MyKuali has been tinkering with upgrading their recipes during the last year or two. One thing they told be when I visited in 2014 was that the hawkers are always fine-tuning their recipes, and that they planned on doing the same thing. When I asked what the difference is with this new iteration, I was told that an aspect of the shrimp powder has been altered to give it an even more authentic taste. I found tha the Hokkien Mee I had in Penang a couple years back was very close to what I got from the MyKuali Hokkien Mee. Let’s see how this one tastes.
Tag: malaysia
New Product Samples From MyKuali
Usually I ask for companies that have been in the previous year’s top ten to send some samples that I’ll re-review ahead of the new list. MyKuali did this, but there’s a difference. They’ve changed the recipes for their three products that were on the list last year, so I have to cram some new reviews in before it’s too late! Lukcily, I really like this stuff so that shouldn’t be too hard! Let’s see what’s inside.
MyOri Creates New Packaging – Endorsed By The Ramen Rater
Got this package in the mail yesterday – let’s look inside!
MyOri’s new packaging (click to enlarge) – looks really snazzy!
#1958: IbuRamen Mi Goreng Bento Noodles In A Box Curry Masala Flavor
This is the last of the IbuRamen tray varieties I’ve seen available. I really didn’t care for the other two, but hey, it’s curry day! Let’s see how this one fares with a curry fanatic.
#1942: Ibumie Always Mi Goreng Perisa Sambal Udang
The last of the Ibumie Always Mi Goreng varietals I found at 99 Ranch recently – or I should say my lovely wife say them. Udang means prawn and sambal is wondroud spicy stuff of dreamsLet’s check it out!
CarJEN Sends Bags & Treats!
So every time I do a Top Ten list, I try to let the companies that make that list know. I usually post directly on their Facebook page a congratulatory message. Well, CarJEN’s J.J. Snek Mi Perisa BBQ made the new Top Ten Instant Noodle Snacks list, and I saw something neat on their page!
The Ramen Rater’s Top Ten Instant Noodle Snacks Of All Time 2016 Edition
Instant noodle… snacks? Yeah! Snacks of all kinds have come from instant noodles – candy, crunchy bits, you name it. They’re popular all over Asia and also the United States; have you ever taken a pack of instant noodles, crushed them and added in the seasoning and shaken the bag up and eaten them like potato chips or popcorn? Well, this is popular elsewhere as well! Let’s check out my favorite instant noodle snacks from over 1,900 reviews. Enjoy!
#1917: IbuRamen Mi Goreng Bento Noodles In A Box Hot, Sweet & Sour Flavor
The last time I had one of these, I found something fascinating inside. The sachets all say Mexi Ramen on them, a brand I have reviewed once in the past (actually it was my 500th review). The package said it was MexiRamen. This one is clearly mentioning mi goreng, a Southeast Asian delicacy, and Bento, a Japanese style meal. Let’s crack this box open and have a look inside.
#1900: Ibumie Always Mi Goreng Perisa Kari Kapitan
Well folks, we’re in the home stretch to the 2,000th review. To be honest, I never had a clue I would be reviewing instant noodles every day – never in a million years. Anyways, still quite a few to go so let’s check this one out. Kapitan Kari literally means ‘Captain Curry’ – kind of like the king of curry. Let’s rip this one open and give it a try!
#1874: Ibumie Always Mi Goreng Perisa Thai Tom Yam
Well, this is embarrassing… From time to time I’ve accidentally pasted the watermark twice and one ends up in the middle of the image. Sorry about that! About a month or so ago my wife and I were at the Edmonds 99 Ranch Market and she noticed a whole bunch of varieties and asked if I’d tried them. I’m legally blind, which basically means my eyesight is there, but so poor that it’s hard for me to cross the street, would be a menace behind the wheel, and miss a lot of instant noodles that my wife catches at the store! Let’s check out this Tom Yam flavored mi goreng!
