Tag: nissin

#4768: Nissin no Togarashimen Amakara Cheese Yangmyeon Chikin Flavor – Japan

#4768: Nissin no Togarashimen Amakara Cheese Yangmyeon Chikin Flavor - Japan

Here’s one that came in a Zenpop.jp box. Here’s what they had to say about it – ‘An offshoot from the Nissin Famous stores series! This special cup was inspired by young Japanese people’s interest in Korean food. It stands out by actually having tiny pieces of Japanese Chili baked into the noodles themselves! But the spiciness is balanced out with cheese, ginning it a sweet n’ sour touch.’ ...see full post

#4764: Nissin no Assari Odashi ga Oishii Donbei Nikudashi Udon – Japan

#4764: Nissin no Assari Odashi ga Oishii Donbei Nikudashi Udon - Japan

Here’s one that came in a Zenpop box. Here’s what they had to say about it – ‘This line of noodles let you try regional variations from all over Japan, with its base being “W Dashi”: a deep flavored soup made with bonito. This noodle series is famous for udon and soba. This time we have one of the udon bowls, with donbei beef flavor.’ ...see full post

#4735: Nissin Cup Noodles Veggie Miso Japanese Style Soup – Germany

#4735: Nissin Cup Noodles Veggie Miso Japanese Style Soup - Germany

See, I have a problem. I love vegetarian friendly products – however, I tend to add meat to them. The thing I like about these products is that they usually have a smoother flavor. I’m curious about this one. I also just cut 81 slices of chashu this morning, a ton of narutomaki, and I have marinated soft boiled eggs in the refrigerator. Let’s use the resources! ...see full post

The Ramen Rater’s Top Ten American Instant Noodles Of All Time 2024 Edition

The Ramen Rater's Top Ten American Instant Noodles Of All Time 2024 Edition

This list is coming a bit late this year, but I figure late is definitely better than never. This one’s comprised of varieties made in, and specifically for the US market. Some really tasty stuff here is your backyard if you didn’t know! These are my favorite US varieties out of reviews up to review 4,650 that are currently on the market. Got something I’ve not tried? Hit me up! Anyways, let’s check out The Ramen Rater’s Top Ten American Instant Noodles Of All Time 2024 Edition! ...see full post

#4689: Nissin Cup Noodles Big Wok Style Soba Chili – Germany

#4689: Nissin Cup Noodles Big Wok Style Soba Chili - Germany

So my sister is really into German stuff and when I review these, I save the plastic cups for her knick knack shelf. Just noticed this appears to have a Vegan logo on the lower right there. This morning, my wife is flying to the memorial service for her grandfather in California, so I’ve got a few days solo with the kids which will be nice but we’re already missing her. Her grandfather was quite a guy – I did a slideshow for them with music if you want to check it out. He was a 3 time purple heart recipient and was in WWII. He was a neat guy and will really be missed. Anyways, let’s cook up some yakisoba! ...see full post

#4677: Nissin Hot & Spicy Fire Wok Torched Teriyaki Chicken – United States

Nissin Hot & Spicy Fire Wok Torched Teriyaki Chicken - United States

I was contacted by Nissin USA a few weeks ago and learned about this one and it sounded interesting. Indeed, their Fire Wok bowls are quite good – especially the Sizzlin’ Rich Pork. Pack versions? Interested! So I hit them up and they provided. There’s this one and another. Let’s give it a try! ...see full post

#4616: Nissin Chicken Ramen Donburi – Japan

#4616: Nissin Chicken Ramen Donburi - Japan

Back in 2016, I reviewed this one before my son Miles was a year old. This was my 2000th review at that time, and I found it to be really quite good. It came in a special sunscription box (which I’ll tell you about below), and I figured it was due another look. Nissin Chikin Ramen was the first variety on the market in 1968 – and it didn’t have a seasoning sachet; the seasoning was in the noodle. This one is that way as well, and includes a freeze dried block with egg and other ingredients. This was also the first instant noodle I fell in love with when my favorite at age 8 or so was discontinued (Nissin Roasted Ramen). When my parents took me to Seattle to Uwajimaya, a big Japanese grocery, they asked them what was comparable and they steered me towards Nissin Chikin Ramen. I also saw all the different varieties on hand as well and was instantly transfixed; so much foreign text! Exotic flavors! I’m making this bowl today and going to let my daughter Mimi try it when she gets home from school. ...see full post

#4603: Nissin Cup Noodles Tom Yam Seafood Flavour – Singapore

#4603: Nissin Cup Noodles Tom Yam Seafood Flavour - Singapore

Back in 2017 when the world was young (before I started Instant Noodle Recipe Time), this one graced my desk with its packaging exclaiming ‘more shrimptacular.’ The packaging has changed a bit and I got this one as part of a media kit espousing the virtue of their new Cup Noodles Fish Head Curry (which were quite good, I might add). Nissin Singapore has sent some really quite amazing and well thought out media kits as of late – can’t wait for more of them! Let’s give this new packaging cup a try. ...see full post

#4498: Nissin Miojo Turma Do Chico Bento Sabor Caldinho De Feijao – Brazil

#4498: Nissin Miojo Turma Do Chico Bento Sabor Caldinho De Feijao - Brazil

Pretty stoked – found this locally in Kirkland (no, not Costco, but the city of which is where Costco started, actually) at a coffee shop/store called Kitanda. What’s kind of a bummer though is that caldinho de feijao is a creamy black bean soup and what it appears is a standard garnish is nothing I have in my kitchen. Hmm… Well, I’ll make do with what I’ve got . ...see full post

#4492: Nissin Miojo Turma Da Monica Sabor Galinha Suave – Brazil

#4492: Nissin Miojo Turma Da Monica Sabor Galinha Suave - Brazil

I’m very happy to say that I found this one locally! Brazilian instant noodles only a town over! So, I’m trying to find something specific to go with review #4500 – abd the only place I can get it is a coffee joint called Kitanda. Really great place with coffee and acai smoothies and a baklery and a small grocery selection – all Brazilian. They’ve got instant noodles! What I’m looking for is something called Beijinho – so that’s a giveaway for what it’s going to be. Anyways, let’s do up this one which is flavor of young hen. ...see full post