Lemonilo is a company from Indonesia that focuses on healthier varieties. These are non-fried, and have natural ingredients. Check ’em out and you can get them here – I made my daughter the chicken chow mein last night for dinner and she devoured it.
Tag: lemonilo
The Ramen Rater’s Top Ten Indonesian Instant Noodles Of All Time 2024 Edition
Well, I figured late is better than never. I compiled this list around September of last year and never got around to editing it up. Well, the kids are on spring break so I figured a great time to hunker down and get some work done. This list is a compilation of my favorite varieties of Indonesian instant noodles I’ve tried up to review 4,650. A lot of reviews have come out since I wrote this list, so you can be sure some of those will appear on the next list. I should note I’ve also compiled a list of all of the Indomie varieties I’ve tried here. You can see everything I’ve tried from Indonesia here. Also, I’m making a big change to Top Tens. That announcement can be seen below. With that, let’s look at The Ramen Rater’s Top Ten Indonesian Instant Noodles Of All Time 2024 Edition.
The Ramen Rater’s Top Ten Indonesian Instant Noodles Of All Time 2021 Edition
To start, I want to take a moment to recognize the passing of Nunuk Nuraini. Many of you haven’t heard of her and so I wanted to tell you a little about her. She was the spice mixer for Indomie and died earlier this year. The flavors she shared with the world are legendary I thought it fitting to honor her with a mention before we start this list. If you’d like to read and article about her life, there is one here.
#3591: Lemonilo Naked Ramen Chicken Chow Mein – United States
This is another one sent over by James of Lakeside, CA – thanks again, buddy! So man… It’s Wednesday at least. So Monday my wife Kit got a dreaded kidney stone so if you know what that is, your know what that is. I’ve never had one, but watching her go through dealing with one before, I wouldn’t wish that on anyone. Luckily, when I type here it’s generally 100 days down the road that it’s published, so hopefully that stone is long gone. Evil things, these stones…
#3491: Lemonilo Naked Ramen Chicken Curry Soup – United States
Awhile back, Lemonilo started producing a Mie Goreng variety which is honestly one of the best out there. Lemonilo puts everything in a healthy light. When they sent me the samples of their Mie Goreng, they included a shirt and a workout towel. I keep the towel on the stroller actually – handy when doing a dozen miles at a fast clip. This variety’s packaging clearly denoted it’s for the US market, however it’s made in Indonesia. This pack did’n’t come from them though – it was sent by a reader named James in Lakeside, California. Let’s give it a try!
Meet The Manufacturer: #2923: Lemonilo Mie Instan Alami Rasa Mie Goreng – Indonesia
This is the one product for this Meet The Manufacturer. Look – green noodles on the package! They mentioned that they’re green as they’re infused with spinach – plus they’re baked noodles as well. This sounds really interesting – I’ve been a huge fan of mie goreng – I might have started my interest in instant noodles with a Japanese variety, but the second one I was really enamored with was a mie goreng. Let’s crack the pack open and see how it is!
Meet The Manufacturer: Product Samples From Lemonilo – Indonesia
I was immediately taken aback when this box arrived – so many stickers! Thought it was pretty cool – this little box certainly got a lot of attention! Let’s open it up!