James from Lakeside, California emailed me the other day on some packs he found at Grocery Outlet and sent my way. These are very very interesting in that they’re got clear stuff going on, common prison named flavors, and so on. Watch the vid and maybe check you local Grocery Outlet should you have one. Thanks again man – awesome find!
Tag: lakeside
James From Lakeside Sends Yet Another Box Of Ramen!
James is a kind of noodle whisperer; he has been sending boxes with stuff in them that 99% of the time I’ve never heard of. This box is no different – lots of neat stutff in here including a variety made in Vietnam for Poland! Thanks!! Let’s take a look.
#5129: Paldo Mala Bibimmen – South Korea
Thanks to James from Lakeside California for this one. My guess is this will be spicy; maybe Sichuan peppercorn spicy. This is a cold noodle, so it should be interesting. Well, let’s do this.
#5123: JML Big Soup! Big Taste! Artificial Hot & Sour Pork Bone Flavor – China
Big thanks to James from Lakeside, California for this one! Yeah these are big, that’s for sure – really big. Like huge. Let’s cook it up!
#5121: Shirakiku Tonkotsu Ramen Japanese Style Ramen Noodle Soup – United States
Thanks to James from Lakeside, California for sending this along. Been years since a Shirakiku variety crossed paths with my desk. What’s more, I don’t know that I’ve seen imagery on a tonkotsu featuring a fork before. Let’s give it a whirl.
#5119: Vina Caty Noodles Spicy Seafood Flavor – Vietnam
Big thank you to James from Lakeside, California for sending! The last one of these I tried was a vegetable mushroom and it was really quite nice – now we have a seafood mushroom. I’m curious if there will also be a sweetness in this one. Well, let’s find out.
#5117: JML Udon Noodles With Tonkotsu – China
Here’s one sent by James from Lakeside, California – thank you! Wasn’t sure if I’d had this one however the other I’ve had from this range was udon with seafood flavor. Let’s toss in some chashu and give it a go!
#5115: Nongshim White Jjamppong Seafood Flavor – United States
Big thanks to James from Lakeside for this one! Jjamppong is a favorite of mine and this sounds like a Nagasaki jjamppong. Let’s cook it up!
Yet Another Awesome Donation From James Of Lakeside
Some really neat stuff this time – thanks again! James is like the noodle whisperer and finds stuff I’ve not tried – pretty amazing – let’s see what’s in the box!
James From Lakeside, CA Strikes Again
Usually when I’m least expecting it or if I’m low on noodles to review, a box shows up from James of Lakeside, California. It’s pretty crazy. This one has some really great stuff in there – some of which I’ve now tried and really enjoyed reviewing, so thanks! You’ll all get to see the reviews soon. Until then, check out some noodles!
#5043: Dujosoo Soba Noodles With Spring Onion Oil Sauce – China
Here’s one sent by James from Lakeside, CA – thanks! This one’s kind of funny – I’ve reviewed products by Dujosoo before, but this is like My Little Pony meets Pokemon meets onions! Let’s see what happens!
James Sends One More Pack!
Well, James from Lakeside had one more up his sleeve and here it is – check it out!
James Sends A HUGE Box!
James of Lakeside, California has been a real booster to my reviewing – lots of varieties I’ve not reviewed before – check out what’s in this one! Something big!
Great Donations From James Of Lakeside
Well, the kids are back in school and now I have a lot of time at home. I have a few things to get done – I’ve taken the last few weeks off of reviewing – in fact, I haven’t done a review since May 28th! But I’m going to get back into it very soon – possibly tomorrow… It’s nice – I go on a big kick of reviewing for a while then slack off. Even though I’ve been skipping my reviing as of late, I’m still over 100 reviews ahead, which is nice. These nice varieties donated by James will be among the first to review, and should be posted in maybe November or December. Let’s take a look!
#4881: Menraku Shrimp Miso – United States
Here’s another one from James of Lakeside, California – thank again! This is another in a long range of Menraku varieties that just keep coming very regularly. Let’s see what we wend up with here.
#4862: Kiki Noodles Mixed With Crispy Garlic & Seafood Sauce – Taiwan
Here’s one that came by was of James from Lakeside, California – thank you! I haven’t reviewed anything by Kiki in quite a while – really great stuff from these folks as I remember and looking forward to this! Let’s give it a try!
#4859: Paldo Gompaghetti Korean Beef Flavored Noodles – United States
This one came by way of James from Lakeside, California – thank you again, sir! So, this is a combination of gomtang, a creamy beef soup, and instead of being a soup, this is a dry version, so there’s your paghetti part of the name. It sounds good, and apparently milk can used instead of water which I intend to try. Let hit it up – I’m expecting good things.
