A big thank you to James from Lakeside, California for surprising me a while back with this extra huge instant noodle tray. It’s like four full sized packs of noodles. Will I eat the whole thing? Yeah, I don’t think so. Anything that requires almost a liter and half or water to steep it is going to be pretty crazy. This one was going to me a contender for review #5000. Let’s gie it a try!
Tag: hot and spicy
#5017: Myojo Authentic Japanese Udon Hot & Spicy Flavor – United States
I saw an Instagram post by Myojo USA and noticed a new bowl version of their popular udon range. So, I decided to send an email – and got a respose in a big way. Big thanks! They sent a ton of new product! Here’s the first.
#4905: Maruchan Wonton Ramen Noodle Soup Hot & Spicy Chicken – United States
Was surprised to find this where I did but there it was so I got this and the non-spicy version. Maruchan had a bit of a fanfare about this – that it was bringing back something people were clamoring for. I completely expected their often asked about tomato flavored Ramen Noodle Soup, but this ain’t that which I think really disappointed a lot of folks. Regardless, this sounds interesting so let’s give it a try.
#4711: Wai Wai Quick Zabb Hot & Spicy Shrimp Flavour – Thailand
Big thanks to Pher Engi for sending this over from Australia! I haven’t reviewed one of these in such a long time, and I remember they were pretty darn good. I’m also going to guess this is pretty spicy as well. Let’s cook it up and give it a try.
#4677: Nissin Hot & Spicy Fire Wok Torched Teriyaki Chicken – United States
I was contacted by Nissin USA a few weeks ago and learned about this one and it sounded interesting. Indeed, their Fire Wok bowls are quite good – especially the Sizzlin’ Rich Pork. Pack versions? Interested! So I hit them up and they provided. There’s this one and another. Let’s give it a try!
#4643: Best Wok Corn Bihun Hot & Spicy Fried Bihun – Indonesia
Got these a little while back – thanks to the folks at Best Wok! I’ve been saving this one as the last one which wasn’t the hot and spicy was so good. Let’s give this one a try! Oh, and yes – these noodles are made completely from CORN!!
#4288: Sichuan Baijia A-Kuan Big Boss – Instant Vermicelli Spicy Hot – China
Here’s another one of these varieties with a cartoon looking boss on the cup. I found this at 99 Ranch Market and while I’ve found quite of this style cup there that I’ve enjoyed, the last one I tried wasn’t my favorite. Let’s give this one a try!
#4130: Maruchan Instant Lunch Select Hot & Spicy Chicken Flavor Ramen Noodle Soup – United States
This is something new – an upgraded version of Maruchan’s popular Instant Lunch. I’ve tried the non Hot & Spicy in the past and been meaning to try this one. Let’s give it a go!
#4012: Lingzhu Hot & Spicy Konjac Liangpi – China
Here’s another one I found at Asian Family Market in North Seattle at 130th & Aurora. This one is konjac and being konjac noodle, it’s exceedingly low in calories – it’s saying it’s 16 calories for 100 grams. Like I said – way low cal. Let’s check it out – by the way it’s a cold noodle!
#3876: Kou Da Xiang Hot & Spicy Mixed Instant Noodle – Shrimp Flavor – China
Here’s another one I got at Family Asian Market on Aurora. A gift box type of thing – maybe from Lunar New Year? Not sure, but looks interesting. I’m in the mood for interesting – let’s check it out!
#3833: Nissin Hot & Spicy Fire Wok Sizzlin’ Rich Pork Flavor – United States
I got a ‘First Taste Club’ box in the mail a couple days ago which Nissin sends out to some people in the media – and me. Well, I found this and two others inside in this Fire Wok range. This one has four of the six peppers red – they have one with five and one with all six. I’ve not done a mukbang in… Months. I’m very curious if this is top class spicy. Definitely worth a try!
Meet The Manufacturer: #3669: Ramen Express By Chef Woo Hotter & Spicier – United States
Hot and spicy – I tried this one in a mukbang soon as these arrived (see below). So… Is it packing heat? It’s definitely the right color! Let’s find out.
#3328: Chef Nic’s Noodles Hot And Spicy – Taiwan
I’ve seen these recently at our local 99 Ranch Market in Edmonds, Washington. They’re on the more expensive end – closer to $6USD which is pretty steep, but I wanted to do a Spicy Noodle Mukbang video, was in the mood for something new from Taiwan… This just smacked of something interesting to try. Not only that, it was in a box. I swear, although more expensive, little boxes that are fancy with instant noodles in them are pretty dang cool.
#3275: Haogemen Chongqing Noodles Hot & Spicy – China

Another one found at FoodyWorld up in Richmond, BC. That place never ceases to amaze me where really out of the way varieties are concerned. This one should definitely be hot and spicy – curious in which way it will swing – savory or deluge of pain. Let’s find out!
