I have absolutely no idea about this one. First off, it’s been quite a while since I’ve had a Unif Tung-I pack. Second, I usually don’t like bean thread. Third, Tong Tsai? What’s that? Well, I’m not sure.
Tag: nissin
#863: Indomie Mi Keriting Goreng Spesial (Special Fried Curly Noodles)
Here’s something special! This is the version of the special fried curly noodles that they get in Indonesia! What’s funny is that it looks like the date on the front is today! The special fried curly noodles we get here in the US from Indomie tops my Top Ten Instant Noodles Of All Time list. Let’s give these a try.
#862: Nissin Top Ramen Short Cuts Roast Chicken Flavor Ramen Noodle Soup
Here’s another one of the samples sent to me by Nissin Foods USA! Thanks again! So Roast Chicken flavor… I’m thinking I’m going to have fun with this one… Hmmm… Well, here we go!
#861: Vina Acecook Hao Hao Mi Chay Vegetarian Flavour
This looks like something good. The last one I reviewed wasn’t the best, so hopefully ol’ number 861 will be kinder and gentler.
#860: Baijia Artificial Pickled Cabbage Fish Flavor Instant Sweet Potato Thread
In the past reviews of Baijia products, I haven’t been really stoked. I have been told by those keen on Sichuan cuisine that this is good stuff, but I think I’m not one of those who are keen on Sichuan cuisine. Regardless, I shall try this with an open mind. Let’s have a go at this one.
#859: Tradition Instant Noodle Soup Imitation Chicken Flavor
It’s been a while since I reviewed a Kosher instant noodle! Usually they’re pretty good. Let’s give this a try. By the way Kosher instant noodle company: I think Matzo Ball Ramen would be an extremely huge hit.
#858: Indomie Mi Instan Rasa Mi Cakalang
Haven’t had an Indomie in a while! This one’s Cakalang. Cakalang is also known as Skipjack tuna. Been looking forward to this.
#857: Sempio Seafood Vermicelli Soup Anchovy Flavor
Here’s an interesting one: you empty everything into the bowl, add boiling water and poof – it’s done. They’re called it ‘no wait.’ Let’s give it a try.
#856: Little Cook Mushroom Vegetarian Premium Noodle
Here’s another onbe sent by Michelle L. of New York – thanks! This is made in Thailand and says it’s mushroom flavor. Well, let’s give it a go.
#855: Vina Acecook Bestcook Instant Noodles Hot & Sour With Shrimp Flavour
Here’s a new one – sounds good to me – kind of funny having two instants that are ‘hot and sour’ flavored in a row…
#853: Dongwon RaUdong Unfried Noodle With Kimchi
Haven’t had a fresh noodle bowl in a while and thought this would be a good day to try one out. This is one my sister brought me back from a trip to Canada earlier this year – thank you! Kimchi flavor! Let’s give it a try.
#852: SuperMi Sedaaap Mi Kuah Rasa Kari Ayam
Here’s another one sent to me by my friend in Jakarta, Indonesia – thank you again! So ‘rasa kari ayam?’ Chicken curry flavor! Sounds awesome – let’s hit it.
#851: Dragonfly Artificial Pork Ribs Flavor Instant Noodles
Hey awesome – picked this up at H Mart on Friday. I’ve had the pack but not the bowl! Time to try it!
#850: Nissin Top Ramen Short Cuts Chicken Flavor Ramen Noodle Soup
The Ramen Rater Hits 1,000,000 Page Views!
Wow! A million! Thanks to everyone for checking out the site – I’m your biggest fan!
#849: Nissin Top Ramen Cucharealo Home-Style Tomato Chicken Flavor Ramen Noodle Soup
Here’s another one of the new varieties that Nissin Foods USA sent me earlier this month to review. I got a comment from someone saying Cucharealo means ‘spoon it up.’ Makes sense – Nissin has a similar product called ‘Spoon it’ with flavors like chicken, beef and beet stew while the Cucharealo line is more hitting the Mexican flavors. The last one I tried was awesome – let’s give this one a try!
#848: Golden Wheat Korean Style Spicy Pork Noodle Soup
Mu sister got me this one on a trip to Canada earlier this year! Thanks! This one’s interesting since it has those JML logos on it. Anyways, let’s dig in!
The Ramen Rater Noodle News #17
Been a while, but here we go with the 17th edition of The Ramen Rater Noodle News!
I search the ‘net for interesting news and view on instant noodles and beyond. Here you go!
#846: Vifon Mi Kim Chi Kim Chee Instant Noodle Seafood Flavour
My friend Todd T, clued me in the other day about a new Asian grocery on 99 in south Everett and we checked it out. Well, I found this interesting one. Vietnamese kimchi ramn! Check it out!
#845: Nongshim Doong Ji Authentic Korean Cold Noodles in Chilled Broth
Well, time for another try with cold noodles! Been really enjoying them recently – curious how these will fare – look pretty fancy!
#844: Maggi 2 Minute Noodles Perencah Asam Laksa
Spent some time hanging out with my friend Matt B. the other day and we went to HT Oaktree Market on 100th & Aurora in Seattle and found this new one. But what is Asam Laksa? Here’s what Wikipedia has to say:
#843: Nissin Top Ramen Short Cuts Beef Flavor Ramen Noodle Soup
Hey look at this! Something new the folks at Nissin Foods USA sent. I’ve never seen anything like this is the instant noodle world before; it’s kind of like instant potatoes meets instant noodles. You scoop out as much or as little of the noodles as you want (which have the flavoring already infused into them), and then add the mentioned water amount, and there you go! Let’s have a look under the hood of this new product.
