Here’s one I got at Jason’s Market at the bottom of the Taipei 101 in Taiwan. Indeed this Ripe’n’Dry miso is one I’d been searching for for a very long time! I reviewed the Shio version about 45 reviews back and wasn’t extremely impressed. It wasn’t bad, but wasn’t ‘holy cow this is awesome.’ I will say that I really love this packaging though – very nicely done! However, the name evokes thoughts of, well… Flatulence. Smelly dry farts immediately come to my mind. I thought I’d look and see what wikipedia has to say about flatulence:
Tag: miso
#2322: Sapporo Ichiban MieKameyama Ramen Gyukotsu Misoaji
Sad to say it but this is the last of the varieties sent to me by Javier over at He’s decided to end the subscription service for instant noodles, however you can still get neat boxes of Japanese candy! Check ’em out! Well, here’s what he had to say about this variety:
#2315: Goku-Uma Ramen Noodles Miso Flavor
Here’s one of a line I’ve been kind of on the fence about lately. I tried their tonkotsu and was a little disappointed and hopeful that this miso will be a different story. Shall we have a look?
#2247: Nissin Sapporo Noukou Miso Ramen
Here’s one that Javier from – thanks! Box From Japan is a monthly subscription service where you can get 4 unique bowls of ramen from Japan a month. It’s pretty awesome – I haven’t gotten a duplicate yet! Here’s what he had to say about this variety:
Meet The Manufacturer: #2155: Jingqi Aloe Vera Guan Mian Purple Sweet Potato Noodles With Spicy Miso Sauce
Today, we bid a fond farewell to Jingqi at the end of this Meet The Manufacturer. Lots of great flavors and the noodles! Well, let’s delve into this final variety!
#2027: Nissin Shinshu Miso Ramen
Here’s one from the April Box From Japan. Box From Japan is a subscription service – you can have really fancy instant ramen from Japan shipped to your door every month! If you’re here for Japanese ramen, why not check ’em out? This variety we have here today is special for it’s extra nice miso paste. Let’s give it a look!
Meet The Manufacturer: #2003: Nissin Raoh Rich Miso Flavor
So this one confused me a little; I was sure I’d reviewed it before. In fact, here is review #1069. I’m noticing a couple of differences though. First, different bar code. Second, different water amount. Notice this one says 400ml for 5 minutes whereas the other says 430ml for 5 minutes. Curious. Let’s take a look and see what makes this big fancy bowl tick.
#1844: Seven & I Gold Sumire Ramen
Here’s another one that was sent to me by Javier over at Box From Japan – thanks! Box From Japan is a subscription service – you can get a box sent to you every month with some great noodles within! Today it’s one from Seven-Eleven in Japan. Seven-Eleven does partnerships with different companies (this on is made by Nissin) and has varieties they make only available there. This is Sumire Ramen, a miso variety. Let’s take a look!
#1768: New Touch Negi Miso no Ippin Ramen
Here’s another one that was sent to me by Javier over at Box From Japan – thanks! Box From Japan is a subscription service – you can get a box sent to you every month with some great noodles within! From what I’m reading, it sounds like this one has a lot of garlic, green onion and leek influence on it. Sounds really good – let’s check it out!
#1760: New Touch Homestyle Tonjiru
Here’s one I got in the package sent by Javier over at Box From Japan – thanks! Box From Japan is a monthly subscription service that delivers different varieties of instant noodles to your door each month – fancy stuff like this one! Definitely worth checking out. Also, thanks go to Shinichi S. for help in translation! So let’s ask Wikipedia about Tonjiru:
#1712: Sakurai Foods Organic Miso Ramen
Wow it’s Summer here today! Just hit 90 degrees and the clouds are rolling in – hoping for a nice lightning storm to watch tonight. I’m still reviewing instant noodles in this weather though – it’s 83 degrees in our apartment right now. Wish we had air conditioning! It rarely gets this warn in Western Washington though. Anyways, I thought some miso might be a good one to try today, and an organic one at that. The packaging has a Vegan logo on it, but I think I might add some meat in with it. Let’s have a look at this organic miso ramen!
