – this is the second vegetable-centered one from Doll. Let’s check it out!
Meet The Manufacturer: #2089: Nissin Cup Noodles Big Seafood Curry Flavour
As we meander our way towards the end of this Meet The Manufacturer, we find this little gem. I’m pretty sure it’s smaller sibling was on the Top Ten Cups list a while back. This looks awesome – let’s check out this huge cup!
Meet The Manufacturer: #2088: Nissin Demae Iccho Beef Flavour Instant Noodle
I haven’t reviewed a whole lot of beef varieties during this Meet The Manufacturer, so I figured I’d better! Here’s one – spicy beef! Sounds good to me – let’s give this big bowl a try!
Meet The Manufacturer: #2087: Nissin Mie Goreng Indonesia Stir Noodle Original Flavour
Here one of the more unique varieties Nissin Hong Kong sent. Mie goreng is definitely an Indonesian dish – not something that jumps at me as something from Hong Kong. However, it tastes quite nice anywhere you are, and so I imagine that’s why they’ve added it to their lineup. Let’s have a look at this one from Nissin Hong Kong!
Meet The Manufacturer: #2086: Nissin Demae Ramen Sesame Oil Flavour Instant Noodle
Here’s an interesting one – probably the most recognizable Demae Ramen. When I first tried it, I was around 18 years old and I couldn’t get past the sesame oil smell – didn’t like it back then. It’s funny since I really like sesame oil scent and flavor now… I guess years change the palate! Let’s have a look at this iconic noodle – Hong Kong style!
Meet The Manufacturer: #2085: Fuku Superior Soup Instant Rice Vermicelli
A long time ago, I tried the package version of this one. It was really great and I am quite pleased to be able to try the bowl. Nissin HK sent quite a few different varieties – always hear people saying things about Fuku – nice things. Let’s check it out!
Meet The Manufacturer: #2083: Nissin Taisho Fried Noodle Sesame Paste Flavour Instant Noodle
Last night, we went to a little Taiwanese restaurant nearby and I brought home some leftovers. I got some Hakka style fried tofu, squid and pork belly with vegetables; not covered in sauce but nicely seasoned. I immediately though ‘what noodles night this go well with for Meet The Manufacturer?’ This one sounds like a good bet! Let’s check it out!
Meet The Manufacturer: #2082: Nissin Cup Noodles Pork Chowder Flavour
Here’s one of Nissin HK’s standard sized Cup Noodles, and in a flavor I’ve never heard of – pork chowder! My first thought when chowder is referenced is clam chowder; will it be like clam chowder but instead of clams just be pork? I think maybe not. I really don’t know! Let’s check this one out.
Meet The Manufacturer: #2081: Nissin Cup Mifun Spicy Beef Flavour
Today, we delve into a rice vermicelli cup. Mifun is just one name for rice noodles – here’s some more from wikipedia:
Meet The Manufacturer: #2080: Fuku Non-Fried Superior Soup Noodle
On more than one occasion, I’ve been talking to someone from Hong Kong about instant noodles. It seems like every time, Fuku comes up. This is a really popular brand there and often mentioned as a favorite. Today I’m going to try their non-fried variety. Curious how the noodles differ from the standard instant. Let’s see!
Meet The Manufacturer: More Special Items From Nissin Hong Kong
A little story. So a few weeks back, Nissin HK sent a package which got lost by the shipping company for some reason. I ended up getting a different package – an envelope that wasn’t supposed to come to me but addressed to me (weird). Well, Nissin HK was kind enough to send another package (which was the first Special Items From Hong Kong post). After quite a while, lo and behold the original package arrives! Apparently it ended up in Alabama. No clue how – but they tracked it down and got it back from whoever received it and sent it my way. So here it is – check it out – and thank you very much to Nissin HK!!!
Meet The Manufacturer: #2079: Nissin Nupasta Carbonara Flavour Instant Noodle
Well this looks interesting – Italian inspired pasta in a take out box style package. Reminds me of the Cup Noodles Pasta Style from Japan a reviewed before – at least in color scheme and design on the package. It looks like it stops there though! Let’s see what we’ve got here!
