Tag: miliket

#5055: Miliket Shrimp Flavor Instant Noodles – Vietnam

#5055: Miliket Shrimp Flavor Instant Noodles - Vietnam

Thanks to James from Lakeside, CA for this one. This pack had a particular problem which could’ve been far worse and made it unusable. The problem? Sometimes when packs are sealed, sachets get in there as well. This one has that particular issue. You’ll see it below. Anyways, there’s a few scenarios. Maybe they just had one that did this. Maybe a hundred or a thousand. Maybe they didn’t know when this started happening in a production run. Maybe they didn’t care. Anyways, it was a dry sachet so thats okay, but still. Let’s give it a try. ...see full post

#5046: Miliket Bowl Noodle Soup Shrimp Tomyum Flavor – Vietnam

#5046: Miliket Bowl Noodle Soup Shrimp Tomyum Flavor - Vietnam

Big thanks to James from Lakeside, CA – awesome! What a day. July 1st. Well, it’s the first day I’ve dragged the kids out for a long walk. They did really quite well – just a smidge over 6 miles. The weather was crappy though – warm, yes – but very cloudy and humid; like walking through a world that feels like walking into a bathroom after someone took a shower. I was going tyo get these posts ready to do my reviews this morning, but I slept in a little bit, and when I got home with the kids and planned on doing it then, I got to call my internet service provider since my bill went up $40 a month, then when they screwed my downgrade up, I had to call back. Sheesh. But lunch is over and I’ve got some caffeine at my side. Let’s get ‘er done. ...see full post

#1533: Miliket Sate Flavor Instant Noodle

Okay so first off, I want to thank the person at the company who made the decision to use paper as the material for the outer packaging. One of the big tasks I have for the reviews is to do a lot of editing in Photoshop, mostly removing glare from packaging. Since they’re plastic wraps usually, they pick up the lighting and so angling the packs to get  the least glare and reflection is key, but then sometimes it’s just not possible to get rid of all of it. Then I have to scan the packages and there’s always a good amount of glare there. This will be the first review I’ve ever done of Miliket instant noodles, so let’s check therm out! ...see full post