Today we have a Zenpop.JP variety – so what’s Zenpop? They’re a subscription service for all things Japanese! Definitely, check them out. By the way, use coupon code RAMENRATER to get $2 off! Here’s what they had to say about this one – ‘Asahikawa, a city in Hokkaido, is famous for its ‘ramen village’ and has its own regional ramen like many other cities in Japan. You don’t have to fly all the way to this old city in winter because Asahikawa will come to your warm, cozy home with this tasty version of shoyu ramen.’ Sounds interesting – let’s hit it!
Tag: nissin
#2838: Nissin Hot & Spicy Blazing Hot Flavor
Alright o as you all know (at least I think you all do), I do a Top Ten Spiciest list every year. I used to review hot sauces (did 250 of them on Saucerater), and do a series of YouTube videos called Spicy Noodle Mukbang on YouTube. So when a variety with a pepper gauge and mention of being XXtra hot crosses my desk, I’m interested. So let’s see if this one is truly as spicy as it certainly looks like it’s going to be.
#2832: Nissin Cup Noodle Curry Ramen Noodle Soup
Well, this was something that upon hearing about, made me extremely happy. Curry. From Nissin Foods America. I mean wow – this is something now made and available in the United States! How awesome is that? Not only this one, but the Seafood Cup Noodle is available too. They’ve changed the recipe a little and now have no artifical flavors and no MSG. Plus, you CAN MICROWAVE IT! Wow – pretty awesome! The lid says these are the #1 curry cup noodles in Japan. I’m going to go out on a limb and say these are the same for the United States as I do believe they’re the ONLY curry cup variety in the United States. So let’s see if these are good – I really, really hope they’re going to stick around for a while!
#2824: Nissin Cup Noodle Chili Chili Chili Tomato
Hey look at this! This came by way of Hobby Link Japan, a great site that has all sorts of amazing Japanese things including instant noodles! Thank you very much! Three chillis! Here’s what they had to say about this unique variety on their website
#2818: Nissin Donbei Green Curry Udon Cup Noodles
Hey look at this! This came by way of Hobby Link Japan, a great site that has all sorts of amazing Japanese things including instant noodles! Thank you very much! This is a very large cup variety containing udon and green curry flavor. To be honest, I’ve not seen much if any green curry coming out of Japanese instant noodle companies in the past. Did I mention I freaking love green curry? Alright – let’s hit it!
#2816: Nissin Top Ramen Hot & Spicy Beef Flavor Ramen Noodle Soup
Hey look – Top Ramen got a facelift! They’ve been changing recipes all over their ranges – getting rid of artificial flavoring and MSG. They’ve also been changing names. This used to be picante beef. To be honest, I haven’t had the first variety in years and it’s nice to be able to have it again fresh. Let’s give it a look!
#2806: Nissin Cup Noodles Light Seafood Flavour
Here’s a new one from Hong Kong – a light Cup Noodles. I’ve had many of the Light+ varieties from Japan and loved them. Curious if this will be similar? Let’s crack the lid open and have a look inside!
#2802: Nissin Cup Noodles Black Pepper Crab Flavour Potato Chips
Here’s another potato chip variety from Nissin Hong Kong – thanks again! So they have a series of Cup Noodles showcasing flavors of Singapore and this is one of them. Black Pepper Crab is very popular in Singapore as is Chilli Crab. Here’s a little about Black Pepper Crab from Wikipedia –
Unboxing Time: Russian & S’pore Varieties Send By The Halal Food Blog
A few weeks ago, I commented on a post I saw on The Halal Food Blog‘s Instagram. Always really neat things to see there! Well, I saw a picture showing some instant noodles and that they were in Uzbokistan! I was immediately curious and they offered to send me some! Well, today I’ve got a box and it’s Unboxing Time, so let’s get to it!
The Ramen Rater’s Top Ten Instant Noodles Of All Time 2018 Edition
Well, it’s that time again. Since the last The Ramen Rater’s Top Ten Instant Noodles Of All Time list came out , I’ve reviewed 383 different varieties. I want to thank the companies and individuals who have sent me varieties I could not easily get. Incidentally, all of these are reviewed the same way – I follow instructions to the letter and taste each variety before I add any external garnish.. I figure that a naked bowl of noodles every day would be quite boring, plus it has given many ideas on what to add to them. As always, if you are an instant noodle company or a reader who wants me to try one that I’ve not, please contact me. With that, let’s have a look at the top ten for 2018 – the finest and most memorable instant noodles I’ve tried.
#2797: Nissin Chikin Ramen Shoyu Flavor
Here’s one I found up in Canada that I was going to show during the Momofuku Ando Day #7 video, but it was already running way too long and so I skipped it. This looks to be a regular chikin ramen with soy sauce flavor – let’s look inside and see what we have here.
#2774: Nissin Cup Noodles Yuzu Flavor
Here’s another one I found up in Canada a few months back. The graphics on this one are pretty awesome I think – but wait – what is yuzu? Help, Wikipedia!
