Here’s one that should be familiar to instant noodle fans from almost everywhere, and especially those from Cambodia! This one is made specifically for the Cambodian marketplace. I got this sent to me after seeing it at the 2015 TF Eurpean Agent meeting I was invited to check out earlier this year in Bangkok, Thailand! Curious to see if it’s different than the one sold here in the US. Let’s find out!
Tag: mama
#1755: MAMA Oriental Style Instant Noodles Hot & Spicy Flavour
Here’s another neat one that I saw during my trip to Thailand and the kind folks at Thai President Foods sent me a sample of! This one’s made in Bangladesh. Hot and spicy sounds good – let’s check it out!
#1743: MAMA Rangers Snack Noodles Shrimp Tom Yum Flavour
Here’s yet another one sent to me by the MAMA folks in Thailand. This is a snack noodle made in Myanmar! The MAMA Rangers look to be having a little party on the front of the package! Let’s see if they’ll bring the party to our tastebuds!
#1731: MAMA Instant Noodles Shrimp Creamy Tom Yum Flavour
Some of you are going to say ‘hey this is a re-review!’ But actually, it isn’t. This is the MAMA Shrimp Creamy Tom Yum for the Cambodian market! Yup – Cambodia. A lot of new countries lately which is awesome! I got these sent to me when I saw them during my visit to Thailand at the Thai President Foods European Agent Meeting in May! Let’s have a look at this one for the Cambodian market.
The Ramen Rater’s Top Ten Instant Noodle Cups Of All Time 2015 Edition
What do corn dogs, sandwiches, burritos and instant noodle cups have in common? They’re all portable. People can’t seem to stay in one spot for very long; they want to carry their meals with them as they move about. Since the inception of the instant noodle cup in the early 70’s when Momofuku Ando saw people using coffee cups and hot water to steep their instant noodles and brought this concept to market, the noodle cup has become a ubiquitous icon in the daily lives of billions. Today, I present the best of the instant noodle cups I’ve tried in my over 1,700 instant noodle reviews. With that, please enjoy The Ramen Rater’s Top Ten Instant Noodle Cups Of All Time 2015 Edition.
#1716: MAMA Instant Noodles Egg Protein Noodles
Here’s one the folks at Thai President Foods in Thailand sent. It’s made in their factory in Myanmar – and everything on it for the most part is in Burmese! These can be a little tricky; especially when the system of writing numerals is different. But rest assured, I have a solution!
The Ramen Rater’s Trip To Thailand: Day 6 – The Long Road Home
#1696: MAMA Cup Yentafo Tom Yum Mohfai
Today I’m posting the last of my series of travelogues covering my trip to visit the folks that manufacture MAMA noodles, Thai President Foods. Being a resolute fan of instant noodles from the world over, the ability to visit where they’re manufactured anywhere is really fascinating to me. This one in pack version was on my Top Ten Instant Noodle Of All Time 2014 Edition. I was lucky enough to be next to a convenience store where we stayed the bulk of our stay in Bangkok.
The Ramen Rater’s Trip To Thailand: Day 5 – River Kwai & Goodbye
#1695: MAMA Cup Shrimp Creamy Tom Yum
A few years back, I started noticing a lot of people leaving comments about MAMA Shrimp Creamy tom Yum. The first time I had it I wasn’t keen on it. They kept saying ‘dude, try it again – this stuff is awesome.’ So I did and was blown over – awesome stuff. I think the first time I tried it was a review in the low 100’s. It’s funny; after trying so many kinds, your tastebuds look for different things and your palate kind of matures. MAMA Shrimp Creamy Tom Yum was on the 2013 Top Ten Instant Noodle list. This cup was a neat one to find – I got it at a place I’ve wanted to visit for quite a while – an Asian 7-11.
#1694: MAMA Instant Rice Vermicelli Bihun Goreng Original Flavor
I’m sure many of you are familiar with Mi Goreng. For those of you who aren’t, Mi Goreng translates to ‘fried noodle.’ Mi Goreng basically are noodles that are cooked, drained, dropped in a wok or skillet, and fried with different seasonings and ingredients. Now Bihun Goreng is a little different. Instead of a wheat noodle, rice vermicelli is used the same kind of way. Rice vermicelli are very thin rice noodles. Instead of broth, these are broth free. They’re kind of distant cousins of yakisoba, yakiudon and chow mein. Let’s check out this Bihun Goreng from MAMA of Thailand!
