Mamee makes two extra spicy curry varieties – this one and one called Xtra Pedas which I reviewed a short while back. Of the two, this Berapi is not as spicy, but looks like it’s pack a punch! Curry sounds good – let’s dig in!
Tag: malaysia
Meet The Manufacturer: #1351: Mamee Monster Chicken Flavour Snack Noodles
Mamee Monster is Mamee’s line of snack noodles. I’ve been really wanting to try these for a long time. Snack noodles are noodles that are seasoned and crushed and eaten without any cooking; kind of like potato chips or corn chips. I’ve seen these online quite a few times and always though hey – look it’s a blue monster and it’s instant noodles – rad!! So let’s have a look at this popular Malaysian snack.
Meet The Manufacturer: #1350: Mamee Chef Curry Laksa Flavour
The 2013 top ten list I did was highlighted by two flavors at the very top: laksa and curry. Here we find both together! This is one of Mamee’s new Mamee Chef line of premium instant noodles. They use a technology that emulates ‘la mian,’ or hand-pulled noodles. I went to the store yesterday to see if I could find some nice acompaniments for this special pack – let’s check out how laksa and curry play together!
Meet The Manufacturer: #1349: Mamee Mie Goreng Indonesia Original Flavour
Mie goreng is one of my favorites – – noodles with a sweet, salty and spicy flavor. To be honest, it was mie goreng that really got me fanatical about instant noodles many years ago. Let’s have a look at this Malaysian take on an Indonesian standard.
Meet The Manufacturer: #1348: Mamee Instant Vermicelli Tom Yam Flavour
I felt like something seafood today and thought this would fit the bill. One thing I’ve always wondered about – so what’s the difference between Tom Yam and Toom Yum, if any? Here’s what Wikipedia had to say about it:
Meet The Manufacturer: Product Samples From Mamee Double-Decker
Pinky sent me a tracking number and I waited. Packages containing food products from overseas are often scrutinized by the Department of Agriculture, and more than once I’ve found they’ve not made it through. Happily, this big, awesome box of goodness came through! Let’s see what’s within!
#1342: Ah Lai White Curry Noodle
I’ve been trying lots of new varieties from Malaysia lately. Malaysian varieties have a lot of interesting tastes and flavors. I find it fascinating that there are so many countries in the world using so many different ingredients in a multitude of ways. Let’s check out this curry.
Product Samples From Ah Lai
Hey look – a package from Malaysia! Let’s see what’s inside.
White curry noodles – I really like curry!
#1326: Mamee Mi Segera SLLRRRP! Perencah Kari Xtra Pedas
Here’s another one sent to me by Annie T. over at MyKuali – thanks again! As I’ve said before, I love curry. There are so many different curries out there – sweet, spicy, slightly bland. Pastes, powders, sauces… It’s pretty enjoyable! I’ve been really enjoying reviewing curries from this region – Malaysia and Singapore – wonderful places that make some awesome curry instants! This one purports to be ‘xtra pedas’ which translates to extra hot. Let’s see if this stuff is really spicy or not.
#1319: Adabi Mi Segera Kari Ayam Instant Noodles
Here’s one that Annie T. from MyKuali sent me from Malaysia – thanks again! It’s been a lot of fun trying varieties from Malaysia and Singapore in the last year. Usually they’re pretty hard to come by where I live, so new stuff is always welcome. I’d never heard of Adabi brand until a couple of months ago. The first one I tried was #1276: Adabi Mi Bandung Prawn Mee – and it was really good! I’m curious if this is going to be your standard chicken curry or something a little different. Let’s have a loot inside!
Some Great Varieties From Malaysia!
A box arrived today! It was sent by Chelsea of Malaysia who studies abroad in Massachusetts! She offered to bring back some instant noodles for me to review! Thank you very much! Let’s open it up!
#1279: Ko-Lee Instant Noodles Mixed Vegetable
Here’s one that’s been hiding in the noodle bin for a while! Thanks to Martin A. of Devon, UK for seonding! Let’s check it out!
#1276: Adabi Mi Bandung Prawn Mee
Here’s something from a brand I’ve never tried before called Adabi. It was sent to me by Annie T. of MyKuali in Malaysia – thank you! This is a take on a traditional dish – let’s check it out!
#1240: Maggi Big Kari Perencah (Big Curry Flavor) 2 Minute Noodles
Here’s another that Annie T. from MyKuali in Malaysia sent me to try – thank you! It’s big – and it’s curry! Not only that, there’s still turkey left! Let’s give it a go!
#1230: Saji Sajimee Original Soto Soup Flavour (Mi Sup Soto Asli)
Here’s one I was sent by Annie T. over at MyKuali – thank you very much! I mentioned to her how I’d not reviewed many Malaysian varieties and she sent me a bunch of them! Pretty neat since MyKuali make instant noodles in Malaysia! Let’s check out this variety!
A Big Box Of Awesomeness From Malaysia!
Got a package from MyKuali today! Who is MyKuali? Well they’re The Ramen Rater’s first advertiser – you might see their advert up above. The make the Penang White Curry instant that was #7 on the 2013 spiciest list. Im excited – let’s see what’s inside!
#1223: Sawadee Instant Noodles Prawn Oriental Flavour
Andy decided to pick this one to try today after I told him we had shrimp. I know, I know – shrimp aren’t prawns but he likes both and they’re both sea crawlies so he’s happy. Let’s check this one out.
The Ramen Rater’s Top Ten Spiciest Instant Noodles Of All time 2013 Edition
This year, we’ve got some new fiery additions to this list of spicy and burning hot varieties. If you can find them, you’ll be feeling quite the burn! If you think you’ve found anything hotter or noteworthy of being on this list, please comment below or send me an email. Without further adieu, here’s the 2013 picks for the spiciest instant noodles I’ve found after 1,128 reviews!