#2767: Nissin Cup Noodles Spicy Seafood Flavour Potato Chips
Yep – it’s a bag of potato chips withj Cup Noodles Spicy Seafood seasoning from Hong Kong. I really like these kinds of things – really funny to see this – they did it once in the United States with Chicken Top Ramen Pringles (you didn’t think I missed reviewing that one, did you?) – they also have Cup Noodles chips in Singapore (like these). Anyways, let’s dig in to this bag and have a looksie.
#2759: Nissin Cup Noodles Rasa Gulai Ayam Melayu
Here’s another one I picked up at Osaka Market up in Richmond, BC in Canada. I’d seen this variety on Instagram plenty of times and was pretty stoked to see it available. First, here’s some info from reader Sara Adam de Souza about it – thank you!
#2750: Nissin Cup Noodles Tom Yum Goong Flavour Potato Chips
You may recall I reviewed some Nissin Cup Noodles Tom Yum chips a while back – those were from Singapore while these are from Hong Kong. Here’s a little about tom yum from Wikipedia –
#2732: Nissin Demae Ramen Korean Spicy Flavour Instant Noodle
Here’s one that came my way from Nissin Hong Kong – thank you! This looks interesting – a Korean variety from Hong Kong. It seems like Korean varieties are popular throughout southeast Asia – saw quite a few in November 2017 in Taiwan. Anyways, let’s have a look inside and give this Korean spicy one a try!
#2731: Nissin Donbei Wasabi Tempura Udon
Found this one at Uwajimaya a few months back. We decided to go down to a dim sum restaurant nearby called Ocean Star. It used to be Sun Ya – a place I went to growing up and I hadn’t been back since they changed hands a couple years back.
#2722: Nissin / Seven & i Premium Santouka From Hawaii Soy Sauce Ramen
These came by way of Snackoo – a company that supplies you with great snack boxes, containing all sorts of fascinating things as well as ramen noodles. Why not check them out?
The Ramen Rater’s Top Ten Japanese Instant Noodles Of All Time 2018 Edition
Recently, I added a chat feature to The Ramen Rater, allowing readers to comment and ask me questions directly. It’s been very eye-opening; great to hear about why people are here and what they’re interested in seeing. One thing I have been asked repeatedly is ‘when will there be an update to the Japan list?’ Well, I heard you. The last list came out in 2014. I’ve been reviewing a LOT of Japanese varieties lately, and it looks like there will be an influx of Japanese varieties for the foreseeable future crossing my desk. This most likely will be an annual list from now on. With that being said I should also mention that with the huge amount of varieties that are released annually in Japan, many are discontinued. While this is the ‘of all time list,’ spanning all my reviews, I try to make sure that what is on it is available. This is very hard with Japanese varieties. Finally, I should mention also that if you’re an instant noodle manufacturer from Japan or elsewhere for that matter and you’d like me to review your products, I encourage you to use the contact form and drop me a line. That being said, let’s take a look at this new list, encompassing my favorite and most memorable reviews from the over 2,500 reviews I’ve done to date.
#2698: Nissin Cup Noodles Chilli Crab Flavour (More Crabtastic)
Today it’s a new reformulation Cup Noodles from Singapore. Nissin Singapore looks to have done newly formulated versions of pretty much all their Cup Noodles over there and they sound really good. I mean, more crabtastic chilli crab – can’t shrug that off. For those of you who haven’t tried Chilli Crab – here’s a little from Wikipedia –
#2694: Nissin Cup Noodles Batchoy Flavor
Found these while up in Canada. So my wife found a show a while back called 90 Day Fiancee where two people either meet online or when one is on vacation in a foreign country and think they want to be married. It then follows their process of getting a visa to spend 90 days in the United States and then whether they indeed are married or not. There’s a new show called Before The 90 Days before a proposal has been made. So on this show, we were watching and they follow a man who goes to the Philippines and meets a girl he’s been talking to online. Well, she picks him up at the airport and the next day brings him to her family’s home and they put on a big spread and cook up Lechon. Lechon is a roast pig, turned over a fire pit for hours and hours that’s been stuffed with chicken and vegetables like spring onion. Long story short, her family is far from wealthy and they came together to make this big feast and he turns his nose up at it.
#2691: Nissin Demae Ramen Straight Noodle Shoyu Tonkotsu Flavour Instant Noodle
I believe this is the last of the new Straight Noodle/Bar Noodle Demae Ramen range from Nissin Hong Kong – really sad that I’ve tried them all! So let’s look at shoyu and then tonkotsu – Wikipedia if you please –
#2687: Nissin Yakisoba With Mayonnaise
Alright – bring on the confusion, the shock and the WTF’s. Yes, mayonnaise is very popular as a topping in Japan. Why? Well, it’s freaking awesome – it’s tasty and works very well. Yakisoba without it is just not as good.
#2685: Nissin Cup Noodles Veggi Manchow
This is one we found at an Indian grocery in Pleasanton, California this Summer. I really like the fact that India has so many different instant noodle varieties and that I’ve not tried so many of them – like every one that I find is a little precious gem. Here’s what Wikipedia has to say about Manchow –
#2683: Nissin Cup Noodles Champignons (Mushroom)
So here’s one I got up in Canada in July. So Nissin Japan does regional varieties – there are tons of Nissin branches all over the world – Nissin Germany is one of them. This is one for the Japanese market and looks a lot like the German Cup Noodles varieties.