#1866: MyKuali Penang Spicy Prawn Soup Noodle
Here’s the last I have of the new packaged varieties of MyKuali products. Before, this was called Hokkien Prawn, but now it appears they’ve gone to a more streamlines title and packaging. Prawn Mee as it’s known in Southeast Asia is a spicy and prawn filled extravaganze of flavor and wonder. If you like prawn, this is definitely something you should enjoy! Let’s look within!
#1862: Ibumie Always Mi Goreng Asli
For awhile now, people have been asking if I’d reviewed Ibumie’s Always Mi Goreng. Well, no – that’s because I’d never found it or received a sample or donation from a reader. I’ve seen it around for years on the Internet. About a month or so ago my wife and I were at the Edmonds 99 Ranch Market and she noticed a whole bunch of varieties and asked if I’d tried them. I’m legally blind, which basically means my eyesight is there, but so poor that it’s hard for me to cross the street, would be a menace behind the wheel, and miss a lot of instant noodles that my wife catches at the store! So, if you’re one of the folks who have messaged me about this one, you can thank Kit for her keen observation! Let’s check out Always Mi GOreng!
#1857: IbuRamen Mi Goreng Bento Noodles In A Box Shallot Teriyaki Flavor
Again, my wife has a keen eye for noodles. She saw these and asked if I’d tried them – I hadn’t! Don’t know what I would do without her! So these are very interesting – IbuRamen – sounds like Ibumie – in fact, on the back of the package it says it’s made in Malaysia. The Mi Goreng font looks like Ibumie’s as well (and Indomie’s, Salam Mie etc). Mi goreng is Southeast Asian , however Bento is Japanese. What’s more, there’s a Mexican reference; wait, where? Let’s look inside.
A New Poster For The Wall Of Fame
A tube! What’s inside?
An autographed poster from the folks at MyKuali HK! This will go into the Wall of Fame soon as it’s laminated! Thanks!
#1849: Pama Instant Rice Vermicelli Clear Soup Flavour
Turns out I had one left from my trip to Malaysia in October 2014! This one’s made by the same company that makes MAMA noodles – just for the Malaysian market. I’ve had chand clear soup varieties in the past but this one just says it’s clear soup. Let’s check out this rice vermicelli!
#1848: MyKuali Penang Red Tom Yum Goong Noodle (New Version)
So the number one on my annual Top Ten Instant Noodles Of All Time list got some new clothes! Why do I like this one so much? Well, when I got to visit the island of Langkawi, Malaysia (which is a stone’s throw south of Thailand), I got to try all sorts of tasty foods. One was tom yum. I got to try it a couple of ways – check it out!
Meet The Manufacturer: #1839: Vit’s Taste Of Malaysia Penang White Curry Ramen
Today, we have the last review of the Meet The Manufacturer for Vit’s. It’s been fun – lots of strong flavors and flavors is Malaysia! Penang White Curry is one of my favorites – let’s try the first one I’ve ever seen with fresh noodles.
Meet The Manufacturer: Re-Review: Vit’s Tom Yam Instant Noodles
Re-reviews are kind of a trip sometimes; they don’t get a number, but they get another try. Usually they end up getting the same score, but sometimes they do a little better or worse. I kind of doubt there’ll be any change – had this one for the first time 40 reviews ago at #1791. Let’s give it a look!
Meet The Manufacturer: #1838: Vit’s Taste Of Malaysia Penang Asam Laksa Fried Instant Noodle
So these new Taste of Malaysia varieties from Vit’s come in two ways: a fried instant noodle accompanying a paste or a fresh ramen pouch with a paste. It’s a very early morning here – we had to be up at 3am! In fact, my first taste of the day was this laksa at 5:42am! Let’s check out this new one from Vit’s!
Meet The Manufacturer: Re-Review: Vit’s Mi Goreng Pedas Chewy & Springy
Mi Goreng Pedas translates to Spicy Fried Noodles. I brought some of this back after my visit to Penang, Malaysia last year. Mi goreng has long been a favorite of mine – a little sweet, a little spicy, a little salty, kind of like an Indonesian yakisoba – sounds good, right? Let’s give this one another try, about 140 reviews later.