#842: JML Instant Noodle Artificial Stew Beef Flavour
Here’s a big bowl of noodles sent a while back by Michelle L. of New York. Stew beef sounds good to me!
#841: Nongshim Chapagetti Chajang Noodle (Korean Version)
Thanks to Moon Hee Wi of the JoongAng Ilbo for sending me these! She wrote this article about me. So I’ve reviewed the Chapagetti that’s available here in the US, but this is the Korean version so it gets its own review. I’ve always done this and now I’ve got more reason to. I was talking to a manufacturer of instant noodles from Korea and they said that they use chicken in their instant noodles. The only problem is that the Food & Drug Administration doesn’t like Korean chicken for some reason. So they have to import chicken from a big poultry supplier in the USA into Korea, process it and package their product and then ship it back to the US for the blessing of the FDA. Not sure if that’s the case here, but regardless, it’s interesting to think that this kind of this has to happen to bring instant noodles to us from abroad.
#840: Chewy Stir Rice Vermicelli Singaporean Laksa Flavour
Here’s one that my sister brought me back from a trip to Canada earlier this year. So to recap, bought in Canada, Singaporean flavored, made in China – capiche?
#839: CJ CheilJedang Mild Bean Curd Stew
Saw this at H Mart a while back and it piqued my curiosity. Was kind of pricy for a little cup – close to $3… Wonder what’s in there.
#838: Sarimi Soto Koya Gurih
Here’s another one from my friend in Jakarta, Indonesia – thanks again! This is another Indonesian noodle soup – not a dry noodle. Let’s give it a try! By the way – ‘Baru’ means new.
#837: Nissin Top Ramen Cucharealo Home-Style Picante Chicken Flavor
Here’s one of the new one Nissin Foods USA sent recently. Cucharealo, eh? Couldn’t find out what that exactly means, but it looks like it’s something new and geared towards the Latino market. Interesting that it says Top Ramen on it too – brand recognition! Awesome – let’s give it a go.
#836: Binh Tay Mi Chay Vegetarian Instant Noodles
This is different – usually you don’t see a clear window in on the noodle block inside! Let’s have a try with this one.
#835: Mr. Noodles Shrimp Simulated Flavour Instant Noodles
All good things… Well, these weren’t all that good but they were a lot of fun! Thanks go to Mark K. and Erika L. for getting these to me! They sent a slew of different flavors of Mr. Noodles and they were really my first foray into the world of Canadian instant noodles! Now it is time to give the last pack a try. Here we go!
#834: Indomie Mi Goreng Kriuuk Pedas
Here’s another great one sent to me by my friend in Jakarta, Indonesia – thanks again! This is some really neat stuff – like Mi Goreng on steroids! Pedas means spicy! Extreme! Check it out.
#833: Wai Wai Instant Vegetarian Noodle
I can’t even imagine how long ago I last reviewed anything from Wai Wai – pretty stoked on it! Let’s try seom Thai noodles!
#832: Dragonfly Mee-Goreng Dry Ramen Noodles
Found this the other day at KS Mart in Lynnwood (that’s where I git my kimchi!). This is from China – never had a Chinese made mee-goreng before! Usually I like the Dragonfly stuff though. Let’s give this a go!
A Gift From The President Of Nongshim America
It’s been a couple months since our trip to Nongshim in Rancho Cucamonga, California. I was sent a very nice gift from the president of Nongshim America to thank us for visiting and for our reviews! Thank you! This is a golden pot, a very standard cooking item in Korea used to make ramyun!
Show Your Noodles #19
If you’re new to The Ramen Rater’s Show Your Noodles, every week you can email me a picture of some noodles you’ve made. include your name and location and I’ll post it on the weekly roundup! Fancy or functional, it doesn’t matter. I mean, you could do literally anything you want with some instant noodles – use your imagination! Want to be part of next week’s Show Your Noodles? Just email me at hans@theramenrater.com. Let me know you first name, last initial, and city/state or country! My wife does the judging – here we go!
New Product Samples From Nissin Foods, USA
So I got an email from my contact at Nissin Foods in Gardena California mentioning a package was sent. What could it be?
#831: Vifon Instant Porridge Chicken Flavour
I don’t usually review these but I saw this one and I thought it looked kind of interesting. Basically, take instant rice and shred it up and then use instant noodle packets and steep it for a few minutes. Basically it’s like rice noodle mush!
#830: Seven & i (7-11 Japan) Premium Shoyu Noodle
This one comes from Courtney N. from British Columbia, Canada! How rad – this is from Seven-11 in Japan! Looks interesting…
Re-Review: Payless Xtra Big Pancit Canton Original
Oh man I thought this was a new one! I reviewed this at #93! Here’s something from the Philippines! Been awhile since a review from there. Pancit Canton reminds me a lot of Indonesia’s Mi Goreng; the noodles are drained and then stirred with the dry and wet ingredients and served. Let’s try this one out!
Re-Review: Meet The Manufacturer: Paldo Bibim Men Oriental Style Noodle
It’s been quite a while since I’ve had this one – thought it’d be a good one to finish Meet The Manufacturer: Paldo with. Hot day, cold noodles. I should also mention the last time I had this was review #118 – over 700 packs ago – and my tastes have changed a bit. I’m happy to say I like cold noodles nowadays.