The Ramen Rater’s Trip To Thailand: Day 3 – Seminar & Sightseeing
Day 1 * Day 2 * Day 3 * Day 4 * Day 5 * Day 6
Another breakfast at the Chatrium Hotel. Like I said in a previous post, I love two things about Asia – fish and fruit. Tiny bananas rock and so does watermelon. I really liked their pancakes – they make them with white cake batter – they go awesome with pineapple! Then there were these weird things that were hairy looking.
#1693: MAMA Instant Noodles Coconut Milk Flavour
These noodles are made in Myanmar! This is the second day in a row reviewing an instant made in a country I’ve never tried anything before. The nice folks at MAMA (Thai President Foods) invited me to their 2015 Agents Meeting for European distributors. They had varieties on tables – from all over the world! I asked if maybe I could get some samples and they were more than kind to send me lots of new varieties to review. This one’s particularly curious to me; coconut milk flavor. I’ve found coconut powder in instants really spruces things up; thick and creamy, especially with curries. This however is the first time I’ve ever heard of a coconut milk flavor instant. Let’s have a look!
#1692: MAMA Oriental Style Instant Noodles Chicken Flavour
During my trip, I found out that Thai President Foods makes their instant noodles in many places around the world. This is a variety that’s manufactured in Bangladesh, a place where I’ve never reviewed an instant from before. During the time before the first seminar in Bangkok, there were tables set up with lots of different varieties from all over the world – they were kind enough to send me samples! I got to meet the manager for Thai Foods in Bangladesh, Mr. Yatra on the trip. What was really neat is that he spent some time in Seattle – just a few miles from where I currently live. He told me to go check out Tai Tung on King St in the city – it’s been years since I’ve been there but going to have to do it again. It’s pretty amazing to go overseas and meet someone who has restaurant recommendations in your own backyard! Let’s check out this chicken flavor instant from Bangladesh!
#1691: MAMA Instant Cup Noodles Minced Pork Flavour
I got this one during my trip to Thailand. I was absolutely stoked to find out there was a 7-11 right next to the Chatrium hotel in Bangkok! To many, this will be a ‘so what?’ but to me, visiting Asian 7-11 stores have been something I’ve wanted to do for a very long time.
Travels: Off To Thailand!
Tonight, I begin a long journey to Thailand to visit Thai President Foods and President Rice Products. They’re best known for their MAMA line of instant noodle products! My wife Kit will be posting reviews I’ve already done ahead of time until my return. If you want to see what I’m up to on my trip, check out my instagram – follow theramenrater – or look at it here. I will be accompanied by my sister Sue as my wife is too far along in pregnancy to do the trip. When I get back, I’ll do a detailed travelogue as I did with last year’s Malaysia trip to visit MyKuali.
#1668: MAMA Cup Rice Vermicelli Clear Soup
I’ve often wondered about this one. I’ve seen chand clear soup as well and not exactly able to find anything online about it. I did see what to add to it, but if anyone has any info of the origin of clear soup, please let me know. This is made in Thailand by President Rice Products, one of the factories I’ll be visiting on my upcoming Thailand trip!Let’s have a look at this one.
#1662: MAMA Ramen Non Fried Instant Noodles Tonkotsu Flavour
This one’s interesting – a Thai take on a Japanese classic! Tonkotsu! Here’s what wikipedia says about tonkotsu:
#1656: MAMA JokCup Instant Porridge Soup Seafood Flavour
I’ve been whiling my time looking up and down aisles of instant noodles for a very long time. When I find out about a new Asian market nearby, I am exceedingly enthused about perusing their noodle varieties. But sometimes I’ll find something a little different. This is a rice porridge. It’s not a wheat noodle, rice noodle or thread. I like to review these every once in a while because I’m sure many of you have seen them and not known exactly what they’re all about. Let’s have a look at this MAMA JokCup and see what’s inside!
