A big thanks to Daniel over at www.exoticnoods.com for sending this one! I’ve been wanting to try it and mukbang it up for a while now (mukbang vid at bottom of the page), and here it is. I love tom yum. I’m curious though as the Buldak base has the heat, but it also imparts some sweetness as well. Interesting. I guess the correct route is to give it a try.
Tag: mukbang
My Thoughts On The Massive Mukbang Varieties
Lately, South Korea has been pumping out a new breed of instant ramyeon – the MMV (Massive Mukbang Variety) as I have come to call them. These are generally trays with enormous servings, made for a single person to challenge and consume. It seems to me that the need for attention overrides the need for self preservation at this point. I’ll outline why I really don’t think these are really safe for one to eat on their own, and although I will do a mukbang of something spicy, I will never attempt one of these.
#4677: Nissin Hot & Spicy Fire Wok Torched Teriyaki Chicken – United States
I was contacted by Nissin USA a few weeks ago and learned about this one and it sounded interesting. Indeed, their Fire Wok bowls are quite good – especially the Sizzlin’ Rich Pork. Pack versions? Interested! So I hit them up and they provided. There’s this one and another. Let’s give it a try!
#4467: Samyang Buldak Cream Carbonara Artificial Hot Chicken Flavor Ramen – South Korea
Here’s one of the last two from The Fat Hipster – check him out on YouTube as he has eaten pumpkin spice cup noodles, topped with pumpkin spice spam, with whipped cream atop. This is really great. So these noodles are like an extra creamy carbonara as far as I can tell without knowing anything about them. But, I will cook them up and then do a mukbang where I eat them and I will let you know how they taste. Let’s get started.
#4139: Prince Katsu Hello Kitty Spicy Noodle Soup – United States
This is an interesting one. It appears this is a variety made just for the United States by Taiwanese company A-Sha, however it is produced in Vietnam. What’s more interesting is that it’s a Hello Kitty licensed product and it’s spicy – better do a mukbang! How spicy could it be with the cutesy factor? We’ll find out.
#4128: Paldo Teumsae Cheese Tteokbokki – South Korea
Here’s one from James in Lakeside, CA – thanks again! Wow – this looks burly. I had to read around to verify cooking instructions and they aren’t hard to cook – just wanted to do it right. This will be my first mukbang I’ve done in ages – not only that, I’ve been hardcore on diet and exercise lately, so not only will it be spicy, it’s going to be a gut buster. Egad. Let’s give it a shot!
D8 THC Cup Noodles Professional Mukbang
First off, thanks to The Fat Hipster for sending these over. Honestly, more like curses to you, sir! This really did me in. I read after doing this THC (the stuff that gets you high from smoking marijuana) infused noodle that a gunny has 20mg of THC and that’s a lot for a ‘seasoned marijuana user.’ This has 100mg and it’s been maybe 18 months since I had any. I live in Washington state, and I could just walk to the store and legally buy marijuana. Apparently this D8 stuff is also legal for now, as the D9 comes from cannabis and the D9 somes from hemp, and hemp is legal everywhere. Crazy. Anyways, let’s give this a try. Most of the pertinent info will be in the mukbang below.
The Definitive Guide To Nongshim Shin Ramyun Noodles
Definitive Guide Series – Maruchan Ramen Noodle SoupSamyang Buldak * Nongshim Shin Ramyun * Indomie Mi Goreng
UPDATE 3/15/2023 – Added Shin Vegan cup
UPDATE 3/12/2023 – Added section referring to new Shin Gold and Shin Green US variants.
Back in 1986, a South Korean company called Nongshim 농심 (which translates to Farmer’s Heart), introduced a product called Shin Ramyun. Since then it has been one of the most popular varieties around the world. In this post, I’ll do a deep dive into the product – a tear down of the package and it’s contents, my tips of preparation, and some things you might not know about it. While not my favorite variety I’ve tried, chances are it may be yours. I run a group called Ramen Junkies on Facebook and the topic and focus of the bulk of posts on there surround this product.
#4031: GB Company Devil Of Fire Buldak – South Korea
Another one sent by The Fat Hipster – thanks again! So this is by the same folks as did the other Devil Of Fire Bulmawang variety, however this one is without broth. Very curious how this will go. Let’s find out – mukbang below!
#4030: Yeomradaewang ‘Spiciest Ramen In The World’ – South Korea
A big thanks and shout out to The Fat Hipster for shooting this one over – been curious about it and thought today would be a good day to see how strong the burn is. The name translates to King Of Hell – let’s see how fiery this guy is.
Nissin Sends New Products Including Cup Noodles Pumpkin Spice – USA
In August, Nissin announced that they would be producing a pumpkin spice flavored Cup Noodles product. This is really quite daring; very different and out of the norm, but a risk worth the reward. Pumpkin spice is an extremely popular flavor, and even for those who abhor it, it gives them reason for tantrums. Such an emotional response to something like this is worth a lot. ‘You hear they made a pumpkin spice Cup Noodles?’ ‘What? That’s ridiculous!’ Then they tell someone who tells someone – that’s gold right there. As Momofuku Ando once said ‘when you hear what consumers are saying, you’re hearing the voice of God.’
#3954: Shinsegae Mamee Daebak Ghost Pepper Cheese Spicy Chicken Flavour – Malaysia
My God yes! New varieties from Malaysia arrived the other day and I’m absolutely thrilled! Do you know anything about Malaysia? If you did, you would know it’s perfection. I can’t think of a more awesome place. Really. Okay, I love Taiwan and Thailand too. Every place I’ve had the fortune to be able to visit has been just amazing – Mlaysia was the first though. I see YouTube folks that go and visit these amazing places all the time and I envy them. I officially BEG YOU – Mamee Doubledecker, bring my family for a visit? I’ll do a ton of videos and everything. It would be so awesome – just fly us over and give us a couch to sleep on! Well, I am speaking for myself; I think my wife and kids would need a little more – but please? Somebody! I will tell you, Malaysia has the flavors you desire if you can’t get enough of bright flavors and innovative taste. This one will be interesting – ultra spicy. Cheese. Let’s give it a go!