#1516: Men-Sunaoshi Miso Ramen
Been quite a while since I’ve had some miso ramen, and this will be only my second Sunaoshi review. This one was in my hamper asking to be reviewed today and so I thought why not give it some attention. Ready? Set? Miso.
#1438: Maruchan Old Style Miso Ramen
Most of us in the United States are familiar with Maruchan’s ramen packs and ‘Instant Lunch’ cups. However, most of us aren’t familiar with Maruchan’s popular products overseas in Japan. Miso is a fermented soybean paste – it’s good stuff, with a kind of musty scent. Notice on the front of this one: it’s also saying that it’s lower calorie. Let’s have a look inside.
#1427: Miso Ramen At Osaka Ramen In Dublin, California
Last week, we went on our big summer vacation! We drove from Lynnwood, WA all the way to Livermore, CA – over 800 miles. Did it in 14 hours – only 3 quick stops, too! We did a bunch of neat stuff – went to the Alameda County Fair, caught a Giants game in San Francisco, and went out for ramen – and not the instant kind. Nope – this is the moment I think many of you have been wanting to see more of. It’s not going to be a common thing around here anytime soon, but I thought I’d share my experience.
#1416: Myojo Chukazanmai Szechuan Style Miso
Here’s an interesting one. Myojo does this premium Chukazanmai line and there are quite a few different varieties! This one has me a little worried though. I haven’t really liked Szechuan style much of anything in the past. Hopefully this will turn the tide! Let’s check it out.
#1392: Miracle Noodle Miso Marvellous Soup
I’ve been asked about these low calorie noodles for a long time. Miracle Noodle is more widely known for it’s Shirataki Miracle Noodle. Those are made from yams. These are Kanten Miracle Noodles. So let’s see Wikipedia has to say about them:
#1312: Maruchan ‘I Want To Eat Ramen’ Miso Flavor
I can honestly say that I want to eat ramen. Every day. Well, if not ramen, ramyun, udon, mi goreng, mee and every other kind of instant noodle out there! It’s fun! Sometimes it’s hard to decide which one to review though, and so my wife was kind enough to pick one out of the bin and toss it to me this morning – and this is it. Let’s have a look! Most people here in the US think of Maruchan as making their instant packs and ‘Instant Lunch’ cups, but they make a varied line of products over in Japan with more traditional flavors from the region. But to start things off before any reviewing, today is Valentine’s Day – happy Valentine’s Day to all! My wife Kit and I spent a special day yesterday in Seattle yesterday…
#1235: Nissin Demae Ramen Miso Tonkotsu Artificial Pork Flavor Ramen Noodle
I was pretty surprised my son wanted to try this one; he asked if it was spicy or bitter. I told him I wouldn’t imagine so. Well, I guess we’ll find out!
#1202: Sugakiya Foods Udon Miso Stew
Hey this looks really good! It’s a foggy day here and I can hear the ships out in the sea blowing their horns in the distance. Time for seafood! Let’s check this one out!
#1167: Kabuto Noodles Miso Ramen
Here’s one from my friend Martin A. in the UK. This one’s pretty cool – very vertical! Those Brits, they sure come up with neat cups. Let’s check it out!
#1069: Nissin Raoh Rich Miso Flavor
Here’s another one sent by Scott over at Nissin – thanks! Turns out the expiration dates on these are short so thought I’d better hit it up! Rich miso flavor… Pretty fancy bowl – let’s give it a try!
#997: Sakurai Foods Miso Stew Instant Udon (Winter)
Here’s one that was kindly sent by Mika over at Sakurai Foods in Japan – thank you! In Japan where ramen is a way of life, there are varieties which are seasonal and this is one of them. This is a winter varietal miso stew. I imagine the winter versions are more ‘stick to your ribsy’ and the summer ones (like one I saw on the Sakurai Foods site) are cold noodles. Awesome! Well, let’s get started.
Samples From Nissin Foods USA!
A big box…
Full of…
New stuff! Scott A. over at Nissin Foods USA sent a couple new items – Habanero Lime Chicken and Habanero Lime Shrimp Big Cup Noodles, Spicy Teiryaki Beef Chow Mein and a couple from Japan – another Nissin Raoh (this time miso) and the pack version of the Nissin Raoh Rich Soy Sauce & Backfat! Awesome! Thank you very much!