#3066: Nissin Cup Noodles Camaron Fuego – Mexico
Here’s the first of a new range from Nissin Mexico that they sent recently – thanks again! This is a shrimp variety in the new spicy trio that should be pretty spicy! Let’s find out if the ‘fire shrimp’ means business!
#2971: Best Wok Mi Goreng Hot & Spicy Instant Noodles
Mi Goreng is a variety of nboodles that I gravitated towards when I was very young. My progressions went from a Japanese chicken variety made in the United States, one from Japan and then boom – Indonesian Mi Goreng. Salty, sweet, spicy. Here’s a bit about it from Wikipedia:
#2165: Suimin Noodles With Hot & Spicy Flavour
Here’s another one of the many cups that Jen from Australia sent a few months back – thank you again! Very curious about this one – how hot and spicy will it be? Let’s find out!
Re-Review: MAMA Oriental Style Instant Noodles Hot & Spicy Flavor
Just to begin with – Happy Mother’s Day to all the moms out there!
Someone was commenting about the different between this one and a more recent review of a MAMA hot and spicy variety from Bangladesh. Then they said they ordered some on Amazon and got a different version from either of those – the Oriental Kitchen pack version! Wow – lots of different kinds. This one is more along the lines of ramyun in it’s noodles being much thicker (the kamaboko and peppers are also kind of a dead giveaway). Let’s check it out – last time I had it was for review #159!
#1852: Myojo Udon Japanese Style Pre-Cooked Noodles With Soup Hot & Spicy Flavor
My wife and I were at the grocery store the other day and she saw this series by Myojo. ‘Have you tried these yet?’ she asked. It’s funny – she finds lots of varieties for me that I never even notice – it’s pretty awesome! Since she’s a fan of udon, I thought I would make her some today. Let’s check ’em out!
#1847: Conimex Oriental Noodles Hot & Spicy
Here’s another one that was sent to me by James B. from The Netherlands – thanks! These are from The Netherlands and made by Unilever. Let’s check ’em out!
#1707: Azami Hot And Spicy Flavour Noodle Soup
Here’s one I got from Justin M. from Winfield, BC up north of here in Canada! Thanks! Let’s see here: the instant noodle was invented in Japan. This one is sold in Canada under the name Azami and sold by Loblaw’s, a supermarket chain. It’s manufactured in China. I’ve been hoping one of these Azami varieties would really blow me away; hot and spicy is a flavor profile I generally like a lot – let’s see how it fares!
#1483: Four Seas Seaweed Hot & Spicy Instant Noodle (Mushroom & Beef Flavour)
Here’s yet another one from a trip to Canada. This company is particularly interesting – they always include a big sachet of seaweed in their packs and bowls of instant noodles. What’s more, their bowl have two noodle blocks instead of just one – they sport some of the largest instant noodle meals I’ve ever seen! This one’s mushroom and beef flavored hot and spicy – which you find out by reading the back of the packaging. Anyways, sounds like an interesting one – let’s give it a try!
Meet The Manufacturer: #1335: Sakura Noodle Chikara Brand Udon Hot & Spicy Flavor
Today is a good day for spicy noodles. I just did my big walk of the day – something I’ve not been able to do for a week or so – it’s been raining alot here just north of Seattle. A lot. In fact, there was a weather alert for landslides due to so much rain… Sheesh. Walk was good and now I’ve got the pre-season baseball audio going – Giants vs Royals today. I’m a Giants fan – my wife converted me from being a Mariners fan when we got together as she used to play softball and got quite a few trophies. The first year I started following the Giants was 2010, and lo and behold, they won the world Series! Then again in 2012. I think as long as we win the even years, we’re good to go. Anyways, spicy udon sounds really good today and I think I know just what to add to it – Fresno chilli peppers! They’re playing the game today in Scottsdale, AZ, and a lot of their minor league players get a chance to get a chance to be in the roster. Many of them are from the Fresno, CA AAA team. Let’s check these noodles out!
New Product Samples From Maruchan!
Wow how cool – samples from Maruchan! first ever!
I saw something about the new Maruchan Bowls on their website and asked my contact about them. Well, they sent me this neat box!
#948: Trident Hot & Spicy 2 Minute Noodles
Hey check this out! This is the first ever package of instant noodles I’ve reviewed from Australia! Thanks go to Melanie I. of Jannali, NSW for sending these and also thanks to Mark K. for getting her to do it! This is an interesting pack – let’s check it out!
#806: Ohsung Hot & Spicy Bowl Noodle Soup With Soy Peptide
Here’s one the folks at Ramen Place sent a while back. Sounded good today to have somethin’ spicy! Soy peptide eh? Here’s some info. Let’s see how it goes.
#516: Wang Champong Spicy Seafood Noodles
Here’s a new one – Wang brand. It’s a fresh noodle big bowl from Korea.
As you can see, big and from Korea.