Tag: meet the manufacturer

Re-Review: Meet The Manufacturer: Nongshim Shin Ramyun Shrimp Flavor

Here’s another of the Nongshim Shin Ramyun variants – shrimp flavor! This one was picked up for me by my sister in Canada. So far, I’ve been reviewing packs and cups from Korea and the United States by Nongshim. This one was made in China. I liked it a lot before – let’s have it again! Yay! ...see full post

#726: Meet The Manufacturer – Indomie Mi Goreng Cakalang Khas Sulawesi Utara

What’s Cakalang? Indonesian Wikipedia says:

Skipjack (Katsuwonus Pelamis) is a medium-sized fish of the families Scombridae ( tuna ). The only species of the genus Katsuwonus. Largest tuna, body length can reach 1 m with a weight of more than 18 kg. A lot of tuna caught a length of about 50 cm. Other names include cakalan, cakang, movement, kambojo, karamojo, turingan, and some are called cobs . In the English language known as skipjack tuna. ...see full post

#725: Meet The Manufacturer: Indomie Mi Goreng Instant Cup Noodles

Hey look at this! This came from Michael C. at Eastland Foods a little while back – thanks! What we have here is one of the products that should be available here in the states soon (according to my Indomie interview). It’s exactly what it looks like – Mi Goreng in a cup! Read the interview I did with Indomie here! ...see full post

#724: Meet The Manufacturer: Indomie Curly Noodle With Laksa & Chilli

So we start off Meet The Manufacturer: Indomie week with something new – most of the reviews I’ll be doing will come from a shipment of samples I received a few weeks back from Indonesia. Indofood sent them very kindly and I want to thank them again for their generosity. So here we go with something completely different! Read the interview I did with Indomie here! ...see full post

Meet The Manufacturer: Indomie Interview

Re-Review: Meet The Manufacturer – Nissin Demae Ramen With Sesame Oil

Well folks, this is the last one I’ll be reviewing for Meet The Manufacturer: Nissin week. There will be more Nissin reviews coming of course so don’t worry. The ramen hamper runneth over with new varieties to try! So this is a very old one – old as in I reviewed it was back at number #85 – over 600 reviews ago. I think it’s due. ...see full post