Tag: hongkong

#2272: Nissin Demae Iccho Spicy Kimchi Pot Flavour Instant Noodle

Here’s one big bowl of noodles! I like these – they kind of remind me of what we have here in the US – Nissin makes a line called the ‘Souper Bowl’ and it’s big too. OF course, there aren’t any Black Garlic Tonkotsu or Kimchi Pot flavored ones here. I always wish there were, but tthe fact that every country has it’s own flavors is what I really love about reviewing, and since the USA is a country, we’ve got our own. Anyways, Spicy! Kimchi! A friend of mine sent me a jar of kimchi in the mail and I go t it yesterday! Perfect timing! Let’s check this one out! ...see full post

#2268: Nissin Nupasta Neapolitan Flavour Instant Noodle

This one is leftover from the Nissin Hong Kong Meet The Manufacturer I did a little while back! They sent almost 60 different unique varieties of instant noodles! Thanks again – rarely does a company do something like this! So these Nupasta varieties have been really enjoyable thus far. This one looks like a noodle with marinara sauce. Let’s check it out! ...see full post

#2245: Nissin Vietnamese Chicken Coriander Flavour Vermicelli

If you follow my daily reviews, you might have noticed not just a lot, but a lot a lot of Nissin reviews lately. This is because I’ve done a few Meet The Manufacturers and they were kind enough to send more varieties than I review in a Meet The Manufacturer (15 maximum). Nissin Hong Kong sent around 50 different product varieties! That’s what we have today. Let’s check out this chicken flavor vermicelli! ...see full post

#2244: Kang Shi Fu Artificial Spicy Beef Flavour

Here’s yet another one sent by a reader named Colin from back east – thanks again! It’s funny how we don’t have any of these Kang shi Fu variants out west – at least not at any of the stores I’m near to. Spicy beef sounds awesome – it’s a really cloudy and rainy day here in  the Seattle area. Let’s check it out! ...see full post

#2243: Nissin Cup Noodles Black Pepper Crab Flavour

Here’s the last of the varieties that Prima Taste sent a while back – thanks! You might be wondering – why would they send a product they don’t make? Well, I asked for anyone who could help to send me noodles – I was down to three or four varieties in my hamper – a bad situation! Well, lots of people sent noodles – even Prima Taste! So let’s check out this one from Hong Kong with a Singaporean taste! ...see full post

Re-Review: Paldo Namja Ramyun (Men’s Ramyun)

I have fallen ill with some kind of head cold it seems and I thought something spicy would be good. My lovely wife Kit was kind enough make me some noodles for breakfast – she’s so good to me! Thought I’d have these – they’re available in the US now, but this is a Re-Review of the pack that is sold in Korea. The version sold in the US will be being reviewed soon! Here’s the link to the original review I did during Paldo’s Meet The Manufacturer. ...see full post

#826: Meet The Manufacturer: Paldo Namja Ramyun (Men’s Ramyun)

Here’s a new one from Paldo – Namja. Namja translates to “man” or “guy” – I think they’re saying this is very hot and spicy. I wonder if there will be a product that is made for women as well? Well, let’s see if I’m man enough for this bowl of noodles! ...see full post