Meet The Manufacturer: #1837: Vit’s Taste Of Malaysia Penang Hokkien Mee Ramen
Here’s another one of the new premium line from Vit’s. The package contains two individual servings (2 noodle pouches, 2 paste sachets). If you like sweet prawn flavor, Hokkien Mee is definitely up your alley! Let’s look inside.
Meet The Manufacturer: #1836: Vit’s Taste Of Malaysia Penang White Curry Fried Instant Noodle
Penang White Curry was a flavor that really piqued my interest in Malaysia back in 2013. I was accustomed to curry flavors, but this was something entirely different. Green, red, yellow – those were all familiar, but white? Nowadays, there are many, many varieties of Penang White Curry instant noodles on the market – let’s check out this new one from Vit’s!
Meet The Manufacturer: #1835: Vit’s Taste Of Malaysia Penang Asam Laksa Ramen
Here’s something fancy – asam laksa ramen! Vit’s has a ramen line which uses these pouches of fresh ramen noodles – haven’t seen this kind of thing before with Malaysian flavors. Here’s a little about what asam laksa is from wikipedia:
Meet The Manufacturer: Re-Review: Vit’s Curry Instant Noodles
One of the standard varieties most instant noodle companies produce is chicken. However when you move east towards Malaysia and Singapore, curry ends up as one that is exceedingly common. Curry is a flavor I have loved since my childhood – in fact I remember at a very young ago really enjoying my mother’s curried chicken liver over rice. There’s something seductive about curry that I can’t quite put my finger on, but perhaps that’s part of it’s charm. It kind of has an earthy and mystical property that just enthralls me. Let’s delve into this pack again, one I originally tried about a hundred reviews ago.
Meet The Manufacturer: #1834: Vit’s Taste Of Malaysia Penang Hokkien Mee Fried Instant Noodle
This is the first of a new premium line Vit’s is manufacturing called Taste Of Malaysia. I’ll say right now that I really like Hokkien Mee, but many might not know what it is. Here’s some good info from the Penang Hawker Food Blog:
Meet The Manufacturer: #1833: Vit’s Instant Noodles With Chicken Flavour
To start things off, I thought I’d go back in time with this one. This is part of the Vit’s Classic line of products. Definitely has that ‘old school’ look to it, eh? Well, let’s have a look inside!
Meet The Manufacturer: Interview With Vit’s Noodles
Interview With Vit’s Noodles * Product Samples From Vit’s Noodles * Vit’s Instant Noodles With Chicken Flavour * Vit’s Taste Of Malaysia Penang Hokkien Mee Fried Instant Noodle * Vit’s Curry Instant Noodles * Vit’s Taste Of Malaysia Penang Asam Laksa Ramen * Vit’s Taste Of Malaysia Penang White Curry Fried Instant Noodle * Vit’s Mi Goreng Pedas Chewy & Springy * Vit’s Taste Of Malaysia Penang Hokkien Mee Ramen * Vit’s Taste Of Malaysia Penang Asam Laksa Fried Instant Noodle * Vit’s Tom Yam Instant Noodles * Vit’s Taste Of Malaysia Penang White Curry Ramen
#1823: MyKuali Spicy Fried Noodle MeeKuali Goreng Pedas
So every product MyKuali has come up with so far had made it into the big annual Top Ten Instant Noodles Of All Time list. It’s pretty mind-blowing; their products are so good, diverse and high quality. Well, today I’m going to check out a new one – a mee goreng offering. During our trip, I got to try some local hawker mee goreng last October in Penang.
