Yep – new stuff from Nissin USA! Cool stuff in this box! Let’s take a look!
Tag: nissin
The Ramen Rater’s Top Ten Instant Noodle Cups Of All Time 2020 Edition
After years of resisting the common practice of naming these lists after the year ahead, I’ve finally decided I’d conform with societal norms and start doing this with this list. So, there won’t be a 2019 edition (although between you and me that’s what this is as it’s coming out in 2019 and not 2020, but whatever). All lists going forward will be this way. My brain will be okay with it eventually, kind of like how I used to lose my mind when people would pronounce sriracha ‘sirracha,’ which IS the correct way to do s. Time heals all chunks of illogic I suppose. But anyways, these are my favorite and most memorable cup varieties from my reviews up to number 3,180. Let’s take a look at The Ramen Rater’s Top Ten Instant Noodle Cups Of All Time 2020 Edition.
#3233: Nissin Cup Noodles Soup’D Up Zesty Chicken Flavor – United States
This came by way of Robert over at – thanks! I’ve never seen hide nor hare of this variety ever before – anywhere. Test market in Kentucky? Perhaps. It looks like these are a meat version of the Very Veggie really; lots of meat instead of vegetables. My thought – screw it – I mean put lots of meat AND vegetables in there. In fact, screw that – do a retort pooch with meat and vegetables – now you’re talking! Nissin – you’re here in the United States already – use real meat! Retort pouches are the salvation – they shall bring a whole new age to the domestic instant noodle industry in America! At least that’s my vision. Let’s check it out!
#3204: Nissin Edo Soba – Japan
Here’s one from Japan Ramen Box – a subscription service out of Japan. Here’s what they have to say about this Nissin variety –
The Ramen Rater’s Top Ten Instant Noodle Bowls Of All Time 2019 Edition
Every year I come out with new lists in many categories. The more reviews I do, the more I figure the lists will change less and less. It amazes me though how much they do change and how much the industry evolves and changes. Here’s the latest list of bowls, current as on review #3180. All products are prepared according to labeling on the package, and scores are given before any external garnish is added. Let’s check out the Top Ten Instant Noodle Bowls for 2019!
#3186: Nissin Miojo Nissin Lamen Light Legumes – Brazil
This was sent to me by Daniel from Brazil a while back – thanks again! Brazilian varieties fascinate me; the flavors are very unique and so far quite tasty! Let’s check out this light variety.
#3181: Nissin Yakisoba Instant Pancit Savory Beef Flavor – Philippines
This one was found up in Richmond, BC at the SuperStore. What’s funny about this one? Well, it shows chopsticks on the cup and has a fork inside. I’ve been given a ration of insults and criticism for using a fork. I really don’t understand why; I mean, here’s an Asian variety with a fork. I think it’s common for Westerners to immediately go to ‘Asian people use chopsticks and if you use them wrong you suck’ kind of thing. My logic is that if I’m in Asia, I’ll use a pair of chopsticks. In Thailamd they use a fork to push food onto a spoon and then eat it, so I did that while there. It really doesn’t matter what tool you decide to use, it’s about eating a meal, right?
#3146: Nissin Yakisoba Instant Pancit Spicy Chicken Flavor – Philippines
Woot woot! It is so rare these days I can get my hands on a variety from the Philippines that I’ve not reviewed yet and so I’m really stoked on this one. What’s interesting is that there are two Nissin companies in the Philippines. Nissin Monde and Nissin Universal Robina. Nissin Monde is actually a company that first started out selling biscuits. Nissin Universal-Robina is an arm of the well known Japanese empire of instant noodles. Nissin Monde is responsible for the Lucky Me! brand. Kind of interesting and odd. Anyways, let’s check this yakisoba out!
#3135: Nissin Chikin Ramen Mini Donburi – Japan
Today we have a Zenpop.JP variety – so what’s Zenpop? They’re a subscription service for all things Japanese! Definitely, check them out. By the way, use coupon code RAMENRATER to get $2 off! Here’s what they had to say about this one -“Chikin Ramen is the very first instant noodles in the world. It was invented by Momofuku Ando in 1958, and it is said that instant noodle is one of the greatest invention in 20th century. We definitely think so! This year is the 60th anniversary of Chikin Ramen, so enjoy the classic instant noodle to celebrate it!”
