Big thanks to James from Lakeside for this one! Jjamppong is a favorite of mine and this sounds like a Nagasaki jjamppong. Let’s cook it up!
Tag: jjamppong
James Sends One More Pack!
Well, James from Lakeside had one more up his sleeve and here it is – check it out!
#4972: 99 Ranch Market Jjamppong Spicy Seafood Ramen – United States
Here’s the second of the 99 Ranch Market varieties. I should mention they’ve also got packs of just noodles in different styles like buckwheat, etc. This is by my calculations probably made by Paldo Vina in Vietnam. Let’s give it a try – jjamppong is one of my favorite varieties.
#4791: Samyang Nagasaki Jjambbong – United States
This is one I tried when it debuted way back. There were a couple of versions as well. This one is made in South Korea and packaged for sale in the US market. Jjambbong is like a spicy seafood stew. This on the other hand is the same but with a more milky broth. This is a really great one when I’ve had it in the past – let’s visit it again!
#4691: You Us GS Retail Extra Spicy Jjamppong – South Korea
Ahhhh jjamppong! Awesome – I freaking really love jjamppong. Seafood and spicy and sometimes smoky – kind of imparts a grilled seafood flavor – those are the best. Let’s waste no time and give it a try!
#4640: Daebak Seafood Jjamppong Ramyeon – Malaysia
I was looking through my containers of noodle varieties and turns out that I missed this one! I’m honestly really happy I had another one from these folks to review – and jjamppong is one of my favorite varieties. Let’s cook it up!
#4452: Samyang Buldak Jjamppong – South Korea
Here’s another Buldak variety that came by way of The Fat Hipster – he’s got a great YouTube channel you should check out! This guy drank s’mores flavor Pepsi. You should really look at what he’s up to!
#3429: Paldo Bul Jjamppong – South Korea
Okay so this is the local South Korean version of this variety. I’ve had it before as an export. Let’s see if it’s any different!
The Ramen Rater’s Top Ten South Korean Instant Noodles Of All Time 2019 Edition
It’s January 2019, and so it is time for the first of many Top Ten Lists. I always start the year with the latest South Korean Top ten. This list was compiled as of posting 3,058 unique reviews of instant noodles, 349 of which are South Korean. All varieties are manufactured in South Korea. If you are a company interested in having your products showcased, please drop me a line. Let’s begin!
The Ramen Rater’s Top Ten Instant Noodle Bowls Of All Time 2018 Edition
It’s time for another top ten list and this time it’s The Ramen Rater’s Top Ten Instant Noodle Bowls Of All Time 2018 Edition! The first list debuted in 2013 – I can’t believe this is the sixth list! As always – if you are a company who would like me to review your products, please contact me via the contact link – I want to talk to you! These are my favorite instant noodle bowl selections from my over 2800 reviews to date. Let’s get started!
The Ramen Rater’s Top Ten South Korean Instant Noodles Of All Time 2018 Edition
UPDATE: Here’s the new 2019 List!
Kicking off Top Ten List season, I bring you the South Korean Top Ten Instant Noodles Of All Time for 2018. I looked at how many varieties from South Korea I’ve reviewed to date and got 326 so far. South Korean varieties continue to evolve and innovate in different ways in order to satisfy the changing needs and tastes of the consumer – definitely keeps things interesting. As always, I ask any companies, whether in South Korea or elsewhere – that would like me to review their products to send me an email! I am happy to talk to you! Without further delay, let’s have a look at the Top Ten South Korean Instant Noodles list for 2018 – the best South Korean varieties available out of the over 360 South Korean varieties from the over 2,500 varieties of instant noodles I’ve reviewed thus far.
