Tag: koka

Met The Manufacturer: #2445: KOKA Delight Laksa Singapura Flavor Instant Non-Fried Noodles

Met The Manufacturer: #2445: KOKA Delight Laksa Singapura Flavor Instant Non-Fried Noodles - The Ramen Rater - Singapore - Tat Hui Foods

I’m reviewing this on March 14th and it’s actually my birthday today! I just got done doing a really big project on spicy noodles and though maybe it would be nice to do a review of something curry. I was looking through the samples and saw this one and realized I do have laksa leaves in my fridge so I’d better review it. So, what’s Laksa Singapura? Wikipedia has this to say – ...see full post

Meet The Manufacturer: Product Samples From Tat Hui 1

Meet The Manufacturer: KOKA Product Samples - Singapore - The Ramen Rater - Instant Noodles - tat hui

This big box was sent by the folks at Tat Hui, makers of KOKAS brand instant noodles in Singapore. A few years ago, I saw an article in a news feed about KOKA products at a trade show in the United States and it hit me: maybe I should contact the guy they mentioned. I also thought maybe I could interview him and ask some questions about instant noodles. This is how the whole Meet The Manufacturer concept was born. ...see full post

Meet The Manufacturer: Interview With Tat Hui Foods Pte. Ltd.

#2103: Roland Ramen Japanese Style Quick-Cooking Alimentary Paste With Beef Artificially Flavored Soup Base

A big thanks to Colin for finding and sending me this one! Okay, so I have been trying to get this one for a while; anything by Roland honestly. I called them, emailed them, and always got the same reply – ‘we don’t send sample.’ I really love it when companies have such a rigid policy against basically what amounts to free advertising. This one is made in Singapore for Roland company here in the USA, and I have a feeling it’s a private label by Tat Hui/KOKA – all boils down to one aspect which is a giveaway. Let’s check this one out and I’ll show you what that is. ...see full post

The Ramen Rater’s Easy-To-Find Instant Noodles 2015 Edition

A lot of people have come to my site from the United States, knowing only a couple varieties, those usually being chicken or beef, pack or cup. If that’s you, this is kind of a beginner’s guide to exploring the different brands and varieties that are pretty easily sourced here in the States. You can find many of these in your local grocery store, although some might require a trip to the Asian grocery, or to Amazon. But all of them can be found here, unlike many I review that only are sold in their local countries. Many of these have even been on my top ten lists, past and present – so get ready to have some of my favorite and most memorable varieties that you can easily find here in the United States! ...see full post

Re-Review: Tat Hui Mi Hai Cua 2 Crab Flavour Oriental Style Instant Noodles

I remember the first time I saw this one – it looks so exotic! So fascinating! So ‘what is it?’ The tiny crabs shown on the package were enticing. They reminded me of the ones I’d find as a kid on the beach in Anacortes – you’d flip over a rock and watch them scurry all over the place. I reviewed this one way back – before #500. Let’s give it another look as it’s been calling to me in the noodle aisle for another try. ...see full post

#1562: Koka Purple Wheat Noodles Soy & Vinegar Flavor

I must admit that in the past I haven’t been entirely fond of noodles with different colors. Not because I dislike the color (actually I find that fascinating), but because they tend to have an off taste to them and just seem kind of ‘gimmicky.’ It’s been about 300 or so reviews since I tried the Aglio Olio variety of this line. Let’s see how this Soy & Vinegar one goes! ...see full post

#1542: KOKA Noodles Beef Flavour

Here’s the last one sent by Charles, a serviceman in Afghanistan – thanks! It’s really strange to know that since my last KOKA review that I’ve been in Singapore; never did I expect to visit Asia in my lifetime and now I have. Albeit a short visit (out experience of Singapore consisted of running through Changi airport from travelator to travelator and transferring our luggage from carrier to carrier), it was a truly fascinating blur! Anyways, got some fresh beef yesterday and needed to package it up so though I’d do a beef noodle review. Let’s check it out! ...see full post

#1325: Koka Noodles Spicy Shrimp Tom Yam Flavour

Here’s another one sent by Charles, a serviceman in Afghanistan – thanks! I’ve seen these cups for a long time online but never have I tried one. It seems KOKA sells their noodles in three places – Singapore, the US and the UK. They have different kinds available in each market too which is logical. Most large noodle manufacturers do this actually; look at the flavors sold here in the US versus the ones by the same company sold in Japan. It’s kind of the ‘when in Rome’ logic and it works for them. Let’s have a look inside this cup by KOKA. ...see full post

#1306: KOKA Oriental Style Instant Noodles Tom Yam Flavour

Here’s one that was sent by Martin A. of Devon, England. Thanks again! I’ve really been into fish balls lately. They’re tasty, lots of varieties, and pretty low cal. Anyways, they tend to go better in spicy varieties of instant noodles and I think they are wonderful in tom yum/yam. Let’s check this one out! ...see full post

#1282: Koka Purple Wheat Noodles Aglio Olio Flavor

Wow what an interesting past few days! Two days ago I reviewed some Taiwanese noodles that were very green. Yesterday, some Japanese ramen with jet black broth. Today? Purple noodles! These noodles are made with purple wheat – which is rich in anthocyanins. Here’s a good article for more one purple wheat. As for Aglio Olio – what’s that? Well, it’s basically garlic (aglio) and oil (olio). Capiche? Alright, let’s check it out! ...see full post

The Ramen Rater’s Top Ten Spiciest Instant Noodles Of All Time


* UPDATE * See here.

A couple of days ago, I received an email from a man who was angry. He was angry that the instant noodles he bought said that they were spicy Chicken flavor but weren’t spicy whatsoever and that I needed to change the seasonings ASAP. Every once in a while, I get a comment or email from someone who thinks that I make instant noodles or am affiliated with an instant noodle company. I decided to reply and do a review of the product he had problems with, adding some hot spices, sauces and peppers from around the world to really heat it up. It then occurred to me that a lot of people really like spicy instant noodles and that there’s really no list of the hottest ones out there. I figured I’d better do something about that, and so here’s the Top Ten Spiciest Instant Noodles Of All Time! ...see full post

The Ramen Rater Top Ten Instant Noodles Of All Time 2011 & 2012 Editions

Here it is – the new Ramen Rater Top Ten List! It was originally released on Foodiggity.com on January 9th, 2011 as an exclusive guest post I did. Now, here it is on The Ramen Rater for your perusal with links to all of the corresponding reviews! Enjoy! ...see full post

Ask The Manufacturer: Tat Hui/KOKA

I have been able to get the opportunity to do an interview with Singapore’s Tat Hui Corporation, makers of KOKA noodles! I have compiled a list of questions to ask and now would like YOU to round out the list – what would you ask them? This will be open until Monday, 2/13/2012. At the end, I will list the questions picked to send them! Make sure you include your first name and last initial and where you are from in the response! Good luck! ...see full post