#3120: Nissin Cup Noodles Intensos Diablo – Mexico
Here’s the third and final iteration of the Nissin Cup Noodles Intensos range: Diablo. The devil! This should be the spiciest of the three and sounds like something I’m going to need to do a special mukbang for. Let’s take a look!
#3099: Nissin Cup Noodles Alitas Hot – Mexico
Today, we have the second of the trifecta of Cup Noodles Intensos. a range of spicy varieties from Nissin Mexico. Not only are the spicy, but the three have different levels of spicy. I think this is the second hottest of the three. Alitas Hot – what does it mean? basically Hot Wings. Let’s give it a go!
#3086: Nissin Raoh Kogashi Shoyu – Japan
Here’s one from Japan Ramen Box – a subscription service out of Japan. Here’s what they have to say about this Nissin Raoh variety – ‘First released to the public in 1992, Nissin Roa received the title of “Noodle King” for incorporating noodles, soup, and other ingredients together into one amazing dish. As the times have begun to change and technology has allowed
further advancement in the science of ramen, Nissin Rao has also evolved. By creating a dish with deliciousness that cannot be tasted at a ramen shop, this new sensation incorporates the peppery sweet, three-times straightened, and all around delicious fried noodles with their garlic flavored soy sauce. Enjoy pork bone flavors combined with white miso, accented with peppers, and garnished with garlic oil. You’ve never tasted Nissin Rao ramen like this before!’
#3066: Nissin Cup Noodles Camaron Fuego – Mexico
Here’s the first of a new range from Nissin Mexico that they sent recently – thanks again! This is a shrimp variety in the new spicy trio that should be pretty spicy! Let’s find out if the ‘fire shrimp’ means business!
#3062: Nissin Cup Noodle Nice Kimchi Tonkotsu – Japan
Today we have a Zenpop.JP variety – so what’s Zenpop? They’re a subscription service for all things Japanese! Definitely, check them out. By the way, use coupon code RAMENRATER to get $2 off! Here’s what they had to say about this one – ‘Cup Noodle Nice are nice because they have a rich taste but are also better for you than the original Nissin Cup Noodles with fewer calories. Kimchi gives the creamy tonkotsu soup a spicy umami.’
#3056: Nissin Cup Noodles Soup’D Up Savory Shrimp Flavor – United States
Another one sent by way by Robert over at – thanks again, man! So like their Cup Noodles Very Veggie range,Nissin USA has gone with a cup that instead of a large amount of vegetables has gone with more meat and seafood. To be honest, I like this new direction Nissin is moving towards. However, I think marrying the two concepts – why not lots of meat and lots of vegetables? Call it something like Cup Noodles Gold Label or Cup Noodles Supreme or Cup Noodles Real Loaded or Cup Noodles Fully Loaded… I dunno – just seems like it would be pretty rad. Let’s check this one out!
#3024: Nissin Cup Noodle Nice Pork Shoyu (New Version) – Japan
Today we have a Zenpop.JP variety – so what’s Zenpop? They’re a subscription service for all things Japanese! Definitely, check them out. By the way, use coupon code RAMENRATER to get $2 off! Here’s what they had to say about this one – ‘This is as nice as the name indicates! While the soup is thick and rich, this is also a bit better for you with fewer calories than the original Nissin Cup Noodles. Is that even possible? You’ll know it once you try this.’
#3007: Myojo Ramen Char Mee 100 – Singapore
Here’s one that was sent by Myojo of Singapore – thanks again! So, what’s char mee? I did a bit of research on Wikipedia about char mee. It was a little vague but I am hoping what I gleaned was right. So, this is like Hokkien mee without broth. Let’s see what this is all about.
#2996: Nissin Cup Noodles Soup’d Up Roasted Chicken Flavor Ramen Noodle Soup – United States
This one was sent by Robert Z. over at – he’s a good friend of mine who has just entered the blogging world with his really technical and awesome cooking recipes – be sure to check out his site! Anyways, he found this one in Kentucky, and I suspect this is a test market for these. They’re not mentioned anywhere to speak of, and so I wanted to give these a try as soon as possible. This new line looks to have a LOT of meat in there! Let’s crack it open and take a look.
