Tag: mi goreng

#3008: Indomie Real Meat Mi Instan Goreng Rendang – Indonesia

#3008: Indomie Real Meat Mi Instan Goreng Rendang - Indonesia

First, thanks to Robert Z for sending this along! Check out his amazing www.dadbert.com blog!! II mean wow – I’ve been wanting to try these for a while now and figured I would probably never get one. So yeah – it’s in here – real meat! Rendang is also one of my favorite things in the known universe. Here’s a little about it from Wikipedia – ...see full post

#2798: Indomie Instant Noodles Mi Goreng Fried Noodles (Taiwan-only Version)

#2798: Indomie Instant Noodles Mi Goreng Fried Noodles (Taiwan-only Version)

Alright so about these – I received a 5-pack from the nice folks at the Indomie booth at the Taiwan International Food Expo in Taipei, Taiwan in November 2017. I asked a little about them. This pack you see here is specifically for Taiwan. So, what’s different? Well for starters, lots of Chinese on the pack. The main difference however is the actual soizie of the package. This one’s a little bit bigger than the ones found elsewhere, and this is unique to Taiwan. You can’t get them like this anywhere else in the world. Period. A huge difference? No, but still a difference. Here’s a little info from Wikipedia – ...see full post

#2438: World O’Noodle Mi Goreng Original Flavour Fried Noodles

#2438: World O'Noodle Mi Goreng Original Flavour Fried Noodles - Indonesia - The Ramen Rater - instant noodle

I found this one during my November 2016 trip to Taiwan. So this was at a Jason’s Market at the bottom of the Taipei 101. Mi Goreng is a very popular stir nodle dish. Mi Goreng instant noodles are most well known from Indonesia, indeed where this one is from. Let’s see what Wikipedia has to say about Mi Goreng – ...see full post

#2374: World O’Noodle Mi Goreng Garlic Flavour Fried Noodles

#2374: World O' Noodle Mi Goreng Garlic Flavour Fried Noodles

Here’s one I got in the Jason’s Market on the first floor of the Taipei 101 in Taiwan last November. I believe this World O’Noodles line is from a big grocery store chain in Southeast Asia – not 100% sure on that, but pretty sure. Garlic Mi Goreng? Oh yeah – sign me up! I’m hoping that this will be a delightful and delicious instant from Indonesia. Let’s have a look at this World O’Noodle variety. ...see full post

#2075: Mi Sedaap Mi Segera Mi Goreng Ayam Krispi

Time for some mi goreng! So this is another one I found at the Uwajimaya in Renton, WA by where my son goes to Pokemon League. Today’s a weird day; the local power company has been going from apartment building to apartment building and repairing these big green power boxes outside. I’m guessing that the power could go out at any minute! I guess We’ll see – let’s get started! ...see full post

#2068: Maggi Fusian Special Edition Ow… Ow… Spicy Cow Flavour Mi Goreng

First off, I must thank Jen from Australia for sending this real gem of an instant noodle. I mean come on – I think anyone reading the name of this variety definitely should thank her. Ow… Ow… Spicy Cow – I mean that’s awesome. This one is made in Malaysia, however it’s for the Australia/New Zealand market. Without further ado, let’s crack it open and get punished by the spicy cow. ...see full post

#2042: Suimin Noodles Mi Goreng

Another one sent by Jen from Australia – thanks again! So a favorite destination of Australian tourists is Bali and Borneo – pretty nearby and full of tasty fare. One such common food you’ll find in these places is mi goreng, or fried noodles. Usually a cooked and drain noodle is stir fried and condiments such as sweet chilli sauce and sweet soy sauce are added as well and vegetables and meats. Let’s see how this cup variety of mi goreng tastes. ...see full post

#1917: IbuRamen Mi Goreng Bento Noodles In A Box Hot, Sweet & Sour Flavor

The last time I had one of these, I found something fascinating inside. The sachets all say Mexi Ramen on them, a brand I have reviewed once in the past (actually it was my 500th review). The package said it was MexiRamen. This one is clearly mentioning mi goreng, a Southeast Asian delicacy, and Bento, a Japanese style meal. Let’s crack this box open and have a look inside. ...see full post

#1900: Ibumie Always Mi Goreng Perisa Kari Kapitan

Well folks, we’re in the home stretch to the 2,000th review. To be honest, I never had a clue I would be reviewing instant noodles every day – never in a million years. Anyways, still quite a few to go so let’s check this one out. Kapitan Kari literally means ‘Captain Curry’ – kind of like the king of curry. Let’s rip this one open and give it a try! ...see full post

#1874: Ibumie Always Mi Goreng Perisa Thai Tom Yam

Well, this is embarrassing… From time to time I’ve accidentally pasted the watermark twice and one ends up in the middle of the image. Sorry about that! About a month or so ago my wife and I were at the Edmonds 99 Ranch Market and she noticed a whole bunch of varieties and asked if I’d tried them. I’m legally blind, which basically means my eyesight is there, but so poor that it’s hard for me to cross the street, would be a menace behind the wheel, and miss a lot of instant noodles that my wife catches at the store! Let’s check out this Tom Yam flavored mi goreng! ...see full post

