Strange how lately Walmart has become a treasure trove for Maruchan products – found six I hadn’t reviewed there recently! Anyways, here’s the chicken lower sodium pack.
Tag: Instant
Re-Review: FMF Chow Tomato Flavour Instant Noodle
Thanks again to Joseph H. of Sacramento, California for sending these! Reviewed these as #895. Sounded good today so here we go!
Re-Review: Nissin Spoon it Rich & Hearty Beef Stew Flavor Ramen Noodle Soup
Here’s another one from the already reviewed box. Thought it’d be a good one for today as it’s quite cold outside. You can check out the original review here.
New TV Spot For Nongshim’s Shin Ramyun Black Cup With PSY
Unless you’ve been hiding under a proverbial rock for the last couple of months, you have heard the song ‘Gangnam Style‘ by South Korean pop star PSY at one time or another, seen the horse dance, etc. Well, After he sent Nongshim a video asking if he could do a commercial for them, they said yes.
#899: FMF Chow Tomato Flavour Instant Noodle
Here’s the other one that Joseph H. of Sacramento, Ca sent – thanks again! I really like what it says there on the front – I think it should have a question mark after hungry. It sounds like Talk Like A Pirate Day with YAAR!!!
#879: Song Hak Rice Topokki Bowl
While at the KS Mart in Lynnwood, Washington, I saw this and had to give it a try. Wasn’t sure what (if any) noodles would be within, although I know one thing: topokki (or ttebokki) are really neat – they’re like enormous noodle chunks. Korean food is awesome stuff. Here’s what Wikipedia says about how it arrived in its current form:
#850: Nissin Top Ramen Short Cuts Chicken Flavor Ramen Noodle Soup
#830: Seven & i (7-11 Japan) Premium Shoyu Noodle
This one comes from Courtney N. from British Columbia, Canada! How rad – this is from Seven-11 in Japan! Looks interesting…
#820: Sunlee Tom Yum Shrimp Flavour Instant Rice Stick
Today is probably the hottest day we’re going to have in Western Washington this summer. Right now it’s 88 degrees! I thought a nice bowl of spicy noodles would go well with it. I mean, isn’t it hot in Thailand too?
#798: Golden Wheat Korean Style Pork Flavour Noodle Soup
Here’s a big cup my sister brought me back from Canada this year. Sounds good on a nice sunny day.
#771: Wingsfood Mie Sedaap Instant Mi Kuah Rasa Ayam Bawang
Here’s one I got locally at a new Indonesian grocery here in town – Waroeng Jajnan! I can’t wait to go back there! This is onion chicken flavor – ayam means chicken and bawang means onion.
#767: Fashion Food Mushroom Flavour Vegetarian Instant Noodle
Here’s another one of the Fashion Food varieties.
The noodle block.
Dry seasoning packet
#766: Fashion Food Beef Pho Flavour Instant Noodles
#765: Super Bihun Instant Rice Noodles Kuah
Here’s another one that was lurking in the bottom of the hamper! Been kind of wondering where it had gone – well, here it is! I must say this is my favorite logo ever – looks like a heart and a bomb, doesn’t it? Curious how this one will be. Let’s go!
#761: Thai Kitchen Garlic & Vegetable Instant Rice Noodle Soup
The Ramen Rater On KBS America TV!
During my trip to Nongshim America, I was interviewed – here’s what they aired on TV! This is the first time I’ve ever been on television! Pretty exciting! If someone would like to translate this, I would be very appreciative.
#752: Meet The Manufacturer: Nongshim Bowl Noodle Savory Soup Tempura Udon Flavor
Meet The Manufacturer: Nongshim America Visit
Here we go with another Meet The Manufacturer week! This one’s a little different of course since my wife and I actually took a trip and met the people who are Nongshim America! It was an amazing and fun visit – so without further adieu, here’s what happened. By the way, if you click on the images they get much bigger.
#744: Payless Instant Mami Beef Flavor
I was digging in the bottom of the noodle hamper and pulled this one out – pretty old and needs ingested ASAP! It’s one my sister picked up for me in Canada last year. Very small pack too! Let’s give it a try.
