Tag: noodle

#254: Vina Acecook Daily Instant Noodle Hot & Spicy Tom Yum

So on our very recent trip to a new Asian grocery, we found a lot of products by Vina Acecook. So there will be a few reviews by them coming at you fast and furious! First off, some Tom Yum! One thing real quick though – notice on the top of the package label where it says ‘Made With Japanese Technology?’ Didn’t find really anything about the Japanese technology anywhere but did find this sitting in a lonely corner of the web: ...see full post

#200: Nongshim Bowl Noodle Soup Spicy Chicken Flavor

So this is the 200th instant noodle I’ve reviewed! So bright eyed and vaguely bushy tailed at 6:30am, here we go! I’d like to first thank Kit for picking #199 and #200 for my reviews and also for cruising us around and going to all of these Asian groceries around here. If you like the Ramen Rater, go see her Asian and otherwise snack reviews site at http://www.supertastysnacks.com – she just started it last week and she’s got her first few reviews up! Looking good! ...see full post

#193: Boss Noodle Shrimp (Tom Yum) Flavour

Okay so here’s an interesting one. I saw that it was made and distributed by  Walong Marketing so wasn’t sure if Boss Noodle was the brand. But as far as I can tell, these are branded under the Boss Noodle name by Walong so I’m okay with that. During the research I also found Boss Noodle also brought up Big Boss Noodles (swimming devices) and Boss Noodle (anime). ...see full post