#1862: Ibumie Always Mi Goreng Asli

For awhile now, people have been asking if I’d reviewed Ibumie’s Always Mi Goreng. Well, no – that’s because I’d never found it or received a sample or donation from a reader. I’ve seen it around for years on the Internet. About a month or so ago my wife and I were at the Edmonds 99 Ranch Market and she noticed a whole bunch of varieties and asked if I’d tried them. I’m legally blind, which basically means my eyesight is there, but so poor that it’s hard for me to cross the street, would be a menace behind the wheel, and miss a lot of instant noodles that my wife catches at the store! So, if you’re one of the folks who have messaged me about this one, you can thank Kit for her keen observation! Let’s check out Always Mi GOreng! ...see full post

#1857: IbuRamen Mi Goreng Bento Noodles In A Box Shallot Teriyaki Flavor

Again, my wife has a keen eye for noodles. She saw these and asked if I’d tried them – I hadn’t! Don’t know what I would do without her! So these are very interesting – IbuRamen – sounds like Ibumie – in fact, on the back of the package it says it’s made in Malaysia. The Mi Goreng font looks like Ibumie’s as well (and Indomie’s, Salam Mie etc). Mi goreng is Southeast Asian , however Bento is Japanese. What’s more, there’s a Mexican reference; wait, where? Let’s look inside. ...see full post

#1737: Mie Sedaap Instant Cup Mi Goreng

It’s been really hard to find new varieties from Indonesia lately and I was really stoked to find a total of four of them the other day! I always try to keep things mixed up – reviewing a different product from a different country every day if possible. It can be tough sometimes but lately I’ve been ending up with quite a range of varieties which is great. Anyways, let’s check out this one from Indonesia! ...see full post

#1721: Salam Mie Mi Goreng Dengan Abon

Here’s the second of two Salam Mie products I got at the Econsave we visited in Butterworth, Malaysia during our special trip to visit the makers of MyKuali last October. I’ve seen a lot of people commenting on the other variety lately, so I thought I’d give this one a try. Abon is a powdered meat – usually pork or beef (in this case beef) seasoned with spices. Sounds good – from what I see, it’s used as a topping like fish floss is used on Chinese porridge. Anyways, let’s check out this Salam Mie Mi Goreng Abon! ...see full post

#1706: Maggi Hot Cup Goreng Perencah Cili Fiesta

Here’s one I got on my trip to Malaysia last October! I was really keen on getting something like this while over there – anything that has some kind of promotion for a contest or sports event – or movies and cartoons – are very fascinating to me, not only because that’s not something you really see here on instant noodle products, but that the possibility of finding an export version here is slim to none. This one mentions Brazil on it – football! Let’s have a look inside and give ‘er a try! ...see full post

#1699: Vit’s Mi Goreng Pedas Chewy & Springy

Mi Goreng means fried noodles and Pedas means spicy – how can ya beat that? This is one that I picked up at the Econsave on last year’s trip to Penang, Malaysia. I gotta say – it’s weird to say that. I never thought I’d end up making it to Asia; now having been to both Malaysia and Thailand, it’s like I’ve got a different perspective of the world. So many of the people I met over there had visited the United States, either for work or schooling. How many folks do I know from here that have gone the opposite direction though? Definitely a lower ratio at least in my experience. It is quite expensive and I’ve been lucky that companies have said ‘hey! come visit us!’ Instant noodles – who would’ve thought. Anyways, I’ve been a big fan of Mi Goreng for quite a while. It’s combination of sweet and spicy flavors has always been so nice. This one promises to a bit further on the end of the spicy stick – hoping so! Spicy is always nice. Let’s check out this mi goreng by Vit’s of Malaysia! ...see full post

#1603: Salam Mie Mi Goreng Ala Jawa Dengan Sambal Cabe Asli

Got this one during my trip to Malaysia at the Chain Ferry Econsave in Butterworth, Penang. Today is March 5th, 2015 and Momofuku Ando would have been 105 years old today! It’s fascinating to me to think that I wouldn’t be doing any of this if he didn’t invent the instant noodle. Happy Birthday, Mr. Andi!  This one however is an Indonesian brand called Salam Mie. The flavor translates to original spicy sambal. Let’s have a look at this variety by Salam Mie! ...see full post