#2677: Nissin Hokkaido Miso Japanese Ramen
Sp here’s one I haven’t tried before from a nice premium series by Nissin Singapore. They have a Kyushu Black and a Tokyo Shoyu as well. A couple days ago I tried a different one – Nissin Hong Kong’s Bar Noodle Hokkaido Miso Tonkotsu. A little further west we have this one! So here’s a little refresher on miso ramen from Wikipedia –
#2771: Nissin U.F.O. Fried Ramen Japanese Sauce Flavour
Here’s a pretty well known variety from Japan but actually made in Indonesia for Singapore and Malaysia. This one was sent to me by Nissin Singapore (thank you!) and has some big differences when you compare to it’s Japanese cousin – spicy mayonnaise to start with. Let’s unwrap this yakisoba and have a look inside U.F.O.!
#2673: Nissin Demae Ramen Bar Noodle Hokkaido Miso Tonkotsu Flavour Instant Noodle
Here’s yet another of the Demae Ramen Bar Noodle series. These have not failed to impress since the first Straight Noodle Demae Ramen varieties I tried last year. This sounds really good and I like seeing the corn in the above image. One might be surprised, but butter and sweetcorn really go incredibly well with miso ramen. This promises to be bumped up by being a tonkotsu miso – wow I’m definitely curious about this one. Here’s a little about miso as well as tonkotsu from Wikipedia –
#2667: Nissin Okinawa Soba
This is another one from Zenpop is pretty cool – they have different boxes you can get – Japanese stationery, snacks, ramen… It’s quite a variety. They’re pretty cheap, too. Here’s what they had to say about this variety:
#2638: Nissin Demae Ramen Straight Noodle Miso Flavour Instant Noodle
Here’s one of the new straight noodle varieties from Nissin – miso. So miso is one of the main varieties of ramen – here’s some info on it from Wikipedia –
#2627: Nissin Men Shokunin Sesame Miso Ramen
Yet another from Javier over at Box From Japan. Box From Japan is a purveyor of monthly subscription boxes – ramen bowls and candy are at the forefront among other neat things – check ’em out! Today it’s a miso ramen – here’s a little something from Wikipedia –
#2626: Nissin Cup Noodles Mazedaar Masala
Found this one at New India Bazar while in Pleasanton, California this summer. Probably the biggest Indian grocery I’ve been in which was pretty cool. I spent a little time searching for mazedaar but really didn’t find anything, so if you know what makes this ‘mazdaar masala,’ let me know – that would be great. Anyways, let’s check out this mazedaar masala!
#2625: Nissin Cup Noodles Potato Chips Tom Yam Seafood Flavour
So yesterday, I reviewed the Cup Noodles Tom Yam Seafood. Today, it’s the potato chip with the same flavor! Sounds good to me – I like seafood and seafood potato chips are among those things never seen in the United States. Let’s give ’em a try!
#2617: Nissin Cup Noodles Laksa Flavour (Shiok! More Laksa!)
Ahh, Laksa – nothing like it. In fact, there are lots of kinds of laksa; sweet, creamy, curry, fish – every area has their own take on the dish. Let’s see what Wikipedia has to say about laksa –
#2615: Nissin Demae Ramen Straight Noodle Spicy Tonkotsu Flavor Instant Noodle
Today it’s tonkotsu from Hong Kong. This is part of the series that’s expanded since being in the 2017 top ten list with their black garlic oil tonkotsu. For those of you unfamiliar, here’s a little about tonkotsu ramen from Wikipedia –
We Try 7 Kinds Of Hong Kong Potato Chips!
So the other day I posted the unboxing of noodle and potato chip samples sent by Nissin Hong Kong (thanks again!). I thought it would be fun to do up a video with the family and try these out one by one.
#2613: Nissin Raoh Backfat Rich Shoyu Ramen
Here’s another one sent by Javier over at Box From Japan offers subscription boxes of all sorts of neat Japanese things including candy and ramen! Check ’em out!
Unboxing Time: Nissin Hong Kong Potato Chips Samples
Today we have a two box unboxing time. The first box has noodles, the second has chips. So I only made one video, and so from the start to about 5 minutes, 30 seconds is the first and from then on is the second.
Unboxing Time: Nissin Hong Kong Noodle Samples
Today we have a two box unboxing time. The first box has noodles, the second has chips. So I only made one video, and so from the start to about 5 minutes, 30 seconds is the first and from then on is the second.
#2600: Nissin Cup Noodle Nice Rich Pork Shoyu
I couldn’t help myself. I thought that for my 2,600th review, maybe an homage to the first video game console I’d ever played was in order. I thought the pixelated graphics could do a nice job and so here we are. So this is a new range for Nissin Cup Noodle Nice. The Cup Noodle Nice look to me a distant cousin of the Cup Noodle Light+ series – they contain non-fried noodles for starters. They have the same fiber as a ton of lettuce, lower calories, etc. If this comes out as good as the Light+ varieties did, then this should be something special. Let’s see what Wikipedia has to say about Nissin Japan –