#1625: MAMA Instant Rice Noodles Soup Spicy Shrimp Flavour
I often get asked ‘can you make a top ten gluten free list?’ My answer unfortunately is always no. Since I’m not someone who’s a doctor and not having to modify my diet for gluten intake, I would be afraid of telling people ‘oh yeah – eat this!’ and then they get sick, file a lawsuit against me, and I end up so poor I can’t evern afford instant noodles! But there’s a however coming up! I have been thinking I may start an annual top ten rice noodles list. Why? Well, my top tens probably will never include rice noodles or rice vermicelli; instant noodles are more of the wheat flour kind of thing. Rice noodles however do appear to be mostly gluten free as this variety is, so a top ten list of rice varieties might be a great place to start if you’re looking for something that you can have if gluten isn’t on your personal menu. Let’s have a look at these gluten free spicy shrimp noodles by MAMA!
Re-Review: MAMA Instant Noodles Cup Shrimp Tom Yum
Tomorrow morning is the big moving day for us – can’t believe it’s here already! I thought I’d have something I know I like today – tom yum. This one’s made by Thai President Foods, a company who’s invited me and my sister to visit Thailand in May! I must say that it’s really quite a surprise to open your email and be asked if you want to go to Thailand to visit instant noodle factories! Of course I said yes! It’s going to be tough though – my wife Kit is pregnant and so it’d be a little much for her to take the trip – I’m going to miss her immensely. Won’t be for too long though! So we’re going to visit their wheat noodles factory in Bankok and then the President Rice Products factory in Ratchaburi. Of course I will take lots of pictyures and share when we return. It’s still a couple months off though, but can’t wait! So today in anticipation of the trip, I thought I’d have some MAMA tom yum. Last time I had this was over four years ago! Let’s have a look!
#1598: MAMA Cup Rice Vermicelli Shrimp Creamy Tom Yum
Here’s a new one I found a couple days back locally! I’m really excited – going to go visit Thai President Foods’ and President Rice Products’ in May! I’ll have more info on the trip soon! This product is made from rice vermicelli. It sounds very interesting – the wheat noodle version made the top ten list in the past – let’s check this rice vermicelli version out!
New Products From MAMA!
Here’s a package of new products from Thailand! These are all rice-based products – let’s check ’em out!
#1577: MAMA Pork Flavour Whole Wheat Noodle
Here’s an interesting one made in Thailand by Thai President Foods. Why’s it interesting? Well, aside from being a whole wheat noodle, it’s definitely for the Scandinavian market. I think it’s interesting how many companies have popular products both in their home countries and abroad, but especially in Scandinavia. Let’s have a look at this product from MAMA!
#1568: MAMA Instant Noodles Cup Beef Flavour
Recently, I did a Meet The Manufacturer with Thai President Foods, makers of MAMA brand instant noodles. They’re located in Thailand and have a quite enjoyable range of products. Well, I’m happy to announce that I’ve been invited to visit their factory and visit ThaiFex, a big fhood expo in May! I’ll have more on that soon. Very exciting! I’ll have more info about the trip soon, but for now, let’s check out this cup from Thailand!
Poster From Thai President Foods
So when I do a Meet The Manufacturer, I always try and see if I can get the company to autograph a poster for me and send it along. Well, Thai President Foods did!
Promotional Items From Thai President Foods
#1513: MAMA Instant Noodles Tom Yum Pork Flavour
Last night was my son’s teacher conference. I remember when I was a kid – I always dreaded these, knowing I’d probably get a lecture or something. Well, I am proud to say my son is doing absolutely wonderful in school this year. He’s had some problems in the past, but they look to have really gone by the wayside and I couldn’t be prouder of him. We love you, Andy – keep up the good work! You rock!
Meet The Manufacturer: #1478: Ruski Tom Yam Flavour Instant Noodles
I was a little surprised today to realize that this is the last of the Thai President Foods Meet The Manufacturer! I’ve gotten used to having something ‘tom yum’ almost every day for a couple weeks now. It’s gonna be interesting to going back to the rotation of varieties from my hampers of noodles! Well, let’s check out this one and bid a fond farewell to this Meet The Manufacturer. I still have more varieties they make that I’ve not reviewed yet, so you’ll see them coming along.