Re-Review: Indomie Mi Goreng Fried Noodles

On my last trip to the Asian grocery store, I had a though. I thought maybe I ought to toss in some of the varieties I’ve not reviewed in a while that I’ve recommended quite a bit to people since they’re relatively easy to source and quite good. This one’s a perfect example. My first favorite instant growing up was the Japanese Nissin Chickin Ramen. After trying a few varieties, I found Indomie Mi Goreng line and was all about it. When we’d go to Seattle we’d come back with a couple bags full of them, and I don’t think my parents minded too much since it was around 25 cents a pack. I tried many different varieties in the Indomie Mi Goreng line – there are quite a few.  I used to go for the Satay flavor mostly, but then found the Barbecue Chicken one to my liking. Then there’s the Rendang which is a really great one, gracing the top ten list a couple times I think. This one today is the original version. If you’ve not tried this stuff, you’ve got to; it’s a real treat and easily modified to taste. There’s five sachets ioncluded- quite a few in an instant noodle pack and I’ll explain them all here. Anyways, let’s bring on the Indomie Mi Goreng! ...see full post

The Ramen Rater’s Trip To Malaysia: Day 2 – Factory & Hawker 101

Day 1 * Day 2Day 3 * Day 4 * Day 5 * Day 6

I was planning on doing a post each day consecutively, mirroring the prior week when I was actually in Malaysia, but I hit a snag yesterday. I’d always heard of this thing called ‘jet lag’ and now I can tell you, it’s real. Shifting from timezones and different days really messed us up! We woke up at 2pm yesterday! Haven’t slept in like that since I was a punk kid! Well, we went to sleep at a realistic Pacific time zone time last night and so this morning I’m doing day two! This is a long post folks! Here we go! ...see full post

Meet The Manufacturer: #1472: Ruski Chicken Masala Flavour Instant Fried Noodles

Mi Goreng! It sounds exotic, but it boils down to fried noodles. This is a rather unique one – I don’t think I’ve heard of a masala chicken dry noodle like this before, but it sounds pretty good! It’s been a while since I’ve had any mi goreng, and my son is here today and wants some so I thought why not. Let’s check it out! ...see full post

#1439: Adabi Mi Segera Mi Goreng Pedas Instant Noodles


Here’s the last of the Adabi varieties I received from Annie T. of MyKuali in Malaysia – thank you! It’s a wet and rainy day outside this morning. It started raining just before 7am and has been ever since! In northwest Washington state, we sometimes get a big dump of rain in the summertime – even got some thunder! You can see how easily amused I am! Anyways, spicy mi goreng sounds like a nice accompaniment for the day’s weather. Let’s have a look at this one. ...see full post

#1398: Nissin Fried Noodles Specialist Tom Yam Mee Goreng Flavour

Here’s another one that Annie T. over at MyKuali sent me – thank you very much! This looks interesting; a fusion of Tom Yam and Mee Goreng? Tom Yam is a spicy, citrus infused soup that”s very popular in Southeast Asia, Thailand in particular. Very curious about this one – let”s have a look inside. ...see full post

#1390: Indomie Mi Goreng Rasa Iga Penyet

Here’s one I’ve been waiting for just the right day to try. Iga Penyet is a dish which is extremely popular in Jakarta, Indonesia. But, exactly what is it? Well, from looking around, I found that it translates to Smashed Beef Ribs ala Jakarta. I’ve also seen it referred to as Fried Beef Ribs. Either way, beef ribs and a spicy sambal sauce are involved, as well as garlic. I didn’t have any beef ribs to cook alongside, but I’ll figure something out – let’s check out this Indomie Iga Penyet! ...see full post

Meet The Manufacturer: #1357: Mamee Mie Goreng Indonesia Spicy Sambal Flavour

This is the second of the two Mie Goreng Indonesia cup varieties Mamee Double-Decker sent me for Meet The Manufacturer. The first one was really good! This one sounds good too. Sambal is spicy stuff! I like spicy. Today before I do the review, I’m going to trek up to our local Indonesian grocery Waroeng Jajanan. They clued me in about a couple of great additions to mie goreng – Kerapuk Aci and BonCabe! Kerapuk Aci is a big round Indonesian cracker made with tapioca and other ingredients. It’s crunchy and goes really well with mie goreng when I’ve made it in the past. BonCabe is a spicy chilli seasoning – bits of chilli powder, flake, some salt and crunchy bits as well as other spices are in it and it’s great stuff! Off I go to the Indonesian grocery to find some additions… ...see full post

#1340: Indomie Taste Of Asia Mi Goreng Rasa Bulgogi Ala Korea

Here’s an interesting new one – bulgogi is probably one of my most favorite foods! Bulgogi, for those of you who haven’t experienced it, is Korean barbecued beef. What they do is marinate the beef in a nice sweet sauce and then barbecue it in thin strips. What are great are Korean barbecue restaurants. You are seated at a table with a little brazier in the center. ...see full post

#1331: Indomie Taste Of Asia Mi Kuah Rasa Tom Yum Ala Thailand

I’ve been asked about this special series from Indomie for a long time and finally got my hands on some! Indomie’s Taste Of Asia line has three components: Laksa representing Singapore, Bulgogi representing South Korea, and finally Tom Yum to represent Thailand. I thought since I embark on a new Meet The Manufacturer tomorrow, I’d try something a little different. So Tom Yum is a Thai soup, usually with very strong spiciness and citrus flavors. I’m very curious as to how they’ll do this one. Let’s check it out! ...see full post