#2992: Nissin Miojo Cremoso Sabor Pizza – Brazil
This one comes by way of Daniel from Brazil – thanks again! Well, my friends – pizza. I love reviewing pizza instant noodles. Why? Because it’s awesome, that’s why! I’ve actually tried quite a few – the first was from Pakistan, then India, then Indonesia and I think there are more. Now Brazil enters the hallowed realm of the pizza flavor instant noodle. Let’s give it a try!
#2990: Nissin Miojo Turma Da Monica Sabor Tomate Suave – Brazil
Here’s one sent by Daniel in Brazil – thanks again! The characters on the package are from a popular series for children called ‘Monica’s Gang’ in Brazil. This one’s tomato flavor – curious where it’s a fresh tomato, or what I’m guessing – a creamy kind of tomato taste. Let’s find out!
Unboxing Time: Ultra Spicy Nissin Cup Noodles Intensos- Mexico
A couple days ago I got a package from the nice folks at Nissin Mexico! I kept seeing posts about their new Cup Noodles Intensos range in Instagram and really wanted to give ’em a try. Well, here they are! Let’s unwrap these and have a look!
The Ramen Rater’s Top Ten American Instant Noodles Of All Time 2018 Edition
In the past few years, I’ve noticed some shifts in the domestic instant noodle world. Shifting towards a little more healthy being the main thing, but also playing with more exotic flavors and ideas. Here are my favorite varieties out of the reviews up to #2,943 that are made in the United States. What you should also know is that if you live in the United States, these aren’t too hard to come by. If you’re a manufacturer or just a reader who has a variety you’d like to see reviewed, please contact me using the CONTACT form. With that, here’s The Ramen Rater’s Top Ten American Instant Noodles Of All Time 2018 Edition!
#2966: Nissin Miojo Turma Da Monica Sabor Caldinho De Feijao Suave
Today’s variety comes by way of Daniel from Brazil – thanks again! First, let’s explain what this is exactly. So let’s start with the characters – Wikipedia, if you please –
#2961: Nissin Cup Noodles Seafood Flavor
Yep – another one from our trip to the Real Canadian Superstore! Cup Noodles from the Philippines! Rad! You know, it can be real tough for me to find new stuff from the Philippines and when I do,m I’m very happy. This is a little plastic cup victory, finding this! Let’s check it out.
#2950: Nissin Top Ramen Chili Flavor Ramen Noodle Soup (New Recipe)
It kind of confuses me on this one – I mean, yeah, it says ‘the original’ and doesn’t really say that there’s been a recipe change. But there has – now there’s no MSG and no artificial flavors., plus a reduction in sodium. These aren’t bad things at all of course, but I’m just kind of left wondering – so shouldn’t it say new and improved instead of ‘the original?’ Anyways, let’s see what’s in this, one of the Vegetarian varieties in the Top Ramen range.
Instant Ramen Noodles Turn 60
On August 25th, 1958, Momofuku Ando’s mission of creating the instant noodle was complete. Today we mark the 60th anniversary of the birth of its invention.
#2928: Nissin Cup Noodles Light Spicy Seafood Flavour
Here’s the second variety from Nissin Hong Kong’s new Light Cup Noodles line. Spicy is good – let’s give it a try!
#2918: Nissin U.F.O. Cheese Curry Yakisoba
Hey look at this! This came by way of Hobby Link Japan, a great site that has all sorts of amazing Japanese things including instant noodles! Thank you very much! This variety is a yakisoba with a cheese curry flavor! I tell ya, this sounds really quite good to me! Here’s a little about it from Wikipedia –
#2910: Nissin Top Ramen Soy Sauce Flavor Ramen Noodle Soup
Well would you look at that! Top Ramen. An American original. You might be thinking ‘aww that’s Japanese,’ but this stuff is as American as it gets. The flavor is made to appeal to the local market. What bums me out is when I say ‘an American original’ all I can think about is my favorite political show which is no more. My dad used to watch The McLaughlin Group for years and I finally hit an age after he was gone that I checked it out and got hooked on it. I’d torture poor Andy and make him watch it all the time. But Dr. McLaughlin died a couple years ago, and they ended the series long run. I would be curious how it would have been if he would have stayed alive longer – how the show would be these days. Anyways, I’ve gone way off track. So soy sauce is known as Shoyu in Japan. This is a kind of Shoyu ramen. Let’s check i tout!