#2526: Samyang Foods Jjamppong Big Bowl
Here’s one Samyang Foods sent a little while back – thanks again! So this is a jjamppong bowl – a spicy seafood concoction from South Korea. Here’s some more info from Wikipedia about it –
#2483: Paldo Bul Jjamppong Spicy Seafood Noodle Soup
I’m pretty sure I found this one at HMart a few months back but to be honest I can’t remember. This one is a fancy variety of jjamppong. Here’s a little something from Wikipedia –
#2391: Ottogi Jin Jjambbong Spicy Seafood Noodle
It’s definitely been a while since I reviewed anything by Ottogi that’s for theSouth Korean market. Actually, this one is an export version, but the more recent ones have been for Mexico and so this is more of a South Korean variety. So, what is jjambbong? Wikipedia has this to say about it:
The Ramen Rater’s Top Ten South Korean Instant Noodles 2017 Edition
South Korean instant noodles are known around the world as being spicy and beefy for the most part. However, there are many different styles. In fact, seafood jjamppong, black bean jjajang, cold noodles, and creamy beef noodles exist in the scene. Today, I’ll do a rundown of my favorites – the best of the highest rated South Korean varieties from over 2,300 unique varieties I’ve reviewed from around the world. Finally, I would like to note that it’s tougher to find South Korean varieties. Therefore, any instant noodle companies from South Korea should contact me promptly to be considered for upcoming top ten lists. Let’s get started.
#2282: Samyang Foods Gold Jjamppong Fried Noodle
I’ve liked jjamppong for a while now. For those of you not familiar with it, it’s kind of like a spicy Korean seafood hnoodle soup. Let’s check it out!
#2212: Paldo Bul Jjamppong
Here’s a new Jjamppong from Paldo of South Korea sent by Yongmin Park of Paldo. Thank you very much! I really like jjamppong so let’s check it out!
New Samples From South Korea’s Paldo Food
First, I want to send a special thank you to Yongmin Park for sending me product samples! See, every year I do the Top Ten South Korean Instant Noodles list and each year it’s starting to seem like I get fewer and fewer products to try from South Korea. People have been getting grumpy about the list too – see, it’s only for products made IN South Korea, not elsewhere. Let’s have a look inside and see what awaits!
The Ramen Rater’s Top Ten South Korean Instant Noodles Of All Time 2016 Edition
South Korea has the highest per person consumption of instant noodles in the world. It’s not a surprise that their instant noodle are quite good – usually the noodles (known as ramyun) are thicker and accompanied by a spicy broth. These are my very favorite varieties of South Korean instant noodles – hope you enjoy!
The Ramen Rater’s Top Ten Spiciest Instant Noodles Of All Time 2015 Edition
As many might know, I started The Ramen Rater (click to see the old site) in 2002 and did about 60 reviews. Then, I turned my attention to spicy hot sauces with The Sauce Rater. In 2010, I resumed my instant noodle reviewing. I’ve long been a fan of the spicy side of things – strong heat and good flavor are a couple of my favorite things. Let’s have a look at the absolutely hottest varieties I’ve found in my over 1,700 reviews of instant noodles from around the world in this year’s The Ramen Rater’s Top Ten Spiciest Instant Noodles Of All Time 2015 Edition.
#1645: Lucky Me! Supreme Jjamppong Korean Style Spicy Seafood Soup
I recently reviewed a South Korean Jjajang instant noodle. Well, here’s another double J named instant noodle! Jjamppong! So, what’s jjamppong? Wikipedia has this to say:
The Ramen Rater’s Top Ten South Korean Instant Noodles Of All Time 2015 Edition
The Ramen Rater’s top Ten South Korean Instant Noodles Of All Time made it’s debut last January and I thought this would be a good day to release the new one for 2015! South Korean instant noodles (known as ramyun) are characteristically thicker and chewier than most instants. Spiciness is a common trait as well as beef flavors. Here are my top picks of the South Korean varieties I’ve reviewed of my 1,573 reviews to date.
Meet The Manufacturer: #1532: Lucky Me! Special Instant Noodles Jjamppong Flavor
Well everyone, today is Thanksgiving! I thought I’d like to thank everyone who visit The Ramen Rater every day – your attention and interest inspires me to continue on in my journey to find the best instant noodles in the world and let you know about them! I wanted to also thank you for buying things using the Amazon links I provide. These aren’t products directly from me, but from people/companies selling them on Amazon, and I get a little something every time one of you uses a link and either buys the item shown or browses and finds something else they’d like. This really helps us out, especially around the holidays. If you’re planning on doing holiday shopping on Amazon, consider something from the Noodle Shop or simply go to the Noodle Shop and click on the Amazon logo. You’ll be helping keep The Ramen Rater running ! Thanks, and Happy Thanksgiving!