#4852: Saymyeon Janchi Noodle Soup – United States
Big thanks to James from Lakeside, California for sending this along! Never heard of this brand before, nor this variety. Let’s give it a try!
#4803: Lucky Me! Beef Mami Instant Oriental Noodle Soup – Philippines
It’s pretty rare I get to review something actually from the Philippines I’ve not tried as of yet. Today’s review is thanks to James from Lakeside, California who was kind enough to send this along. Beef! Let’s go.
#4793: Pamana Arroz Caldo Chicken Rice Porridge – United States
This came by way of James from LAkeside, California – thanks again! So this company is based in the United States and makes foods for the Filipino folks who live here. While this isn’t an instant noodle, chances are you’ll come across it on the instant noodle aisle. Let’s cook it up !
An Unannounced Box From James Of Lakeside, California!
From time to time, James sends me a box of noodles and he usually shoots an email – if he did this time I didn’t see it. This is a neat box of things I’ve not tried! Thank you very much!
James From Lakeside, California – STRIKES AGAIN!
Another box has arrived from James of Lakeside, California – thanks! He always seems to find stuff I’ve been looking for or never knew existed – let’s check everything out!
A Great Donation From James Of Lakeside, CA
A big thanks for a neat box from James of Lakeside, California. This guy – he sends me boxes from time to time and checks out what I’ve reviewed and rarely is there anything I’ve tried. It’s really interesting what’s available here and what he’s got access to that I’ve never seen here. Have a look!
James From California Strikes Again
So this guy I tell ya. James from Lakeside, California. He just keeps sending stuff I haven’t tried and for that, a huge thank you. Without the generous donations of companies and readers, I wouldn’t be doing what I’m doing so I truly appreciate it. Let’s take a look!
#4144: Sugakiya Nagoya Kishimen – Japan
Here’s another one from James of Lakeside, CA – thanks again! This one seems to be a dry variety – drain spouts usually denote this. From the iconography it’s a steep, drain, pouch affair but that seems a little weird for this one. But, it’s the most logical steps for preparation I can grok from what I see, so… Let’s give it a try!
#4135: Menraku Japanese Ramen “Chili Tomato” Taste – United States
I got two of these in quick succession – the first from James in Lakside, CA and the other from a subscription box out of California as well from Exotic Noods. If you want to get one of their boxes, head over and use the coupon code THERAMENRATER and get a nice discount – thank to you both for sending these!
#4120: MIT Shallot Sauce Dry Noodle – Taiwan
Thanks to James from Lakeside, CA for shooting these over – awesome! Haven’t seen this brand before – I don’t think they have anything to do with the college… Sounds good though; I generally enjoy anything shallot sauce flavor. Let’s give it a go!
Even More Noodles From James Of Lakeside, CA
Well, would you look at that? Without warning, this guy strikes again! Jame of Lakeside, California has been sending over noodles for a couple of years now – thanks again! Let’s see what’s inside!
Another Donation From James Of Lakeside, California
So for a couple years now, a fellow ramen enthusiast from Lakeside, California named James has been shooting over varieties of instant noodles not on my Big List – very kind and thoroughly appreciated – my thanks! Let’s see what he sent over this time!
A Donation From James Of Lakeside, CA
Over the past few years, a guy named James in Lakeside, California has repeatedly sent me boxes of noodles. He pores over the big list to see if I’ve tried a variety he’s seen and sends some over just at the right time. Again, he send a neat combination of varieties I’ve never tried before. Big thanks and my appreciation to James! Never fails to surprise me when readers are willing to send noodles in for review. Let’s take a look!
#3812: Snapdragon Vietnamese Vegetable Pho – United States
These came by way of James from Lakeside California and looks like Snapdragon has dressed up their packaging yet again. I will admit I’ve never been exceedingly enthralled with their range, save a couple of varieties. Not only that, I’m rarely enthused about any pho instants I’ve tried. But I’m in the mood so these at least have that going for them. Let’s give them a try!
Another Donation From James In Lakeside, California!
A while back I got a few boxes of donations from a reader in Lakeside, California named James. Well, he’s struck again and sent another box – thanks! I’m always surprised that even though we’re both on the west caoast, the varieties he’s finding as opposed to the ones here and very different. Let’s have a look inside!
Another Box Of Donations From James Of California
So this will be the third box that James from Lakeside, California has sent – thank you very much! Let’s crack it open and have a look inside!