Hey think I’ve seen a movie with this name. But I know the dish ratatouille existed long, lobg before it. What’s ratatouille? Wikipedia, if you please:
Tag: nissin
#1991: Meet The Manufacturer: Nissin Cup Noodle Milk Chikin Ramen
Nissin Chikin Ramen’s mascot Hiyoko Chan is wearing earmuffs! Is this is cold noodle? Nope – this is a Winter noodle. This variety is sold during the Winter months to give you a warm, fuzzy feeling inside when it’s cold outside. Let’s have a look!
Meet The Manufacturer: #1990: Nissin Cup Noodle
I thought I should start things off with the original Nissin Cup Noodle. It’s funny; I’ve never reviewed one of these before (except the Emergency Nissin Cup Noodle from Momofuku Ando Day #4, which is a bit different). The story goes that Momofuku Ando noticed businessmen on flights would ask for cups of hot water instead of coffee. They would put pieces of Nissin chikin Ramen in these cups and eat it that way. He thought hey – why not ma.e instant ramen in a cup form. He did, and now it is a ubiquitous item throughout the world. As you’ll see during this Meet The Manufacturer, there are many, many different varieties of Cup Noodle made by Nissin – from the logical to the surprising and unique. Cup Noodle has it’s own museum as well! In Yokohama, Japan! Find out more about it here. Let’s crack open this one – the original Nissin Cup Noodle.
Meet The Manufacturer: Nissin Japan Samples (2 of 2)
Today I got a second box from Mr. Okabayashi at Nissin Japan! Let’s see what’s inside!
Meet The Manufacturer: Nissin Japan Samples (1 of 2)
Wow! A box from Nissin Japan! What’s inside I wonder?
Well packed and ready to delve into!
#1987: Nissin Yokohama Walker Iekei Ramen
Here’s another interesting bowl sent by Javier over at www.BoxFromJapan.com, a great subscription service! You get 4 bowls a month from Japan – they also do candy! Definitely check ’em out! This one says it’s a tonkotsu with chicken fat? Interesting. Let’s give it a go!
#1979: Nissin Big Cup Noodle Ajillo
I could be wrong, but I believe this is the last one of the donations sent by Casey P. of Hong Kong – huge thanks to you! So this one looks interesting – it’s definitely much bigger than the standard Cup Noodle, that’s for sure. After a little research, it looks as though ajillo is a Mexican/Spanish dish which features shrimp, vegetables and sliced garlic. That definitely sounds good – let’s have a look.
#1975: Nissin Soba Fried Noodles Classic
The very last one from James B. of the Netherlands – thanks again, buddy! Kind of interesting to note that this review is the same number as the year I was born. I remember when I hit review #500 and #1000 – seems so long ago! Let’s check out some yakisoba from Germany!
#1973: Nissin Cup Noodles Sabor Calabresa
Wow okay so I have been wanting to get my hands on noodles from Brazil for a while now – at least a couple of years. Luckily, my cousins Mike and Adriana frequently visit Brazil and brought me some back! Thank you so much! While these are Cup Noodles, they’ve got some interesting flavor. This one, calabresa (aka linguica) is sausage flavored! Here’s a little about linguica from wikipedia:
#1968: Nissin Top Ramen Chicken Flavor Ramen Noodle Soup (New Package)
A year or two ago, Nissin Foods USA started putting a new, updated package on their classic Top Ramen products. I haven’t really done any new reviews of them, but I figured why not. This one’s probably one of the most ubiquitous instant noodles found in the United States. Let’s have a look.
Hong Kong Donations From Prima Taste 2
When I asked for people to send donations recently, Prima Taste offered to pool their resources around the world and help me out! Here’s some sent from Hong Kong- a second box of the same samples. Two of each helps with reviewing – makes things a lot easier – plus a better chance of making it through customs!
#1955: Nissin Raoh Ramen Noodle Soup Umami Soy Sauce Flavor
Here’s the last of the three different Nissin Raoh varieties Nissin Foods USa sent me – thanks again! These have been availble overseas for a very long time, however they are now being imported and distributed in new packaging and with slightly different ingredients for easy import into the United States. This would be known as shoyu over in Japan (shoyu translates into soy sauce). Shoyu is a very popular variety of ramen – here’s a little on it from wikipedia:
1951: Nissin Cup Noodles Ramen Noodle Soup Hearty Chicken Flavor [New Package]
Ahh the last one of the new cup versions from Nissin Foods, USA. Thanks again to the folks over there for sending them along! We’re all familiar with the old style cups – they had a cardboard outer packaging with the foam cup underneath in plastic wrap. This is much different – a little bigger and free of all the extra cardboard and plastic wrap, making it a little more eco-friendly. I still haven’t spotted this one in the ‘wild’ yet – I hear that they’re only available to start with at the Super Walmarts – the ones with the regular big Walmart stuff and the grocery store as well. Anyways, chicken’s baking in the oven to add to this one, so let’s check it out.
Brazilian Noodles From My Cousins
Got a package yesterday! I was recently in California and saw my cousin Mike O. I asked him if the next time he visited Brazil if he could possibly look for some noodles I’ve wanted to review. As it turned out, his wife Adriana O. was currently down there and he’d let her know. Well, turns out she found some and he sent them to me once she returned!
#1946: Nissin Raoh Shio Ramen
Here’s another one I got from Casey in Hong Kong – thanks! Nissin’s Raoh is a premium line of fancy Japanese ramen. Shio translates to salt – here’s a little about shio from wikipedia:
#1940: Nissin Cup Noodle Pasta Style Bolognese
Here’s another one sent by Casey P. from Hong Kong – thanks again! So bolognese… Wikipedia?
#1938: Nissin Donbei Kamodashi Soba
Here’s another one that was sent to me by Javier over at Box From Japan – thanks! Box From Japan is a subscription service – you can get a box sent to you every month with some great noodles within! It says in the leaflet sent with the box that this has a duck flavor and a sweetness to it. Let’s check it out!
#1926: Nissin Bowl Noodles Hot & Spicy Chicken Flavor Less Sodium Ramen Noodle Soup
Here’s a new one from Nissin – a lower sodium version of their Hot & Spicy chicken bowl! Not many lower sodium varieties cross my desk usually – this one is 30% lower than the regular Hot & spicy chicken bowl. Let’s check it out!
#1921: Nissin Cup Noodles Ramen Noodle Soup Chicken Flavor [New Package]
Hey check it out – Nissin Cup Noodles got a big facelift.
Here’s how they used to look – cardboard outer packaging is now gone. Less packaging and different materials have been used to make them more environmentally friendly. Also, they’re now microwavable! Yes, I’m sure many of you microwaved them before, but you weren’t supposed to. The new cups also have a little extra room so you can add veggies and meats or whatever you want to oomph up your noodles! Let’s check this new cup out!
#1916: Nissin Soba Fried Noodles Teriyaki
Here’s another one James B. sent me from The Netherlands – thanks again! I’ve reviewed these varieties in cup form, but not the packs and I’m really pleased to be able to. These come from Nissin Germary! Let’s have a look!
The Ramen Rater’s 5th Annual Momofuku Ando Day: #1911: Nissin Emergency Chikin Ramen
Every January 19th for the past 5 years, I’ve done a special post in homage of Momofuku Ando. Who was he? Just the guy who invented instant noodles in 1958. If it weren’t for him, my world would be a whole lot different – and many other people’s as well. Actually, I should thank Mr. Ando’s wife as well – the story is that he was attempting to make an easily prepared, shelf stable instant noodle, but couldn’t figure out how. He tried many different techniques, but it was when he saw his wife making tempura in the kitchen one night that it dawned on him – fry the cooked noodles. This leaves holes in the noodles and extrudes the water. Not only that, the oil keeps the noodles shelf stable for a long time. His vision of a way to create and easy way to feed the masses has been a huge success and considered one of the great innovations of the 20th century. I think he deserves a day in his honor, and that day is today, January 19th.
#1910: Nissin Chow Mein Premium Savory Sauce And Restaurant Quality Noodles Pad Thai Flavor
Today I’m reviewing something new that the folks at Nissin Foods USA sent recently. Pad Thai is a popular dish people get at Thai restaurants – pretty accessible for people in the United States since it’s usually not super spicy and is kind of like an Asian alfedo. Well, technically, it’s nothing like that but I think you know what I mean – it’s something that people aren’t extremely scared of, and a lot of the time, the first time Thai food taster will try it, like it, and decide they like Thai food but only order it when they go out for Thai food. Sad but true, especially when there are so many amazing flavors of Thai food out there. But it’s kind of like Chinese food – it’s Americanized so they get repeat customers. Americanized Thai food is very tasty though – I will definitely say I enjoy it. Let’s give this Pad Thai a try!
#1908: Nissin Kuroma-yu Tonkotsu Kumamoto Ramen
Here’s another one that was sent to me by Javier over at Box From Japan – thanks! Box From Japan is a subscription service – you can get a box sent to you every month with some great noodles within! Today it’s a tonkotsu variant, Kumamoto style. Javier’s leaflet about this one mentions a chewy noodle with sesame notes and mincemeat – sounds interesting – let’s tear into it!
#1897: Nissin Cup Noodle Massaman Curry
Here’s another one Casey P. sent me from Hong Kong – thanks again! There are lots of different kinds of curry in the work – British, Indian, Malaysian, Korean, Japanese – I’m sure there are more as well. Well, Japanese curry is what we have here. It tends to be on the sweeter, mild side, usually leaving the spicy elements behind. Let’s give this one a peek.
#1893: Nissin Cup Noodle Sio
Got an email a couple months ago from Casey P. in Hong Kong. He’s been following the blog for years and wanted to send some things for me to review and this is one of them – thanks again! Today, we have Nissin Cup Noodle Sio. Sio is also known as Shio, a classic ramen variety. Let’s have a look and see what’s going on under the lid.
#1891: Nissin Cup Noodles Homestyle Chicken Flavor Ramen Noodle Soup
It’s pretty rare for me to hit a regular old supermarket here in the USA and find something I’ve not reviewed before, but it happens from time to time. I found this one at a WinCo Foods in Edmonds, Washington. It used to be a Top Foods a while ago but I think they’ve all but gone out of business and WinCo moved in. WinCo is kind of weird – imagine a big grocery store but kind of like Costco but not Costco and kind of cold and you have to bag your own groceries. Oh – and there are tons of signs everywhere in this really basic font. It almost seems like a weird government experiment – but I digress! This is a new one from Nissin – looks tasty for this cold weather. Let’s check it out!
#1888: Nissin Cup Noodles Kyushu White Flavour
Myojo sent this one along with their Meet The Manufacturer package – Myojo is part of Nissin Singapore and while this one doesn’t really belong in a Myojo Meet The Manufacturer, I figured it would be nice to try just after it.
Meet The Manufacturer: Product Samples From Myojo Singapore
Hooray! A box arrived today! I haven’t gotten one that I’ve had to sign for in a while. I’ve had a bag of instant noodles set aside for our postman and was able to hook him up – it’s great – when he comes to the door, he always says ‘more instant noodles!’ Let’s see what’s inside!
#1871: Nissin Cup Noodles Minced Pork Flavour
Here’s yet another one I got from the 7-Eleven next to our hotel from last May’s Bangkok trip. Like some others, this one got banged up pretty good, but still made it through in good enough condition to review. What’s a trip about this one is that it’s showcasing Manchester United. I’ve seen a few products with Manchester United footballers on them. Let’s check it out!
#1869: Nissin Soba Fried Noodles Chili
Here’s another one James B. sent me from The Netherlands – thanks again! I’ve reviewed these varieties in cup form, but not the packs and I’m really pleased to be able to. These come from Nissin Germary! Let’s have a look!
#1864: Nissin Raoh Ramen Noodle Soup Umami Tonkotsu Flavor
I got some new samples from Nissin USA a few weeks ago (thank you!) of some varieties of Nissin’s Raoh from Japan that are now available in the USA. Raoh (meaning King( is a premium line. At this point, you can only get them on Amazon. Not sure if that will change though. So Umami. This is something interesting – first, let’s have a look at what wikipedia has to say about umami –
#1860: Nissin Cup Noodle Pasta Style Vongole
Got an email a couple months ago from Casey P. in Hong Kong. He’s been following the blog for years and wanted to send some things for me to review and this is one of them – thanks again! Today, we have a pasta style Cup Noodle. There are a lot of instant in Japan that have a kind of Italian skew to them – tarako spaghetti, napolitan and peppercino are popular variants. Let’s check out this pasta style Cup Noodle!
#1850: Nissin Raoh Ramen Noodle Soup Umami Miso Flavor
I got some new samples from Nissin USA a few weeks ago (thank you!) of some varieties from Japan that are now available in the USA. At this piont, you can only get them on Amazon. Not sure if that will change though. So Umami. This is something interesting – first, let’s have a look at what wikipedia has to say about umami –
#1846: Nissin Chow Mein Premium Savory Sauce And Restaurant Quality Noodles Roast Chicken Flavor
Here’s a new one that you should be able to find pretty easily in the store if you’re in the United States. Nissin has been coming out with a few new varieties lately and this is one of them – let’s have a peek under the hood of this tray!
#1844: Seven & I Gold Sumire Ramen
Here’s another one that was sent to me by Javier over at Box From Japan – thanks! Box From Japan is a subscription service – you can get a box sent to you every month with some great noodles within! Today it’s one from Seven-Eleven in Japan. Seven-Eleven does partnerships with different companies (this on is made by Nissin) and has varieties they make only available there. This is Sumire Ramen, a miso variety. Let’s take a look!
The Ramen Rater’s Easy-To-Find Instant Noodles 2015 Edition
A lot of people have come to my site from the United States, knowing only a couple varieties, those usually being chicken or beef, pack or cup. If that’s you, this is kind of a beginner’s guide to exploring the different brands and varieties that are pretty easily sourced here in the States. You can find many of these in your local grocery store, although some might require a trip to the Asian grocery, or to Amazon. But all of them can be found here, unlike many I review that only are sold in their local countries. Many of these have even been on my top ten lists, past and present – so get ready to have some of my favorite and most memorable varieties that you can easily find here in the United States!
Samples Of Nissin Imports – Now Available On Amazon
Got a very unexpected knock on the door this morning and the FedEx guy was there!
I wonder what they could be?
#1813: Nissin Soba Fried Noodles Curry
Here’s another one James B. sent me from The Netherlands – thanks again! I’ve reviewed these varieties in cup form, but not the packs and I’m really pleased to be able to. These come from Nissin Germary! Let’s have a look!
#1802: Nissin Cup Noodles Ramen Noodle Soup Beef Flavor [New Package]
Hey check it out – Nissin Cup Noodles got a big facelift.
Here’s how they used to look – cardboard outer packaging is now gone. Less packaging and different materials have been used to make them more environmentally friendly. Also, they’re now microwavable! Yes, I’m sure many of you microwaved them before, but you weren’t supposed to. The new cups also have a little extra room so you can add veggies and meats or whatever you want to oomph up your noodles! Let’s check this new cup out!
Awesome Box From A Friend In The Netherlands
James B. sent me a box a while back with some great stuff in it and here he strikes again with even more! Thanks, man! Let’s see what’s inside!