Meet The Manufacturer: #2078: Nissin Demae Iccho Curry Beef Flavour Instant Noodle
If you’ve followed my reviews for a while, two things you’ll probably have realized – I like curry and I like beef. I don’t think I’ve tried a curry instant from outside of South Korea before and this one looks pretty neat. This is the first cup version of the Demae Iccho line I’ve ever gotten my hands on! Let’s have a look inside!
Meet The Manufacturer: #2077: Nissin Cup Noodles Big Spicy Seafood Flavour
Today I think we’ll take a look at this bigger Cup Noodles. Spicy seafood sounds tasty to me! What’s also interesting about this one is that it can be microwaved, although my microwave is 1100W so unsure how to try it at 800W. It has different power levels, 1-12 (which seems kind of illogical since I wuld think they’d number 1-11). Boiling water time! Let’s go!
Meet The Manufacturer: #2076: Nissin Demae Iccho Black Garlic Oil Tonkotsu Flavour
After getting a box with over 40 new varieties I’ve not yet reviewed and only 15 that will be in this Meet The Manufacturer, I wasn’t sure which to try first. So this one was looking up at me and I thought okay – let’s give you a try. Alright – let’s open it up and check it out!
Meet The Manufacturer: Special Items From Nissin Hong Kong
A couple days back, I got a box from Nissin Hong Kong with instant noodle ‘premiums.’ Premiums are things that might be given away at a special event or prizes! I usually ask companies partaking in a Meet The Manufacturer if they might have some to send I can show – let’s see what’s inside!
Meet The Manufacturer: Product Samples From Nissin Hong Kong
So I’ve been chatting with the DHL guy lately – especially since he’s been coming by quite often. Today he brought a huge box from Nissin HK! I often give him extra noodles – I’ve got so many at this point it’s kind of overwhelming! This batch though is all ones I’ve never reviewed and only one of each! Let’s open it up!
Meet The Manufacturer: Interview With Nissin Hong Kong
Interview With Nissin Hong Kong * Product Samples From Nissin Hong Kong * Special Items From Nissin Hong Kong * More Special Items From Nissin Hong Kong * Nissin Demae Iccho Black Garlic Oil Tonkotsu Flavour * Nissin Cup Noodles Big Spicy Seafood Flavour * Nissin Demae Iccho Curry Beef Flavour Instant Noodle * Nissin Nupasta Carbonara Flavour Instant Noodle * Fuku Non-Fried Superior Soup Noodle * Nissin Cup Mifun Spicy Beef Flavour * Nissin Cup Noodles Pork Chowder Flavour * Nissin Taisho Fried Noodle Sesame Paste Flavour Instant Noodle * Nissin Demae Ramen Straight Noodle Kyushu Tonkotsu Flavour Instant Noodle * Fuku Superior Soup Instant Rice Vermicelli * Nissin Demae Ramen Sesame Oil Flavour Instant Noodle * Nissin Mie Goreng Indonesia Stir Noodle Original Flavour * Nissin Demae Iccho Beef Flavour Instant Noodle * Nissin Cup Noodles Big Seafood Curry Flavour * Nissin Nupasta Salmon In White Sauce Flavor Instant Noodle
#2069: Doll Instant Noodle Vegetarian Flavour
This is another one from the series I did for Apple Daily news of Hong Kong. I haven’t had any of this Doill series in ages and I remember I liked them very much. Vegetarian though; usually a tough sell for me. Let’s give it a try!
#2065: Four Seas Kung Tak Lam Vegetarian Noodle (Mushroom)
I had a bit of trouble figuring out what this variety was called – until I scanned the back of the package and noticed it on the top left corner. This is one that I received from Apple Daily of Hong Kong for a special news feature. Kung Tak Lam is a popular vegetarian restaurant in Hong Kong. Let’s crack it open and give it a try!
#2063: Mamee Pepper Noodles Vegetarian
Here’s the third one I’m reviewing as part of a special thing with the Apple Daily news folks in Hong Kong! They sent a few varieties to review and this one is sold in Hong Kong, however it’s made in Malaysia. Curious about this one – let’s check it out!