#982: Meet The Manufacturer – Sun Noodle Ramen Miso Flavor
Miso is a classic flavor for ramen broths. Miso is a thick paste which is made from fermented soybeans and rice or barley and commonly used in Japanese soups and sauces.
Re-Review: Meet The Manufacturer: Sakurai Foods 100% Vegetarian Miso Flavor
Today is the last of the Sakurai Foods Meet The Manufacturer. I have enjoyed trying such a great range of products from Japan! We finish with the one that made this Meet The Manufacturer happen. I email lots of instant noodle manufacturers, trying to get Meet The Manufacturer interviews to happen. I hadn’t contacted Sakurai Foods before and gave it a shot. Here’s my re-review of their miso vegetarian flavor.
#955: Meet The Manufacturer: Sakurai Foods Miso Ramen
Here’s another one from Sakurai Foods, this time a bowl of miso ramen! I read that the bowl is made of recycle sugar cane stalk – pretty cool!
Meet The Manufacturer: Yamachan Ramen Samples
So Lifehacker came out with an article about The Ramen Rater a couple weeks ago and I noticed something about Yamachan Ramen in the comments on it. I contacted them and they were very interested in doing a Meet The Manufacturer. Very shortly, I received this box in the mail…
Meet The Manufacturer: An Interview With Yamachan Ramen
Welcome one and all to another Meet The Manufacturer! This time it’s San Jose, CA based Yamachan Ramen!They make fresh ramen products – here’s the interview I did with them.
Meet The Manufacturer #885: Yamachan Miso Ramen Rich Sapporo Miso
So yesterday I tried the mild miso and today I’m hitting up the rich. This one says it’s ‘Sapporo miso’ – curious to see what its like.
Meet The Manufacturer #884: Yamachan Miso Ramen – Mild
Here’s another one of the fresh ramen samples from Yamachan. I’ve not been a big fan of miso in the past, but I’m open to this – looks fancy.
#754: Nongshim Ansungtangmyun Spicy Miso Noodle Soup (USA version)
Okay so I thought this was interesting. Look at the noodle block in this one – very different isn’t it? Well, Let’s give this one a try – this one was made in the USA in Rancho Cucamonga, California.
#643: Wei Chuan Instant Noodle Soup Miso Vegetables Flavor
Here’s another pack from Michelle L. of New York – thanks! The last Wei Chuan I tried was tomato flavor and quite good – let’s see how this one is.
#632: Mr. Udon Oriental Udon Noodle Japanese Miso
Mr. Udon, I presume? I was looking in the fridge yesterday putting groceries away. A couple sodas wouldn’t fit – something was blocking them. Two packs of Mr. Udon noodles that I got early lasrt year. Hmmm… I wondered if they were still good – May 2012 exclaimed the expiration date! So let’s give this stuff a try before it goes bad!
#582: Koyo Tofu And Miso Ramen Made With Organic Noodles
#581: Koyo Mushroom Ramen Made With Organic Noodles
#576: Menraku Japanese Tempura “Soba”
Here’s probably the last of the Menraku varieties available, another tempura.
Yep – directions. I like that they are pretty vigilant about not microwaving the Styrofoam…
#511: Menraku Japanese Ramen “Miso” Authentic Ramen Soup
I woke up with a sore throat, runny nose, sore joints and a bit of sneezing. I’m sick. This sucks. I thought maybe some miso would bring me back from the brink. I guess we’ll see how it goes…
#220: Wei Lih Good Good Eat Super Ramen Original Flavor
Freaking awesome! From the folks that brought Everybody Likes Good Good Eat snacks, we now have Good Good Eat Super Ramen!!! Can’t wait to try this!
#151: Shirakiku Tokusen Miso Ramen Japanese Style Noodles
So here’s another Shirakiku. I’ve enjoyed a lot of their products – most memorably their kizami shoga. This will be the second of their instant noodle line I will review. Here we go!
#145: Sakurai Foods 100% Vegetarian Ramen
So here’s a new one. I had to add the brand as I’ve never had nor seen this brand before. Not a lot in English aside from the distributor, Hosoda Bros. Inc. and