#1817: Hao Way Penang Vegetarian Prawn Instant Bowl Noodles
Prawn Mee as it is called in Penang, Malaysia is a very popular dish. Mee means noodles by the way. A broth that’s sweet and absolutely jam packed with prawn flavor is the norm, but in this one, we have a vegetarian option. Let’s see how well vegetarian elements can come together to mimic a full-bodied prawn mee!
#1810: MyKuali Penang White Curry Noodle (New Version)
As most of you should know, thishas been one of my all time favorites in the past couple years. When it came out, it was a real game-changer; so much so that over 20 different manufacturers started making their own white curry variants to compete. MyKuali has decided to standardize their packaging and now this is how the product looks. Let’s have a look inside and see if anything else has changed.
#1806: Cintan Mi Segera Mmm… Perisa Goreng Ala Indonesia
So this is the last one that I got during my trip last October to meet the folks at MyKuali in Malaysia. We took a ferry from Georgetown, Penang over to Butterworth, Penang and went to an Econsave where I got to get a ton of instant noodles! It was a real blast for sure. Almost exactly a year ago today we were on our way home – probably was over the pacific at this point! Wow – truly was an amazing trip. I want to thank them for their kindness and for showing us such a good time! Let’s check out this last one that I brought back.
#1794: Vit’s Shallot Chicken Instant Noodles
Yep – another one we brought back from Malaysia! I think I’m almost through them all. Shallot chicken sounds nice – let’s have a look!
#1792: A1 Soup Spices Noodle Mee Remparan Soup
Another one got in Penang on my Malaysia trip last year I want to get reviewed before expiry. So from looking around, this sounds to be bah kut teh flavor. What’s that? Wikipedia, if you please…
#1791: Vit’s Tom Yam Instant Noodles
This is yet another I picked up during my trip last year to Malaysia! Tom yam is a great flavor – whether you spell it tom yam or tom yum. Actually, they’re the same thing. Sounds good to me! Let’s check it out!
#1790: Super Kimchi
Here’s another cup I got during last year’s trip to Penang. As I’ve been mentioning, I’m trying to get everything reviewed before they expire! Not often do I get to go abroad and bring home noodles, so it’d be a horrible waste to lose any. Anyways, this is an interesting one – a kimchi flavor cup noodle from Malaysia. I don’t think I’ve seen many of those. Let’s check it out!
#1789: Cintan Mi Segera Mmm… Perisa Ayam Cendawan
The onslaught of Malaysian varieties continues! This is yet another I got on last year’s trip to Penang, Malaysia. If you’re wondering what Ayam Cendawan means, basically it’s chicken mushroom. My wife Kit really likes mushrooms, so I thought I’d make this one for her today. Let’s check it out!
#1788: Super Curry Flavour Noodles
Another one from last year’s Malaysia trip. Turns out I still have a few more I haven’t gotten to so it’s time to run through them before they expire. Curry. Malaysia. Super. Let’s check it out.
#1787: Pama Kua Teaw Segera
Another I picked up in Butterworth, Penang during my Malaysia trip last year. That Econsave was really great – so many varieties! Trying to run through them before they expire! Not this one’s a little interesting – you might say the logo kind of looks familiar… Well, it’s made in Thailand for the Malaysian market by President Rice Products. They make all of the MAMA branded rice vermicelli – and in Malaysia their products go under the name PAMA. Simple really. Anyways, let’s check this one out!
#1785: Super Instant Noodles Black Pepper Crab Mi Goreng
One of the last ones I got during my trip to Penang, Malaysia last year to visit the folks at MyKuali. This is from a store called Econsave. I had seen this Super brand before but was always curious if I’d end up with any of them; very elusive. Let’s check out the pepper crab mi goreng!
#1781: MyKuali Penang Hokkien Prawn Soup Rice Vermicelli (Bihun)
Recently, I got a box from MyKuali with a lot of products I’d reviewed before with new packaging as well as a couple of completely brand new products. This is one of the totally new ones, MyKuali’s first bowl offering. It’s also their first rice vermicelli (also known as bihun) variety. Let’s pop open a bowl and look inside!