Thanks to James from Lakeside, California for sending this along. Been years since a Shirakiku variety crossed paths with my desk. What’s more, I don’t know that I’ve seen imagery on a tonkotsu featuring a fork before. Let’s give it a whirl.
Tag: japanese style
#5010: JML Big Soup! Big Taste! Artificial Japanese Style Pork Bone Flavour – China
We found this at S*Mart in Bellevue, WA a few months ago right before my birthday. These are freaking large packs – let’s check ’em out.
#4751: Yamadai Miso Ramen Japanese Style Noodles – United States
I tried the shoyu variety recently and it was pretty good. Both are definitely packaged for sale in the United States. Let’s try the miso today!
#4432: Annie Chun’s Japanese Style Yakisoba Noodle Bowl – United States
I found this at WinCo Foods in Lynnwood, Washington last weekend. It mentions that this is Vegan friendly. I’m very curious about this; we will see how this goes.
#4269: Annie Chun’s Japanese Style Shoyu Ramen Soup Bowl – United States
Lately, I’ve found myself in a slight pickle. I’m low on varieties of review… Well, it’s mainly my fault – I think for over two weeks I’ve been in such a good groove that I’ve been able to do three reviews a day and walk about ten miles per day as well. That’s a lot of unique varieties of noodles… So, I’ve had to resort to finding a bunch in a bit of a hurry. I found this one locally at the grocery store today. In fact, I found five different varieties. Let’s see what this is all about – it sounds a little bit interesting. Guess we’ll see.
#4202: Menraku Japanese Ramen “Hot & Spicy” Flavor With Chili Garlic – United States
Here’s yet another Menraku variety and it came from James of Lakeside, California – thanks again! I thought this would be a dry variant, but it’s definitely not. I should mention that yes, while this is made in Japan, it’s definitely an export version and that’s why it gets the United States tag at the end. Let’s give it a try!
#4135: Menraku Japanese Ramen “Chili Tomato” Taste – United States
I got two of these in quick succession – the first from James in Lakside, CA and the other from a subscription box out of California as well from Exotic Noods. If you want to get one of their boxes, head over and use the coupon code THERAMENRATER and get a nice discount – thank to you both for sending these!
#4059: J-Basket Japanese Style Noodle Soup Curry Flavor – United States
This one came from Exotic Noods! Exotic Noods has great monthly subscription boxes with products from around the world. Worth a look! Use coupon code THERAMENRATER for a discount!
#3769: Menraku Japanese Ramen “Spicy Miso Tonkotsu” – United States
Here’s one that came in a box from Exotic Noods – use coupon code THERAMENRATER for a discount!
Re-Review: Sapporo Ichiban Japanese Style Noodles & Original Flavored Soup – United States
This is a kind of rare occurrence. I reviewed this one yesterday. Usually the posts you see here every day are from at least 100 days prior – it’s nice being ahead of the game. But, this being a re-review, it doesn’t get a new review number or anything. I was at the store and thought it would be nice to have something easy to do up and post.
#2557: Yamachan Sapporo Miso Ramen
I contacted Yamachan a couple of weeks ago and they had new varieties for me to review! I did a Meet The Manufacturer with them a long time ago and their stuff is really great. Let’s see what Wikipedia has to say about miso –
#2431: Dream Kitchen Udon Japanese Style Fresh Noodle
Here’s a bowl we found a little while back at Uwajimaya. So udon is definitely different from instant noodles – it’s a lot thicker. Let’s see what Wikipedia has to say about it:
#2267: Shirakiku Karami Ramen Spicy Chili Flavor Japanese Style Noodle With Soup Base
Here’s another one sent by a reader named Colin from the east coast – thanks again! I’m giving this one not a re-review but a full new review. I tried it in the past – it was review #125. Why a new review and not a re-review? Well, I don’t see anything on the old one mentioning non-fried noodles and think that maybe this has changed. The packaging has changed, but unsure if that’s denoting a difference. The brand Shirakiku is one of Nishimoto. Basically, kind of think of Trader Joe’s – they source foreign/domestic brands and re-brand them for sale in the USA under their name. That’s the case usually with Shirakiku. Let’s have a look!
Re-Review: Sapporo Ichiban Japanese Style Noodles & Original Flavored Soup
We went to Walmart on Black Friday! Well, let me explain – it was at 6pm or so, so the amount of crazy people was lower. It seems though that the Walmart we always go to has a surplus of crazy people usually. I imagine the early morning Black Friday folks would’ve been a scary lot. One thing I noticed was that they hadn’t bought all of the noodles, so I thought I’d get a couple to re-review. Here’s one of them last time I tried it, it was revirew #207. Hoping some new things to review come soon – only have one in the hamper that’s needing review… Re-reviews are fun though since they’re not been visited in so long.
#421: Myojo Kakesoba-Desse Soy Sauce Flavor Japanese Style Soup Noodles
So here’s another of these nice Myojo varieties. A little more spendy at $2.49, but really some nice stuff.
#419: Myojo Ramen-Desse-Shio Japanese Style Soup Noodles Oriental Flavor
So here’s another of these great Myojo bowls – hopefully I like this one too!
Two packets – a lot of powder and some kind of oil…
#413: Souper Brand Japanese Style Alimentary Paste Chow-Mein With Soup Stock
So we were in the Asian grocery today and looking around on the fresh noodle aisle. I’ve done all the varieties they had of the Myojo Udon in the past, but there’s quite a few here I haven’t done before too, so here we go!