#3843: Nissin Hot & Spicy Fire Wok Molten Chili Chicken Flavor – United States
This one’s the hottest of the three varieties offered in the new Nissin Fire Wok range. The first two were moderately spicy, but this one’s supposed to the the be all end all. Thanks to Nissin’s First Taste Club, this showed up a few weeks back – always appreciated! Let’s give it a try!
#3885: Mie Sedaap Selection Korean Spicy Chicken – Indonesia
Found this one locally last weekend. An Indonesian mukbang contender! Let’s check it out!
Mie Sedaap Selection Korean Spicy Chicken – Indonesia
Shinsegae Mamee Sends New Ghost Pepper Samples – Malaysia
In the past, I’ve done many mukbangs focusing on the spicy ghost pepper varieties that Shinsegae Mamee produce. Well, they’ve come out with some new varieties that sound very interesting! Let’s check them out!
#3715: Mamee SLRP! Mi Segera Perisa Kari Xtra Pedas – Malaysia
Pedas not enough for you? How bout a little XTRA? Pedas means spicy over in Malaysia and this one means it! I did a mukbang of the cup version of this one a while back and thought I’d better do the pack too since Felix over there was kind enough to ship some over! Let’s give it a go!
#3677: Samyang Foods Challenge Buldak Bibimmyun – South Korea
A little while back, Samyang Foods produced a variety called Buldak Mini. It was a smaller noodle block, however it clocked in at 12,000 SHU. Since people like to go big or go home, they came out with this – Challenge Buldak. This time it’s a full size noodle block, and it is served cold. Again, this one comes in at 12,000 SHU. They even have a hashtag mentioning this challenge attribute. I decided to give it a go and in the video below, you’ll see I conquered in in just over 3 minutes. Let’s give this one a look!
Spicy Noodle Mukbang – Flood Friday!
Thought I’d share a bunch of recent videos where I slurp up super spicy noodles! Usually by now, I’ve posted the new top ten spicy varieties list m but due to years of pushing by readers and a drought of spare time, the list is going to post later – probably in October. In the meantime, I’m doing a lot of research – what’s the spiciest out there being the question. Check ’em out and don’t forget to subscribe and click the notification bell to stay updated on all the videos I post constantly. Thanks!
#3560: Mamee Monster Ghost Pepper Snek Mi – Malaysia
Check this one out! You ready for a spicy snack? These are snack noodles. You eat them dry without soup – kind of like potato chips.
#3386: Maruchan Fire Yakisoba Spicy Beef Flavor – United States
We has the other new spicy one the other day – the Fire Bowl. Looks like it’s going to be another mukbang! Let’s check this yakisoba out!
#3319: Peyoung Gekikara MAX END Yakisoba – Japan
I figured I needed something scary for this pairing of Halloween varieties and so here’s something scary. I have no clue how truly spicy this one might be. I’m hoping it’s not going to kill my gut. This will have not only the cooking video at the bottom but the mukbang where I scarf the whole thing down if I can. Well, let’s see if I can handle it.
#3147: Samyang Foods Hek Buldak Bokkeummyun Mini – South Korea
This is a new one – a smaller Buldak Bokkeummyun! However it packs a big punch. This one’s clocking in at 12,000SHU, the highest heat level to date in the range. This is to celebrate the 7th anniversary of Buldak Bokkeummyun – happy birthday! What’s cool too is that the character Hochi’s birthday is the same as my wife’s! I thought hey – I should put this out on her birthday! Let’s give it a try.
#2942: Paldo Teumsae Cheddar Cheese Ramyun
One of my favorite varieties has been Paldo’s Cheese Noodle – that’s a really tasty one. Well, Teumsae is one of their spiciest varieties and they mashed it up with cheese. I really want to get samples of the new ultra spicy Teumsae variety, but I can’t find it anywhere from nobody… At this point, I’m wondering if it even was produced! But it had to be… Come on. It’s hanging out somewhere! Anyways, cheese is good. It’s time to do a mukbang, so check out the video at the bottom of this review.. Let’s give this one a try!
#2682: JML Instant Noodle Artificial Spicy Hot Beef Flavour
I’ve been doing a lot of spicy noodle videos on YouTube recently. There’s a particular one that I tried and just couldn’t handle. The main reason for this is that first off, it’s ultra spicy. The second was that I attempted it when I was sick with the flu. I mean hey – it was from Japan and I thought I should be able to handle it; never run into any spicy noodle from Japan that I found too spicy to eat.
#2631: Isoyama Shoji 18禁カレーラーメン (Age 18 Restricted La-Men Curry Taste)
First thing, I want to thank Jay H. from Taiwan for sending this 18禁カレーラーメン over to me. He checked out the Top Ten Spiciest Instant Noodles Of All Time 2017 Edition and thought I should give this a try.
The Ramen Rater’s Top Ten Spiciest Instant Noodles Of All Time 2017 Edition
It’s that time of year again! Actually, this is the first time the list is coming out in July although at the tail end of July. I usually have the lists come out on the Monday closest to the date it came out the prior year. So this list is a compilation of absolutely hottest and spiciest varieties I’ve had out of the 2,500+ varieties I’ve tried thus far. Something you think belongs on this spiciest of lists? Let me know – I’ll give it a try. Let’s get started!