Tag: Noodles

#3415: טָעִים (Taim) Thai Noodles Chinese Seasoning – Israel

#3415: טָעִים (Taim) Thai Noodles Chinese Seasoning - Israel

Yesterday, today, and tomorrow, I’m going to be reviewing three varieties brought to me from Israel by my brother Moshe. I didn’t know I had a brother until I took an Ancestry DNA kit my wife got for me (I was kind of hoping I might be 1% Asian descent, but that was most certainly not the case). Well, I got to see him for the second time in person yesterday, and this visit, our mother came and visited with him as well – something we never had expected. He was adopted in 1955 and my sister and I didn’t know anything about it – so this is a big deal for us! ...see full post

#3413: Shin Horng Hon’s Dry Noodles Traditional Sichuan Chilli Flavor – Taiwan

#3413: Shin Horng Hon's Dry Noodles Traditional Sichuan Chilli Flavor - Taiwan

I’ve been admiring the packaging on these noodle for quite a while now and thought today must be the day to give them a try. I’ve sampled a very wide array of dry noodle varieties from the beautiful island that is Taiwan. However, none whose name kind of sound like my own! I’m in the mood for something spicy today – a Friday for me. I should mention that this is the second variety from Shin Horng I’ll be trying – the first ended up on the top ten Taiwanese list, 2020 edition. Let’s give them a try! ...see full post

#3394: Nissin Top Ramen Soy Sauce Bowl – United States

#3394: Nissin Top Ramen Soy Sauce Bowl - United States

This is the third and final variety of the new Top Ramen bowls – Soy Sauce. Originally called oriental flavor, Nissin decided to change it over to soy sauce flavor. It’s kind of interesting; I’ve been to Asia a handful of times and seen the term oriental all over the place, however here in the states I’ve heard of some discontent with the term, possibly the impetus for this change. Anyways, let’s give this one a try! ...see full post

#3342: EDO Pack Sesame Oil Flavour Noodle – Hong Kong

#3242: EDO Pack Sesame Oil Flavour Noodle - Hong Kong

Alright so this one is made in Singapore, but it’s made for the Hong Kong market. It’s funny how products are made elsewhere for other countries, right? Well, you honestly should be used to it by now – Take the myriad of products in your home. If you have a Big Mouth Billy Bass on the wall, it’s made in China. Singing bass don’t seem like something very popular in China – could be wrong but who knows. Anyways, let’s crack this open and see what we have. ...see full post

Umai Crate Japanese Instant Noodles Father’s Day 2019

Umai Crate Japanese Instant Noodles Father's Day 2019

Tomorrow’s Father’s Day and if your pops is into Japanese culture and things dealing with noodles, etc, this is a good bet. Just check em out and get him a subscription and slap it in an envelope and say happy Father’s Day! He will actually love you now! Not that standard love but that ‘son/daughter, you got me something thoughtful and unique and I actually love you now’ – no seriously! ...see full post

#3157: TIEasy Traditional Scallion Sliced Noodle – Taiwan

#3157: TIEasy Traditional Scallion Sliced Noodle - Taiwan

I got an email asking if I’d like to try a new noodle and of course I said yes. Turns out the fellow who wants to distribute it is up in Vancouver, BC. So I emailed him while we were up there and we met up at Foodyworld in Richmond. He gave me this and another variety as well as a pack with different kinds of noodles that contain vegetable – like a purple yam noodle, pumpkin noodle, etc. This was really cool – we chatted for a few and two days later, I’m giving these noodles a try. Let’s check them out! By the way TIEasy is short for Take IT Easy. ...see full post

#3133: Myojo Mellow Miso Ramen – Japan

#3133: Myojo Mellow Miso Ramen - Japan

Today we have a Zenpop.JP variety – so what’s Zenpop? They’re a subscription service for all things Japanese! Definitely, check them out. By the way, use coupon code RAMENRATER to get $2 off! Here’s what they had to say about this one -“Mellow and rich miso ramen with noodles which are easy to eat. Great smell of roasted vegetables and special flavor oil will fill your mouth!” ...see full post

