Tag: khas

#733: Meet The Manufacturer – Indomie Mi Instan Rasa Soto Betawi Khas Jakarta

Some of you might be saying ‘hey it’s Thursday; didn’t Meet The Manufacturer week start on Wednesday last week?’ Well, yeah but I skipped two days of reviewing so gotta make those up – only fair. So here we have Soto Betawi. Wikipedia has this to say about it: ...see full post

#726: Meet The Manufacturer – Indomie Mi Goreng Cakalang Khas Sulawesi Utara

What’s Cakalang? Indonesian Wikipedia says:

Skipjack (Katsuwonus Pelamis) is a medium-sized fish of the families Scombridae ( tuna ). The only species of the genus Katsuwonus. Largest tuna, body length can reach 1 m with a weight of more than 18 kg. A lot of tuna caught a length of about 50 cm. Other names include cakalan, cakang, movement, kambojo, karamojo, turingan, and some are called cobs . In the English language known as skipjack tuna. ...see full post

#676: Indomie Mi Instan Rasa Mi Celor Spicy Coconut Shrimp Soup Flavour

This is a real treat – this is one of the varieties not available in the United States and was kindly sent by Edwin N. of Vancouver, BC! Thank you again so much!
He sent six of them and so I will try one of them every once in a while so they last. I am a huge fan of Indomie’s products and so very happy about this! I
should also mention that I have been directly contacted by Indomie and they are going to be sending me many varieties that aren’t usually available – that
donation will come at some point in the future. For now though, let’s check out spicy coconut shrimp flavor soup! ...see full post