Meet The Manufacturer: #1087: MyKuali Penang White Curry Noodle
2/19/2014 – SPECIAL NOTE: I’ve received many emails and comments from people asking where to purchase these noodles. Here is a list that was posted on MyKuali’s facebook page – check it out!
Meet The Manufacturer: Samples From MyKuali
MyKuali sent a nice box of samples!
White curry noodles! Can’t wait to review them. Thank you very much!
Meet The Manufacturer: Interview With MyKuali
Interview * Samples From MyKuali * MyKuali Penang White Curry Noodle
Welcome to yet another Meet The Manufacturer! This time, the brand is MyKuali which is a part of Sky Thomas Food in Malaysia! I conducted an email interview with Annie Tang of MyKuali – here it is.
#1086: Sawadee Instant Noodles Indian Curry Flavour
These noodles are made in Malaysia, but primarily sold in the UK. Thanks go to Xavier over at Kohlico for sending them! There will be more Sawadee as well as Ko-Lee reviews coming soon. For now, let’s check out some curry!
#1059: Mamee Oriental Noodles Curry Flavour
As they’d say on Monty Python, ‘and now for something completely different.’ Here are some curry flavor noodles that I got up in Canada during my birthday trip! Curry just sounded good today. This is gonna be one of the few chances to delve into the noodle hamper between Meet The Manufacturer spotlights – got some really interesting ones lined up for ya! Let’s check these curry flavor noodles from Malaysia!
#1041: Ko-Lee Instant Noodles Super Chow Mein Flavour
One of the last that Joe & Gil from the UK sent a while back – thanks again! I like chow mein, but what’s ‘super’ chow mein? Let’s see!
#995: Ko-Lee Instant Noodles Beef Flavour
Here’s another one from Joe & Gil of the UK! Thanks again! So here we have a pack of noodles that are made in Malaysia for sale in the UK. Beef! Let’s check it out.
#949: Ko-Lee Instant Noodles Chicken Flavour
Here’s another one sent from the UK by Joe & Gill! Thanks again! Chicken flavor, eh? Usually a pretty ho-hum variety but let’s give this one a chance.
#926: Ibumie Penang VegeMee Vegetarian Instant Noodle
Here’s the other new one I saw at 99 Ranch the other day. Sounds interesting… Vegetarian flavor instant noodles often have an odd flavor – we’ll see what this one’s like.
#923: Ibumie Penang LadMee Hot Pepper Flavour Instant Noodle
Hey awesome! Went to 99 Ranch yesterday and found a couple I hadn’t reviewed before! With such a drought of new things to review, a couple 69 cent packs were a nice surprise! So here’s Ibumie LadMee from Malaysia!
Curry For Lunch
Here’s what I had for lunch (click to enlarge). Some Daddy Kari 365 Curry Flavour Instant Noodles (here’s the original review) that were sent by Jerry W. of Malaysia (thanks again!), sweet onion, thin sliced ribeye, a 2 egg omelet with a slice of processed cheese and some Tabasco Jalapeno sauce and a little bit of Dua Belibis chili sauce on top. Really tasty stuff! By the way – I started a new facebook page here. It’s in protest of the ridiculously large amount of election signs everywhere that look so nasty. Like the page if you agree!
#906: Daddy Kari 365 Instant Noodles Curry Flavour
Here’s the stuff that Jerry W. sent from Sarawak, Malaysia! Thanks again! Ahhh curry – there are very few things I’ve found to be absolutely perfect and one of them is the flavor of curry. Curry’s up there with bacon, hot sauce and garlic! Let’s check out this unique curry noodle variety from Malaysia!
Donation From Malaysia!
Here’s something that came from Sarawak, Malaysia from Jerry W.! Thanks! What could be inside?
#844: Maggi 2 Minute Noodles Perencah Asam Laksa
Spent some time hanging out with my friend Matt B. the other day and we went to HT Oaktree Market on 100th & Aurora in Seattle and found this new one. But what is Asam Laksa? Here’s what Wikipedia has to say:
#778: Mamee Express Cup Curry Flavour
Here’s a little curry cup from Mamee. My sis brought it back to me from Canada earlier this year.
#743: Mamee Express Cup Tom Yum Flavour
Here’s one my sis got me in the Vancouver, BC area. Tom Yum’s usually something I like – let’s see!
#691: Mamee Express Cup Vegetarian Flavour
#500: Mexi-Ramen Soupless Ramen Shallot Teriyaki Flavor
9/28/2024 – Update – Back on September 9th, 2011, I published this post – it was an early time in my reviewing – many things have changed since then; I used to use a phone to take pictures of products – I think it was a Blackberry Curve at the time. As I’m only a handful of reviews to #5000, it’s really weird to look at this compared to how I present reviews now. Anyways, there’s a video at the bottom I made at the time.
#457: Ibumie Penang Harmee Mee Goreng Prawn Flavour Fried Noodles With Fried Shallots
Lookie here, lookie here! This came from 99 Ranch near Disneyland in California! I’m hoping it’s as good as the Indomie Mie Goreng – possible? I suppose we’ll have to see!Now first off, Indomie is an Indonesian company while Harmee is Malaysian.
#405: Ibumie Penang Harimee Prawn Flavour Mi Perisa Udang Instant Noodles
This is a brand new one from Malaysia I found at 99 Ranch today. Looks like it’ll rock!
#365: Nissin Cup Noodles Prawn Flavour
So here’s another one my sister brought me back from Canada! Definitely a flavor you can’t find here in the states.