#3028: Maruchan Yakisoba Korean BBQ Flavor Japanese Home Style Noodles – United States

#3028: Maruchan Yakisoba Korean BBQ Flavor Japanese Home Style Noodles - United States

I and my family got the flu – well, unsure if it was the flu but it was definitely a pretty mean cold. Yeah – I got it then my wife, then out kids – and two small children with the sick while you have it is a daunting situation. But we needed to get some things at the store so we all went and I ran in. I got the sick first so was getting to the point of starting to get over it while everyone else was knee deep in it. I thought hey – I’ll look at the noodle aisle. I always look at the noodle aisle. Lo and behold, they had this at Safeway. What?! Yep! something new to review at Safeway. Not the norm! So let’s see what the heck we have here and how it pans out. ...see full post

Meet The Manufacturer: Interview With Wu-Mu

Meet The Manufacturer: Re-Review: Sapporo Ichiban Japanese Style Noodles & Chicken Flavored Soup

Meet The Manufacturer: Re-Review: Sapporo Ichiban Japanese Style Noodles & Chicken Flavored Soup

Here’s the one that everybody’s got – chicken. Very few instant noodle companies don’t have a chicken noodle soup on the market. I can think of a few, but they’re kind of far and few between. Chicken is kind of a universally accessible flavor and meat (well, except for Vegans). I think this probably will be a pretty good one. I gave it 4.0 out of 5.0 in May of 2015 when I re-reviewed it back then. I kind of remember people asking me to give them another look and so I did. Anyways, Let’s get to it! ...see full post

Meet The Manufacturer: Re-Review: Sapporo Ichiban Japanese Style Noodles & Shrimp Flavored Soup

Meet The Manufacturer: Re-Review: Sapporo Ichiban Japanese Style Noodles & Shrimp Flavored Soup

Today, we head to the second half of this series with the shrimp pack version. Cups and packs, packs and cups. As you may remember, I was pretty impressed by the cup version. I’ve tasted shrimp flavor instant noodles in a few different ways. Sometimes, it’s kind of like as buttery broth which doesn’t taste like shrimp, but one that shrimp may go well in. – kind of the way that oyster sauce doesn’t taste like oysters. The cup version with this brand has a nice sweetness that you find in shrimp. Let’s see how it translates to the pack version. ...see full post

Unboxing Time: Guanmiao Noodle Samples From A-Sha Of Taiwan

Unboxing Time: Guanmiao Noodle Samples From A-Sha Of Taiwan

five years ago, there was a big kerfuffle involving myself and the entire island of Taiwan. They weren’t on the Top Ten 2013 Edition and they were angry – to put it mildly. I decided that a little noodle diplomacy was the ticket here and so put out a call for Taiwanese companies to contact me, send me samples and see how it goes. A-Sha was the first company to come calling and since then they’ve kept me updated on their new offerings – let’s have a look at their new Guanmiao noodle! ...see full post

My New Go To When I’m Under The Weather From Prima & Prima Taste

My New Go To When I'm Under The Weather From Prima & Prima Taste

Okay so a week or so ago I got a big package from Prima Taste over in Singapore (thanks again!) – full of tasty stuff! Well, last Sunday I ended up getting the worst stomach flu I think I’ve ever had and it was really crummy. Really did a number on med and put me in bed a few days. This was not from what they sent – let’s make that clear – the stomach flu ios going around. Well, once the clouds started to lift, I was hungry. Didn’t want to do anything spicy and something tasty. My wife made me this Prima Juzz’s Mee with some hard boiled egg and cut up breaded chicken (yeah they’re chicken nuggets – we have kids and hey it’s protein so don’t give me any guff) and some instant rice thrown in there too. ...see full post

Meet The Manufacturer: #2781: Mr. Noodle Onions Mushroom Spice Taste Noodle

Meet The Manufacturer: #2781: Mr. Noodle Onions Mushroom Spice Taste Noodle

This one sounds interesting. While not a big fan of mushrooms, I do find that the onion is probably my favorite vegetable next to bell peppers. Well, maybe at par with bell pepper. I really like onions and bell peppers, let’s just leave it at that. Let’s take a look inside and see how it is. ...see full post