#1523: Paldo Jjamppong Seafood Noodle King Bowl
Here’s a new Jjamppong King Bowl from Paldo. The king bowl is yet another instant noodle form factor. There are cups, king cups, bowls and king bowls. I think the main different between cups and bowls are really the portability factor. I think a king cup and a king bowl hold the same amount of liquid though; I’ll have to compare them some day. But I digress. This is Jjamppong – here’s a little from Wikipedia about Jjamppong who are unclear about what it is:
#1372: Samyang Foods Nagasaki Jjamppong
Here’s a little cup that’s been sitting in my box for a while. Sounds good – something a little spicy and seafoody! Let’s check it out!
The Ramen Rater’s Top Ten South Korean Instant Noodles Of All Time 2014 Edition
It’s no secret that I eat a lot of instant noodles. Last year alone, I did 320 new reviews! I’m often asked, “when you aren’t reviewing, what instant noodles do you like to eat?” South Korean ramyun is the answer. In 1963, instant noodles were first introduced to South Korea as ‘ramyun.’ People were a little confused at first; they thought it was a textile! They also weren’t super keen on it being chicken flavored; South Koreans prefer rich beef flavors as opposed to lighter poultry tastes. With a little tweaking, the spicy rich beef noodles synonymous with ramyun were born. The thick noodles, rich broth and spiciness keep me coming back for more. This list contains my favorites from the 1272 reviews I’ve done thus far. They are all made in South Korea, and many will be hard to find in the United States, if not impossible. With that, here’s my list.
South Korean Samples From Samyang Foods!
Recently I heard about this recipe using Samyang Foods Budalk Bokkumyeon (Hot fried chicken flavor ramyun). I only have one of the bowls so I needed at least onhe more so I could do a regular review as well as try the recipe. I asked a friend at Samyang Foods if they could possibly send some more and I got a yes! Today this box arrived.
#1110: GS25 Gonghwachun Jjajangmyun
This was sent to me by Kristina W. of Arizona – thank you! Jjajangmyun is basically a noodle that is coated in a black bean sauce. Let’s check it out!
#1038: Itomen Chanponmen
Here’s one that the folks from God Of Patena sent – thanks! Very little English on here – searched and translated via UPC code and kept coming up with ‘chanpon’ over and over so I’m calling it that. Also found it called ‘champon’ too, but more often than not it was ‘chanpon.’ Most things show it as a seafood broth, but as you can see on the package, it looks like ham or smoked pork. I also saw mention that this was a borrowed noodle soup from Chinese culture; like jjamppong perhaps? Let’s check it out!
#1037: emart Dare You Habanero Jjamppong
Time for some extremely spicy noodles! This is another one from eMart, makers of Dare You Habanero Ramyun. Dare You weighs in at 5,930SHU (Scoville Heat Units) – the hottest I’ve had thus far. This one’s 3,960SHU – not as fiery hot, but definitely not to be trifled with! Jjampong is a seafood soup. You ready?
New Product Samples From South Korea’s eMart
Woke up to an email from Stan at eMart telling me he had sent some samples and that they would possibly arrive sometime this week. A little later, there was a knock at the door and a USPS guy asking me to sign for a box – a big box!
#989: GS25 Gonghwachun Jjamppong
This was sent to me by Kristina W. of Arizona – thank you! This one was a toughie to decipher so here’s what I found. GS25 is a chain of convenience stores in South Korea. From what I read on the packaging, this is a product made for them by Paldo. There’s a restaurant in Incheon called Gonghwachun – I think that’s what is being referred to here. Gonghwachun is a famous Chinese restaurant and well known for its Jjajangmyeon. Finally, Jjamppong (also jjambong, champong) is a spicy seafood soup. If I’m wrong, please comment! Anyways, on with the review!