#729: Meet The Manufacturer: Indomie Mi Instan Mi Goreng Jumbo
This is the stuff of legend – probably Indomie’s most well-known product and extremely popular the world over. Mi Goreng means fried noodles. This is awesome stuff! I’m going to have it with egg, beef, veggies AND cheese . Here’s a part of the interview I did with Indomie:
#728: Meet The Manufacturer: Indomie Mi Instan Rasa Kari Ayam Medan Khas Sumatera Utara (Medan Chicken Curry)
#727: Meet The Manufacturer – Indomie Mi Instan Rasa Empal Gentong Khas Jawa Barat
Today I continue reviews for Meet The Manufacturer: Indomie week! This is another one, sent to me from Jakarta, Indonesia by Indomie – thanks again! So what does Empal Gentong consist of? What does it mean? Here’s what I found on Wikipedia:
#717: Nissin Ramen Bowl Spicy Chicken Flavor
Here’s another one of the samples Nissin Foods USA were kind enough to send me. Thanks! Spicy chicken today huh? sounds good to me.
#712: Four Seas Seaweed Instant Noodle
Here’s one my sister brought me down from Canada! Thanks, Sue!!! Seaweed flavor, huh? Well, let’s check it out!
#710: Saigon Ve Wong Kung-Fu Instant Noodles Mixed Foods Flavor
Been saving this one for just the right day – and here it is! Mixed foods flavor?! Wow this is a fascinating one – never have I found an instant noodle with such a non-descript totle! Surf and turf? Not sure what’s going on here but we’ll give ‘er a try!
#703: Meet The Manufacturer – Nissin Spoon it Rich & Hearty Beef Stew Flavor Ramen Noodle Soup
Here’s another of the new Spoon it line of noodle soups from Nissin! Beef stew sounds tasty…
#701: Meet The Manufacturer – Nissin Big Cup Noodles Lime Chili Shrimp
#697: Meet The Manufacturer – Nissin Spoon it Rich & Hearty Savory Chicken Flavor Ramen Noodle Soup
Whoa check this out – Spoon it? This is something brand new from Nissin. Apparently, it’s been released on the east coast. I was told that noodles like this do better in colder climates (funny how the weather worked this year!). A box of noodles… Let’s check this out!
#685: Indomie Mi Instan Rasa Sop Buntut Khas Jakarta (Oxtail Soup Flavor)
Another of the half dozen amazing Indomie varieties sent to me by Edin N. of Vancouver, BC! Thanks again! This one’s oxtail soup. Let’s begin.
#684: Dragonfly Instant Noodles Artificial Seafood Flavor
I’ve been waiting a while to have some things in first before trying this one. I wanted to have some seafood to add to it or something interesting. Well, I had two something interestings to add to it, so let’s check this one out!
#677: Nongshim Shin Ramyun Shrimp Flavor
My sister was up in Canada at a big grocery store and found this for me! Shin Ramyun Shrimp Flavor! Never heard or seen it before – what a score! Let’s see how it goes with this one!
#675: Samyang Nagasaki Jjampong
Here’s the second of the two packs sent to me by Chris H. of Westport, CT – thanks again! So this is the other extremely popular variety out of Korea, Samyang’s Nagasaki Jjampong. I read that ‘white broth’ instant noodles are all the rage there – none are for sale in the Asian grocery stores I frequent and the ones Chris sent are from Korea. Anyways, let’s give it a try!
Meet The Manufacturer Re-Review: Tat Hui’s KOKA Curry Flavour Instant Non-Fried Noodles
Here’s another one – curry flavor!!! This is the four pack.
I ate the contents of this package!
The Ramen Rater Noodle News #6
Here’s the new Noodle News #6! I scour the net for stories on noodles from all over the place! Here you go!
#643: Wei Chuan Instant Noodle Soup Miso Vegetables Flavor
Here’s another pack from Michelle L. of New York – thanks! The last Wei Chuan I tried was tomato flavor and quite good – let’s see how this one is.
The Ramen Rater: On CNN
Woke up and noticed a lot of people checking out the site and lo and behold – the CNN Article came out! Enjoy! Thanks to Daphne Sashin for the interview! Click image below to enlarge or use this link.
Re-Review: Maruchan Ramen Noodle Soup Oriental Flavor
Such a classic – almost as American as it is Japanese! Actually, this packet was made in California. Just like rival Nissin, Maruchan has a huge southern California factory. Here’s a re-review of this standard that probably everyone has had once in their lifetime.
A New Donation Arrives!
Wasn’t expecting any more presents – Christmas is over! A lightweight box… Hmm…
#621: Ottogi Jin Ramen (Hot) Asian Style Instant Noodle Big Bowl
You like it hot? This stuff is good and it delivers some decent heat too. I’ve had the cup, the pack and now, the big bowl. Wonder if there’s a regular sized bowl? Hmm…
#600: Maruchan Ramen Noodle Soup Beef Flavor
Here we go with review 600! Yep – this is why there were all the re-reviews last week! Thanks go to Mike M. of Staten Island, NY for pointing out that I’d reviewed the Roast Beef but not the regular beef flavor!