Tag: master kang

#4773: Kang Shi Fu Artificial Soyed Beef Flavor – United States

#4773: Kang Shi Fu Artificial Soyed Beef Flavor - United States

Found this one the other day at 99 Ranch Market. This one is interesting as the range is very easy to find here, however there was a lot of confusion whether it was another brand – Master Kang. Master Kang translates to Kang Shi Fu, and also has a little chef guy for it’s logo. I remember getting a phone call from a lawyer about it a long time ago asking my opinion on it. It’s been such a long time though that I’m guessing that whatever legal issues were involved are probably kaput at this point, so here we are. Soyed beef – is that like corned beef? Interesting. Let’s cook this stuff up. ...see full post

#2395: Master Kong Chicken Noodle

#2395: Master Kong Chicken Noodle - China - The Ramen Rater - instant noodles

Here’s one sent to me by a reader named Colin – thanks again! So Master Kong has been in the news a lot lately. It seems they’ve closed a factory in Taiwan and people all of a sudden thought Master Kong was going to stop producing their products everywhere. However, this is definitely not the case. For example, here we have a Master Kong variety from China. Master Kang (also known as Kang shi Fu) is produced by Tingyi – here’s a little about Tingyi from wikipedia: ...see full post

The Ramen Rater’s Top Ten Chinese Instant Noodles Of All Time 2017 Edition

The Ramen Rater's Top Ten Chinese Instant Noodles Of All Time 2017 Edition

恭喜发财 and Happy Lunar New Year to all! I had a look at my lists I hadn’t updated in a while and saw it was in January of 2014 last I did a top ten Chinese list. Why so long? Well, I like to have done quite a few reviews in a year when it comes to country lists for that specific country. If I’d done only two and there weren’t any big changes, I’ll kind of let it go until the next year. This one seemed ripe and ready for a new version. Of the almost 150 reviews I’ve done of Chinese instant noodles, these are my favorites. I should mention that if you are an instant noodle in mainland China and interested in having me review your products, please contact me to set up a review series. With that, let’s have a look at The Ramen Rater’s top Ten Chinese Instant Noodles Of All Time 2017 Edition.  ...see full post

#2244: Kang Shi Fu Artificial Spicy Beef Flavour

Here’s yet another one sent by a reader named Colin from back east – thanks again! It’s funny how we don’t have any of these Kang shi Fu variants out west – at least not at any of the stores I’m near to. Spicy beef sounds awesome – it’s a really cloudy and rainy day here in  the Seattle area. Let’s check it out! ...see full post

#2051: Master Kong Artificial Pork Ribs Flavor Instant Noodle

Here’s another one sent to my by Colin from the eastern USA – thanks again! So these have always been interesting; they have the little chef guy much like Kang Shi Fu (Master Kong), but often the bar code search will come up with Kailo brand. This morning, I called the number on the back and they gave me another number, and they gave me an email address. I emailed the address I was given and will get the info on what brand this is exactly when they reply – and hopefully they do. Prok ribs – let’s do this! ...see full post

#2020: Kang Shi Fu Artficial Roasted Beef Flavour

After quite a few years, its looking more and more like Kang Shi Fu (Master Kong) is definitely getting their products distributed into the United States. This one was sent to me by a reader named Colin (thanks again!) and is definitely different from most of the Mang Shiu Fu stuff I’ve seen. First, there’s a lot of English on the package; something very new to me. Stewed beef sounds good – let’s have a look inside. ...see full post

#1982: Master Kong Assorted Pork Bone Noodle

Here’s one sent by Colin from Massachusetts – thanks! I used to work with a lady who couldn’t say Massachusetts. It seemed a little ridiculous to me, but she would stumble over the word repeatedly and it would sound like massive two shits. Anyways, this one seems interesting – why assorted pork bone? Are they from different kinds of pigs? Well, let’s give this one a try! ...see full post

#1504: Master Kong Stewed Beef Flavor Cooking Noodle

Here’s another one sent by a kind reader in Sweden – thanks again! Also want to thank Bobby Y. of Canada for his great help with translating! He’s always been a great help and I truly appreciate it! With all the recent Chinese readers, I thought I’d review a Chinese instant noodle today. These Master Kong varieties are usually quite good. This one’s really big – calls for 700ml water! That’s definitely on the higher end of broth. The noodle block is also quite large with a different gauge than other I’ve tried – looks to be thicker. It also mentions that it’s a ‘cooking’ noodle as opposed to an instant. Cooking noodles require time spent on the stove while instants can either be cooked on the stove or simply put in a bowl and boiling water added, covered and let sit for 3 minutes or so to be done. Let’s have a look at this one from Master Kong – really hoping Master Kong contacts me soon – wouyld love to do a Meet The Manufacturer with them! ...see full post

#1496: Master Kong Mianba Pork Ribs Flavor Instant Noodles

Here’s another one sent by a kind reader in Sweden! Thank you! Master Kong is really popular in China and what surprises me is that there are no places that I’ve seen that you can get their products here in the United States. Luckily, people send them to me from time to time, but it seems to me that I really need to figure out a way to contact them and do a Meet The Manufacturer with them. The Chinese consume billions of packages of instant noodles a year and I’ve never done a Chinese Meet The Manufacturer yet! It’s about time. Well, let’s check out these pork ribs Master Kong instant noodles! ...see full post

#1481: Master Kong Mushroom Stew Chicken Ramen

Here’s one that was donated by a reader from Sweden! Thanks! It’s funny; you really can’t find any Master Kong noodles here in the United States which is a real bummer. They’re really good – hopefully they’ll be here at some point. What’s tough about Master Kong packs is that they don’t seem to say how much water to add in. For a pack this size, I’ve gone with 500ml before, so I’ll go with 500ml again. ...see full post

#1226: Master Kong Artificial Braised Beef Flavor Instant Noodle

Here’s one that’s been kind of confusing in the past, and it still is. A guy who said he worked for Master Kong said these aren’t actually Master Kong. When I check the UPC code, it comes up with Kailo Brand Abalone Chicken flavor in a similar sized big cup. Whatever it is, let’s check it out! ...see full post

#821: Master Kong/康师傅 Potatoes & Stewed Beef Instant Noodles

This rather unassuming package of ramen came from Bo H. of China. I don’t know if this is exactly what this is called, but I hope it comes close to its name in taste. Potatoes aren’t something commonly found when it comes to instant noodles; there’s sweet potato noodles and potato noodles, but really nothing that involved potato flavor. ...see full post