Meet The Manufacturer: #1477: MAMA Instant Noodles Moo Nam Tok Flavour
Moo Nam Tok – this sounds familiar… It looks like I reviewed a rice vermicelli version a while back. So, what’s Moo Nam Tok? Let’s consult Wikipedia:
Meet The Manufacturer: #1474: MAMA Instant Noodle Shrimp (Tom Yum) Flavour Jumbo Pack
This is one of the easiest to find varieties of MAMA noodles here in the USA. The ubiquitous ‘silver pack.’ What’s different about this one is it’s the 90g Jumbo Pack as opposed to the smaller 60g size. If you’ve been following my recent Thai President Foods reviews, you’ll note that there are lots of Tom Yum variations. Here’s a list with some different ones to note:
Meet The Manufacturer: Re-Review: MAMA Instant Noodles Yentafo Tom Yum Mohfai Flavour
Here’s a good one – it’s on The Ramen Rater’s Top Ten Instant Noodles Of All Time 2014 Edition! Seriously good. One thing that will confuse many is the name – it certainly did confuse me. Yentafo? Mohfai? Tom Yum – that I knew, but the others… Here’s what Wikipedia has to say about yentafo:
Meet The Manufacturer: #1473: MAMA Instant Cup Noodles Shrimp Tom Yum Flavour (Extreme)
When I think tom yum, I think spicy, seafood and citrus flavors. When I think extreme thrown into the mix, I’m guessing that it’s going to be ultra spicy. One thing that Thai varieties tend to have in common is that when they say they’re spicy, they really mean it! Let’;s have a look at this new variety for this year by Thai President Foods’ MAMA brand and see what it’s got.
Meet The Manufacturer: #1471: MAMA Instant Noodles Shrimp Creamy Tom Yum Flavour Jumbo Pack
MAMA Shrimp Creamy Tom Yum. This stuff is magnificent. So much so that it was on The Ramen Rater’s top Ten Instant Noodles Of All Time 2013 Edition list. What’s nice is that it’s pretty easily sourced. What’s even nicer, this is the Jumbo Pack! I was told once that the reason this is called ‘shrimp creamy’ instead of ‘creamy shrimp’ is that when you boil shrimp heads, there is a creamy looking effect and that’s what they’re going after here – not something pertaining to a dairy product. Let’s see how this one comes out – it’s is just a bigger version, then it should be even more wondrous fun!
Meet The Manufacturer: #1470: MAMA Instant Cup Noodles Spicy Cheese Flavour
Soon as I saw this one in the box, I was instantly curious. Spicy cheese flavor from Thailand? I didn’t know they liked cheese in Thailand! Ah, well everyone likes cheese I suppose. Spicy cheese is even better in my book – spicy and tasty’s where it’s at. Well, let’s see what we have here inside this fascinating new cup from MAMA!
Meet The Manufacturer: #1468: MAMA Instant Cup Noodles Seafood Pad Kee Mao Flavour
I’ve seen Pad Kee Mao on the menu at our local Thai restaurant but never ordered it. Hmmm. What’s wikipedia have to say about it I wonder?
Meet The Manufacturer: #1466: MAMA Oriental Style Instant Noodles Green Curry Flavour Jumbo Pack
To start things off, I’m sure you have all heard of the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge. What it is for those of you who haven’t, is a campaign to increase awareness of ALS (Lou Gehrig’s Disease), a motor neuron disease which causes the connections between the mind and muscles to degrade. The challenge involves a person having a ton of icewater dumped on them, and then nominating three people to do the same. Yesterday, my sister nominated me after she was nominated. Usually, you have 24 hours to accept and carry out the challenge. Today, I’m going to be getting a lot of icewater dumped on me! At the bottom of this review will be my sister’s challenge, and tomorrow’s review will feature me getting drenched! If you want to help, please consider donating to
#1370: Papa Oriental Style Instant ‘Kua-Chap’
Here’s a neat one! These little square pieces of rice curl up like ziti when they are cooked! Usually served with pig offal or duck, but I have neither so I opted for chicken. This is only the second time I’ve sampled these, thanks to the package my friend from Indonesia sent me a while back – thanks! Let’s check it out!
#1320: MAMA Instant Noodles Cup Seafood Flavour
My nose is running, my throat is sore and I feel pretty crummy. Sneezing, sore eyes and sore everything – I’ve got a cold and a bad one at that. Not a fun day, that’s for sure – it’s raining and windy outside as well which makes taking our dogs out a real chore, especially when they’re pugs. Pugs don’t like to get wet; they (at least the pugs we have) aren’t very rugged creatures; they like to sleep and be constantly comfortable.
#1302: MAMA Instant Noodles Yentafo Tom Yum Mohfai Flavour
Here’s one with a flavor I’ve never heard of – well, except for the tom yum part. Here’s what Wikipedia had to say about the yentafo: