Here’s a new one from Nissin Foods USA – Sriracha flavor Chow Mein! Sriracha is kind of interesting. First, the way to pronounce is ‘sir-racha’ drove me nuts for the longest time, but I finally have conformed (under protest). Also, Sriracha is a place in Thailand (went there in May), however the Sriracha sauce me know here in the states isn’t a popular condiment there. It’s a bit of a mystery wrapped in an enigma. Wikipedia had this to say:
Tag: nissin
#1765: Nissin Cup Noodles Ramen Noodle Soup With Shrimp [New Package]
Hey check it out – Nissin Cup Noodles got a big facelift.
Here’s how they used to look – cardboard outer packaging is now gone. Less packaging and different materials have been used to make them more environmentally friendly. Also, they’re ot microwavable! Yes, I’m sure maky of you microwaved them before, but you weren’t supposed to. The new cups also have a little extra room so you can add veggies and meats or whatever you want to oomph up your noodles! Let’s check this new cup out!
#1759: Nissin Cup Noodles Moo Manao Flavour
Here’s yet another one I got from the 7-Eleven next to our hotel from last May’s Bangkok trip. Like some others, this one got banged up pretty good, but still made it through in good enough condition to review. What’s a trip about this one is that it’s showcasing Manchester United. I’ve seen a few products with Manchester United footballers on them. As far as the flavor, I looked aoround and it sounds like Moo Manao is a popular dish with pork and lime. Let’s check it out!
#1739: Nissin Raoh Tanrei Koku Shio Ramen
Here’s one I got in the package sent by Javier over at Box From Japan – thanks! So shio is a classic style of ramen – here’s what Wikipedia has to say about it:
Donations From A Reader In The Netherlands
I recently had the fortune to meet a guy on facebook named James B. who wanted to send me some instant noodles from The Netherlands! A very kind offer which I took him up on!
#1703: 7 Select Super Tom Yum Shrimp
Here’s one of the ones I picked up on my recent trip to Thailand at 7-11. It’s made by Nissin, and has Nissin logos on it, but it’s like a private label for 7-11; kind of different. Anyways, tom yum sounds good – let’s see what dwells within!
The Ramen Rater’s Top Ten Instant Noodle Bowls Of All Time 2015 Edition
Another year’s gone by and here we are again with the new bowls list. A lot of really interesting ones this go around and some old favorites. At the point of putting this list out, I’ve almost hit 1,700 reviews. Of those, these are in my opinion the best tasting and the most memorable varieties. With that, allow me to present The Ramen Rater’s Top Ten Instant Noodle Bowls 2015 Edition.
#1631: Nissin Donbei Tempura Soba Mini
It might be hard to tell from this image, but this is a very small bowl from Nissin’s Donbei line. I’d say it’s about 1/3 the size of a normal bowl. Kinda cool – a mini bowl! Let’s have a look.
#1626: Nissin Gonbuto Kitsune Udon
This is another of the Gonbuto bowls. Nissin Gonbuto Kitsune Udon has a unique preparation regime which was quite hard to figure out – I figured it out after a lot of research (to be honest, I read the side numbers). Let’s have a look at this Nissin Gonbuto Kitsune Udon bowl!
#1619: Nissin Chu Qian Yi Ding Tom Yum Flavor Instant Noodles With Soup Base
Yet another variety got during our trip to Malaysia last year! Got it at the Econsave in Chain Ferry, Butterworth which Thomas from MyKuali! Thanks again! Let’s have a look at this interesting Singaporean variant.
#1605: Nissin Demae Iccho Mushroom With Vegetables Flavour Macaroni
Another one I figured I ought to get to before we move. This one is from Hong Kong and one of a line of interesting flavored macaroni instants by Nissin. Amongst them are seafood, chicken and abalone and many more. Let’s check out this mushroom vegetable flavored Nissin Demae Iccho variant!
#1599: Nissin Top Ramen Super Noodles Tomato
For a long, long time, I’ve been hunting the elusive Top Ramen from India. I remember at n Indian grocery where I used to live that they had a few curry varieties, but never was able to find it again. Well a few weeks ago I found a large Indian grocery in Redmond, Washington that had this stuff and was happily surprised. So to start off with, this isn’t your domestic United States Top Ramen. This is from India, made in India by Indo Nissin for the people there and so the flavor will be much different. This is a 4 pack – four noodle blocks, four seasoning sachets. Let’s look inside and see what we have.
#1597: Nissin Original Chow Mein Premium Spicy Chicken Flavor
I had some leftover chicken and thought it’d be a good idea to make use of it. I reviewed the old version of this one quite a while back. This is the one with the new premium label on the package. It sounds good, but how does this Nissin Chow Mein taste? Let’s find out!
#1578: Nissin Gonbuto Tempura Udon
I thought today would be a nice day to deal with one I’ve been a little confused about. The instructions on this one have had me confused; drain it but it has soup? Hmmm… Well, a YouTube video I found helped with that and now it makes a lot of sense! In fact, it’s looking like a very easy one to prepare to be honest. Let’s have a look at this Nissin Gonbuto Tempura Udon and it’s unique preparation.
Nissin Foods USA Samples For Momofuku Ando Day Review
Got a box the other day. I’d been talking with Nissin Foods USA about the photo contest and other things and they wanted to send some samples for one of today’s reviews involving Cup Noodles.
4th Annual Momofuku Ando Day: #1567: Nissin Emergency Cup Noodle
Having an emergency? Well then, hunker down in your shelter and boil some water! This is a fine dinner for two of Nissin Cup Noodle in a neat metal can, sealed for long life.
#1566: Nissin Cup Noodles Tomato Enjoy Noodles With Hot Soup
This one I got at a large Indian grocery in Bellevue a month of so ago. I had a couple from this line waaay back – a Pani Puri and a Manchurian one. This one sounds pretty good to me – also curious how must of the hot sour I’ll enjoy as I’m going to bet this sucks up almost all the liquid. Anyways, let’s see!
Friday Video: Get Ready For Momofuku Ando Day!
This is one of my favorite videos about instant noodles – it’s long and goes in depth. From Momofuku Ando to the science behind the fried noodle. Check it out! Monday is Momofuku Ando Day!
Momofuku Ando Day Nissin Cup Noodle Photo Contest
Hey everyone! I’d like to announce the 4th Momofuku Ando Day here at The Ramen Rater will be on Monday, January 19th 2015. For those of you who aren’t aware, Momofuku Ando was the inventor of The instant noodle and he also started Nissin Foods. His first product, Chikin Ramen was sold in 1958. This year, I’m doing something a little different, and I’ll be featuring a couple video reviews dealing with Cup Noodles, which leads me to this year’s Momofuku Ando Day Photo contest! Here are the rules:
The Ramen Rater’s Top Ten Instant Noodles Of All Time Hong Kong 2015 Edition
I thought to myself recently that it would be great to end 2014 and start 2015 with a new top ten list – but from where? A couple places came to mind, and Hong Kong sounded like a good one. I’ve found a lot of excellent instant noodles that have been from Hong Kong. Been hoping to see more arrive here in the United States, but many of the ones on this list I’ve found up in Canada. I would definitely like to reach out to instant noodle companies in Hong Kong to take part in Meet The Manufacturer; there’s not been a Hong Kong participant yet! With that, here’s the top ten instant noodles of Hong Kong – the best and most memorable – from the last 1,553 reviews. Enjoy and Happy New Year, Hong Kong!
#1546: Nissin Demae Rice Vermicelli Beef Flavour
After going through the big noodle hamper the other day and getting rid of some ancient ones that had expired, I noticed this one that I needed to get to quickly. There’s a urban myth that instant noodles last forever, will survive all forms of apocalypse and deliver great flavor for the next hundred years. While frying noodles extrudes moisture and makes them shelf stable without refrigeration for a much longer time than their fresh counterparts, they do go bad. I also take into account that as a reviewer, it’s only fair to review them if they’re all not expired, hence the culling of the old. Luckily, I have scads of non expired instants to go through! Anyways, let’s check out this rice vermicelli from Nissin – Demae Beef Flavour!
Meet The Manufacturer: Re-Review: Lucky Me! Chicken Na Chicken Instant Noodles
Chicken instant noodles are known the world over. In fact the first instant noodles ever sold were chicken flavored! Seems like chicken is a very accessible flavor for people. I reviewed this one over 3 years ago the first time – let’s see how Chicken na Chicken by Lucky Me! fares this time around!
Meet The Manufacturer: Product Samples From Monde Nissin (1)
Nothing I love more than to get a notification that a package from a faraway land is on it’s way. Let’s see what’s inside!
#1524: Nissin Chu Qian Yi Ding Spicy Sesame Flavour Instant Noodles With Soup Base
This is one by Nissin Singapore. Thomas from MyKuali got me a bunch of instant varieties during our trip to Malaysia – this was during our trip to the Econsave in Chain Ferry, Butterworth. I thought today would be a good day for a really short geography lesson.
Case Study: Beef Top Ramen & Flamin’ Hot Cheetos
On Friday, I conducted a little experiment: let’s have a look at what happens when we look at 6 months of images from instagram that have the hashtag #topramen. What I found were many comparisons of instant noodles to hair, mentions of poverty and many images of what people liked to pair with their instant noodles.
#1509: Nissin Donbei Kitsune Udon Mini
It’s kind of hard to tell the size of this little mini Kitsune Udon, so let’s have a look at this.
#1507: Nissin Chu Qian Yi Ding Prawn Flavour Instant Noodles With Soup Base
Here’s another one the nice folks at MyKuali got me on our trip to visit them in Malaysia! Thanks again! Wow – I must say I really miss Malaysia! Was such a vibrant place – and the food! These noodles are made made in Singapore. Singapore is at the far southern border of Malaysia, so it makes sense they’d sell them in Malaysia too. Anyways, yeah – this is one of the special packs I brought back so I’m excited to eat it! Let’s check it out!
#1506: Nissin Cup Noodles Mug Noodles Spicy Vegetable
Yesterday my wife and I headed over to Bellevue to check oput some new spots for Asian foodstuffs. We came across and Indian supermarket and lo and behold, they had instant noodles! What’s awesome is that they had quite a few Nissin varieties – which I’ve been searching for for quite a while. There are a lot of different way instant noodles are transmitted to the end user: a pack that has contents cooked in a bowl or pot on the stove, cups that are steeped, trays, bowls etc. A few however are made to be steeped in a mug, and here is one of those. This is a relatively small sized package, and hails from India! Let’s have a look.
#1497: Nissin Cup Noodles Easy Fideos Picante Lime Shrimp Flavor Ramen Noodle Soup
Here’s an interesting one. Now ‘easy’ is English, ‘fideos’ is Spanish. Fideos means noodles. It looks like if you had it in reverse, with the first word Spanish and second English, you’d end up with ‘Fácil Noodles.’ I think Easy Fideos sounds a little better. Anyways, I’m hungry – the big posts I’ve been doing recounting my trip to Malaysia have been taking a long time every morning before I get to noodles! Let’s check it out!
#1490: Nissin Soba Nissin Soba Chili Noodles With Japanese Yakisoba Sauce
This is the last of the Nissin Soba varieties that were sent to me by Scott over at Nissin Foods USA a while back – thanks again, man these have been fun! These are made by Nissin Germany and are really neat. Let’s get to it!
#1479: Nissin Cup Noodles Easy Fideos Tomato Chicken Flavor Ramen Noodle Soup
After two weeks of Thai reviews, I thought I’d bring it on home. This is a new line by Nissin Foods USA – Easy Fideos! Fideos is Spanish for noodles and the flavors are designed to appeal to the Hispanic market. Anyways, let’s check it out!
The Ramen Rater’s Top Ten Instant Noodles Of All Time Made In The USA 2014 Edition
The instant noodle originated in 1958 in Japan, but since that time, they’ve expanded in popularity all over the world, including of course, the United States. Seeing this, instant noodle companies thought it wise to start building plants here in the 1970s. Since then, many brands operate factories here in the US, mostly in southern California. This is a list of my favorite varieties produced here, encompassing my 1,461 reviews to date. With that, here’s your top ten, America!
Meet The Manufacturer: #1461: Nissin Cup Noodles Black Pepper Crab Flavour
Well, we come finally to the end of the Nissin Singapore Meet The Manufacturer. It was a nice little journey through a multitude of great flavors! Today we finish with Black Pepper Crab flavored Cup Noodles. What’s Black Pepper Crab? I’ll ask Wikipedia:
Meet The Manufacturer: #1460: Nissin Premium Instant Noodles Spicy Beef Flavour
Today’s the next to last review of the Nissin Singapore Meet The Manufacturer. This is the 14th review! There have been an interesting array of different varieties that have been really quite good! Today, I’m trying the package version of their spicy beef flavor. I reviewed the bowl version pretty early on. Anyways, let’s have a look at this one!
Meet The Manufacturer: #1459: Nissin Cup Noodles Tom Yam Veg Flavour
Been a busy day today so noodles came in the evening instead of first thing in the morning. Usually, instant noodles are the first thing I eat in the morning. Well, today it’s vegetable tom yam Cup Noodles. Let’s see how they come out – very curious how they’ll be inside!
Meet The Manufacturer: #1458: Nissin Premium Instant Noodles Roast Beef Flavour
My son’s favorite instant noodles of all time are (drumrolls please), Nissin Top Ramen Chicken Flavor. It’s about as domestic as you can get. I’ll admit I like it a lot too – basic noodles and decent chicken broth. He does let me make him stuff that’s a little more adventurous from time to time. Today’s going to be one of those days.
Meet The Manufacturer: #1457: Nissin Chu Qian Yi Ding Sesame Oil Flavour Instant Noodles With Soup Base
Many of you familiar with the sight of this package may say – hey waitta minute – what are you calling this? In fact, this is known by a few names! Here in the United States, it’s called Nissin Demae Ramen. In Japan, the four characters in big print translate to Demae Iccho. In Singapore however, Chinese is often spoken, and they translate to Chu Qian Yi Ding. I’m pretty sure it means something like delivery boy’ or something – the little guy on the package. Anyways, this is pretty easily gotten the world over, however this is the Singaporean made one! Let’s check it out!
Meet The Manufacturer: #1456: Nissin Cup Noodles Chicken Flavour
Cup Noodles are made by Nissin in all sorts of varieties worldwide. They make them specifically for different regions – the ones for sale in India have an Indian taste; ones in Brazil have flavors that appeal to Brazilians. One flavor that is kind of universal is chicken. I would guess that every country has some kind of well known chicken dish. I wonder if they have chicken in Antarctica? I guess it would be freeze-dried and imported. Is Antarctica even inhabited? Maybe wikipedia will know…
Meet The Manufacturer: #1455: Nissin Premium Instant Noodles XO Sauce Seafood Flavour
XO Sauce is an interesting thing; I think this Wikipedia snippet is a good way to start –
Developed in the 1980s in Hong Kong for Cantonese cuisine, XO sauce is made of roughly chopped dried seafoods, including scallops, dried fish and shrimp, and subsequently cooked with chili peppers, onions, and garlic. This dried seafood-based sauce bears similarity to the Fujianese Shacha sauce. Spring Moon, the Peninsula Hong Kong‘s Chinese restaurant is often credited with the invention of XO sauce, although others claim the sauce’s origin in the urban area of Kowloon.[2]
Meet The Manufacturer: #1454: Nissin Cup Noodles Chilli Crab Flavour
I first heard of a dish called Chilli Crab a few years ago, and was told it was the ‘signature dish of Singapore.’ Since the advent of Instagram, I’ve seen this particular Cup Noodle variety dozens of times and always have been quite curious about it. Let’s take a look at this regional Cup Noodles variety!