#2909: Nissin Cup Noodles Very Veggie Soy Sauce Flavor Ramen Noodle Soup – United States
When the Very Veggie line came out, my first thought was that it would just be varieties for Vegans and Vegetarians. Surprisingly, there was no option for this crowd. Well, it seems that that has changed! This one was sent to me by Robert Z. from Kentucky – thanks man – go check out his cooking blog! He found this at a local grocery store – nothing about this and the other new Cup Noodles he found and sent on their site or mentioned on Instagram. This has led me to think that perhaps he’s in what’s called a ‘test market.’ In some areas, a product will be introduced to meter how it’s received by the public – if it sells really well, it’ll go nationwide. If not, it might be pulled. Let’s pop the lid and look under the hood.
#2907: Nissin Miojo Talharim Sabor Bolonhesa
Alright so today we have one that was sent by Daniel from Brazil – thank you again so much! This one looks to be a bolognese and from the colors of red, white and green, an Italian-themed variety. Sounds good to me! Let’s take a look.
#2903: Nissin Demae Ramen Sesame Oil Flavour Potato Chips
Here’s the last of the potato chip varieties I’ve got for review. The hamper is dry of potato chips! Still makes me laugh a little – I would have never thought that instant noodle flavors would crossover to potato chips. Let’s check these out!
#2899: Nissin Chikin Ramen Rice
Found this one up at Osaka market at Yaohan Centre in Richmond, B C. I’ve always been a fan of Chikin ramen – it quite literally was the second instant noodle I tried as a kid. I’ve never had it like this, though! So this is an instant rice, but it has chikin ramen flavor. Let’s take a look at this crossover.
#2893: Nissin Miojo Nissin Lamen Hot Sabor Mexicano
A big thanks to Daniel down in Brazil for sending this along! It’s been really hard to find varieties from South America over the years. So Daniel told me to be wary of the labelling that this is HOT as Brazilians don’t tend to eat a lot of spicy foods. This kind of surprised me; I would have thought they would have. Learn something new every day! Let’s take a look at this Mexican themed variety from Brazil.
#2890: Nissin U.F.O. Flaming Hot Seafood Flavour
So this one is made in Indonesia and I got it from Nissin Singapore – thanks! The last one of these I tried was ‘Japanese Sauce’ flavor – and definitely was very Indonesian in flavor and quite amazing. Very curious about this one – let’s take a look.
#2875: Nissin Cup Noodle Seafood Ramen Noodle Soup
Well this is very nice to see. This is a popular variety in Japan. Cup Noodle Seafood has been around for some time. Well, Nissin USA has brought it here to the United States in a microwave form with no added MSG and no artificial flavors. Here’s a little tidbit from Wikipedia about Cup Noodle –
#2867: Nissin Cup Noodles Sesame Chicken Flavor Ramen Noodle Soup
Here’s one of the two new flavors of Nissin Foods’ domestic Cup Noodles range from the United States. I’m very curious about this one and the other (Teriyaki Chicken). Let’s crack it open and have a look around!
#2853: Nissin Donbei Aromatic Chili Oil Kamodashi (Duck) Green Onion Thick Soba
Hey look at this! This came by way of Hobby Link Japan, a great site that has all sorts of amazing Japanese things including instant noodles! Thank you very much! Here’s what they had to say about this unique variety on their website –
#2847: Nissin Spice Kitchen Phakchist Curry Pho Soup
Hey look at this! This came by way of Hobby Link Japan, a great site that has all sorts of amazing Japanese things including instant noodles! Thank you very much! Here’s what they had to say about this unique variety on their website –
The Ramen Rater’s Top Ten Instant Noodle Bowls Of All Time 2018 Edition
It’s time for another top ten list and this time it’s The Ramen Rater’s Top Ten Instant Noodle Bowls Of All Time 2018 Edition! The first list debuted in 2013 – I can’t believe this is the sixth list! As always – if you are a company who would like me to review your products, please contact me via the contact link – I want to talk to you! These are my favorite instant noodle bowl selections from my over 2800 reviews to date. Let’s get started!